5 research outputs found

    L'attaccamento va in tribunale: protezione e affidamento dei minori

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    In molti contesti professionali, compreso quello del Tribunale per i minorenni, si fa riferimento alla teoria dell’attaccamento e alla relativa ricerca, con fraintendimenti ampiamente diffusi che spesso si traducono in applicazioni scorrette. La finalità di questa dichiarazione di consenso è, pertanto, quella di migliorarne la comprensione, contrastare la disinformazione a riguardo e guidarne l’uso nel contesto del tribunale per i minorenni secondo una modalità basata sulle evidenze, considerando in particolare i processi decisionali circa la protezione e l’affidamento dei minori. L’articolo è diviso in due parti. Nella prima ci occupiamo dei problemi relativi all’utilizzo di teoria e ricerca sull’attaccamento nel contesto del Tribunale per i minorenni e ne discutiamo le ragioni. A questo proposito, esaminiamo le applicazioni della teoria che si ispirano al principio elettivo del superiore interesse del minore, discutiamo i fraintendimenti a riguardo e identifichiamo i fattori che ne hanno ostacolato un’accurata implementazione. Nella seconda parte, forniamo indicazioni per una sua adeguata e corretta applicazione. A tal fine, siamo partiti da tre principi di riferimento: il bisogno del bambino di caregiver familiari e non abusanti, il valore della continuità di cure sufficientemente buone e i benefici delle reti di relazioni di attaccamento. Discutiamo, inoltre, di quanto le valutazioni sulla qualità dell’attaccamento e sul comportamento di cura siano adeguate a ispirare i processi decisionali forensi rivolti ai minori. Concludiamo che la valutazione dei comportamenti di cura dovrebbe ricoprire un ruolo centrale. Nonostante non ci sia fra noi completo consenso riguardo all’utilizzo delle valutazioni sulla qualità dell’attaccamento nelle decisioni attinenti all’affidamento e alla protezione del minore, tali valutazioni si rivelano, al momento, le più adatte a individuare obiettivi e modalità degli interventi di sostegno. Infine, offriamo indicazioni per organizzare le future collaborazioni di ricerca interdisciplinare

    Attachment goes to court: child protection and custody issues

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    Attachment theory and research are drawn upon in many applied settings, including family courts, but misunderstandings are widespread and sometimes result in misapplications. The aim of this consensus statement is, therefore, to enhance understanding, counter misinformation, and steer family-court utilisation of attachment theory in a supportive, evidence-based direction, especially with regard to child protection and child custody decision-making. The article is divided into two parts. In the first, we address problems related to the use of attachment theory and research in family courts, and discuss reasons for these problems. To this end, we examine family court applications of attachment theory in the current context of the best-interest-of-the-child standard, discuss misunderstandings regarding attachment theory, and identify factors that have hindered accurate implementation. In the second part, we provide recommendations for the application of attachment theory and research. To this end, we set out three attachment principles: the child’s need for familiar, non-abusive caregivers; the value of continuity of good-enough care; and the benefits of networks of attachment relationships. We also discuss the suitability of assessments of attachment quality and caregiving behaviour to inform family court decision-making. We conclude that assessments of caregiver behaviour should take center stage. Although there is dissensus among us regarding the use of assessments of attachment quality to inform child custody and child-protection decisions, such assessments are currently most suitable for targeting and directing supportive interventions. Finally, we provide directions to guide future interdisciplinary research collaboration

    Attachment goes to court: Child protection and custody issues

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    Attachment theory and research are drawn upon in many applied settings, including family courts, but misunderstandings are widespread and sometimes result in misapplications. The aim of this consensus statement is, therefore, to enhance understanding, counter misinformation, and steer family-court utilisation of attachment theory in a supportive, evidence-based direction, especially with regard to child protection and child custody decision-making. The article is divided into two parts. In the first, we address problems related to the use of attachment theory and research in family courts, and discuss reasons for these problems. To this end, we examine family court applications of attachment theory in the current context of the best-interest-of-the-child standard, discuss misunderstandings regarding attachment theory, and identify factors that have hindered accurate implementation. In the second part, we provide recommendations for the application of attachment theory and research. To this end, we set out three attachment principles: the child’s need for familiar, non-abusive caregivers; the value of continuity of good-enough care; and the benefits of networks of attachment relationships. We also discuss the suitability of assessments of attachment quality and caregiving behaviour to inform family court decision-making. We conclude that assessments of caregiver behaviour should take center stage. Although there is dissensus among us regarding the use of assessments of attachment quality to inform child custody and child-protection decisions, such assessments are currently most suitable for targeting and directing supportive interventions. Finally, we provide directions to guide future interdisciplinary research collaboration

    El Apego Va a Juicio: Problemas de Custodia y Protección Infantil1

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    Attachment theory and research are drawn upon in many applied settings, including family courts, but misunderstandings are widespread and sometimes result in misapplications. The aim of this consensus statement is, therefore, to enhance understanding, counter misinformation, and steer family-court utilisation of attachment theory in a supportive, evidence-based direction, especially with regard to child protection and child custody decision-making. This article is divided into two parts. In the first part, we address problems related to the use of attachment theory and research in family courts, and discuss reasons for these problems. To this end, we examine family court applications of attachment theory in the current context of the best-interest-of-the-child standard, discuss misunderstandings regarding attachment theory, and identify factors that have hindered accurate implementation. In the second part, we provide recommendations for the application of attachment theory and research. To this end, we set out three attachment principles: the child’s need for familiar, non-abusive caregivers; the value of continuity of good-enough care; and the benefits of networks of attachment relationships. We also discuss the suitability of assessments of attachment quality and caregiving behaviour to inform family court decision-making. We conclude that assessments of caregiver behaviour should take center stage. Although there is dissensus among us regarding the use of assessments of attachment quality to inform child custody and child-protection decisions, such assessments are currently most suitable for targeting and directing supportive interventions. Finally, we provide directions to guide future interdisciplinary research collaboration