692 research outputs found

    Pemahaman Proses Sekuel V-A-K Melalui Komunikasi Intrapersonal dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Diri

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    Gaya belajar individu tidak dapat kita tentukan dari salah satu tipe yang dominan yaitu visual, auditori dan kinestetik (V-A-K) seperti pemahaman pada umumnya. Ada proses yang terjadi dalam diri individu dalam menerima informasi baik itu secara eksternal maupun internal. Informasi yang kita ketahui selama ini sering mengkategorikan apakah seseorang termasuk tipe visual, auditori atau kinestetik. Hal ini sebenarnya hanya sebagai pemicu awal sesorang untuk bereaksi terhadap sebuah informasi. Reaksi berikutnya (proses sekuel) yang tidak lagi diamati oleh para ahli sehingga sering mengkategorikan seseorang dominan pada salah satu tipe. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana proses sekuel V-A-K pada Komunikasi Intrapersonal yang terjadi dalam diri Mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) dalam memahami situasi yang dapat memotivasi diri untuk belajar. Informan pada penelitian ini terdiri dari mahasiswa USU yang berjumlah 108 orang yang bersedia untuk mengungkap proses sekuel V-A-K yang terjadi dalam dirinya melalui metode pendampingan. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa semakin mampu sesorang berkomunikasi dengan dirinya, terutama yang berkaitan dengan pengalaman-pengalaman masa lalu saat termotivasi untuk menguasai suatu pembelajaran atau keahlian tertentu dan kemudian mampu mengingat dan merasakan prosesnya maka semakin mudah ia untuk menguasai suatu ilmu atau keahlian baru

    Analisis Kesalahan Penggunaan Preposisi dan Faktor Penyebabnya dalam Menulis Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Pulau Makian Maluku Utara

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan: (1) kesalahan penggunaan preposisi dalam menulis siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Pulau Makian; (2) jenis kesalahan yang dibuat siswa; (3) faktor-faktor penyebab kesalahan penggunaan preposisi. Manfaat penelitian ini adalah: (1) menambah pemahaman siswa tentang penggunaan jenis-jenis preposisi dalam menulis; (2) guru dapat mengetahui jenisjenis kesalahan siswa dan faktor penyebabnya sehingga dapat merancang pembelajaran berdasarkan kesalahan dan faktor penyebabnya. Subjek penelitian ini adalah karangan bahasa Inggris siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Pulau Makian Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011 dengan objek yang diteliti adalah jenis-jenis kesalahan penggunaan preposisi dan faktor penyebabnya dalam menulis bahasa Inggris. Pengumpulan data menggunakan tes tertulis yaitu: siswa diminta untuk menuliskan ide atau gagasan berdasarkan gambar yang telah diberi topik atau judul, dan wawancara dengan siswa untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penyebab kesalahan berdasarkan jenis kesalahan siswa. Hasil tulisan/karangan didentifikasi, dikategorikan, dideskripsikan berdasarkan jenis kesalahan, dan dimpulkan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) terdapat kesalahan penggunaan preposisi antara lain: kesalahan penghilangan, penambahan, penempatan, kesalahan pemilihan dan penggunaan preposisi, dan kesalahan penggunaan preposisi dengan kata kerja dan kata sifat; (2) faktor penyebab kesalahan siswa menggunakan preposisi dalam menulis adalah: interferensi, kurangnya penguasaan preposisi bahasa Inggris, dan preposisi bahasa Inggris memiliki lebih dari satu padanan arti dalam bahasa Indonesia. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah guru dapat merancang silabus dan teknik pembelajaran yang baik berdasarkan tingkat kesalahan yang dibuat siswa


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    The objectives of this study are: (1) to describe the form of empowerment of farmer communities through the institutional strengthening of coffee farmers (2) to describe the model of farmer empowerment through institutional strengthening and (3) identify the obstacles encountered in empowering coffee farmers through institutional strengthening. The study was conducted in Kaongke Ongkea Village, Pasarwajo Subdistrict, Buton Regency in February - April 2017. The study was conducted using qualitative methods. The object of research is coffee farmers involved in coffee processing groups. Data collected through in-depth interviews with informants. The results showed that the form of empowerment of coffee farmers through strengthening institutional farmers, namely: a) increasing the capacity of Human Resources and strengthening farming capital, b) the model of empowering farmer communities through strengthening farmer institutions, namely: creating a social situation or climate, strengthening the potential or power owned by farmers and protect from all their weaknesses, c) obstacles encountered in empowering farmers through institutional strengthening, among others: internal constraints namely: limited human resources, especially farmers and limited budgets at the farm level in developing farming. Afterwhile is an external obstacle, which is not yet established a good partnership between farmers.   Keywords: Empowerment, strengthening, institutions, food barns, farmer


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    The contract or agreement is rapidly growing at this time as the consequence logical from the development cooperation business people business. Many business cooperation carried out by businessmen in the form of a contract or written agreement. The purpose of this research is to know and understand the legal analysis against the risks that arise in the agreement as well as to know the form of resolving disputes outside of the courts in the perspective of positive law and Islamic law. The type of research used in this study are normative legal research which in the use of research analysis Techniques used are qualitative techniques for which information unearthed through in-depth interviews and information search through the library, either from legislation, documents relating to the writing of this thesis so that what is in question in the study answered with a maximum. Results of the study showed that a cooperation agreement with Sejahtera Corporateand Adil Makmur potentially cause conflict so that it appears in the dispute between the parties resulting from any such agreement surfaced that there are risks such as risks language, the risk of disputes. To resolve this issue then there needs to be a model of dispute resolution that is ADR in particular using arbitration institutions while the Model dispute resolution outside of court according to ACT No. 30 of 1999 are mediation, arbitration, consilition, which chosen by the parties in accordance with applicable LAW while according to customary law, the dispute could be resolved through private, family, head of the indigenous organizational institution. &nbsp

    Perspektif Politik Hukum Terhadap Perlindungan dan Pembinaan Tenaga Kerja Luar Negeri di Indonesia

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    Pengiriman TKI ke luar negeri memang dapat memberikan manfaat ekonomi yang relatif besar tidak hanya bagi TKI itu sendiri dan keluarganya tetapi juga bagi negara tersebut, karena Negara tersebut menganggap pengiriman TKI ke luar negeri merupakan jawaban atas tidak adanya negara dalam menyediakan lapangan kerja. Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunajan jenis penelitian hukum normatif yang digunakan untuk menyusun penelitian. Review hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Undang-Undang Hukum Politik Nomor 39 Tahun 2004 tentang perlindungan dan pembangunan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di luar negeri ada 4 (empat) yaitu 1) Memberdayakan dan mendayagunakan tenaga kerja secara optimal dan manusia; 2) Menciptakan pemerataan peluang kerja dan penyediaan tenaga kerja sesuai dengan pembangunan nasional dan kebutuhan kabupaten; 3) memberikan perlindungan kepada pekerja dalam menciptakan kesejahteraan; dan 4) kesejahteraan buruh dan keluarganya sementara Faktor hukum politik implementasi hukum memengaruhi hukum Nomor 39 Tahun 2004 tentang perlindungan dan pembangunan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di luar Negri terkait dengan perlindungan hukum di luar negeri memiliki TKI 2 (dua) yaitu 1) Struktur ( Ketenagakerjaan Dewan, b. Menjadi Keluhan minimal yang disediakan oleh Penguasa di luar negeri untuk TKI) dan 2) Substansi


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    The aim of this research was: (1) to find out the amount of income received from the tofu business; (2) to find out the value of the viability of the tofu business. This research was carried out in the IKM Dwi Berkah industry in Kancinaa Village, Pasarwajo Sub-district, Buton Regency from July to August 2019, considering that the Kancinaa Village was one of the areas of tofu business and that the area was easily reached. This type of research is a case study, so that tofu-making business owners are used as a source to gather the information needed by researchers. The data obtained were then analyzed using a profit analysis of Ď€= TR-TC and researchers used the R / C ratio formula to determine the feasibility of the business. The results of this research show that the profit is Rp 58,094,450/month in a single production process. In addition, the 1.51 R / C ratio was also achieved in such a way that the IKM Dwi Berkah tofu industry was competitive and viable to grow in the Kancinaa Village Pasarwajo Sub-district of Buton Regency.   Keywords: feasibility, efficiency, cost, tofu industr


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    The aim of this experiment is to find out substitute alternative of coarse aggregate beside crushed stone for concrete with calsium crushed stone of showed from the concrete of compression strength, about mix it with calsium crushed stone at 0%, 50% , 75% dan 100% . The result of this experiment showed that used calsium crushed stone as coarse aggregate there is not significantly different even more the compression strength of concrete that use crushed stone as coarse aggregat

    Chain Reaction: How Property Begets Property

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    Classic theories for the evolution of property rights consider the emergence of private property to be a progressive development reflecting a society’s movement to a more efficient property regime. This article argues that instead of this progressive dynamic, a more subtle and damaging chain reaction dynamic can come into play that traditional theories for intellectual and other property rights neither anticipate nor explain. The article suggests that the expansion of intellectual and other property rights have an internally generative dynamic. Drawing upon contemporary case studies, the article argues that property rights evolve in reaction to each other. The creation of property rights for some engenders the demand for related property rights by others. These demands and resulting recognition of property rights may have little to do with the value of the resource in question or efficiency concerns. Today’s global economy makes the collateral creation of property rights more pronounced because changes in property rights in one country can trigger unanticipated changes in the property regimes of another. The article offers three explanations for why property rights beget more property rights. The first draws on group behavior theory; the second focuses on a breach of a cooperative norm; the third flows from the right of exclusion. The chain reaction evolution of property rights helps explain why intellectual property rights have vastly expanded over the last several decades and continue to expand. It also sheds light on the increased transformation of spaces and tangible goods from open access or commons property to exclusive ownership regimes. The chain reaction theory of the evolution of intellectual and other property rights has considerable implications. It anticipates the development of unexpected, extensive and ultimately undesirable property regimes. Forthcoming 82 Notre Dame Law Review (2007

    Hyperownership in a Time of Biotechnological Promise: The International Conflict to Control the Building Blocks of Life

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    This article addresses the corrosive interplay between the patent-based and the sovereign- based systems of ownership of genetic material. In patent-based systems, genetic material is increasingly “owned” by corporations or research institutions which obtain patents over such material. In sovereign-based systems, the national government owns or extensively controls such material. As more patents issue for synthesized genes in developed countries through the patent system, more raw genetic material is legally enclosed by the governments of developing nations, which house most of the world’s wild or raw genetic material. This interactive spiral of increased enclosure results in the sub-optimal utilization, conservation and improvement of vital genetic material. This article adds to the scholarship that critiques the patenting of genetic material in the United States by focusing on the international collateral damage occasioned by overbroad patenting in this area. In addition, it takes the first comprehensive critical look at the sovereign-based system. It argues that sovereign ownership or extensive control over genetic material (i) risks creating an anticommons in raw genetic material (ii) threatens the liberty and autonomy of individuals and indigenous communities whose property contains such material and (iii) is premised on a flawed approach in international law that has led to broad and unenforceable regimes that will increase tensions between nations. Moreover, the interaction between the patent-based and the sovereign-based systems risks setting off a major trade dispute under the TRIPS Agreement. To repair this situation, I propose a framework for a more open system for genetic material. I recommend that the United States take into account the adverse reaction of other countries when determining as a utilitarian matter whether and, if so, to what extent to allow patents for genetic material. Expansive patent rights over genetic material can cause innovation in the biotechnology field to fall to suboptimal levels because they cause sovereigns in the world’s most genetically diverse nations to curtail access to the raw material that contributes to such innovation. For their part, genetically-rich developing countries should, inter alia, adopt more selective and value-added approaches to enclosure


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the income of coffee farms and other businesses and analyze the relationship of income with quality of life. The variables observed were the characteristics of respondents which included: age, the experience of farming, area of ​​arable land, family dependents, education and quality of life, namely income. The study was conducted in Kaongkeongkea Village, Pasarwajo Sub-district, Buton Regency, from March to April 2018. The selection of locations in this study was determined intentionally, based on considerations as a coffee-producing area and coffee processing (agro-industry). The sample in this study amounted to 51 heads of households who were determined by a simple random sampling method. The analysis used was descriptive analysis with a Likert scale method. The results showed that the level of income from the coffee agro-industry business was highly determined by the results of the production of coffee obtained once a year, so the results were lower than other businesses. Furthermore, the relationship between the two variables was shown by the amount of contingency coefficient that is equal to 0.577 with a significant value of 0,000. This means that the level of quality of life is closely related to the income of farmers. It also indicates that the higher the income of coffee agro-industries and other businesses, the better the quality of life of coffee farmers. Keywords: Coffee Agro-Industry Income, Other Businesses, Quality of Lif
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