5 research outputs found

    Current State and Future Directions of Genetics and Genomics of Endophytic Fungi for Bioprospecting Efforts

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    The bioprospecting of secondary metabolites from endophytic fungi received great attention in the 1990s and 2000s, when the controversy around taxol production from Taxus spp. endophytes was at its height. Since then, hundreds of reports have described the isolation and characterization of putative secondary metabolites from endophytic fungi. However, only very few studies also report the genetic basis for these phenotypic observations. With low sequencing cost and fast sample turnaround, genetics- and genomics-based approaches have risen to become comprehensive approaches to study natural products from a wide-range of organisms, especially to elucidate underlying biosynthetic pathways. However, in the field of fungal endophyte biology, elucidation of biosynthetic pathways is still a major challenge. As a relatively poorly investigated group of microorganisms, even in the light of recent efforts to sequence more fungal genomes, such as the 1000 Fungal Genomes Project at the Joint Genome Institute (JGI), the basis for bioprospecting of enzymes and pathways from endophytic fungi is still rather slim. In this review we want to discuss the current approaches and tools used to associate phenotype and genotype to elucidate biosynthetic pathways of secondary metabolites in endophytic fungi through the lens of bioprospecting. This review will point out the reported successes and shortcomings, and discuss future directions in sampling, and genetics and genomics of endophytic fungi. Identifying responsible biosynthetic genes for the numerous secondary metabolites isolated from endophytic fungi opens the opportunity to explore the genetic potential of producer strains to discover novel secondary metabolites and enhance secondary metabolite production by metabolic engineering resulting in novel and more affordable medicines and food additives

    Two Versions of Lah Bako Dance: Representing Agricultural Working Class and Identity Creation

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    This article discusses the politics of identity in dance representations. Lah Bako dance is one of the Jember icons that was created to build an image of the tobacco farmers' culture. This dance is performed by women who represent the tobacco production process. However, the practical needs that are framed through aesthetic motions present a new form of how women are positioned in agricultural societies. In this context, the Lah Bako dance becomes an instrument to create new meanings for women and also becomes an imaginary space for tobacco farming. The article discusses two main points: first, the Lah Bako dance became an integral part of government’s project to construct mass memories in the relations of production in the tobacco sector, and the second is women as subjects representing a farmer’s spirit which is formed as a new figuration that fluid and changeable as political image that transcended existing experimental conditions. An addition point highlighted in this article was the emergence of Islamic values in a dance version which is accomodated the elite interest of Jember’s identity slogan formation. Reseachers use Stuart Hall’s cultural representation and ethnography method to narrate the identity. This research found that the Lah Bako dance is constructed in dominant cultural formations that are legitimized by the structure of the regional government bureaucracy. Furthermore, it is crucial to criticize the space for voicing farmers’ subjectivity and class politics, which has been muddled from the elite network. The problem appears as a paradox for creating aesthetic reality through art, where the symbolic form can be enjoyed without touching inequality that continually arises

    Two Versions of Lah Bako Dance: Representing Agricultural Working Class and Identity Creation

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    This article discusses the politics of identity in dance representations. Lah Bako dance is one of the Jember icons that was created to build an image of the tobacco farmers' culture. This dance is performed by women who represent the tobacco production process. However, the practical needs that are framed through aesthetic motions present a new form of how women are positioned in agricultural societies. In this context, the Lah Bako dance becomes an instrument to create new meanings for women and also becomes an imaginary space for tobacco farming. The article discusses two main points: first, the Lah Bako dance became an integral part of government’s project to construct mass memories in the relations of production in the tobacco sector, and the second is women as subjects representing a farmer’s spirit which is formed as a new figuration that fluid and changeable as political image that transcended existing experimental conditions. An addition point highlighted in this article was the emergence of Islamic values in a dance version which is accomodated the elite interest of Jember’s identity slogan formation. Reseachers use Stuart Hall’s cultural representation and ethnography method to narrate the identity. This research found that the Lah Bako dance is constructed in dominant cultural formations that are legitimized by the structure of the regional government bureaucracy. Furthermore, it is crucial to criticize the space for voicing farmers’ subjectivity and class politics, which has been muddled from the elite network. The problem appears as a paradox for creating aesthetic reality through art, where the symbolic form can be enjoyed without touching inequality that continually arises


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    Tuberkulosis (TB) Paru merupakan penyakit infeksi menular yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.  Tuberkulosis paru  masih menjadi  masalah  kesehatan  di dunia  begitupun juga di Indonesia. Meningkatnya angka menular penyakit TB paru di Indonesia khususnya Kupang, menimbulkan permasalahan seperti terapi yang lama, komplikasi penyakit, hilangnya waktu bersama keluarga serta banyak kekhawatiran  lain yang dapat memicu munculnya depresi. TB Paru memerlukan  pengobatan selama 6 bulan, dan lamanya pengobatan membuat penderita rentan mengalami depresi yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup penderita, sehingga dapat menurunkan angkat tingkat kesembuhan. Tujuanpenelitian ini  menganalisis tingkat depresi terhadap kualitas hidup penderita tuberkulosis pada orang dewasa di kota kupang.  Metode penelitian ini adalah metode studi analitik observasional dengan  pendekatan cross sectional. Subyek penelitian sebanyak 84 orang dan dilakukan di 11 Puskesmas di Kota Kupang  pada bulan Juli sampai Oktober 2018. Instrumen data yang digunakan yaitu  Kuesioner Tingkat Depresi menggunakan The Halminton Rating Scale For Depression (HAM-D) dan Kuesioner Kualitas Hidup menggunakan WHO- Qol BREEF.  Sebelum melakukan penelitian, peneliti melakukan uji reabilitas dan validitas kuesioner. Hasil uji reabilitas dan validitas kuesioner baik dan valid. Uji Statistik menggunakan uji spearman rank dengan nilai signifikannya p < 0,05. Hasil analisis didapatkan p=0.040 (p < 0,05 ), menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara tingkat depresi dan kualitas hidup. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini di dapat  ada hubungan antara tingkat depresi terhadap kualitas hidup pada penderita tuberkulosis di Kota Kupang


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    Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) adalah upaya untuk memperkuat perilaku seseorang atau masyarakat agar peduli terhadap Kesehatan untuk mewujudkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Pola hidup sehat hendaknya tidak hanya diberlakukan oleh individu, namun diberlakukan oleh semua pihak termasuk kelompok atau masyarakat. Masyarakat di Desa Tumbang Miwan seringkali mengabaikan pola hidup sehat sehingga generasi penerus di desa ikut terpengaruh dengan lingkungan yang ada. Maka dari itu Mahasiswa Kelompok KKN dari Universitas Palangkaraya melaksanakan program kerja di bidang Kesehatan dengan memberikan pendemonstrasi kepada masyarakat mengenai pola hidup bersih dan sehat. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan adalah diawali dengan observasi pada kegiatan harian masyarakat, sosialisasi PHBS, dan memberikan penyuluhan mengenai cuci tangan yang baik dan benar, serta di akhiri dengan memberikan susu dan roti kepada siswa-siswi untuk mendukung kegiatan sosialisasi PHBS ini. Pendemonstrasi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengertian kembali kepada masyarakat, agar dapat menerapkan pola hidup bersih dan sehat di kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga dapat menjadi suatu kebiasaan yang baik. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat desa Tumbang Miwan dan siswa-siswi SDN Tumbang Miwan. Hasil kegiatan ini masyarakat mengikuti sosialisasi PHBS dengan baik serta mempraktekkan pola hidup seha