23 research outputs found

    Errelebotan lanean aritzen direnen atseden patroi aldaketak eta hauek, kirol errendimenduan duten eragina maila ertaineko kirolarietan

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    Lan honen helburu nagusia izan da ikusi ahal izatea errelebo ezberdinetan lan egiten duten kirolariek, eta lanaren ondorioz pairatzen dituzten lo aldaketek eraginik bai ote duten lehiaketa kiroleko faktore ezberdin batzuetan. Horretarako froga ezberdin batzuk egin zaizkie sujetu batzuei eta ondorio batzuetara iritsi ahal izan gara

    Batxilergoko lehenengo mailan indarrak eta dinamika irakasteko sekuentzia didaktikoa

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    [EUS] Hezkuntza komunitatea etengabeko garapenean dabilen bitartean aldaketa gutxi ikus ditzakegu egungo ikasgeletan. Garapen horri ekarpen txiki bat egin asmoz garatu da Gradu Amaierako Lan honetan Batxilergoko lehenengo mailan indarrak eta dinamika lantzeko proposamen didaktikoa. Horretarako, zientzien irakaskuntza komunitatean onespen zabalena duen metodologia erabili da, hain zuzen ere Ikerkuntzan Oinarritutako Diseinua (Design-Based Research, DBR). Konstruktibismoaren printzipioak bere egiten dituen metodologia hau hainbat fase ezberdinez osatzen da eta etengabeko iterazioetan duenez bere funtsa, oztopoen aurrean moldatzen da eta edozein ekarpenen aurrean, eraberritzen. Beraz, lehenik zientziaren irakaskuntzari buruz ikertu dena aztertuko dugu. Ondoren, indarrei eta dinamikari buruz fisikak diona begiratuko dugu, azkenik egindako analisia metodo egokiarekin uztartu eta ikasgeletan aplikagarria izango den jardueren sekuentzia bat eraikitzeraino.[EN] While the education community is in constant development, we can see little change in everyday classrooms. In order to make a contribution to science education, we will develop a didactical proposal to teach forces and dynamics in high school. To do that, we will use the most widely accepted methodology in science education and Physics Education Research (PER): Research-Based Design (DBR). This method is based on the principles of constructivism and is made up by some iterative phases. That non-stop iteration makes possible to evaluate and rebuild the Design whenever is needed. Then, first of all we will observe what has been researched in science education. After that, we will learn about what physics tells us about forces and dynamics and last but not least, we will combine the analysis we have talked about with an appropriate methodology to build a problem sequence that it will be applicable in class

    Batxilergoko lehenengo mailan indarrak eta dinamika irakasteko sekuentzia didaktikoa

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    [EUS] Hezkuntza komunitatea etengabeko garapenean dabilen bitartean aldaketa gutxi ikus ditzakegu egungo ikasgeletan. Garapen horri ekarpen txiki bat egin asmoz garatu da Gradu Amaierako Lan honetan Batxilergoko lehenengo mailan indarrak eta dinamika lantzeko proposamen didaktikoa. Horretarako, zientzien irakaskuntza komunitatean onespen zabalena duen metodologia erabili da, hain zuzen ere Ikerkuntzan Oinarritutako Diseinua (Design-Based Research, DBR). Konstruktibismoaren printzipioak bere egiten dituen metodologia hau hainbat fase ezberdinez osatzen da eta etengabeko iterazioetan duenez bere funtsa, oztopoen aurrean moldatzen da eta edozein ekarpenen aurrean, eraberritzen. Beraz, lehenik zientziaren irakaskuntzari buruz ikertu dena aztertuko dugu. Ondoren, indarrei eta dinamikari buruz fisikak diona begiratuko dugu, azkenik egindako analisia metodo egokiarekin uztartu eta ikasgeletan aplikagarria izango den jardueren sekuentzia bat eraikitzeraino.[EN] While the education community is in constant development, we can see little change in everyday classrooms. In order to make a contribution to science education, we will develop a didactical proposal to teach forces and dynamics in high school. To do that, we will use the most widely accepted methodology in science education and Physics Education Research (PER): Research-Based Design (DBR). This method is based on the principles of constructivism and is made up by some iterative phases. That non-stop iteration makes possible to evaluate and rebuild the Design whenever is needed. Then, first of all we will observe what has been researched in science education. After that, we will learn about what physics tells us about forces and dynamics and last but not least, we will combine the analysis we have talked about with an appropriate methodology to build a problem sequence that it will be applicable in class

    Una propuesta de diseño y evaluación de secuencias de enseñanza-aprendizaje en Física: el caso de las leyes de Newton

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    En este artículo presentamos una propuesta de diseño y evaluación de Secuencias de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje (SEA) para secundaria y Universidad. Se tienen en cuenta aportaciones relevantes en el diseño de secuencias de enseñanza fundamentadas en la metodología de Investigación Basada en el Diseño y discutiremos cómo las SEA, diseñadas según esta propuesta, se relacionan con la progresión de los estudiantes en el aprendizaje. Se presenta la metodología iterativa Investigación Basada en el Diseño que permite evaluar y rediseñar SEA. El contexto de nuestra implementación y evaluación es un innovador curso de física para estudiantes de primer año de Secundaria post-obligatoria en España. Se presenta la concreción de cada fase de la metodología de Investigación Basada en el Diseño (siglas en inglés DBR), explicando cómo se diseña la secuencia y cómo se evalúa. Los resultados obtenidos en el primer año de implementación son esperanzadores en cuanto al aprendizaje logrado por los estudiantes. Se analizan las fortalezas y debilidades de la SEA después de esta primera implementación

    Automatic detection of the mental state in responses towards relaxation

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    Nowadays, considering society’s highly demanding lifestyles, it is important to consider the usefulness of relaxation from the perspective of both psychology and clinical practice. The response towards relaxation (RResp) is a mind-body interaction that relaxes the organism or compensates for the physiological effects caused by stress. This work aims to automatically detect the different mental states (relaxation, rest and stress) in which RResps may occur so that complete feedback about the quality of the relaxation can be given to the subject itself, the psychologist or the doctor. To this end, an experiment was conducted to induce both states of stress and relaxation in a sample of 20 university students (average age of 25.76±3.7 years old). The electrocardiographic and electrodermal activity signals collected from the participants produced a dataset with 1641 episodes or instances in which the previously mentioned mental states take place. This data was used to extract up to 50 features and train several supervised learning algorithms (rule-based, trees, probabilistic, ensemble classifiers, etc.) using and not using feature selection techniques. Besides, the authors synthesised the cardiac activity information into a single new feature and discretised it down to three levels. The experimentation revealed which features were most discriminating, reaching a classification average accuracy of up to 94.01±1.73% with the 6 most relevant features for the own-collected dataset. Finally, being restrictive, the same solution/subspace was tested with a dataset referenced in the bibliography (WESAD) and scored an average accuracy of 90.36±1.62%.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was partially funded by the Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government (ADIAN, IT-980-16); and by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities—National Research Agency and the European Regional Development Fund—ERDF (PhysComp, TIN2017-85409-P), and from the State Research Agency (AEI, Spain) under Grant Agreement No RED2018-102312-T (IA-Biomed)

    Design and Validation of a Questionnaire to Assess the Leisure Time Physical Activity of Adult Women in Gipuzkoa

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    Inactivity is higher among women than among men, and there are few specific questionnaires used to assess physical activity (PA) in women that are truly meaningful to them. This article tackles the design and validation process of an ad hoc multidimensional questionnaire to assess leisure time physical activity (LTPA) among adult women of Gipuzkoa. The questionnaire was completed by 3595 adult women (43.5 ± 12.1 years), 32% of which were inactive and 68% of which were active. Content validation, ecological validation, and internal consistency analysis results were satisfactory. The Gipuzkoa Women’s Physical Activity Questionnaire (GWPAQ) consists of four dimensions and 21 items. Barriers to PA were found related to intrapersonal, environmental, and socio-cultural aspects. The importance of family and spousal support in increasing PA levels was also observed. It is concluded that the GWPAQ is valid for obtaining evidence that can be used by public institutions to optimise women-specific PA promotion policies.This research was funded by GIPUZKOA PROVINCIAL COUNCIL—DIPUTACIÓN FORAL DE GIPUZKOA in the frame of “Investigación aplicada para la promoción de la actividad física en la población de Guipuzcoa” (2020.0662)

    A Hierarchical Machine Learning Solution for the Non-Invasive Diagnostic of Autonomic Dysreflexia

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    More than half of patients with high spinal cord injury (SCI) suffer from episodes of autonomic dysreflexia (AD), a condition that can lead to lethal situations, such as cerebral haemorrhage, if not treated correctly. Clinicians assess AD using clinical variables obtained from the patient’s history and physiological variables obtained invasively and non-invasively. This work aims to design a machine learning-based system to assist in the initial diagnosis of AD. For this purpose, 29 patients with SCI participated in a test at Cruces University Hospital in which data were collected using both invasive and non-invasive methods. The system proposed in this article is based on a two-level hierarchical classification to diagnose AD and only uses 35 features extracted from the non-invasive stages of the experiment (clinical and physiological features). The system achieved a 93.10% accuracy with a zero false negative rate for the class of having the disease, an essential condition for treating patients according to medical criteria.This work was partially funded by the Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government (ADIAN, IT-980-16), by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities-National Research Agency and the European Regional Development Fund-ERDF (PhysComp, TIN2017-85409-P), and from the State Research Agency (AEI, Spain) under grant agreement No. RED2018-102312-T (IA-Biomed)

    Young women’s leisure time physical activity determinants: a mixed methods approach

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    IntroductionThe aim of the study was to analyze the habits, motives and barriers related to Leisure Time Physical Activity (LTPA) among young women of Gipuzkoa, from a mixed approach.MethodsA total of 526 women aged 18–29 (24.60 ± 3.30 years) responded to the Gipuzkoa Women’s Physical Activity Questionnaire (GWPAQ), seven of which were later interviewed.ResultsThe main motives for LTPA were intrapersonal — related to health and enjoyment — and to interpersonal networks. However, the main barriers facing LTPA were mostly intrapersonal, such as lack of time, tiredness, and laziness. Contextual factors such as the availability of safe spaces, previous negative experiences, or negative self-perception of motor competence also emerged as conditioning factors in young women’s LTPA habits.DiscussionThis study may help to promote policies aimed at incentivizing LTPA for young women based on their needs and interests, by addressing the diversity of factors

    Quantitative analysis of dysautonomia in patients with autonomic dysreflexia

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    Autonomic dysreflexia (AD) is a life-threatening condition for individuals with cervical or high-thoracic spinal cord injury (SCI). The profile of autonomic dysfunction in AD using validated clinical autonomic tests has not been described so far, although it could be useful to identify SCI patients at greater risk of developing AD non-invasively. With this objective, 37 SCI patients (27% female) were recruited, and hemodynamic and cardiac parameters were continuously monitored to determine the presence of AD, defined as an increase of systolic blood pressure of 20 mmHg or higher after bladder filling with saline. Then, standard autonomic function testing was performed, including Deep Breathing, Valsalva Manoeuvre and Tilt Table Test. Finally, baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), and spectral analysis of heart rate and blood pressure variability were measured at rest. Catecholamines and vasopressin levels were also measured at supine and upright positions. The severity of SCI was assessed through clinical and radiological examinations. AD was observed in 73.3% of SCI patients, being 63.6% of them asymptomatic during the dysreflexive episode. AD patients displayed a drop in sympathetic outflow, as determined by decreased noradrenalin plasma levels, reduced sympathovagal balance and increased BRS. In line with decreased sympathetic activity, the incidence of neurogenic orthostatic hypotension was higher in AD patients. Our results provide novel evidence regarding the autonomic dysfunction in SCI patients with AD compared to non-AD patients, posing non-invasively measured autonomic parameters as a powerful clinical tool to predict AD in SCI patients