8 research outputs found

    Biomimetic Hydrogels in the Study of Cancer Mechanobiology: Overview, Biomedical Applications, and Future Perspectives

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    Hydrogels are biocompatible polymers that are tunable to the system under study, allowing them to be widely used in medicine, bioprinting, tissue engineering, and biomechanics. Hydrogels are used to mimic the three-dimensional microenvironment of tissues, which is essential to understanding cell–cell interactions and intracellular signaling pathways (e.g., proliferation, apoptosis, growth, and survival). Emerging evidence suggests that the malignant properties of cancer cells depend on mechanical cues that arise from changes in their microenvironment. These mechanobiological cues include stiffness, shear stress, and pressure, and have an impact on cancer proliferation and invasion. The hydrogels can be tuned to simulate these mechanobiological tissue properties. Although interest in and research on the biomedical applications of hydrogels has increased in the past 25 years, there is still much to learn about the development of biomimetic hydrogels and their potential applications in biomedical and clinical settings. This review highlights the application of hydrogels in developing pre-clinical cancer models and their potential for translation to human disease with a focus on reviewing the utility of such models in studying glioblastoma progression

    Biomimetic Hydrogels in the Study of Cancer Mechanobiology: Overview, Biomedical Applications, and Future Perspectives

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    Hydrogels are biocompatible polymers that are tunable to the system under study, allowing them to be widely used in medicine, bioprinting, tissue engineering, and biomechanics. Hydrogels are used to mimic the three-dimensional microenvironment of tissues, which is essential to understanding cell–cell interactions and intracellular signaling pathways (e.g., proliferation, apoptosis, growth, and survival). Emerging evidence suggests that the malignant properties of cancer cells depend on mechanical cues that arise from changes in their microenvironment. These mechanobiological cues include stiffness, shear stress, and pressure, and have an impact on cancer proliferation and invasion. The hydrogels can be tuned to simulate these mechanobiological tissue properties. Although interest in and research on the biomedical applications of hydrogels has increased in the past 25 years, there is still much to learn about the development of biomimetic hydrogels and their potential applications in biomedical and clinical settings. This review highlights the application of hydrogels in developing pre-clinical cancer models and their potential for translation to human disease with a focus on reviewing the utility of such models in studying glioblastoma progression

    The Pivotal Role of DNA Repair in Infection Mediated-Inflammation and Cancer.

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    Pathogenic and commensal microbes induce various levels of inflammation and metabolic disease in the host. Inflammation caused by infection leads to increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and subsequent oxidative DNA damage. These in turn cause further inflammation and exacerbation of DNA damage, and pose a risk for cancer development. Helicobacter pylori-mediated inflammation has been implicated in gastric cancer in many previously established studies, and Fusobacterium nucleatum presence has been observed with greater intensity in colorectal cancer patients. Despite ambiguity in the exact mechanism, infection-mediated inflammation may have a link to cancer development through an accumulation of potentially mutagenic DNA damage in surrounding cells. The multiple DNA repair pathways such as base excision, nucleotide excision, and mismatch repair that are employed by cells are vital in the abatement of accumulated mutations that can lead to carcinogenesis. For this reason, understanding the role of DNA repair as an important cellular mechanism in combatting the development of cancer will be essential to characterizing the effect of infection on DNA repair proteins and to identifying early cancer biomarkers that may be targeted for cancer therapies and treatments

    Helicobacter pylori infection downregulates the DNA glycosylase NEIL2, resulting in increased genome damage and inflammation in gastric epithelial cells.

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    Infection with the Gram-negative, microaerophilic bacterium Helicobacter pylori induces an inflammatory response and oxidative DNA damage in gastric epithelial cells that can lead to gastric cancer (GC). However, the underlying pathogenic mechanism is largely unclear. Here, we report that the suppression of Nei-like DNA glycosylase 2 (NEIL2), a mammalian DNA glycosylase that specifically removes oxidized bases, is one mechanism through which H. pylori infection may fuel the accumulation of DNA damage leading to GC. Using cultured cell lines, gastric biopsy specimens, primary cells, and human enteroid-derived monolayers from healthy human stomach, we show that H. pylori infection greatly reduces NEIL2 expression. The H. pylori infection-induced downregulation of NEIL2 was specific, as Campylobacter jejuni had no such effect. Using gastric organoids isolated from the murine stomach in coculture experiments with live bacteria mimicking the infected stomach lining, we found that H. pylori infection is associated with the production of various inflammatory cytokines. This response was more pronounced in Neil2 knockout (KO) mouse cells than in WT cells, suggesting that NEIL2 suppresses inflammation under physiological conditions. Notably, the H. pylori-infected Neil2-KO murine stomach exhibited more DNA damage than the WT. Furthermore, H. pylori-infected Neil2-KO mice had greater inflammation and more epithelial cell damage. Computational analysis of gene expression profiles of DNA glycosylases in gastric specimens linked the reduced Neil2 level to GC progression. Our results suggest that NEIL2 downregulation is a plausible mechanism by which H. pylori infection impairs DNA damage repair, amplifies the inflammatory response, and initiates GC