3,049 research outputs found

    Eme, B. et J.L. Laville, sous la direction de, Cohésion sociale et emploi

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    La mise en œuvre des dispositions de la loi du 4 mai 2004 permettant aux entreprises de déroger aux accords de branche

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    Rapport pour la Direction des Relations du Travail, Ministère du TravailFrench government law of 2004 may 4th allows firm agreements derogation of branch collective agreement. Has such possibility been used by firms? Analysis focused on ten industries selected to watch derogation strategies. But it was impossible to observ real derogation cases.La disposition de la loi du 4 mai 2004 permettant aux entreprises de déroger aux accords de branche a été considérée comme une régression importante du droit du travail. L'étude des comportements effectifs des branches professionnelles, dont ce document est la synthèse, montre cependant que, loin d'avoir été le Cheval de Troie permettant la destruction des régulations traditionnelles, cette mesure a en fait été fort peu mise en pratique par les acteurs

    Chronic myelogenous leukemia: the present and the future of the TKI therapy

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    Impressive response rates and the good tolerability have allowed imatinib to become the gold standard frontline therapy for all CML patients in the early chronic phase. Optimal outcomes are attained with more than two thirds of the CML cases treated with standard dose imatinib (400 mg daily). Criteria to establish failure and suboptimal responses to imatinib have been defined. Treatment guidelines have also suggested imatinib dose escalation based on clinical assessments of disease response. However, despite all the effort to optimize therapy with imatinib, cases of real resistance exist. For imatinib resistant and intolerant cases, second generation powerful tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have been developed and registered. Sequential kinase inhibitor therapy is used to overcome resistance however, a future strategy might be a combination therapy with different ABL kinase inhibitors in the same therapeutic scheme, used sequentially or simultaneousl.Respostas impressionantes e boa tolerância transformaram o imatinibe no "padrão ouro" de tratamento de primeira linha na LMC em fase crônica precoce. Evolução favorável em mais de 2/3 dos pacientes com LMC é obtida com dose standard de 400 mg por dia. Critérios para estabelecer falha de tratamento e resposta "sub-ótima" têm sido definidos. Guidelines têm sugerido que o escalonamento da dose do imatinibe possa melhorar a resposta em subgrupo de pacientes. Entretanto, a despeito de todos os esforços para otimizar a resposta ao imatinibe, casos de resistência realmente existem. Para os casos de intolerância ou resistência ao imatinibe, inibidores potentes de segunda geração foram desenvolvidos e registrados (nilotinibe e dasatinibe). Além disto, terapêutica sequencial de inibidores podem ultrapassar a resistência, e a terapia combinada usada sequencialmente ou simultaneamente pode ser usada como estratégia futura

    Attributions for Change in Attitude Among Urban Elementary Parochial School Teachers Toward Children Who Speak Nonstandard English

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    A comparatively large number of African American children fail in urban schools. Hundreds of research studies concerning interpersonal expectations suggest a link between teacher expectancies and pupil performance. Researchers have found that teachers expect less of students who speak nonstandard English. Attempts to modify teachers\u27 culturo-linguistic attitudes and expectations have been unsuccessful. While teachers\u27 beliefs, theories, and attitudes change over time as a function of teaching experience, the mechanisms for change are unclear. This study has attempted to uncover events to which teachers attribute a change in their culturo-linguistic attitudes. Once causal conditions for change have been identified, then those conditions might be considered in the development of new programs designed to produce change. The study took place in the urban elementary parochial schools in the area of South Hampton Roads, Virginia. A sample of 121 parochial school teachers completed the Language Attitude Scale (LAS) in August, 1991, (pretest) and again in May, 1992 (posttest). Orlando Taylor had developed, validated and used the LAS in a national study of culturo-linguistic attitudes. Teachers who reported a significant attitude-shift were asked in in-depth interviews to identify their attributions for change. Surprisingly, changes in attitude were primarily negative. Of 114 teachers showing changes in attitude, 83 showed negative changes. In-depth interviews revealed that the primary attribution for negative change was consistent with Cognitive Dissonance Theory and resulted from exposure to students who spoke exclusively nonstandard English. Teachers came to associate negative student attitudes and behaviors with students\u27 use of the dialect. As a result of this association, teachers\u27 affective response to the use of dialect changed, setting up a conflict with previously held cognitive beliefs affirming cultural and individual differences. Subsequently, this dissonance was resolved by a negative shift in teachers\u27 attitudes toward the use of the dialect. Such results strongly suggest the need for intervention with teachers who will be instructing dialect-speaking students for the first time regardless of number of years of previous teaching experience

    L'abattoir de Deonar (Mumbai, Inde) : centre industriel ou autel sacrificiel ? : Représentations de l’animal de boucherie dans le monde indien

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    International audienceDeonar’s slaughterhouse employs 1500 persons and supplies the local and international market with meat and with skins. The slaughter of the cattle – beef, hip and goat, pig- is a priori made according to an industrial and commercial logic. However, the spatial and functional organization of the slaughter house reveals an religious dimension. A meticulous division of the space and the tasks separates the employees according to their community of membership, Hindu, Muslim and Jew, and according to their hierarchical status. Most of the Hindu employees are untouchables. The techniques of slaughter respect the rites which reveal their sacred character. The link between the death of the animal and its consumption is the object of r codifications and religious prohibitions, which shows the complex representation of the animals. For the Hindus, these get organized according to he division of the pure and the impure, for the Muslims according to the notion of the licit and the illicit, for the Jews according to the notion of what is kosher. These representations and codifications seem to persist in the modern frame of the industrial slaughterhouse. However, to consider the practice of slaughter and consumption, the political dimension seems as determining as the religious dynamic: the ritual slaughter seems more and more as a marker pen for identity ensuring the cohesion of the group. The fashion of vegetarianism and the worship of the sacred cow revives the antagonism between the communities. A strong symbolic content surrounds the slaughter, and it explains why Deonar is place privileged by the political campaigns of the Hindu nationalist for the protection of the cow. The organization of the slaughterhouse reveals all the sensitive issues raised by the cohabitation of the Hindu community with the Muslim and Jewish religions today on the Indian subcontinent.L’abattoir municipal de Mumbai emploie 1500 personnes pour abattre bœufs, porcs, moutons et chèvres, pour la consommation ou l’usage industriel local et international.Pourtant, dans l’organisation de cet abattoir, des logiques religieuses semblent prévaloir parfois sur les impératifs économiques de production. Cette étude porte sur la ritualisation de l’abattage, c’est-à-dire sur autant d’éléments - agencement de l’espace, affectation des travailleurs et surtout techniques de mise à mort - qui témoignent des représentations religieuses dont fait l’objet l’animal de boucherie. Cela nous amène à interroger les codifications des aliments d’origine animale dans les religions hindoue, musulmane et juive, les trois religions référencées dans l’abattoir. Dans un deuxième temps, on se demandera ce que signifie la permanence de certaines pratiques « ritualisées » d’abattage pour les communautés en présence. Outre le fait de réaffirmer la dimension symbolique de certains animaux, l’organisation et les techniques d’abattage sont des moyens pour ces dernières d’affirmer leur appartenance identitaire, ethnique et religieuse. Ainsi, l’organisation de l’abattoir est un fil qui, tiré de la complexité des logiques communautaires, met en lumière l’ensemble des questions sensibles que pose l’étude de l’hindouisme et de sa cohabitation avec les religions musulmanes et juives dans le sous-continent indien

    Expert opinion on the treatment of refractory chronic phase chronic myeloid leukaemia

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    The development and clinical availability of second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) for the treatment of patients who discontinue imatinib therapy has further improved the outlook for patients with chronic phase chronic myeloid leukaemia (CP-CML). There is, however, uncertainty surrounding how best to treat patients after failing second-generation TKIs. A three-section questionnaire was devised by chronic myeloid leukaemia experts to address questions surrounding this issue. Responses were received from 14 out of 34 experts (41.2%). Generally, a reasonable consensus was found among the responses for most issues. There was a complete consensus that ponatinib was suitable for all patients carrying the T315I mutation regardless of the molecular response to prior treatment. There was also complete consensus that allografting is appropriate in any patient who has had blast crises and is back in a second chronic phase. More recommendations for third-line treatment of CP-CML patients are necessary
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