13 research outputs found

    Disruption of the Covid-19 pandemic in micro business marketing communication: A case study on Fransis Pizza & Dimsum Shumpit

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has a massive impact on economic sectors, incredibly individual jobs. In order to survive, those people have to think of another way to get income; business is one of them. Microbusiness is a quick solution, but the lack of marketing skills and business experience is the first challenge they have to go through. New entrepreneurs usually run a micro-business with limitations and planning without being based on marketing rules. This study aims to determine the marketing communication strategy of micro-businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic in starting a business for survival with the approach to Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM). The method used in this research is a case study with a marketing communication approach. Informant retrieval in this study is using purposive sampling. This research shows that different micro-business marketing approaches started during the pandemic, which intersects with entrepreneurial concepts and leisure-time businesses

    News Construction of COVID’s Crisis Management of Indonesian Government through Detik.com

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has hit all parts of the world. This led to crises in various governments regarding how the government deals with the effects of this virus. This study aims to analyze the text of the Indonesian government’s crisis communication news in the face of the COVID-19 issue in the online media Detik.com. The research method used is qualitative research with a textual analysis approach. The results showed that Detik.com reports the problem straightforwardly. Detik.com maintains a firm editorial policy and commits to presenting an even-handed and fair view of issues. Detik.com seeks to reveal how the Government responded at the start of the crisis, government policies during the crisis, and how the public responded to government policies. This research shows how online media in Indonesia constructed news on Indonesian government crisis communication in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. The substance of this research contributes in the form of new policy recommendations for online media news leaders to deliver news openly, straightforwardly, and critically that prioritizes social responsibility to the public

    Efektivitas Rebranding Humas Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Terhadap Citra Baru Malioboro

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh dan efektivitas rebranding Humas Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta terhadap citra baru Malioboro di mata pengunjung. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah ada pengaruh antara efektifitas rebranding Humas Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta terhadap citra baru Malioboro. Sedangkan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh efektivitas rebranding dari Humas Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta pada citra baru Malioboro. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 60 responden dengan Incidental sampling melalui kuesioner skala likert. Analisis data menggunakan deskriptif persentase, uji korelasi product-moment, dan uji koefisiensi determinasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh positif rebranding yang dilakukan oleh Humas Pemerinah provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dengan citra baru Malioboro di mata pengunjung


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    Mental health is currently a health that must be considered in addition to physical health. According to Riset Kesehatan Dasar (2018), it shows that depression is the highest mental illness and there are 450,000 people who are people with severe mental disorders (ODGJ) who have an age range of 15-29 years. This study aims to see the communication made by survivor of mental health disorders in creating millennials to their closest people. The theory used in this research is Communication Privacy Management Theory (CPM) and Contructivism Theory. CPM theory explains how a person with a health disorder communicates mental illness by considering their personal information. Meanwhile, constructivism theory supports the CPM theory to explain how sufferers of mental health disorders choose the right diction so as not to cause wrong perceptions. Constructivism theory explains how a person constructs the message to be delivered. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with purposive sampling, which is to determine the information required by the researcher. The results of this study are each information that has rules for conveying privacy information to the closest person. The informants' trust with other people still have their privacy boundaries made based on gender, culture and context. In addition, informants used proper diction to convey their mental illness to the closest people

    Narasi Komunikasi Kesehatan Penanganan Covid-19 dan Plasma Konvalesen: Satuan Gugus Tugas dan Penyintas di UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta

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    The number of positive cases is increasing every day. This shows that the government's communication policy must be a serious concern for handling the Covid-19 pandemic. The chairman of the Covid-19 task force in Indonesia by the Covid-19 handling decision regulation Number 9 of 2021 requires that the Indonesian people must self-isolate if they are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms at home or the shelter provided by the Covid-19 task force unit. local. The role of the Covid-19 task force is very much needed by the community to access needs when they are suspected patients and to provide information to the public. This study reveals the communication narrative used by the Covid-19 task force to patients and survivors in the UPNVY environment. The health communication narrative from the UPNVY Covid-19 task force unit is needed by the UPN Veteran Yogyakarta academic community. This research uses narrative theory with a data collection method using purposive sampling. Data collection was carried out by interviewing the chairman and deputy chairman of the Covid-19 task force, patients, and survivors who were willing to provide information related to this research. The results of this study indicate that the Covid-19 task force unit communicates or narrates the handling of Covid-19 and convalescent plasma donors with communication strategies that are by needs. The communication narrative carried out by the task force is that the narrative is used as a message maker to convey information on the handling of Covid-19 and information to donate convalescent plasma to survivors

    Storytelling for storytelling “Klinik Kopi” Yogyakarta

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    The development of the current coffee shop is very rapid. This condition is proven by the growth of new coffee shops scattered throughout the city. In the Special Region of Yogyakarta, there are approximately 3,000 coffee shops. The research focuses on one of the coffee shops that are quite famous and interesting in Yogyakarta because it is included in one of the Ada Apa Dengan Cinta (AADC) 2 movie scenes, namely Klinik Kopi. Qualitative methods and data collection techniques with in-depth interviews and observations were used in this study. The conclusion from this study is that storytelling is used in Coffee Clinic marketing, which is a form of soft selling using the message design logic from Barbara O'Keefe to attract consumers amid the many coffee shop competitions in Yogyakarta, and the 4P marketing mix does not run significantly in Coffee Clinic marketing. The owner has his way of designing the message he wants to convey to his consumers. The communicant has the same opinion about a coffee story, which is interesting to hear from the communicator

    Analisis Sentimen dan Jaringan Komunikasi Respon Ketua BPOM Peny Lukito Kasus Gagal Ginjal Akut Pada Anak dalam akun Youtube Kompas.com

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    A crisis can endanger the reputation and performance of an institution or agency, especially government property. One of the causes of a crisis is the emergence of unexpected events with wide-reaching impacts that occur quickly. This also elicited various responses from various circles. Facing the development of information technology, especially social media, crisis situations can also be influenced by various responses from netizens that appear on social media. Indonesia is experiencing a crisis situation related to the phenomenon of health problems in the form of acute kidney failure that occurs in children which is allegedly caused by the dangers of cough syrup-type drugs by the dangerous chemicals ethylene glycol and deethylene glycol. Responding to this phenomenon, Chairperson of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Mrs. Peny Lukito held regular press conferences with the main agenda related to the current situation in handling this case. This study aims to look at the formation of a communication network and sentiment analysis from netizens towards the response of the BPOM leadership using a social media network analysis approach on the Youtube channel with the Kompas.com account broadcast live online. The findings in this study are that Peny Lukito as the head of BPOM received negative responses from netizens because they considered him negligent and transferred responsibility to other parties

    Framing Pemberitaan kelangkaan Kedelai di Kompas.com

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    Pada tatanan baru mengenai perkembangan teknologi komunikasi, dunia jurnalistik ikut mengalami pergeseran kemajuan karena adanya internet. Jurnalistik online menerangkan tentang adanya 3 korelasi antara daring, internet, dan website dan tidak ada tenggat waktu (deadline) dalam setiap pemberitaannya oleh media. Termasuk pemberitaan kelangkaan kedelai yang menjadi topik yang cukup sering di blow-up oleh media dalam kurun waktu tahun 2021 hingga tahun 2022. Tak sedikit media yang meliput dan membuat pemberitaan tentang kelang1kaan kedelai ini. Salah satunya adalah media Kompas.com yang massif memberitakan berita kelangkaan kedelai pada saat kedelai dan olahan turunanya seperti tahu dan tempe mengalami gejolak. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai bagaimana framing media Kompas.com dalam pemberitaan kelangkaan kedelai. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif konstruktivis. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian untuk mengetahui framing isu, sudut pandang, dan faktor-faktor framing pada media Kompas.com berkenaan dengan kelangkaan kedelai dengan menggunakan teori konstruksi realitas dan framing. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik Analisis Isi (Dokumen/Arsip) dengan menganalisis 3 pemberitaan mengenai kelangkaan kedelai di Kompas.com. Hasil temuan dari analisis 3 berita Kompas.com yang berkenaan dengan kelangkaan kedelai adalah secara keseluruhan sikap atau framing yang dilakukan oleh Kompas.com bersifat netral. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari adanya saran dan upaya penyelesaian yang diberikan oleh Kompas.com agar kedua belah pihak baik itu petani kedelai maupun pemerintah sama-sama bersinergi dan berkontribusi untuk menanggulangi dan menangani permasalahan kelangkaan kedelai yang terjadi ini