26 research outputs found

    Spiritual Soul of Human

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here. Today, despite the welfare and technological advances, man still has not been able to achieve his ultimate calmness. There are both internal and external issues in human’s world, if faced without meaning and connection to spiritual perceptions, each will be excruciating both mentally and physically, ultimately affecting his mental health by these apparently powerful little cognitive-behavioral obstacles, so that he loses the pulse of lifeFor downloading the full-text of this article please click here

    The Role and Position of Veil (Cover) in Promoting Family and Woman’s Spiritual Health

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    Veil (hijab) is one of the most important elements in the spiritual health of women. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the veil and spiritual health in women and its impact on the spiritual health of the family, and to explain this issue in the dimension of the health of women and family as well as community by referring to some psychological effects of the veil (hijab). The veil enhances the value of women and above all provides their mental security with protection of human emotions and adherence to moral principles. Veil is responsible for strengthening the family foundation, and guarantees its spiritual health and is as a phenomenon effective in providing family health, which appears as a dynamic and pioneer attribute and saves the family from disintegration. This paper deals with components that consider the veil as a prominent factor in the health of woman and family. The research method used in this study was library method through content analysis

    Examining Normal Personality from the Perspective of Psychology and the Qur'an

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objective: Down the centuries, different people and schools have expressed their views about human, commenting on his traits as a healthy personality in written, oral and practical forms. Some of these traits have been provided by humanistic schools and some by divine religions. The underpinnings of humanistic schools are human thoughts, needs analysis, and identifying human limited to their time which lose their applicability over time. However, the underpinnings of divine schools (religions) is recognition of human beyond human imagination by his Creator offered by one of these people, namely the Prophet of the Almighty God, in which the perception of the audiences, i.e. human being has been considered and each individual enjoys it as much as s/he could understand. Therefore, in the present paper as a content analysis based on certain resources, the traits of a healthy individual were studied according to the Holy Qur'an.Method: This study is descriptive, analytical, and inferential by nature carried out using electronic resources, books, and journals. The researchers declared no conflicts of interests.Results: The findings indicated that the Qur’an regards human as a creature with two dimensions of material and spirit, and thus defines his normal personality paradigm.Conclusion: While considering three areas of cognition, emotion, and behavior for human personality, the Quran conditions realization of his perfectness and transcendence by promotion and growth of three aspects of existentialism in the context of three-dimensional communication (self, God and world) and by the charter designed for human, which is also based on his nature and truth, not by the two-dimensional relationship of self and the world available in most schools of psychology.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Please cite this article as: Safara M, Salmabadi M. Examining Normal Personality from the Perspective of Psychology and the Qur'an. J Res Relig Health. 2019; 5(2): 115- 126. doi: https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i2.2090

    The Relationship between Islamic Life Style and Happiness among the Students in Saveh, Iran

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    This study was conducted with the aim of representing the relationship between Islamic lifestyle and happiness in male and female students of Islamic Azad University in Saveh branch in 2015. The research population consisted of 5000 male and female students of Islamic Azad University in Saveh branch and among them, 350 people were considered as sample by using Cochran formula and Stratified random sampling method. Data collection tool was standard questionnaire of Islamic lifestyle of Kavyani (2009) and standard questionnaire of Oxford happiness (1990). The reliability of Islamic lifestyle questionnaire by using Cronbach's alpha method was more than 0.79% and for questionnaire of happiness was more than 0.84%. Also to measure the questionnaires’ content validity, they confirmed by specialists. Data analysis was carried out through SPSS 20 software in two aspects of descriptive (frequency, frequency percentage, mean, standard deviation) and inferential (K-S Test, Pearson correlation coefficient, Ranking Fridman test, Simple and Spearman). The results showed a significant positive relationship between Islamic lifestyle and happiness of students. In other words, by increasing the life style of the students, their happiness will also be increased. There is a significant positive relationship between Islamic lifestyle and elements of happiness (positive cognitive, social commitment, positive mood, a sense of control over life, physical health, self-satisfaction, mental alertness). In other words, the increase in Islamic lifestyle factors increases students' happiness

    The Effect of Group Counseling Based on Spirituality on the Development of Positive Relations with Others and Self-acceptance in Girls of Divorced Families: An Experimental Study

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objective: Parents getting divorced is a stressful situation for the children that may expose them to many psychological problems. However, spiritual intervention can lead to adaptability, improved interpersonal relationships and, finally, empowerment of female children of divorce. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of group counseling model based on spirituality on the development of positive relations with others and self-acceptance in girls of divorce.Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study involving two groups. The sample population included all girls whose parents had got divorced and were school students in Karaj, Iran, in the educational year 2017-2018. Out of the sample population, a total 20 girls were selected via accessible sampling method. Ten girls were assigned to the experimental and 10 to the control group. The experimental group received the treatment in eight (two-hour) sessions while the control group received no treatment. Immediately after the last treatment session, posttests were administered to the participants. Ryff’s Psychological Wellbeing Questionnaire was applied for collecting data. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and MANCOVA. In this study, all the ethical considerations have been observed and the authors reported no conflict of interest.Results: The results showed that group counseling model based on spirituality had a significant effect on the development of positive relationships with others and self-acceptance in girls of divorce (P<0.05).Conclusion: According to the findings, it seems that spiritual intervention is effective in increased positive relations with others and self-acceptance in girls after their parents’ divorce. Therefore, practical measures can be taken through group counseling based on spirituality to improve and promote their psychological wellbeing. For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Please cite this article as: Safara M, Khanbabaee M, Khanbabaee M. The Effect of Group Counseling Based on Spirituality on the Development of Positive Relations with Others and Self-acceptance in Girls of Divorced Families: An Experimental Study. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2020;6(2):49-61. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v6i2.2305

    The Role of Social Intelligence and Resilience in Explaining Students’ Distress Tolerance: A Study during Covid-19 Pandemic

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    IL RUOLO DELL’INTELLIGENZA SOCIALE E DELLA RESILIENZA NELLO SPIEGARE LA TOLLERANZA AL DISAGIO DEGLI STUDENTI: UNO STUDIO DURANTE LA PANDEMIA DI COVID-19 Abstract Understanding the factors that influence or correlate with distress tolerance is very important. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of social intelligence and resilience in explaining college students’ distress tolerance. A descriptive correlational study was carried out on 260 male college students of Farhangian University of Birjand, Iran in 2020/21. They completed Social Intelligence Scale, Resilience Scale, and Distress Tolerance Questionnaire. The results showed that there was a direct and significant relationship between social intelligence and distress tolerance (r = 0.473; p <0.001), as well as resilience and distress tolerance (r = 0.608; p = 0.008). Also, the coefficient of determination showed that the components of social intelligence and resilience up to 65% can explain the variance of students’ distress tolerance. Psychological interventions such as promoting social intelligence and effective resilience can be used to prevent and control the college students’ distress especially during Covid-19 pandemic

    A meta-analysis of the effect of religiosity and spirituality on treatment of psychotic-clinical disorders (2003-2013)

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objective: Although in the 20th century religion was regarded as an obstacle in front of modernizing human societies and was a symbol of old-fashioned ideas, it leads to serenity and spiritual enjoyment for a religious person who believes that God is supporting them in all walks of life. Therefore, the question is whether religion is able to improve people’s mental health given the existing differences in individuals’ views in this regard. The current study aimed to conduct a meta-analysis on the association between mental health and religiosity.Method: The method of this study is meta-analysis. This study is among documentary researches that are based on systematic review. Systematic review pursues settlement and combination of researches and evidences that focus in special question. Statistical population of this study included papers published in peer reviewed journals that were connected to the topic and were published during 1380-1395. At first we did a primary study and gathered data. Validity of elected papers was appropriate (0.99). Validity of the Iranian papers was a bit higher than that of English papers. The researchers declared no conflict of interests.Results: Mental health, happiness and satisfaction of life were the most repeatedly mentioned subjects in Iranian papers and heterogeneity of variables were relatively low. In English studies, the majority of studies had focused on the effect of religiosity on health, quality of life and depression. Diversity of variables in English papers was higher than that of Iranian papers. Overall, according to the results of the reviewed papers, 34% of the findings reported a weak effect of religiosity on mental health, 34.4% indicated a strong impact and 31.4% showed a medium influence.Conclusion: The effect size of religiosity has been studied more frequently in Iranian papers. The similarity in the low and high effect sizes in Iranian papers indicate that further studies are required in this regard.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Please cite this article as: Safara M, Balali Dehkordi N, Sadidpour SS. A meta-analysis of the effect of religiosity and spirituality on treatment of psychotic-clinical disorders (2003-2013). J Res Relig Health. 2019; 5(3): 124- 136. doi: https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i3.2090

    Philosophical - Psychological 's Recognition of Concept of Spirituality

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    In many of the contemporary writings, the scholars have talked about spirituality as a constant pursuit of humanity throughout history. Throughout history, the search for spirituality has found numerous cultural interpretations, but its critical and comparative study in the global and intercultural context is an emerging phenomenon of the twentieth century. Although many contemporary dictionaries and encyclopedias refer to spiritualism, spiritual associations, and spiritual experiences, or spiritual ways, they are not necessarily included an entry for spirituality in the true sense of the word. Some religions do not have a precise word for the term ‘spirituality’ which derives from the Christian tradition, but nevertheless the notion of spirituality has become popular today and is now used both inside and outside the religions as well as in the inter-faith and secular fields. The tendencies that are common in contemporary times to spirituality emphasize individuality and self-development and have been accompanied by a different understanding of human psychology

    روح معنوی انسان

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    تحقيق هدوئه المرغوب والغائي. هناك كثير من الامور في العالم البشري الداخلي والخارجي لو واجهها البشر دون التوجه الى معانيها وارتباطها بالقضايا المعنوية، تكون مزعجة وتؤدي الى انهاك روح البشر بل وحتى جسمه. وفي نهاية المطاف تتأثر صحته العقلية بهذه الامور الضئيلة التي تبدو قوية (العوائق الابستمولوجية-السلوكية) وتتجه نحوها حيث تفقد نبض حياتها. يتم استناد المقالة على الترتيب التالي: Please cite this article as: Safara M. Spiritual Soul of Human. J Res Relig Health. 2018; 4(4): 1- 6.Today, despite the welfare and technological advances, man still has not been able to achieve his ultimate calmness. There are both internal and external issues in human’s world, if faced without meaning and connection to spiritual perceptions, each will be excruciating both mentally and physically, ultimately affecting his mental health by these apparently powerful little cognitive-behavioral obstacles, so that he loses the pulse of life. This is to say that spirituality leads to perceiving meaning, purpose, realizing moral values Please cite this article as: Safara M. Spiritual Soul of Human. J Res Relig Health. 2018; 4(4): 1- 6.DOI: https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v4i4.22599امروزه بشر با وجود برخورداري از امكانات رفاهي و&nbsp;پيشرفت تكنولوژي، هنوز نتوانسته است به آرامش غايي و مطلوب خود دست پيدا كند. بسياري از موارد در دنياي دروني و بيروني انسان وجود دارد كه در صورت مواجهه با آن بدون معنابخشي و اتصال به تعابير معنوي، هر يك آزاردهنده‌هایی در جهت استهلاك رواني بلكه جسمي خواهد بود و در نهايت بهداشت روان وي متأثر از همين كوچك‌هاي به ظاهر قدرتمند (موانع شناختي - رفتاري)، بدين سو پيش مي‌رود كه نبض حيات خويش را از دست دهد. &nbsp;استناد مقاله به این صورت است: Please cite this article as: Safara M. Spiritual Soul of Human. J Res Relig Health. 2018; 4(4): 1- 6.DOI: https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v4i4.22599 &nbsp

    رابطۀ بین سلامت معنوی با انسجام خانواده و سبک‌های هویت در زنان بی‌سرپرست و بدسرپرست

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    خلفية البحث وأهدافه: تصاعد عدد الأسر التي تعیلها النساء أو الأسر المتعرضة للعنف الأسري في کافة أرجاء العالم في السنوات الأخیرة. ومعظم هذه الأسر تعاني من مشاکل عدیدة تضعها في خانة الشرائح الإجتماعیة الهشّة وتجعلها معرّضة للکثیر من المشاکل والتحدیات النفسیة. تهدف هذه الدراسة رصد العلاقة بین ثلاثة متغیرات هي السلامة النفسیة، والتماسك الأسري، وإشکالیة الهویة لدی النساء الأرامل والمعرضات للعنف الأسري. منهجية البحث: تعمتد الدراسة المنهجیة الوصفیة الإرتباطیة. والمجتمع الإحصائي الذي جرت علیه الدراسة هو ربات البیوت والأرامل العاملات المتعرضات للعنف الأسري والمدرجات تحت حمایة المؤسسات الإغاثیة الإجتماعیة في مدینة کرج. وقد اختیر 1013 إمرأة في عام 2020-2019 لإجراء الدراسة. وفي الإختیار الأخیر تم اختیار 285 إمرأة وتم تقسیم هذه النساء إلی أربع فئات کالتالي: 1) النساء العاملات المتعرضات للعنف الأسري، 2) الأرامل العاملات، 3) ربات البیوت المتعرضات للعنف الأسري، 4) ربات البیوت الأرامل. واستفادت الدراسة لجمع المعلومات من ثلاثة استبیانات في موقع هویتي الإلکتروني، واستبیان التماسك الأسري والسلامة الروحیة لبولوتزین. تمت مراعاة جمیع الموارد الأخلاقیة في هذا البحث وإضافة إلی ذلك فإنّ مؤلفي البحث لم یشیروا إلی أيّ تضارب في المصالح. المعطیات: اظهرت النتائج أنّ علاقة السلامة الروحیة بالتماسك الأسري النساء الأرامل العاملات هي علاقة إیجابیة (01/0&gt;P و 39/0r=) کما کانت لها علاقة إیجابیة بمسألة انماط الهویة (01/0&gt;P و 24/0r=). أما بالنسبة إلی ربات البیوت الأرامل فقد کانت العلاقة بین السلامة الروحیة وأنماط الهویة علاقة إیجابیة بنسبة 5% وذات دلالة واضحة (05/0&gt;P و 24/0r=) أما فئة العاملات الأرامل فقد کانت علاقة السلامة الروحیة بانعدام الهویة علاقة سلبیة یمکن الإشارة إلیها (05/0&gt;P و60/0r=-). في حین کانت العلاقة بین السلامة الروحیة بالتماسك الأسري لدی ربات البیوت المعرضات للعنف الأسري علاقة إیجابیة وذات دلالة واضحة (01/0&gt;P و 49/0r=). الاستنتاج: أظهرت النتائج أن السلامة الروحیة لها علاقة مباشرة بالتماسك الأسري وأنماط الهویة. وتعزیز السلامة الروحیة لدی النساء المعرضات للعنف الأسري والنساء الأرامل، یمکنه توطید أواصر الأسرة. إذن تأثیر السلامة الروحیة کمصدر من مصادر صناعة الهویة في المجتمع البشري وخاصة مجتمع دیني کالمجتمع الإیراني ذو أهمیة کبیرة في توطید وشائج الأسر.Background and Objective: Today, the number of abandoned women and the women with bad husbands is increasing in the world for different reasons. Most of these families have many problems leading them to be known as a vulnerable group that is faced with many mental problems. The present study attempts to examine the relationship between the three variables of spiritual health, family integration, and identity in the women with no or a bad head of the household. Methods: The present study is descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the study included the employed housewives with no or bad heads of the household (n=1013), who were under the support of the Welfare Organization of Alborz province in Iran in 2019-2020. Finally, 285 women were selected under four sub-groups: employed women with bad heads of the household, employed women with no head of the household, housewives with no head of the household and housewives with a bad head of the household. In this study, all ethical considerations were observed and the authors reported no conflict of interests. Results: The findings showed that in the women with no head of the household, a significant and positive relationship existed between spiritual health and family integration (P&lt;0.01, r=0.39) and there was a positive relationship between spiritual health and successful identity styles (P&lt;0.01, r=0.24). Furthermore, the relationship between spiritual health and identity styles was statistically significant. In the housewives with a bad head of the household, the relationship between spiritual health and successful identity styles was significant at 0.05 and positive (P&lt;0.05, r=0.24). In the employed women with a bad head of the household, spiritual health had a significant and negative relationship with the ‘disturbed’ identity style (P&lt;0.05, r=-0.60). In the housewives with a bad head of the household, spiritual health was found to be significantly and positively correlated with family integration (P=0.01, –r=0.49). Conclusion: The findings show that there is a significant and direct relationship between spiritual health and family integration and identity styles. Improving spiritual health in women with no or bad head of the household will be effective in reinforcing family integration; the fundamental effect of spiritual health as a major source of identity creation in the society particularly in a religious society such as Iran, will have a very important role.سابقه و هدف: امروزه پدیدۀ خانوارهای زن‌سرپرست یا بدسرپرست به دلایل مختلف در تمام دنیا رو به فزونی است. بیشتر این خانوارها مشکلات عدیده‌ای دارند که موجب شده است قشری آسیب‌پذیر شناخته شوند و با مشکلات روانی متعددی روبه‌رو باشند. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی ارتباط بین سه متغیّر سلامت معنوی، انسجام خانوادگی و هویت در میان زنان بی‌سرپرست یا بدسرپرست خانواده بود. روش کار: پژوهش حاضر از نوع توصیفی-همبستگی است. جامعۀ پژوهش زنان خانه‌دار و شاغل بی‌سرپرست و بدسرپرست تحت پوشش بهزیستی شهر کرج به تعداد 1013 نفر در سال 99-1398 بود. درنهایت 285 نفر ذیل چهار گروه با گروه‌بندی زنان بدسرپرست شاغل، بی‌سرپرست شاغل، بدسرپرست خانه‌دار و بی‌سرپرست خانه‌دار انتخاب شدند. برای جمع‌آوری داده از سه پرسش‌نامۀ سنجش عینی پایگاه هویت من، انسجام خانواده و سلامت معنوی پولوتزین استفاده شد. در این پژوهش همۀ موارد اخلاقی رعایت شده است و مؤلفان مقاله تضاد منافعی گزارش نکرده‌اند. یافته‌ها: نتایج نشان داد که در زنان بی‌سرپرست شاغل سلامت معنوی با انسجام خانواده رابطۀ مثبت و معنادار (01/0&gt;P و 39/0r=) و با سبک­های هویت موفق رابطۀ مثبت داشت (01/0&gt;P و 24/0r=). در زنان بی‌سرپرست خانه‌دار رابطۀ بین سلامت معنوی و سبک هویت موفق در سطح 05/0 مثبت و معنادار بود (05/0&gt;P و 24/0r=). در نمونۀ زنان بدسرپرست شاغل سلامت معنوی تنها با سبک هویت آشفته رابطۀ منفی و معناداری داشت (05/0&gt;P و60/0r=-). در نمونۀ زنان بد­سرپرست خانه­دار سلامت معنوی با انسجام خانواده رابطۀ مثبت و معنادار آماری نشان داد (01/0&gt;P و 49/0r=). نتیجه‌گیری: یافته‌ها نشان می‌دهد که سلامت معنوی با انسجام خانواده و سبک‌های هویتی رابطۀ مستقیم و معناداری دارد. تقویت سلامت معنوی زنان بدسرپرست و بی‌سرپرست، در تقویت انسجام خانوادگی آنان مؤثر خواهد بود؛ تأثیر بنیادین سلامت معنوی به‌عنوان یکی از منابع اصلی هویت‌ساز و هویت‌بخش در جامعه به‌ویژه در جامعه‌ای دینی مثل ایران نقشی بسیار مهمی خواهد داشت