290 research outputs found


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    Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) are at increased risk for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and anxiety. They are at a substantially greater risk for developmental problems in cognitive, physiological, social, emotional, and behavioural domains. The aim of present study is to diagnosed the presence of trauma and  to study the effect of Integrated Approach of Yoga therapy on participants with post trauma stress disorder. Three orphanages were chosen for the study. The children were divided in to two groups experimental (n=21) and control group (n=21). The children were in the age group 7 to 12. CAPS-CA-5 for DSM-5 (Clinician Administered PTSN Scale child/Adolescent version for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) was administered prior to the intervention. Only children who satisfied the diagnostic criteria were selected. Yoga group underwent three months of Yoga program in a schedule of 90 min per day, five days per week whereas the Control group followed the routine activities Intervention was given by trained Yoga teachers at the Orphanage. The yoga module included Loosening Practices, Breathing practices, Asanas, Surya Namaskaras, Pranayama, Yogic Games, Devotional songs and Bhajans. Practices were given on weekdays and the participants were assessed after three months


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    The thyroid is butterfly shaped gland, and the pituitary gland (another gland located in the brain) regulates it. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) refers to any state in which a person's thyroid hormone production is below normal. In Modern medicine Standard treatment for hypothyroidism involves daily use of the synthetic thyroid hormone levothyroxine (Levothroid, Synthroid, others). A patient might become dependent on these drugs for life.. We present a case where a patient was suffering from hypothyroidism for the last 6 months and got positive results by integrated approach with yoga therapy. The Patient was suffering for hypothyroidism with TSH level of 36.6. After the end of the yoga therapy the TSH level was reduced to 5.82.The patient did not undergo treatment with modern medicine


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    The geriatric population is highly prone to decreased quality of life, stress along with various other issues. There is a greater risk involved when it comes to both communicable and non-communicable diseases. With rapid urbanisation the elderly face age related psychological and physiological issues. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the change in Quality Of Life (QOL) and Perceived Stress (PS) when the old destitute women were subjected to practice of Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy. A pre-post study was conducted. The Yoga module included loosening exercises, breathing practises, Asanas, Pranayama, MSRT Meditation, Bhajans. The data collected was assessed after 2 months of Yoga intervention. The questionnaire used were WHO QOL-BREF and PSS. The Yoga group reported reduction in Perceived Stress Scale score and increase in score in 3 domains of Quality Of Life Questionnaire namely Physical parameter, Psychological parameter and Environment parameter. There was a marginal decrease in the score of social relationship domain of Quality Of Life Questionnaire. Hence destitute women showed marginal improvement in QOL and PSS. However, additional research and long term yoga intervention is needed to further evaluate the efficacy of yoga to improvise the QOL and stress levels

    Effect of Trataka (A Yogic Cleansing Technique) on Post-Covid Cognitive Impairments in Elders

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    Background: People who have survived COVID-19 frequently complain of cognitive dysfunction, which has been described as brain fog. Early reports describing a dysexecutive syndrome after COVID-19 and has considerable implications for occupational, psychological, and functional outcomes. It is well known that elders may be particularly susceptible to cognitive impairment after critical illness. Trāṭaka (a yogīc cleansing technique) is one of the Yogā practices which is considered to improve cognitive functions. The objective of this study was to determine whether Trāṭaka practice enhances the cognitive functions of the post covid elderly subjects. Material and Methods: Thirty elders who had enrolled in a thirty days Trāṭaka practice program. Their age ranged between 60 and 80 years (group average ±S.D., 68.5±6.3 years). Those who have any chronic illness and mental illness, and those who are not willing to participate were excluded. Trāṭaka intervention is given for 30 days, 1hour/day. At baseline and following thirty days, all participants completed DLST and SLCT. Results: Trāṭaka intervention showed significant change in DLST scores, increase (P-value< 0.000) in total attempted score, significant increase (P-value<0.000) in net score, significant reduction in wrongly attempted score (P-value<0.000). Significant change in SLCT scores, significant increase (P-value<0.000) in total attempted score, Similarly, significant increase (P-value<.000) in net score, significant reduction in wrongly attempted score (P-value<0.000). Conclusion: The thirty days Trāṭaka intervention was successful in enhancing the cognitive functions among post-covid elders


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    Background and Objectives: The study explored the effect of Cyclic meditation in reduction of stress levels and enhancement of coping skills of parents of children with developmental disabilities. The research was a single group pre-post study, with convenient sampling, with a sample size of 40, all parents, primary caregivers of the children. This study used both objective and subjective measures to analyse stress and related coping skills. Methods and Materials: 40 Parents, in the age group of 30-45 years, who gave informed written consent participated in the intervention, completed the study. All participants were parents and the primary caregivers of special needs children. The variables GSR - Galvanic Skin Response, Perceived Stress and Coping in relation to Caregiving, and Social Support, were assessed using GSR sensor, CHIP and KCSS questionnaires before and after Cyclic Meditation (CM). All the participants underwent CM practices for 3 days a week for 40 minutes a day, for 8 weeks with a 2 month follow up. The parameters were repeated after 8 weeks.Results: A paired-samples t-test was conducted to compare the pre - post data, in both the objective and subjective measures, used in the study. There was a significant difference in the GSR scores for Pre-CM and Post-CM conditions; and this was significant with p = .001. The CHIP and KCSS scores did not show a statistical significance between the pre - post data. Conclusion: The study did not show a significant difference in the pre-post data of the subjective measures but there is a difference which the study failed to detect, because the study was too small, and it lacked power. However, in the objective measure of GSR to measure the stress levels, the mean GSR is significantly lower than the baseline data (p<0.05), showing that Cyclic Meditation has produced a highly significant reduction in stress levels in the participants

    An Improved Modular Hybrid Ant Colony Approach for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem

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    Our primary aim is to design a framework to solve the well knowntraveling salesman problem(TSP) using combined approach ofAnt Colony Optimization (ACO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA).Several solutions exists for the above problem using ACO or GAand even using a hybrid approach of ACO and GA. Ourframework gives the optimal solution for the above problem byusing the modular hybrid approach of ACO and GA along withheuristic approaches.We have incorporated GA, RemoveSharpand LocalOpt heuristic approaches in ACO module, hence eachiteration calls the GA and heuristics within ACO module whichresults in a higher amount of pheromone deposited in the optimalpath for global pheromone update. As a result the convergence isquicker and solution is optimal

    Yoga therapy for Metabolic Syndrome - A Review

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    Metabolic syndrome is a collection of risk factors that increase the chance of developing heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Lifestyle changes like losing weight, exercise, and dietary changes can help prevent or reverse metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is now considered as a serious public health problem. It is estimated that 20 - 25% of the world adult population is suffering from this disorder. Yet most recommendations currently focus on diet and exercise and do not consider stress reduction strategies. Yoga is a effective tool for stress management, that may reduce blood pressure (BP) increase parasympathetic activation. In this review, we examined the basic principles of Pancha Kosha (five sheaths of human existence) concept from an Indian scripture Taittiriya Upanishad and the pathophysiology of a disease from the Yogic approach of Yoga Vasistha’s Adhi (originated from mind) and Vyadhi (ailment/disease) concept and focused on Yoga and HPA axis. Based on these concepts, a Yoga module is recommended as a remedial therapy to manage Metabolic Syndrome

    Development and validation of a Yoga module for Primary dysmenorrhoea

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    Menstrual pain without organic pathology is considered to be primary dysmenorrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea refers to the occurrence of painful menstrual cramps of uterine origin. It is a common gynaecological condition with considerable morbidity affecting majority of the adolescent girls, yet which is under diagnosed and under treated. Yoga can be considered as a simple and safe management tool for Primary Dysmenorrhoea. Studies have reported the beneficial role of Yoga in alleviating the symptoms of Primary dysmenorrhoea; however, a validated Yoga module for Primary dysmenorrhoea is unavailable. This study developed and validated an integrated Yoga module (IYM) for Primary dysmenorrhoea. Methods: The IYM was prepared after a thorough review of classical Yoga texts and previous findings. Twenty experienced Yoga experts, who fulfilled the inclusion criteria, were selected validating the content of the IYM. A total of 38 practices were included in the IYM, and each practice was discussed and rated as (i) not essential, (ii) useful but not essential, and (iii) essential; the content validity ratio (CVR) was calculated using Lawshe’s formula. Results: Data analysis revealed that of the 38 IYM practices, 18 exhibited significant content validity (cut-off value: 0.42, as calculated by applying Lawshe’s formula for the CVR). Conclusion: The IYM is valid for Primary dysmenorrhoea, with good content validity. However, future studies must determine the feasibility and efficacy of the developed module

    To develop and validate an Integrated Yoga Module for Tennis Players

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    Tennis athletes need a combination of low-intensity and high-intensity aerobic and anaerobic capabilities. Sports related fatigue, injury, stress and anxiety reduce the sports performance of a player. The main objective of any sports training should be to refrain from the onset of fatigue, stress and anxiety during competition and training. Integrated Yoga has been researched extensively. It shows that yoga helps improve psychophysiological components such as aerobic and anaerobic capacities, cardiovascular fitness, while reducing fatigue, competitive stress and anxiety. Yoga also improves relaxation and mindfulness, hence, improving performance. However, a valid yoga module is unavailable for tennis sports athletes. IYM for tennis players is developed based on ancient yogic text and previous research evidence. The yoga module was presented to 30 SMEs to evaluate and validate a total number of 82 practices included in the proposed module based on a three-point scale. The content validity has been calculated by applying Lawshe’s formula of content validity ratio (CVR). According to Lawshe’s formula, 0.33 is the critical value of CVR required for validation with 30 SMEs. Data analysis shows that out of 82 yogic practices, 41 yogic practices showed significant content validity (p<0.05). Results show that, among the 82 practices, 41 were found to be essential (CVR ≥0.33) and 41 were found to be not essential (CVR <0.33). However, the feasibility and efficacy of the Integrated Yoga Module for tennis players need to be determined by future studies

    The Effect of 3-week’s Yoga therapy program on clinical outcomes in patients with Parkinson’s disease

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    Background: Parkinson's disease, according to the WHO, has a variety of non-motor side effects in addition to its motor symptoms (cognitive impairment, mental health disorders, pain, and other sensory disturbances). The progression of these symptoms and their implications affects functioning and quality of life greatly, resulting in high rates of impairment and care demands, as well as stress and strain on caregivers. Material & Methods: A total of 31 PD patients were included in this investigation. The Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy was applied to all patients who met the inclusion criteria (IAYT). Parameters were taken twice, once on the day of admission and other when they were leaving the residence on completion of the program. Data was evaluated using a pre-test and post-test design. Dependent Variable: Pulse rate, Respiratory rate, Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure, Breath Holding time and BMI. Results: A total of 31 subjects participated in the study 31 subjects completed the study. After 21 days of integrated Yoga therapy program, it showed that significant reduction in (P< 0.05) in Systolic and diastolic Blood pressure, respiratory rate and significant improvement is seen in breath holding time (BHT), but there were no changes in BMI (P> 0.05). Conclusion: The three-week yoga programmed was able to dramatically enhance clinical results in Parkinson's disease and self-reported medication reduction without aggravating symptoms