187 research outputs found

    Robust Coordinated Designing of PSS and UPFC Damping Controller

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    This paper presents the simultaneous coordinated designing of the UPFC robust power oscillation damping controller and the conventional power system stabilizer. On the basis of the linearized Phillips-Herffron model, the coordinated design problem of PSS and UPFC damping controllers over a wide range of loading conditions and system configurations is formulated as an optimization problem with the eigenvalue-based multiobjective function which is solved by a particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) that has a strong ability to find the most optimistic results. The stabilizers are tuned to simultaneously shift the undamped electromechanical modes to a prescribed zone in the s-plane. To ensure the robustness of the proposed simultaneous coordinated controllers tuning, the design process takes into account a wide range of operating conditions and system configurations. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through eigenvalue analysis, nonlinear time-domain simulation and some performance indices studies under various disturbance conditions of over a wide range of loading conditions. The results of these studies show that the PSO based simultaneous coordinated controller has an excellent capability in damping power system oscillations and enhance greatly the dynamic stability of the power system

    Robust Coordinated Designing of PSS and UPFC Damping Controller

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    This paper presents the simultaneous coordinated designing of the UPFC robust power oscillation damping controller and the conventional power system stabilizer. On the basis of the linearized Phillips-Herffron model, the coordinated design problem of PSS and UPFC damping controllers over a wide range of loading conditions and system configurations is formulated as an optimization problem with the eigenvalue-based multiobjective function which is solved by a particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) that has a strong ability to find the most optimistic results. The stabilizers are tuned to simultaneously shift the undamped electromechanical modes to a prescribed zone in the s-plane. To ensure the robustness of the proposed simultaneous coordinated controllers tuning, the design process takes into account a wide range of operating conditions and system configurations. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through eigenvalue analysis, nonlinear time-domain simulation and some performance indices studies under various disturbance conditions of over a wide range of loading conditions. The results of these studies show that the PSO based simultaneous coordinated controller has an excellent capability in damping power system oscillations and enhance greatly the dynamic stability of the power system

    Neural network-aided receivers for soliton communication impaired by solitonic interaction

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    In this paper, different neural network-based methods are proposed to improvethe achievable information rate in amplitude-modulated soliton communication systems. The proposed methods use simulated data to learn effective soliton detection by suppressing nonlinear impairments beyond amplifier noise, including intrinsic inter-soliton interaction, Gordon-Haus effect-induced timing jitter, and their combined impact. We first present a comprehensive study of these nonlinear impairments based on numerical simulations. Then, two neural network designs are developed based on a regression network and a classifier. We estimate the achievable information rates of the proposed learning-based soliton detection schemes as well as two modelbased benchmark schemes, including the nonlinear Fourier transform eigenvalue estimation and continuous spectrum-aided eigenvalue estimation schemes. Our results demonstrate that bothlearning-based designs lead to substantial performance gains when compared to the benchmark schemes. Importantly, we highlight that exploiting the channel memory, introduced by solitonic interactions, can yield additional gains in the achievable information rate. Through a comparative analysis of the two neural network designs, we establish that the classifier design exhibits superioradaptability to interaction impairment and is more suitable for symbol detection tasks in the context of the investigated scenarios

    Robust state feedback controller design of STATCOM using chaotic optimization algorithm

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    In this paper, a new design technique for the design of robust state feedback controller for static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) using Chaotic Optimization Algorithm (COA) is presented. The design is formulated as an optimization problem which is solved by the COA. Since chaotic planning enjoys reliability, ergodicity and stochastic feature, the proposed technique presents chaos mapping using Lozi map chaotic sequences which increases its convergence rate. To ensure the robustness of the proposed damping controller, the design process takes into account a wide range of operating conditions and system configurations. The simulation results reveal that the proposed controller has an excellent capability in damping power system low frequency oscillations and enhances greatly the dynamic stability of the power systems. Moreover, the system performance analysis under different operating conditions shows that the phase based controller is superior compare to the magnitude based controller

    A novel current injection model of PWMSC for control and analysis of power system stability

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    This paper proposes a novel current injection model of Pulse width Modulation based Series Compensator (PWMSC), as new FACTS controller, for damping of low frequency oscillations. The PWMSC operates as a means of continuous control of the degree of series compensation through the variation of the duty cycle of a train of fixed frequency-pulses. The methodology is tested on the sample single machine power system including PWMSC controller by performing computer simulations for small and large distributions. MATLAB/ Simulink software package was used for the simulations

    A series multi-step approach for operation Co-optimization of integrated power and natural gas systems

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    Power to gas units and gas turbines have provided considerable opportunities for bidirectional interdependency between electric power and natural gas infrastructures. This paper proposes a series of multi-step strategy with surrogate Lagrange relaxation for operation co-optimization of an integrated power and natural gas system. At first, the value of coordination capacity is considered as a contract to avoid dysfunction in each system. Then, the uncertainties and risks analysis associated with wind speed, solar radiation, and load fluctuation are implemented by generating stochastic scenarios. Finally, before employing surrogate Lagrange relaxation, the non-linear and non-convex gas flow constraint is linearized by two-dimension piecewise linearization. In the proposed procedure, constraints for energy storages and renewable energy sources are included. Two case studies are employed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The surrogate Lagrange relaxation approach with coordination branch &amp; cut method enhances the accuracy of convergence and can effectively reduce the decision-making time.</p

    Design of an Immune-Genetic Algorithm-Based Optimal State Feedback Controller as UPFC

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    Abstract-an optimal design of state feedback controller as an UPFC using immune genetic algorithm (IGA) is presented. The potential of the UPFC supplementary state feedback controllers to enhance the dynamic stability is evaluated. The selection of the state feedback gains for the UPFC controllers is converted to an optimization problem with the time domain-based objective function which is solved by an IGA. The effectiveness of the new controller is demonstrated through time-domain simulation studies. The results of these studies show that the designed controller has an excellent capability in damping power system oscillations

    A general mathematical model for LVRT capability assessment of DER-penetrated distribution networks

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    Low voltage ride through (LVRT) is one of the indispensable issues of recent decade in the context of grid codes. LVRT stands for the ability of a generation facility to stay connected during the voltage dip. Despite the numerous discussions in recent works, but they mostly concentrate on the LVRT-based control of distributed energy resources (DERs) integrated into a microgrid and its improvement. However, what has been hidden and not addressed any more yet is an index to measure the LVRT capability of a DER-penetrated distribution network (DPDN) under different voltage sags. This takes precedence when we want to evaluate the LVRT capability of DPDNs with consideration of various LVRT categories of DERs mandated in IEEE 1547 standard. This paper introduces a general framework for LVRT assessment of a DPDN by solving a system of differential algebraic equations (DAEs). Then expected LVRT capability of a DPDN is evaluated by a proposed LVRT index through the implementation of Monte Carlo simulation technique.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    An Analytical Framework for Evaluating the Impact of Distribution-Level LVRT Response on Transmission System Security

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    Low voltage ride through (LVRT) is a solution to increase the tolerance of distributed energy resources (DERs) against the voltage sags. However, the possibility of DERs trip according to the present grid codes exists. Such trips are essential for transmission systems with connected DER-penetrated distribution networks (DPDNs). This paper investigates an analytical framework to see the impact of distribution-level LVRT response on transmission system security. LVRT response stands for the total amount of lost DER capacity due to the inability to meet the LVRT requirement during the voltage sag. This generation loss in the distribution sector can expose the transmission network to lines overloading after fault clearance. The proposed novel approach is based on a source contingency analysis that lets TSOs conduct an LVRT-oriented security assessment. A mathematical function is defined as the LVRT response function of DPDNs. This function gives the lost DER capacity in response to the transmission level transient faults and is constructed by distribution system operators (DSOs). The TSO can use these functions to assess the loading security of transmission lines in post-clearance conditions. In this analytical framework, LVRT-oriented security is evaluated by calculating the risk of lines overloading under a large number of random faults.The proposed approach is implemented in two test power systems with a considerable DER penetration level to obtain the risk of line overloading due to the LVRT response in distribution networks.©2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed