6 research outputs found

    Directive Act in the Transaction Sale at Central Market of Watampone

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    TINDAK TUTUR DIREKTIF DALAM TRANSAKSI JUAL BELI DI PASAR SENTRAL WATAMPONEAbstractThe purpose of this research is to describe the directive act of transaction in central market of Watampone. This research is focused on directive speech act used by the speakers in the tansaction. This research uses qualitative research method. Techniques of collecting data are: 1) recording each respondent and 2) collecting additional data by interviewing. Validity of data was verified by using credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Data were analyzed based on two sources of information: 1) during data collection that is: data reduction stage, encodes, data selection, memo, make summaries and temporary hypotesis and 2) after collecting the data: such as conclusion results, either recording results, observation, or interview. Type of directive speech act found in the transaction at central market Watampone in this research are making question, order, advice, request, and recommendation.Keyword: direcitive speech act, transactionAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tindak tutur direktif pada transaksi jual beli di Pasar Sentral Watampone. Fokus penelitian pada tindak tutur direktif dalam transaksi jual beli. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi: 1) melakukan perekaman kepada setiap responden dan 2) pengumpulan data tambahan dilakukan wawancara. Untuk menverifikasi keabsahan data dilakukan dengan kredibilitas, transferbilitas, dependabilitas, dan komfirmabilitas. Data dianalisis dengan mengacu kepada dua sumber informasi, yaitu 1) selama pengumpulan data berlangsung, yakni: tahap reduksi data, mengkode, memilih data, memo, membuat ringkasan, dan membuat kesimpulan sementara dan 2) setelah pengumpulan data meliputi: penarikan kesimpulan hasil temuan, baik berupa hasil rekaman, observasi, atau wawancara. Tindak tutur direktif dalam transaksi jual beli di Pasar Sentral Watampone yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu bertanya, memesan, memerintah, menasehati, memohon/meminta, dan merekomendasikan


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    This research focuses on the implementation and the challenges of authentic assessment in 2013 Curriculum. Employing case study design, the study draws insights of the implementation embracing the types of assessment, the competences to assess, and the challenges encountered by two English teachers and two classes of the students from a senior high school in Makassar. The obtained data from six nonparticipant observations, two sessions of a semi-structured interview with teachers and documentation toward teachers’ documents were all analyzed using thematic analysis model in relations to the concerns of this study. he findings demonstrated that the teachers implemented the authentic assessment in three cyclical stages covering planning, implementing, and evaluating. Three assessment types covering observation, written test, and performance assessment were employed to assess three competencies consisting of attitude, knowledge, and skills. Unfortunately, this practice still remained challenges for teacher covering pertains to scoring, time and effort consuming, and validity issue. It, therefore, could be concluded that the challenges will adhere to the implementation of authentic assessment. These findings inform teachers, policy maker, and future researcher to take possible actions on what and how to do next in order to enhance the practice of assessment in Indonesia. Keywords: authentic assessment, 2013 curriculum, implementation, competences, challenges

    The Application of Group Work Method to Increasing Student Learning Activity in the Learning Process

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze how using group work techniques has increased student learning activity. Class action research is the approach employed in this study. Planning, carrying out, observing, and reflecting are the four stages of this process. This study was carried out between March and May with participants in classes V. The study was done over the course of two cycles, with two meetings per cycle. The findings indicated that student learning activity increased with each cycle. This is demonstrated by the results of the students that participated in cycle I, where five students achieved a percentage of 15.62% and an average student learning activity of 62.19%. As opposed to cycle II, where 28 (twenty eight) students were active, the average student learning activity was 88.92% and the percentage of active students was 87.50%. In light of the average percentage of active students meeting the desired action intervention results, i.e. 80%, it can be stated that the implementation of the group work approach can boost the activeness of student learning. Increased student learning activity was accompanied by successful learning outcomes, namely 83

    Reduksi Buta Aksara Kelompok Remaja Masjid Tidak Sekolah melalui Integrasi Media Digital Berbasis Bahasa Bugis di Desa Pationgi Kecamatan Patimpeng

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    Buta aksara merupakan ketidakmapuan seseorang dalam membaca, menulis dan berhitung. Paadahal ketiga kemampuan tersebut sangat penting dalam menunjang aspek kehidupan sehingga buta aksara dapat mengakibatkan kemiskinan, kebodohan, keterbelakangan dan ketidak berdayaan masyarakat. Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki angka buta aksara yang tinggi. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan angka buta aksara mencapai 3,56 atau 5,7 juta orang. Banyaknya angka buta aksara inilah yang membuat pemerintah berupaya memperketat aturan serta membuat suatu program pengentasan buta aksara, dengan memanfaatkan teknologi salah satu alternatifnya yaitu dengan mengintegrasikan media digital berbasis Bahasa bugis melalui aplikasi Magguru Mabbaca. Magguru Mabbaca merupakan suatu aplikasi yang digunakan untuk mengenal huruf dan angka yang menggunakan Bahasa Bugis. Melalui aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat mereduksi angka buta aksara di Indonesia

    Olah Potensi Limbah Kulit Kacang Tanah Kombinasi Sekam Padi sebagai Biofoam Kemasan Ramah Lingkungan pada Karang Taruna Desa Pationgi

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    Selama ini sekam padi dan kulit kacang tanah sebagian besar hanya menjadi limbah pertanian. Pemanfaatan limbah ini tentu akan memberikan nilai tambah dan mengurangi polusi. Salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan limbah sekam padi dan kulit kacang tanah yaitu pembuatan Biodegradable foam (Biofoam). Biodegradable foam (Biofoam) merupakan kemasan makanan alternatif pengganti styrofoam yang dibuat dari bahan alami, yaitu pati dan serat. Biofoam dari sekam padi dan kacang tanah ini dapat menambah pemasukan para petani dalam hal ini memperoleh nilai ekonomi karena mendapatkan pemasukan tambahan dari pengolahan limbah (balista) serta meningkatkan kreativitas, pengetahuan, bekal keterampilan petani dalam mengubah limbah menjadi produk nilai ekonomis tinggi serta menjaga lingkungan hidup agar tetap lestari