24 research outputs found

    Non-specific LTD at parallel fibre - Purkinje cell synapses in cerebellar cortex provides robustness against local spatial noise during pattern recognition

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    © 2011 Safaryan et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly citedPoster presented at CNS 2011Peer reviewe

    The beneficial effects of non-specific synaptic plasticity for pattern recognition in auto-associative memory

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    © 2011 Calcraft et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Poster presented at CNS 2011Non peer reviewe

    26th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2017): Part 3 - Meeting Abstracts - Antwerp, Belgium. 15–20 July 2017

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    This work was produced as part of the activities of FAPESP Research,\ud Disseminations and Innovation Center for Neuromathematics (grant\ud 2013/07699-0, S. Paulo Research Foundation). NLK is supported by a\ud FAPESP postdoctoral fellowship (grant 2016/03855-5). ACR is partially\ud supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    Wpływ podłoża po uprawie pieczarki Agaricus bisporus na specjację chromu i miedzi w poziomie próch nicznym gleby

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    Spent mushroom substrate used as fertilizing material provides nutrients for plants in forms with a different degree of availability. A two-year experiment was conducted in central eastern Poland (Siedlecka High Plain) to determine the fertilizing effect of substrate previously used to grow mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) on the total content chromium and copper content and their quantitative content in the fraction in humus horizon pseudogley loessive soil. The experiment included the control (without fertilization), and several fertilized variants: NPK, swine manure, swine manure + NPK, spent mushroom substrate and spent mushroom substrate +NPK. The sequential fractionation of chromium and copper, carried out according to the BCR protocol, in the soil humus horizon under the above treatments demonstrated various concentration of these metals in the extracted fractions and their shares in the total content. Fertilization with spent mushroom substrate alone and with NPK contributed to a decrease in the Cr content in the F2 and F3 fractions, but resulted in an increase in the Cu content in the F1, F2 and F3 fractions after the second year of plant cultivation in comparison with the first year. The highest share of the tested metals in the total content was detected in the residual fraction F4: after the second year for chromium and after the first year of the experiment for copper

    Cynk w wydzielonych sekwencyjnie frakcjach sześciu gleb stoku morenowego

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the total content of zinc in the fractions separated from the soils located in two transects on the moraine slope of the Siedlecka High Plain (some situated above and some beneath the underground municipal landfill site). The highest total content of zinc was detected in the soils situated beneath the underground municipal landfill site. The sequential fractioning was performed by the Zeien-Brümmer method. The speciation analysis revealed that this metal was bound to different components of the soil solid phase. The highest percentage of zinc content was detected in the residual fraction F7 in the parent rock horizons and the lowest was noted in the bioavailability fractions, i.e. exchangeable F2 and easilyeasily soluble F l. In transects A and B of the tested soils significant correlations were found between the content of zinc in the separated fractions and its total content, the total content of iron and manganese, clay fraction <0.002 mm, cation exchange capacity (CEC) as well as between the content of carbon organic compound and zinc in the F4 organic fraction

    Profilowe zróżnicowanie zawartości frakcji ołowiu i chromu w glebach położonych na stoku morenowym

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    In order to evaluate a potential threat to soil environment by heavy metals, it is important to separate and determine their fractions by means of sequential extraction. The research aimed at evaluating the total content of lead and chromium as well as their fractions in soils localized on a moraine slope in the Siedlce Heights (transects A and B). Sequential fractionation of these elements was carried out according to Zeien and Brümmer’s method. Chemical analyses revealed varied contents of seven lead and chromium fractions in the soils. The largest amounts of both heavy metals were mostly recorded in the residual fraction (F7), and those of lead also in the organic fraction (F4). The least lead was found in the exchangeable fraction (F2) (it was not detected in easily soluble fraction F1), while the least chromium appeared in the easily soluble (F1) and organic fractions (F4). Statistical processing revealed that the examined lead and chromium fractions generally depended on separated fractions, total contents of these metals, and some properties of analyzed soils.Dla oceny potencjalnego zagrożenia środowiska glebowego przez metale ciężkie istotne jest wydzielenie i ilościowe zbadanie ich frakcji na drodze ekstrakcji sekwencyjnej. Celem pracy by³o zbadanie ogólnej zawartości ołowiu i chromu oraz ich frakcji w glebach położonych na stoku morenowym Wysoczyzny Siedleckiej (transekt A i B). Frakcjonowanie sekwencyjne tych pierwiastków przeprowadzono według metody Zeiena i Brümmera. Wykazano zróżnicowaną zawartość wydzielonych siedmiu frakcji ołowiu i chromu w badanych glebach. Najwięcej obydwu metali stwierdzono (w przeważającej większości) we frakcji rezydualnej F7, a najwięcej ołowiu we frakcji organicznej (F4). Najmniej ołowiu stwierdzono we frakcji wymiennej F2 (we frakcji łatwo rozpuszczalnej F1 nie został on wykryty), a najmniej chromu we frakcji łatwo rozpuszczalnej (F1) oraz organicznej (F4). Obliczenia statystyczne wykazały, że badane frakcje ołowiu i chromu były przeważnie istotnie zależne od wydzielonych frakcji, ogólnej zawartości tych metali oraz niektórych właściwości analizowanych gleb

    Impact of a spent mushroom substrate, Agaricus bisporus on chromium and copper speciation in the humus horizon

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    Spent mushroom substrate used as fertilizing material provides nutrients for plants in forms with a different degree of availability. A two-year experiment was conducted in central eastern Poland (Siedlecka High Plain) to determine the fertilizing effect of substrate previously used to grow mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) on the total content chromium and copper content and their quantitative content in the fraction in humus horizon pseudogley loessive soil. The experiment included the control (without fertilization), and several fertilized variants: NPK, swine manure, swine manure + NPK, spent mushroom substrate and spent mushroom substrate +NPK. The sequential fractionation of chromium and copper, carried out according to the BCR protocol, in the soil humus horizon under the above treatments demonstrated various concentration of these metals in the extracted fractions and their shares in the total content. Fertilization with spent mushroom substrate alone and with NPK contributed to a decrease in the Cr content in the F2 and F3 fractions, but resulted in an increase in the Cu content in the F1, F2 and F3 fractions after the second year of plant cultivation in comparison with the first year. The highest share of the tested metals in the total content was detected in the residual fraction F4: after the second year for chromium and after the first year of the experiment for copper

    Neuroprotective action of proline-rich polypeptide-1 in β-amyloid induced neurodegeneration in rats

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/ Copyright Elsevier [Full text of this article is not available in the UHRA]It is recognized that the main trigger of Alzheimer disease related neurodegeneration is β-amyloid peptide, which subsequently generates different metabolic disorders in neuron and finally leads to neuronal death. Several biologically active products were tested as neuroprotectors, but only few of them demonstrated any efficiency.Proline-rich polypeptide-1 was tested as a neuroprotective agent on Aβ25-35 animal model of Alzheimer disease. Biochemical analysis (determination of spectrum of neuroactive amino acids, such as glutamate, gamma-aminobutyric acid, glycine, aspartate and taurine), as well as behavioral, electrophysiological and morphological studies were performed to reveal the neuroprotective potential of proline-rich polypeptide in rats.Based on the results of our study it can be concluded that proline-rich polypeptide-1 has a potential to be one of the effective preventive or therapeutic agents against neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer disease.Peer reviewe