748 research outputs found

    Fundamental and clinical evaluation of "SCC RIABEAD" kit for immuno radiometric assay of squamous cell carcinoma related antigen.

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    Classic vector control strategies target mosquitoes indoors as the main transmitters of malaria are indoor-biting and –resting mosquitoes. However, the intensive use of insecticide-treated bed-nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying have put selective pressure on mosquitoes to adapt in order to obtain human blood meals. Thus, early-evening and outdoor vector activity is becoming an increasing concern. This study assessed the effect of a deltamethrin-treated net (100 mg/m2) attached to a one-meter high fence around outdoor cattle enclosures on the number of mosquitoes landing on humans. Mosquitoes were collected from four cattle enclosures: Pen A – with cattle and no net; B – with cattle and protected by an untreated net; C – with cattle and protected by a deltamethrin-treated net; D – no cattle and no net. A total of 3217 culicines and 1017 anophelines were collected, of which 388 were Anopheles gambiae and 629 An. ziemanni. In the absence of cattle nearly 3 times more An. gambiae (p<0.0001) landed on humans. The deltamethrin-treated net significantly reduced (nearly three-fold, p<0.0001) culicine landings inside enclosures. The sporozoite rate of the zoophilic An. ziemanni, known to be a secondary malaria vector, was as high as that of the most competent vector An. gambiae; raising the potential of zoophilic species as secondary malaria vectors. After deployment of the ITNs a deltamethrin persistence of 9 months was observed despite exposure to African weather conditions. The outdoor use of ITNs resulted in a significant reduction of host-seeking culicines inside enclosures. Further studies investigating the effectiveness and spatial repellence of ITNs around other outdoor sites, such as bars and cooking areas, as well as their direct effect on vector-borne disease transmission are needed to evaluate its potential as an appropriate outdoor vector control tool for rural Africa

    Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Produk Agrowisata (Studi pada Desa Wisata Gubugklakah Kecamatan Poncokusumo Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur)

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    The purpose of this research is to focus on agro-tourism product development strategy in Gubugklakah Tourism Village.This research tries to describe and know the general condition of Gubugklakah Tourism Village, the potential of agro tourism owned by Gubugklakah Village, and the strategy of agro-tourism product development in Gubugklakah Tourism Village. This researcher is descriptive research type with qualitative approach using three stages of reducing data, presenting data, and data analysis. The results of this study concluded that Gubugklakah village increase in every year.The potential of agro tourism in Gubugklkakah Tourism Village is very potential to be developed.Tourism product development strategy, especially agro-tourism, has several strategies, ranging from product development, development of facilities and infrastructure, market development and promotion, human resources development, partnership development with related parties.Implementation of these strategies leads to various impacts, whether expected or not.The strategy implemented also has an impact in its implementation as a supporting and inhibiting factor in the implementation of the strategy.Based on the description, this study provides recommendations for the creation and development of strategies that can be targeted and cover all sectors and can anticipate unexpected impacts

    A rare case of dual origin of the left vertebral artery without convergence

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    A case of dual origin of the left vertebral artery was encountered in a dissection course for medical students in 2014. Two vertebral arteries were observed on the left side. One arose from the aortic arch between the origin of the left common carotid artery and the left subclavian artery, entered the transverse foramen of the 4th cervical vertebra, and coursed upward into the transverse foramen. The other arose from the left subclavian artery as expected, divided into two branches anterior to the cervical vertebrae, and entered the transverse foramina of the 6th and 7th cervical vertebrae. Both branches flowed into the anterior spinal artery. Moreover, as seen in other anomalies, 3 arterial fenestrations were observed in the cranial arteries. This case is extremely unique with respect to the following points: the 2 ipsilateral vertebral arteries did not combine to form 1 vertebral artery, the vertebral artery of subclavian artery origin entered the transverse foramen of the 7th cervical vertebra, and 3 fenestrations were observed in the intracranial arteries. This is a very suggestive case for neurosurgeons and radiologists who perform treatments involving the vertebral artery

    MRI of cerebral micro-vascular flow patterns: A multi-direction diffusion-weighted ASL approach.

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    The study and clinical assessment of brain disease is currently hindered by a lack of non-invasive methods for the detailed and accurate evaluation of cerebral vascular pathology. Angiography can detect aberrant flow in larger feeding arteries/arterioles but cannot resolve the micro-vascular network. Small vessels are a key site of vascular pathology that can lead to haemorrhage and infarction, which may in turn trigger or exacerbate neurodegenerative processes. In this study, we describe a method to investigate microvascular flow anisotropy using a hybrid arterial spin labelling and multi-direction diffusion-weighted MRI sequence. We present evidence that the technique is sensitive to the mean/predominant direction of microvascular flow in localised regions of the rat cortex. The data provide proof of principle for a novel and non-invasive imaging tool to investigate cerebral micro-vascular flow patterns in healthy and disease states

    Functional MRI of the Reserpine-Induced Putative Rat Model of Fibromyalgia Reveals Discriminatory Patterns of Functional Augmentation to Acute Nociceptive Stimuli

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    Functional neuroimaging, applied to pre-clinical models of chronic pain, offers unique advantages in the drive to discover new treatments for this prevalent and oppressive condition. The high spatial and temporal resolution of fMRI affords detailed mapping of regional pharmacodynamics that underlie mechanisms of pain suppression by new analgesics. Despite evidence supporting the translational relevance of this approach, relatively few studies have investigated fMRI abnormalities in rodent models of chronic pain. In this study, we used fMRI to map the BOLD response in a recently developed putative rat model of fibromyalgia to innocuous and acute nociceptive stimuli by applying a step-wise graded electrical forepaw stimulation paradigm, with comparison to healthy controls. We observed discriminatory functional signatures (p < 0.001) to 2 mA electrical forepaw stimulation, found to be innocuous in the control group. As such, this translational approach provides sensitive and quantitative neural correlates of the underlying chronic disease. The regional patterns of functional augmentation were found to be concordant with previous studies of nociception in the anaesthetised rat brain, supporting the specificity of this approach in the study of altered central pain processing in reserpine induced myalgia. The methodology introduced in this work represents a novel platform for emerging treatment evaluation in highly experimentally controlled conditions

    Isolation and regeneration of transiently transformed protoplasts from gametophytic blades of the marine red alga Porphyra yezoensis

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    Despite the recent progress of transient gene expression systems in a red alga Porphyra yezoensis by particle bombardment, a stable transformation system has yet to establish in any marine red macrophytes. One of the reasons of the difficulty in genetic transformation in red algae is the lack of systems to select and isolate transformed cells from gametophytic blades. Thus, toward the establishment of the stable transformation system in P. yezoensis, we have developed a procedure by which transiently transformed gametophytic cells were prepared from particle bombarded-gametophytic blade as regeneratable protoplasts. Using mixture of marine bacterial enzymes, yield of protoplasts was high as reported elsewhere; however, these protoplasts did not develop. In contrast, protoplasts prepared from gametophytes treated with allantoin were normally developed, in which the overexpression of a \u3b2-glucuronidase reporter gene had no effect on the regeneration of protoplasts. Therefore, the use of allantoin in protoplast preparation sheds a new light on the realization of an efficient isolation and selection of study transformed cells from gametophytic blades