17 research outputs found

    Studi Living Hadis Misoginis di Pondok Pesantren

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    This article explores the influence of misogynist hadith texts on islamic boarding school community in Kerinci. The pattern of life in Islamic boarding schools is something phenomenal because it describes their behavior which is based on their understanding of sacred texts such as hadith. However, this behavior is certainly different when viewed from the paradigm of text interpreters, whether textualist or contextualist. This article highlights the dimension which in the context of living hadith is known as collective performation. This research focus on tracing the hadiths that developed in traditional and modern Islamic boarding schools. By using a qualitative method with an ethnographic and gender approach to two types of Islamic boarding schools in Kerinci, the authors found that traditional Islamic boarding schools tended to be textual. They understand the hadith that prohibits women from traveling without a mahram strictly according to its textual meaning. Meanwhile, modern Islamic boarding schools understand this hadith contextually, that safe and secure environmental conditions allow women to leave the house without being accompanied by a mahram. The authors argue that the differences in the meaning of this hadith cannot be separated from the reading sources developed at the Islamic boarding school, as well as the influence of the teaching staff


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    Fiqh al-hadis merupakan aspek  kajian  hadis yang sangat penting untuk memahami pesan-pesan Rasul secara tepat dan benar. Adakalanya sunnah/hadis dapat dipahami langsung dari makna zahirnya, namun adakalanya pema­haman yang tepat dan benar baru didapatkan setelah menggunakan metode-metode dan pendekatan-pendekatan  tertentu. Dalam kajian fiqh al-hadis ada beberapa hal penting yang perlu diperhatikan, antara lain: Memahami hadis berdasarkan Isyarat al-Qur’an, me­mahami hadis-hadis mukhltalif, tanawwu’ ibadah, kajian subtantif filosofis serta memahami sarana yang tujuan penyampaian suatu hadis


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    Pendidikan karakter merupakan ikhtiar yang disusun secara sistematis dan dilaksanakan untuk membantu peserta didik memahami nilai-nilai perilaku manusia berkaitan dengan Penciptanya yaitu Allah, diri sendiri, sesama manusia, lingkungan, dan kebangsaan yang termanifestasi dalam pikiran, sikap, perasaan, perkataan, dan perbuatan berdasarkan norma-norma agama, hukum, tata krama, budaya, dan adat istiadat. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memahami formulasi konsep pendidikan karakter perspektif Hadits. Melalui telaah pemahaman secara tekstual dan kontekstual. Permasalahan yang ada dijawab melalui penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Data-data dikumpulkan dari berbagai referensi; baik primer, sekunder, maupun data pendukung. Data-data yang ada dianalisis dengan pendekatan hermeneutik dengan cara content analysis (analisis isi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Hadis-hadis yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini mengandung karakter atau perilaku manusia terhadap Tuhan, diri sendiri, sesama manusia, dan lingkungannya. Beberapa konsep pendidikan karakter yang dapat diungkap dari Hadits tersebut adalah Pertama, Konsep pendidikan karakter dalam Islam, Kedua, Konsep Karakter dan Akhlak dalam Islam dan Ketiga, Akhlak dan Karakter dalam Hadis. Keempat, Materi Akhlak dan Karakter dalam Hadis. Kelima, Peran Guru dan orang tua dalam pendidikan karakter


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    The problem in this research is how the attitude of Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy towards the hadith daif and what are the implications of the inclusion of the hadith in the Tafsir An-Nur. The objectives to be achieved in this research are: (1) to find out how Hasbi Ash- Shiddieqy's attitude towards the hadith daif. (2) to trace whether the daif hadith in Tafsir An-Nur was used as evidence in interpreting a verse, especially verses of law. (3) to find out the implications of the inclusion of the daif hadith in the Tafsir An-Nur. This research is in the style of library research, while the primary data source is Tafsir An-Nur by Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy and supporting sources in the form of tafsir books and other hadiths. The method used is literature and documentary studies, while the data analysis uses descriptive analysis. The results of this study reveal several findings about the consistency of Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy regarding the authenticity of hadith, namely: (1) Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy's attitude towards daif hadith, seen Hasbi's inconsistency between theory and practice of using daif hadith. (2) The daif traditions in An-Nur's interpretation are generally not used as evidence in interpreting a verse, especially law verses, because the traditions are presented only as explaining asbabul nuzul ayat, additional information in interpreting a verse. (3) The implication of the inclusion of daif hadith in An-Nur's interpretation has several forms, namely Hasbi uses the dha'if traditions in An-Nur's Tafsir, even uses mawdhu 'hadiths or narrations that have mawdhu characteristics, then regarding how to quote the hadith which Without explaining the mukharij or the companions who narrated the hadith, to make matters worse Hasbi included the hadith with the Indonesian editorial staff, even without including the mukharij or the narrators of the hadith, the inconsistency also for Hasbi was the use of hadith source books not from hadith books. Therefore, it is necessary to refill the hadiths in the Tafsir An-Nur book

    Analisis pengaruh tingkat pendidikan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi terhadap tingkat kemiskinan di Provinsi Jambi

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    The purpose of this research: (1) To know the development of education level and economic growth to the level of poverty in Jambi Province; (2) To know the influence of education level and economic growth to Poverty Level in Jambi Province. The method of analysis used in this study deskrptif analysis and quantitative analysis with the analysis tool is multiple linear regression. Data processing is done by using Microsoft Excel Software program and Eviews 8.0. The results of this study are the first overall development level of education (TP) during the period 2000-2016 on average increased by 0.64 percent. Economic growth in 2016 of 7.5 percent increase compared to the year 2015 of 5.9 percent. The four variables together significantly affect the poverty rate with the coefficient of TP of -0.080240, PE coefficient of -0.256608 percent. For the value of coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.614738 shows that TP and PE together affect the poverty rate of 61.47 while the rest of 38.53 percent explained by other variables not included in the model estimation. Keywords: Poverty Level, Education Level, and Economic Growth

    Fiqh Al-Hadis: Studi Terhadap Hadis Membaca Al-Fatihah Bagi Makmum Pada Majalah Soerti

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    Soearti Magazine is a forum for polemic between Tarbiyah Islamiyah and those who attacked it. They answered the polemics that occurred at that time by including the Prophet's traditions, translations, names of narrators, and their understanding.However, the hadiths they wrote were only at the level of friends, some were not even mentioned, there was an error in writing the mind and not all hadiths that were explained in their veracity.This study aims to trace honesty and analyze the understanding of the hadiths contained in Soearti magazine on the theme of Reading al-Fatihah for the general public. The method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative method.From the results of this study, the Hadith that discusses reading al-Fatihah for the congregation in Soearti magazine, there are 7 hadiths consisting of 5 authentic quality hadiths and 2 dha'if quality hadiths, so that all of these traditions can be used as evidence and put into practice.The hadiths in Soearti Magazine are understood using textual and contextual methods of understanding but tend to use textual methods. Meanwhile, the style of understanding in the Hadith is traditional

    The Other Side of the History of the Formulation of Aceh Jinayat Qanun

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    In the context of fiqh, the provisions of ḥudūd have been agreeable in terms of the actions and punishments. However, some of them are not mentioned in Aceh Qanun No. 6/2014 on Jinayat (Criminal) Law, such as stoning, death sentence, and hand amputation. These three types of punishment were harshly debated during the formulation of the qanun and subsequently abolished. Using the historical legal approach, this study finds out there were some issues that came up during the formulation process. First, the assessment of the local government and people’s readiness to implement those punishments has not been sufficient. Second, stoning, the death penalty, and hand cutting are not in accordance with the Indonesian procedural law. Third, the qanun formulation was affected by the disparity of Islamic legal scholars’ opinions regarding the mentioned penalties. Forth, the discussants in the forum believed that the implementation of Islamic criminal law needs phasing (tadarruj).   AbstrakDalam konteks fikih, ketentuan hudud telah disepakati baik jenis perbuatannya maupun sanksi-sanksinya. Akan tetapi, tidak semuanya tercantum sebagai materi hudud dalam Qanun Aceh No. 6/2014 tentang Hukum Jinayat, seperti hukuman rajam, hukuman mati dan hukuman potong tangan. Ketiga jenis hukuman ini diperdebatkan dengan sengit selama pembahasan Qanun dan akhirnya ditiadakan. Melalui pendekatan sejarah hukum, diketahui setidaknya ada beberapa faktor problematik yang mewarnai perumusan Qanun Aceh No. 6/2014 tentang Hukum Jinayat. Pertama, adanya penilaian internal tentang kesiapan pemerintah dan masyarakat yang belum maksimal untuk melaksanakan hukuman-hukuman itu. Kedua, materi rajam, hukuman mati bagi pelaku riddah dan potong tangan yang tidak sejalan dengan hukum acara yang telah ada sebelumnya. Ketiga, adanya pengaruh perbedaan pendapat ulama (disparitas) dalam konteks fikih tentang hukuman-hukuman itu dalam proses perumusan qanun. Keempat, adanya keyakinan para pembahas bahwa penegakan hukum pidana Islam dalam Qanun Aceh memerlukan pentahapan (tadarruj)