17 research outputs found

    Paying attention to working memory: similarities in the spatial distribution of attention in mental and physical space

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    Selective attention is not limited to information that is physically present in the external world, but can also operate on mental representations in the internal world. However, it is not known whether mechanisms of attentional selection in mental space operate in a similar fashion as in physical space. We studied the spatial distribution of attention for items in physical and in mental space by comparing how successfully distracters were rejected at varying distances from the attended location. The results indicate very similar distribution characteristics of spatial attention in physical and mental space. Specifically, we found that performance monotonically improved with increasing distracter distance relative to the attended location suggesting that distracter confusability is particularly pronounced for nearby distracters relative to further away distracters. The present findings suggest that mental representations preserve their spatial configuration in working memory, and that similar mechanistic principles underlie selective attention in physical and mental space

    The neural consequences of attentional prioritization of internal representations in visual Working Memory

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    Although humans can hold multiple items in mind simultaneously, the contents of working memory (WM) can be selectively prioritized to guide future behavior. We explored whether the “same-object” benefits in visual processing may also be observed in visual WM. fMRI data were collected while participants performed a multistep serial retrocuing task in which they first viewed two 2-D objects (coherently moving colored dots). During retention, an initial relevance cue then indicated whether only the first or only the second object (“object-relevant”), or only the color of both objects or only their direction of motion would be relevant for the remainder of the trial (“feature-relevant”). On “object-relevant” trials, the ensuing priority cues selected either one the features (“color” or “direction”) bound to the relevance-cued object, whereas on “feature-relevant” trials, the priority cues selected one of the two relevance-cued features. Using multivariate inverted encoding models, we found a same-object benefit on object-relevant trials in occipitotemporal regions: On feature-relevant trials, the first priority cue triggered a strengthening of the neural representation of the cued feature and a concomitant weakening to baseline of the uncued feature, whereas on object-relevant trials, the cued item remained active but did not increase in strength and the uncued item weakened but remained significantly elevated throughout the delay period. Although the stimulus-specific representation in frontoparietal regions was weak and uneven, these regions closely tracked the higher order information of which stimulus category was relevant for behavior throughout the trial, suggesting an important role in controlling the prioritization of information in visual WM

    From counting to retrieving: Neural networks underlying alphabet arithmetic learning

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    This fMRI study aimed at unraveling the neural basis of learning alphabet arithmetic facts, as a proxy of the transition from slow and effortful procedural counting-based processing to fast and effortless processing as it occurs in learning addition arithmetic facts. Neural changes were tracked while participants solved alphabet arithmetic problems in a verification task (e.g., F + 4 = J). Problems were repeated across four learning blocks. Two neural networks with opposed learning-related changes were identified. Activity in a network consisting of basal ganglia and parieto-frontal areas decreased with learning, which is in line with a reduction of the involvement of procedure-based processing. Conversely, activity in a network involving the left angular gyrus and, to a lesser extent, the hippocampus gradually increases with learning, evidencing the gradual involvement of retrieval-based processing. Connectivity analyses gave insight in the functional relationship between the two networks. Despite the opposing learning-related trajectories, it was found that both networks become more integrated. Taking alphabet arithmetic as a proxy for learning arithmetic, the present results have implications for current theories of learning arithmetic facts and can give direction to future developments

    Functionally distinct contributions of parietal cortex to a numerical landmark task: an fMRI study

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    This study aimed at establishing the neural basis of magnitude processing of multiple numbers from working memory. We designed a numerical landmark task and embedded it in a fragmented trial event-related fMRI design, allowing to separate encoding from decision processing. An attentional localiser task not involving numbers allowed further functional specification. The results show that in a numerical landmark task the right anterior intraparietal sulcus is involved in number encoding while more posterior parietal regions, bilateral superior parietal lobule and right inferior parietal lobule, provide domain-general support in the form of constructing a working memory representation or orienting spatial attention within that mental representation during number comparison. The results are in line with earlier studies reporting a functional distinction between anterior and posterior parietal contributions to number processing and further specify their role at a functional level

    Eye-movements reveal the serial position of the attended item in verbal working memory

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    The problem of how the mind can retain sequentially organized information has a long research tradition that remains unresolved. While various computational models propose a mechanism of binding serial order information to position markers, the repre- sentational nature and processes that operate on these position markers are not clear. Recent behavioral work suggests that space is used to mark positions in serial order and that this process is governed by spatial attention. Based on the assumption that brain areas controlling spatial attention are also involved in saccadic planning, we continuously tracked the eye-movements as a direct measure of the spatial attention during retrieval from a verbal WM sequence. Participants memorized a sequence of auditory numbers. During retention, they heard a number-cue that did or did not belong to the memorized set. After this number-cue, a target-beep could be presented to which they had to respond if the number-cue belonged to the memorized sequence. In Experiment 1, the target-beep was either presented to the left or right ear, and in Experiment 2 bilaterally (removing any spatial aspect). We tested the hypothesis that systematic eye-movements are made when people retrieve items of sequences of auditory words and found that the retrieval of begin items resulted in leftward eye-movements and the retrieval of end items in rightward eye-movements. These observations indicate that the oculomotor system is also involved in the serial order processes in verbal WM thereby providing a promising novel approach to get insight into abstract cognitive processes

    From counting to retrieving : neural networks underlying alphabet arithmetic learning

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    This fMRI study aimed at unraveling the neural basis of learning alphabet arithmetic facts, as a proxy of the transition from slow and effortful procedural counting-based processing to fast and effortless processing as it occurs in learning addition arithmetic facts. Neural changes were tracked while participants solved alphabet arithmetic problems in a verification task (e.g., F + 4 = J). Problems were repeated across four learning blocks. Two neural networks with opposed learning-related changes were identified. Activity in a network consisting of basal ganglia and parieto-frontal areas decreased with learning, which is in line with a reduction of the involvement of procedure-based processing. Conversely, activity in a network involving the left angular gyrus and, to a lesser extent, the hippocampus gradually increases with learning, evidencing the gradual involvement of retrieval-based processing. Connectivity analyses gave insight in the functional relationship between the two networks. Despite the opposing learning-related trajectories, it was found that both networks become more integrated. Taking alphabet arithmetic as a proxy for learning arithmetic, the present results have implications for current theories of learning arithmetic facts and can give direction to future developments