66 research outputs found

    Self-reported health and social alienation in Swedish adolescents: A cross-sectional study among high-school students in Stockholm

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    Background: Adolescents' health-damaging behaviors and social alienation of young people are recognized as public-health problems. One of the hypotheses that is emerging and evolving in the sociology, physiology, and health fields is that individuals with a great feeling of alienation are at risk of mental health problems and present negative health-risk behaviors. Objectives: This thesis aims to investigate the relationship between the feeling of social alienation and selfreported health. The first sub-study aims to provide an appropriate social alienation scale for use in the Swedish context and among adolescents. The second and third sub-studies aim to explore social alienation and the selfreported health status of Stockholm’s high-school students by examining the role of age, sex, and immigration background. The fourth sub-study investigates the relationship between self-reported health and the feeling of social alienation. The final sub-study investigates the relationship between the feeling of alienation and mental health by examining the role of socio-economic factors. Materials: The thesis is built around five articles through the analysis of data gathered with the Nottingham health profile (NHP) and the Jessor and Jessor social alienation scale. The data were collected from eight high schools in Stockholm, and the number of participants was 446 (age = 15–19; SD = 1.01; mean = 17). Results: The Jessor and Jessor alienation scale translated to Swedish and several validity methods such as translation and back-translation and face, content, and construct validity were used. A stability and interconsistency test was also performed to examine the reliability of the scale. The overall result of the abovementioned tests indicated that the Swedish version of the alienation scale is an adequate and valid questionnaire to use among adolescents (Article I). Age was found to be associated with the feeling of alienation and mental health, and students aged 17 demonstrated fewer mental-health problems and a lower feeling of alienation (Article II and V). Sex was shown to be one of the main significant variables in regard to self-reported health and contributes to a larger number of self-reported problems; also, female students reported more health problems than male students (Article III and V). These differences were much larger amongst immigrant students. Native Swedish females reported significantly more health problems about two aspects of health (energy level and emotional reaction) than native Swedish males, whereas the female students from an immigrant background reported significantly higher self-reported problems on other dimensions as well (isolation, physical mobility, and pain).The immigration background was found to be a significant variable in self-reported health and feeling of alienation (Article II, III, & V). Students with an immigrant background reported significantly more self-reported problems with sleep, pain, emotional reaction, and energy level (Article III). They also have larger health problems, in particular mental health problems (Article V). Students from non-Swedish parents (in particular from a Middle-Eastern origin) reported significantly more health problems in comparison with native Swedish students (Article V). Students with an immigrant background also significantly reported a stronger feeling of social alienation than Swedish natives, and the level of feeling of alienation was much higher among the first generation of immigrants (Article II). Neighborhood characteristics, such as home area and home type, were also found to be a significant variable on self-reported mental health. No significant differences about feeling of alienation and self-reported health were observed with respect to parents’ educational level (Article II &V). Finally, alienation was found as a mediating variable between selfreported mental health and self-reported physical health (Article IV & V). The more severe mental health problems are associated with a higher feeling of alienation, and the feeling of alienation is associated with selfreported physical health problems (Article IV & V). Conclusion: The results described in this thesis highlight that, in general, female students report more health problems than male students, and the contrast is larger among the students with an immigrant background. The finding shows that the feeling of alienation and self-reported health problems are higher among students with immigrant background, regardless of the country of origin, and self-reported health problems are higher among students from the Middle East. The results also indicate a strong association between the feeling of alienation and having more self-reported mental health problems; this suggests the mediating role of the feeling of alienation between mental health and physical health

    On electric fields produced by inductive sources on the seafloor

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    The transient electromagnetic (TEM) method has recently been proposed as a tool for mineral exploration on the seafloor. Similar to airborne TEM surveys conducted on land, marine TEM systems can use a concentric or coincident wire-loop transmitter and receiver towed behind a ship. Such towed-loop TEM surveys can be further augmented by placing additional stationary receivers on the seafloor throughout the survey area. We examine the electric fields measured by remote receivers from an inductive source transmitter within a 1D layered earth model. At sea, it is conceivable to deploy either a horizontal transmitter (such as the analogous standard airborne configuration) or a more exotic vertical transmitter. Therefore, we study and compare the sensitivity of the vertical and horizontal towed-loop systems with a variety of seafloor conductivity structures. Our results indicate that the horizontal loop system is more sensitive to the thickness of a buried conductive layer and would be advantageous over the vertical loop system in characterizing the size of a shallowly buried mineralized zone. The vertical loop system is more sensitive to a resistive layer than the horizontal loop system. The vertical electric field produced by the vertical loop transmitter is sensitive to greater depths than the horizontal fields, and measuring the vertical field at the receivers would therefore be advantageous. We also conducted a novel test of a towed horizontal loop system with remote dipole receivers in a marine setting. The system was tested at the Palinuro volcanic complex in the Tyrrhenian Sea, a site of known massive sulfide mineralization. Preliminary results are consistent with shallowly buried material in the seafloor of conductivities >1  S/m

    Optimal fuzzy proportional-integral-derivative control for a class of fourth-order nonlinear systems using imperialist competitive algorithms

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    The proportional integral derivative (PID) controller has gained wide acceptance and use as the most useful control approach in the industry. However, the PID controller lacks robustness to uncertainties and stability under disturbances. To address this problem, this paper proposes an optimal fuzzy-PID technique for a two-degree-of-freedom cart-pole system. Fuzzy rules can be combined with controllers such as PID to tune their coefficients and allow the controller to deliver substantially improved performance. To achieve this, the fuzzy logic method is applied in conjunction with the PID approach to provide essential control inputs and improve the control algorithm efficiency. The achieved control gains are then optimized via the imperialist competitive algorithm. Consequently, the objective function for the cart-pole system is regarded as the summation of the displacement error of the cart, the angular error of the pole, and the control force. This control concept has been tested via simulation and experimental validations. Obtained results are presented to confirm the accuracy and efficiency of the suggested method. © 2022 S. Hadipour Lakmesari et al

    A self-potential investigation of submarine massive sulfides: Palinuro Seamount, Tyrrhenian Sea

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    The self-potential (SP) method detects naturally occurring electric fields which may be produced by electrically conductive mineral deposits such as massive sulfides. Recently, there has been increasing interest in applying this method in a marine environment to explore for seafloor massive sulfide (SMS) deposits which may contain economic resources of base and precious metals. While SMS sites that are associated with active venting and are not buried under sediment cover are known to produce an SP signal, the effectiveness of the method at detecting inactive and sediment-covered deposits remained an outstanding question. We built an instrument capable of recording SP data in a marine setting. We carried out a test of the instrument at the Palinuro Seamount in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Palinuro is one of only a few known sites containing an SMS occurrence which is buried under sediment and not associated with active hydrothermal venting, although diffuse seepage of hydrothermal fluids is known to occur at the site. Elevated electric field strengths recorded in and near the site of previously drilled massive sulfide samples are on the order of 1–3 mV/m. A second zone of high field strengths was detected by us to the north of the drilling area where gravity coring later confirmed the existence of massive sulfides. Our observations indicate that an SP signal can be observed at the site of SMS mineralization even when the mineralized zone is shallowly buried and active hydrothermal venting is not present. These observations could aid in the planning of future marine research expeditions which use the SP method in the exploration of seafloor massive sulfides

    Nursing students’ perceptions of their verbal and social interaction skills in Sweden and China during their first semester

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    Aim: This study aimed to investigate the similarities and differences related to verbal and social interaction skills between nursing students attending universities in Sweden and China, two countries with different educational systems, during the students’ first semester. Background: Nurses need a high level of interaction skills in order to interact effectively with patients and their families. Thus, practical nursing education focusing on clinical skills is essential. Method: Students at one university in Sweden and two universities in China completed the Verbal and Social Interactions for Nursing Students (VSI-NS) questionnaire. Results: The students perceived ‘Building a caring relationship’ and ‘Caring towards health and well-being’ as the most frequently occurring and important types of caring interactions. The students perceived that talking with a patient about his/her feelings and thoughts was the least frequently occurring and least important type of caring interaction. Conclusion: The students appear to understand from the initial phase of their education that the caring relationship and the patients’ health and well-being will be the major focus of their role as nurses. RĂ©sumĂ© But : Cette Ă©tude visait Ă  Ă©tudier les similitudes et les diffĂ©rences liĂ©es aux habiletĂ©s d’interaction verbale et sociale entre des Ă©tudiantes en sciences infirmiĂšres d’universitĂ©s en SuĂšde et en Chine, deux pays avec des systĂšmes d’enseignement diffĂ©rents, au cours du premier semestre des Ă©tudiantes. Contexte : Les infirmiĂšres ont besoin d’un niveau Ă©levĂ© d’habiletĂ©s interactionnelles afin d’interagir avec les patients et leurs familles. Ainsi, il est essentiel qu’elles puissent bĂ©nĂ©ficier d’une formation en sciences infirmiĂšres axĂ©e sur les habiletĂ©s cliniques. MĂ©thode : Des Ă©tudiantes d’une universitĂ© en SuĂšde et de deux universitĂ©s en Chine ont rempli le questionnaire Verbal and Social Interactions for Nursing Students (Interactions verbales et sociales pour les Ă©tudiantes en sciences infirmiĂšres; VSI-NS). RĂ©sultats : Les Ă©tudiantes percevaient qu’« Établir une relation de caring » et « Se soucier de la santĂ© et du bien-ĂȘtre » Ă©taient les formes d’interactions caring les plus frĂ©quentes et les plus importantes. Les Ă©tudiantes ont perçu que parler avec un patient de ses sentiments et de ses pensĂ©es Ă©tait le type d’interaction de caring le moins frĂ©quent et le moins important. Conclusion : Les Ă©tudiantes semblent comprendre dĂšs le dĂ©but de leur formation que la relation de caring ainsi que la santĂ© et le bien-ĂȘtre des patients se trouveront au centre de leur rĂŽle d’infirmiĂšre

    A first application of a marine inductive source electromagnetic configuration with remote electric dipole receivers: Palinuro Seamount, Tyrrhenian Sea

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    We study a new marine electromagnetic configuration which consists of a ship‐towed inductive source transmitter and a series of remote electric dipole receivers placed on the seafloor. The approach was tested at the Palinuro Seamount in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea, at a site where massive sulfide mineralization has been previously identified by shallow drilling. A 3D model of the Palinuro study area was created using bathymetry data, and forward modeling of the electric field diffusion was carried out using a finite volume method. These numerical results suggest that the remote receivers can theoretically detect a block of shallowly‐buried conductive material at up to ∌100 m away when the transmitter is located directly above the target. We also compared the sensitivity of the method using either a horizontal loop transmitter or a vertical loop transmitter and found that when either transmitter is located directly above the mineralized zone, the vertical loop transmitter has sensitivity to the target at a farther distance than the horizontal loop transmitter in the broadside direction by a few 10s of meters. Furthermore, the vertical loop transmitter is more effective at distinguishing the seafloor conductivity structure when the vertical separation between transmitter and receiver is large due to the bathymetry. As a horizontal transmitter is logistically easier to deploy, we conducted a first test of the method with a horizontal transmitter. Apparent conductivities are calculated from the electric field transients recorded at the remote receivers. The analysis indicates higher apparent seafloor conductivities when the transmitter is located near the mineralized zone. Forward modeling suggests that the best match to the apparent conductivity data is obtained when the mineralized zone is extended southward by 40 m beyond the zone of previous drilling. Our results demonstrate that the method adds value to the exploration and characterization of seafloor massive sulfide deposits

    Immigrant women’s food choices in pregnancy: perspectives from women of Chinese origin in Canada

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    Objective: Following migration, pregnant immigrant women may encounter social, cultural, and economic challenges that negatively affect their food choices and subsequent health outcomes. Culturally appropriate health care is crucial during the perinatal period to ensure the health of immigrant mothers and their children. This project aims to explore and understand how the health beliefs and practices of Chinese immigrant women affect their food choices during the perinatal period. Design: This qualitative study used the methodology of focused ethnography. Women participated in one semi-structured interview, followed by a second photo-assisted, semi-structured interview which incorporated photographs taken by the women themselves. Results: The food choices and health behaviors of immigrant women were influenced by their general health beliefs, cultural knowledge concerning particular types of foods, traditional Chinese medical beliefs, social advice and information, and socio-economic factors. Conclusion: The provision of culturally appropriate health care is crucial during the perinatal period, as it is not only a vulnerable life stage for women and their children but also a sensitive period of interaction with the Canadian health-care system. Understanding these intersecting factors can help to ensure culturally appropriate care and optimized health outcomes for Chinese immigrant women during the perinatal period

    Educational Environment Assessment at Outpatient Clinics in Teaching Hospitals of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran, from Residents' Perspective Based on the ACLEEM Questionnaire

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    Background & Objective: Outpatient educational environments are used for the teaching of a broad range of medical disciplines. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to assess these environments with valid and reliable tools. The Ambulatory Care Learning Education Environment Measure (ACLEEM) can be used for this purpose. The objective of this study was to assess the educational environment at outpatient clinics in teaching hospitals of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran. Methods: This descriptive-analytical study which was cross-sectional in nature was conducted in Kerman University of Medical Sciences in 2013-14. The study population, based on census sampling, consisted of 70 residents specializing in internal, gynecological, pediatric, and surgical disciplines. The data collection tool was a valid and reliable questionnaire consisting of 2 sections, demographic questions and 50 questions in 8 domains. Data were analyzed using SPSS software and descriptive tests (frequency, mean, and standard deviation) and analytical tests (ANOVA and t-test). Results: The total score of the questionnaire was 62.90 which showed the partially desirable status of the outpatient educational environment in the studied population. In terms of the total scores for each domain, the domains of clinical teacher competence (14.91 ± 2.99), clinical activity and patient care (12.85 ± 2.78), and time allocation for nonclinical activities (8.94 ± 2.93) obtained the highest scores, respectively. There was no significant relationship between sex, age, and educational year and mean score of each domain (P > 0.05). However, this relationship was significant for the field of study variable (P < 0.05). The highest mean score was related to gynecology residents (65.68 ± 5.7) and the lowest mean score was related to surgery residents (60.60 ± 5.9). Conclusion: The findings showed that the residents' perspective of the outpatient environment is not satisfactory. Therefore, it is expected that the related authorities provide a favorable and conducive environment for teaching and learning through planning. Keywords: Educational environment; Ambulatory Care Learning Education Environment Measure (ACLEEM); Residents; Kerman; Ira

    An ethnographic investigation of maternity healthcare experience of immigrants in rural and urban Alberta, Canada

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    Background: Canada is among the top immigrant-receiving nations in the world. Immigrant populations may face structural and individual barriers in the access to and navigation of healthcare services in a new country. The aims of the study were to (1) generate new understanding of the processes that perpetuate immigrant disadvantages in maternity healthcare, and (2) devise potential interventions that might improve maternity experiences and outcomes for immigrant women in Canada. Methods: The study utilized a qualitative research approach that focused on ethnographic research design and data analysis contextualized within theories of organizational behaviour and critical realism. Data were collected over 2.5 years using focus groups and in-depth semistructured interviews with immigrant women (n = 34), healthcare providers (n = 29), and social service providers (n = 23) in a Canadian province. Purposive samples of each subgroup were generated, and recruitment and data collection – including interpretation and verification of translations – were facilitated through the hiring of community researchers and collaborations with key informants. Results: The findings indicate that (a) communication difficulties, (b) lack of information, (c) lack of social support (isolation), (d) cultural beliefs, e) inadequate healthcare services, and (f) cost of medicine/services represent potential barriers to the access to and navigation of maternity services by immigrant women in Canada. Having successfully accessed and navigated services, immigrant women often face additional challenges that influence their level of satisfaction and quality of care, such as lack of understanding of the informed consent process, lack of regard by professionals for confidential patient information, short consultation times, short hospital stays, perceived discrimination/stereotyping, and culture shock. Conclusions: Although health service organizations and policies strive for universality and equality in service provision, personal and organizational barriers can limit care access, adequacy, and acceptability for immigrant women. A holistic healthcare approach must include health informational packages available in different languages/media. Health care professionals who care for diverse populations must be provided with training in cultural competence, and monitoring and evaluation programs to ameliorate personal and systemic discrimination
