1,357 research outputs found

    Auralization of Air Vehicle Noise for Community Noise Assessment

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    This paper serves as an introduction to air vehicle noise auralization and documents the current state-of-the-art. Auralization of flyover noise considers the source, path, and receiver as part of a time marching simulation. Two approaches are offered; a time domain approach performs synthesis followed by propagation, while a frequency domain approach performs propagation followed by synthesis. Source noise description methods are offered for isolated and installed propulsion system and airframe noise sources for a wide range of air vehicles. Methods for synthesis of broadband, discrete tones, steady and unsteady periodic, and a periodic sources are presented, and propagation methods and receiver considerations are discussed. Auralizations applied to vehicles ranging from large transport aircraft to small unmanned aerial systems demonstrate current capabilities

    Binarity in Cool Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars: A Galex Search for Ultraviolet Excesse

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    The search for binarity in AGB stars is of critical importance for our understanding of how planetary nebulae acquire the dazzling variety of aspherical shapes which characterises this class. However, detecting binary companions in such stars has been severely hampered due to their extreme luminosities and pulsations. We have carried out a small imaging survey of AGB stars in ultraviolet light (using GALEX) where these cool objects are very faint, in order to search for hotter companions. We report the discovery of significant far-ultraviolet excesses towards nine of these stars. The far-ultraviolet excess most likely results either directly from the presence of a hot binary companion, or indirectly from a hot accretion disk around the companion.Comment: revised for Astrophysical Journa

    Eastward propagating MJO during boreal summer and Indian monsoon droughts

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    Improved understanding of underlying mechanism responsible for Indian summer monsoon (ISM) droughts is important due to their profound socio-economic impact over the region. While some droughts are associated with 'external forcing' such as the El-Nino and Southern Oscillation (ENSO), many ISM droughts are not related to any known 'external forcing'. Here, we unravel a fundamental dynamic process responsible for droughts arising not only from external forcing but also those associated with internal dynamics. We show that most ISM droughts are associated with at least one very long break (VLB; breaks with duration of more than 10 days) and that the processes responsible for VLBs may also be the mechanism responsible for ISM droughts. Our analysis also reveals that all extended monsoon breaks (whether co-occurred with El-Nino or not) are associated with an eastward propagating Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) in the equatorial Indian Ocean and western Pacific extending to the dateline and westward propagating Rossby waves between 10° and 25°N. The divergent Rossby wave associated with the dry phase of equatorial convection propagates westward towards Indian land, couple with the northward propagating dry phase and leads to the sustenance of breaks. Thus, the propensity of eastward propagating MJO during boreal summer is largely the cause of monsoon droughts. While short breaks are not accompanied by westerly wind events (WWE) over equatorial western Pacific favorable for initiating air-sea interaction, all VLBs are accompanied by sustained WWE. The WWEs associated with all VLB during 1975-2005 initiate air-sea interaction on intraseasonal time scale, extend the warm pool eastward allowing the convectively coupled MJO to propagate further eastward and thereby sustaining the divergent circulation over India and the monsoon break. The ocean-atmosphere coupling on interannual time scale (such as El-Nino) can also produce VLB, but not necessary

    Boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations and seasonal Indian monsoon prediction in DEMETER coupled models

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    Even though multi-model prediction systems may have better skill in predicting the interannual variability (IAV) of Indian summer monsoon (ISM), the overall performance of the system is limited by the skill of individual models (single model ensembles). The DEMETER project aimed at seasonal-to-interannual prediction is not an exception to this case. The reasons for the poor skill of the DEMETER individual models in predicting the IAV of monsoon is examined in the context of the influence of external and internal components and the interaction between intraseasonal variability (ISV) and IAV. Recently it has been shown that the ISV influences the IAV through very long breaks (VLBs; breaks with duration of more than 10 days) by generating droughts. Further, all VLBs are associated with an eastward propagating Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) in the equatorial region, facilitated by air-sea interaction on intraseasonal timescales. This VLB-drought-MJO relationship is analyzed here in detail in the DEMETER models. Analyses indicate that the VLB-drought relationship is poorly captured by almost all the models. VLBs in observations are generated through air-sea interaction on intraseasonal time scale and the models' inability to simulate VLB-drought relationship is shown to be linked to the models' inability to represent the air-sea interaction on intraseasonal time scale. Identification of this particular deficiency of the models provides a direction for improvement of the model for monsoon prediction

    Role of stratiform rainfall in modifying the northward propagation of monsoon intraseasonal oscillation

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    The stratiform and convective rain rate measurement from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite data can give a realistic idea of the latent heating distribution in the tropics. The vertical profile of diabatic heating related to the convective and the stratiform rain is known to modulate the dynamical response of atmosphere and also the vertical structure of Madden-Julian Oscillation. In this study, the contribution of the stratiform and convective rain rate to the total rain rate during different phases of the northward propagating boreal summer monsoon intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) is examined using the TRMM data. Two new insights have emerged from this analysis. First, unlike conventional wisdom, the convective component shows weak northward propagation and grows and decays in situ during the evolution of active and break phases, while the northward propagation of the monsoon ISO is largely achieved by organized movement of the stratiform component. Second, the trademark meridional dipole pattern of total rainfall between the monsoon trough zone and the southern equatorial Indian Ocean also arises largely from the contribution of stratiform anomalies. As the northward propagation of the monsoon ISO is known to be due to the anomalous response of the atmosphere to heating in the presence of mean easterly vertical shear, modification of the vertical profile of heating due to a contribution from stratiform rain could influence the northward propagation of the monsoon ISO. This hypothesis is tested using a simple global atmospheric circulation model to study the response of the convective and stratiform heating profiles on the modification of the mean condition. Modification in the large-scale response of the atmosphere as a result of proper specification of convective and stratiform heating anomalies indicates that the presence of stratiform heating favors the northward propagation of the heat source thereby facilitating the positive feedback leading to northward propagation of the monsoon ISO. These results underline the importance of simulating the partitioning of convective and stratiform rain by cumulus parameterization in climate models if they have to get the space-time structure of the summer ISOs correct

    X-ray emission from Planetary Nebulae. I. Spherically symmetric numerical simulations

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    (abridged) The interaction of a fast wind with a spherical Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) wind is thought to be the basic mechanism for shaping Pre-Planetary Nebulae (PPN) and later Planetary Nebulae (PN). Due to the large speed of the fast wind, one expects extended X-ray emission from these objects, but X-ray emission has only been detected in a small fraction of PNs and only in one PPN. Using numerical simulations we investigate the constraints that can be set on the physical properties of the fast wind (speed, mass-flux, opening angle) in order to produce the observed X-ray emission properties of PPNs and PNs. We combine numerical hydrodynamical simulations including radiative cooling using the code FLASH with calculations of the X-ray properties of the resulting expanding hot bubble using the atomic database ATOMDB. In this first study, we compute X-ray fluxes and spectra using one-dimensional models. Comparing our results with analytical solutions, we find some agreements and many disagreements. In particular, we test the effect of different time histories of the fast wind on the X-ray emission and find that it is determined by the final stage of the time history during which the fast wind velocity has its largest value. The disagreements which are both qualitative and quantitative in nature argue for the necessity of using numerical simulations for understanding the X-ray properties of PNs.Comment: 17 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ (July 27, 2006), uses emulateap

    A SST based large multi-model ensemble forecasting system for Indian summer monsoon rainfall

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    An ensemble mean and probabilistic approach is essential for reliable forecast of the All India Summer Monsoon Rainfall (AIR) due to the seminal role played by internal fast processes in interannual variability (IAV) of the monsoon. In this paper, we transform a previously used empirical model to construct a large ensemble of models to deliver useful probabilistic forecast of AIR. The empirical model picks up predictors only from global sea surface temperature (SST). Methodology of construction implicitly incorporates uncertainty arising from internal variability as well as from the decadal variability of the predictor-predictand relationship. The forecast system demonstrates the capability of predicting monsoon droughts with high degree of confidence. Results during independent verification period (1999-2008) suggest a roadmap for generating empirical probabilistic forecast of monsoon IAV for practical delivery to the user community

    Tillage Management Strategy in Fodder-Food Cropping System for Sustainable Production

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    The per capita availability of land is consistently decreasing, while food and fodder demand is increasing. Indiscriminate and injudicious use of farm inputs for achieving potential yield of crops has not only enhanced the cost of cultivation but also threatened the environment and sustainability of the system. Combination of these factors and their interface are serious threats to agriculture and mankind. In rainfed condition of central India, fodder sorghum+cowpea –wheat is potential cropping system among farmers maintaining 2-4 livestock’s. The conventional tillage system which inverts and mixes the soil, introduces large amounts of oxygen into the soil and thus stimulates aerobic micro-organisms. Use of no till system in agriculture also reduces the rate of soil organic matter loss (Doran and Smith, 1987). There is lower labor, energy, and machinery costs associated with no-till farming relative to conventional tillage systems (Uri, 2000). In view of escalating energy cost and associated ill effects of conventional tillage practices, it is become imperative to optimize tillage requirement of fodder – food cropping system

    Complexes of Mn(II) with Benzotriazole

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