37 research outputs found

    Analysis of Surface Wave Attenuation in Mangrove Forests

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    This paper presents an analytical study on surface wave attenuation in mangrove forest using analytical model developed by Massel et.al. (1999). The energy dissipation in the frequency domain is determined by treating the mangrove forest as a random media with certain characteristics using the geometry of mangrove trunks and their locations. Initial nonlinear governing equations are linearized using the concept of minimalization in the stochastic sense and interactions between mangrove trunks and roots have been introduced through the modification of the drag coefficients. To see the effectiveness of the mangrove forest in attenuating wave energy the analytical model was applied to two types of mangrove forest i.e. Rhizophora and Ceriops forests. The resulting rate of wave energy attenuation depends strongly on the density of the mangrove forest, and on diameter of mangrove roots and trunks. More effective wave energy attenuation is shown by Rhizophora

    Manusia Rimba : bunga rampai dongeng sumatera utara

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    Analysis of Surface Wave Attenuation in Mangrove Forests

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    This paper presents an analytical study on surface wave attenuation in mangrove forest using analytical model developed by Massel et.al. (1999). The energy dissipation in the frequency domain is determined by treating the mangrove forest as a random media with certain characteristics using the geometry of mangrove trunks and their locations. Initial nonlinear governing equations are linearized using the concept of minimalization in the stochastic sense and interactions between mangrove trunks and roots have been introduced through the modification of the drag coefficients. To see the effectiveness of the mangrove forest in attenuating wave energy the analytical model was applied to two types of mangrove forest i.e. Rhizophora and Ceriops forests. The resulting rate of wave energy attenuation depends strongly on the density of the mangrove forest, and on diameter of mangrove roots and trunks. More effective wave energy attenuation is shown by Rhizophora

    Modified Convective Stratiform Technique (CSTm) Performance on Rainfall Estimation in Indonesia

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    This study has analyzed a rainfall estimation using a modified convective stratiform technique (CSTm). Unlike the original convective stratiform technique (CST), which only utilizes infrared (IR) data, CSTm applies not only IR data but also passive microwave (PMW) data. Two major modifications contained in CSTm are: (1) the application of a variability index (VI) method that uses PMW data to perform convective and stratiform separation,and (2) the ability to determine the average extensive coverage of the new areas of each pixel point as a result of the utilization of the PMW data. In this study, rainfall estimation was conducted for 23 points spread over four major islands in Indonesia. The estimation was performed based only on IR and PMW data obtained from coincident observations. For verification, the estimation results were compared with real observations. The main verification action conducted in this study used multi-category contingency tables for four categories and this action was supported by the root mean square error (RMSE)method.The verification results of the hourly estimation conducted for 4 days in early November 2011 showed that CSTm can effectively improve the performance quality of CST

    Studi Dinamika Ekosistem Perairan di Teluk Lampung: Pemodelan Gabungan Hidrodinamika-Ekosistem

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dinamika ekosistem perairan di Teluk Lampung dengan menggunakan gabungan model hidrodinamika-ekosistem dengan pendekatan numerik. Secara umum, hasil simulasi pola arus residu M2 cenderung masuk dari mulut teluk sebelah barat, sebagian terus memasuki sampai kepala teluk dan sebagian keluar kembali dari mulut teluk bagian timur. Selain itu, terlihat pula adanya suatu eddy yang mengalir berlawanan arah jarum jam di sekitar kepala teluk. Pola penyebaran masing-masing kompartimen ekosistem hasil model memiliki kesamaan dengan hasil pengamatan di lapangan, serta konsisten dengan pola arus residu M2. Pengaruh suplai dari sungai, interaksi antara proses biologis seperti produktifitas primer, sekunder (pemangsaan), kematian alami plankton, serta proses dekomposisi oleh bakteri belum begitu berperan dalam neraca dan standing stock ekosistem di Teluk Lampung. Peranan suplai dari laut lebih dominan dibanding dengan proses-proses biokimiawi yang berinteraksi di dalam teluk. Hasil perhitungan tingkat efisiensi aliran energi dari proses dekomposisi dan produksi urine zooplankton ke produktifitas primer mengalami kehilangan sebesar 30.48 %, sementara dari produktifitas primer ke produktifitas sekunder (pemangsaan) mengalami penambahan 17.24 %


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    Telah diperoleh peningkatan akurasi prediksi curah hujan bulanan di wilayah Jakarta yang ditandai dengan peningkatan nilai koefisien korelasi data Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) hasil simulasi jaringan syaraf tiruan. Dengan melibatkan faktor sinar kosmik sebagai masukan jaringan, diperoleh peningkatan akurasi sampai dengan 7,2% yang dicapai saat prediksi lima bulan ke depan. Untuk prediksi tiga dan empat bulan ke depan peningkatan akurasi yang diperoleh sebesar 4,8%. Hasil ini melengkapi bukti adanya kontribusi sinar kosmik dalam mempengaruhi curah hujan di wilayah Jakarta.Kata kunci: Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), Jaringan syaraf tiruan, Sinar kosmi

    Delivery of Pharmaceutical Care at Tertiary Level: From Admission to Home Care

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    Pharmaceutical care is a patient-centred practice that strives to optimise patients ‘outcomes. In tertiary institutions, pharmaceutical care plays an important role in managing complex medical conditions and ensuring medication safety. Patients who attend tertiary care institutions are admitted for various reasons, and some of the conditions that warrant admissions are medication related. Patients, especially geriatrics may experience adverse reactions and drug interactions issues due to the multiple drugs that they consume. Some patients may have adherence issues that can lead to the worsening of their medical conditions. These pharmaceutical issues can be uncovered during their stay as inpatients through a thorough medication review. Pharmacists can play a role in providing knowledge and educating patients to overcome their medication-related problems. Monitoring of these problems can be undertaken through home visits by conducting home medication reviews, and other behavioural aspects of patient care, such as self-care, can be discovered

    Kamus oseanografi fisika

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    Kamus Oseanografi Fisika disusun untuk menjadi pendamping atau rujukan dalam memahami istilah-istilah Oseanografi Fisika yang diperlukan oleh kalangan dari bidang ilmu terkait, terutama dosen dan mahasiswa. Selain itu, kamus ini juga diharapkan akan memperkaya khazanah keilmuan bidang terkait, sekaligus menjadi bagian dari usaha pengembangan dan pembakuan peristilahan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Entri kamus ini disusun berdasarkan istilah-istilah yang telah dipadankan dan didefinisikan dalam kegiatan Sidang Komisi Istilah Bidang Ilmu Oseanografi Fisika serta berbagai sumber lain. Pemadanan istilah dan pendefinisan entri kamus telah sesuai dengan Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia (PUEBI) dan Pedoman Umum Pembentukan Istilah (PUPI) yang disusun oleh Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaa