10 research outputs found

    Immune Response of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to Selected Antigens of Yersinia ruckeri

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    Trichlorfon-induced haematological and biochemical changes in Cyprinus carpio: ameliorative effect of propolis

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    Trichlorfon is among the most commonly used products to treat fish parasites in aquaculture. We investigated the effectiveness of propolis in alleviating the toxicity of trichlorfon on haematological and oxidant/antioxidant parameters in carp Cyprinus carpio. Fish were exposed to sublethal concentrations (11 and 22 mg l(-1)) of trichlorfon, and propolis (10 mg kg(-1) of fish weight) was simultaneously administered. At the end of 14 d administration, blood and tissue (liver, kidney, gill) samples were collected. Haematological changes (red and white blood cell count, haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit level and erythrocyte indices: mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration) were determined in the blood samples, while antioxidant parameters (malondialdehyde and reduced glutathione levels and superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities) were evaluated in the liver, kidney and gill samples. Trichlorfon led to negative alterations in the haematological and antioxidant parameters investigated. The administration of propolis alleviated this effect and suggests that fish treated with trichlorfon improve their physiological status when fed a propolis-supplemented diet

    Pontobdella muricata

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    Phylogenetic and morphological resolution of the Helobdella stagnalis species-complex (Annelida: Clitellata: Hirudinea)

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    Saglam, Naim, Kutschera, Ulrich, Saunders, Ralph, Saidel, William M., Balombini, Katherine L.W., Shain, Daniel H. (2018): Phylogenetic and morphological resolution of the Helobdella stagnalis species-complex (Annelida: Clitellata: Hirudinea). Zootaxa 4403 (1): 61-86, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4403.1.

    Helobdella modesta

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    <p> <i>Helobdella modesta</i></p> <p>(Figs. 2B – 7B)</p> <p> (LSID: <i>urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:FBFD74DE-57A7-4C98-8514- 51559DD2270C</i>)—</p> <p> Dorsal body light to yellowish-grey, sometimes with greenish tint. Dark, circular/ovoid spots scattered all over the body, less numerous along the dorsal median stripe, especially intensive around gonopores. Ventral color creamy-yellow or transparent aureate. Total of 67 annuli. Scute usually settled on 12th annulus (on VII-a1) but sometimes extended up to half of 13th annulus. One pair triangular eyes situated on the third annulus (Fig. 7B). Male and female gonopores located between XI a2/a3 (24th/25th annulus) and XIa3/XIIa1 (25th/26th annulus), respectively; separated by one annulus. Clitellum located between XI-XIIth segments. Six pairs of ovoid, serrated and ruffled testisacs inter-segmentally arranged at XIII to XVIII. Ejaculatory bulbs similiar to <i>H. stagnalis.</i> Ovisacs large, connected with long and curled common oviduct. Length of ovisacs and oviduct are almost equal (Figs. 2B, 4B). Six pairs of crop caeca, sixth extends to end of fourth intestinal caecum. Four pairs of thin and curved downward intestinal caeca. Rectum is “S” shaped, longer than that of <i>H. stagnalis</i> (Figs. 3B, 5B).</p>Published as part of <i>Saglam, Naim, Kutschera, Ulrich, Saunders, Ralph, Saidel, William M., Balombini, Katherine L. W. & Shain, Daniel H., 2018, Phylogenetic and morphological resolution of the Helobdella stagnalis species-complex (Annelida: Clitellata: Hirudinea), pp. 61-86 in Zootaxa 4403 (1)</i> on page 69, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4403.1.3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/1212238">http://zenodo.org/record/1212238</a&gt

    Helobdella serendipitious Saglam & Kutschera & Saunders & Saidel & Balombini & Shain 2018, n. sp.

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    <p> <i>Helobdella serendipitious</i> <b>n. sp.</b></p> <p>(Figs. 2C – 7C)</p> <p>(Holotype: ANSP GI 19495)</p> <p> (LSID: <i>urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:D2A31CAB-F69D-413A-AD52-1497EB146753</i>)—</p> <p> Adult 11.2–20.3 mm long, 4.5–5.2 mm wide, width of anterior sucker 1.2–2.4 mm, width of posterior sucker 2.0– 3.6 mm. Dorsal body light to yellowish-grey, sometimes with greenish tint. Ventral color containing mixed translucent creamy and browngreenish spots. Total of 66 annuli; I, II, III uniannulate, IV, V biannulate, VI-XXIII triannulate, XXIV biannulate XXV-XXVII uniannulate. One pair of large circular eyes clearly separated on segment III (Fig. 7C). Gonopores located between XI a1/a2 (23th/24th annulus) and XI a2/a3 (24th/25th annulus), respectively. Clitellum on 11th segment. Six pairs of ovoidal, irregular and amorphous testisacs inter-segmentally arranged on XII/XIII–XVII/ XVIII. Ejaculatory bulbs moderately longer, elongated ellipsoid, lying at much lower level by the sides of the atrium, connected by slender ejaculatory ducts with sharp turn backwards into atrium in XI. Ovisacs large, connected with long and curled common oviduct. Length of ovisacs and oviduct almost equal. Ovisac and oviduct 2/3 the length of vas deferens (Figs. 2C, 4C). Crop caeca comprising six unbranched pairs. Four pairs thick intestinal caecum curved downward in first and fourth pairs. Rectum short, “S” shaped and similar to that of <i>H. stagnalis</i>. (Figs. 3C, 5C).</p>Published as part of <i>Saglam, Naim, Kutschera, Ulrich, Saunders, Ralph, Saidel, William M., Balombini, Katherine L. W. & Shain, Daniel H., 2018, Phylogenetic and morphological resolution of the Helobdella stagnalis species-complex (Annelida: Clitellata: Hirudinea), pp. 61-86 in Zootaxa 4403 (1)</i> on page 70, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4403.1.3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/1212238">http://zenodo.org/record/1212238</a&gt

    Materials/Methods/Figures/Tables from Punctuated invasion of water, ice, snow and terrestrial ecozones by segmented worms (Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae: <i>Mesenchytraeus</i>)

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    Segmented worms (Annelida) are among the most successful animal inhabitants of extreme environments worldwide. An unusual group of enchytraeid oligochaetes of genus <i>Mesenchytraeus</i> are abundant in the Pacific northwestern region of North America and occupy geographically proximal ecozones ranging from low elevation rainforests and waterways to high altitude glaciers. Along this altitudinal transect, <i>Mesenchytraeus</i> representatives from disparate habitat types were collected and subjected to deep mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenetic analyses. Our data identify significant topological discordance among gene trees, and near equivalent interspecific divergence levels indicative of a rapid radiation event. Collectively, our results identify a <i>Mesenchytraeus</i> ‘explosion’ coincident with mountain building in the Pacific Northwestern region that gave rise to closely related aquatic, ice, snow and terrestrial worms

    Helobdella eriensis Saglam & Kutschera & Saunders & Saidel & Balombini & Shain 2018, n. sp.

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    &lt;p&gt; &lt;i&gt;Helobdella eriensis&lt;/i&gt; &lt;b&gt;n. sp.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;(FPWS 2-Farm Pond)&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;(Figs. 2 D-7D)&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;(Holotype: ANSP GI 19494)&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; (LSID: &lt;i&gt;urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:91CD93B2-3B58-42C9-B640-9C92FD8827CC&lt;/i&gt;)&mdash;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Dorsal body light to yellowish-grey, sometimes with greenish tint. Ventral same as &lt;i&gt;H. serendipitious&lt;/i&gt; &lt;b&gt;n. sp.&lt;/b&gt; Total of 67 annul; I, II, III uniannulate, IV, V biannulate, VI-XXIII triannulate, XXV biannulate, XXVI-XXVII uniannulate. One pair of small, elliptical eyes clearly separated on segment III (Fig. 7D). Male and female gonopores between XI a2/a3 (24th/25th annuli) and XIa3/XIIa1 (25th/26th annuli), respectively; clitellum between XI-XIIth segments. Six pairs of testisacs intersegmentally arranged, located as in &lt;i&gt;H. modesta&lt;/i&gt;. Ejaculatory bulbs similar to &lt;i&gt;H. stagnalis&lt;/i&gt;, Ovisacs in XII segment large, connected with long and curled common oviduct. Oviduct shorter than ovisac (Figs. 2D, 4D). Six pairs of crop caeca, 6th directed backwards and short extending up to fourth intestinal caecum. Four pairs of intestinal caecum, first three curved slightly upward and fourth curved downward. Rectum is long with twisted &ldquo;S&rdquo; shape (Figs. 3D, 5D).&lt;/p&gt;Published as part of &lt;i&gt;Saglam, Naim, Kutschera, Ulrich, Saunders, Ralph, Saidel, William M., Balombini, Katherine L. W. &amp; Shain, Daniel H., 2018, Phylogenetic and morphological resolution of the Helobdella stagnalis species-complex (Annelida: Clitellata: Hirudinea), pp. 61-86 in Zootaxa 4403 (1)&lt;/i&gt; on page 70, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4403.1.3, &lt;a href="http://zenodo.org/record/1212238"&gt;http://zenodo.org/record/1212238&lt;/a&gt