3 research outputs found

    The implementation and use of the "5s" and Kaizen program for the management of sewing offices of a middle family company

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    A century that defined the price of its product was the company. Today, in the 21st century, who defines the price is the market. That is why one of the managers' roles today is to look after maintenance and seek continuous improvements in order to reduce costs so that profits are maintained or raised. This article deals precisely with this, through the statistics applied to performance and quality indicators. Before starting the kaizen process, this article discusses the implementation of 5S in the target company of the case study in order to organize and standardize the processes. After 5S, the kaizen was implanted and data were collected that were treated statistically. It was concluded that the system was confirmed by the statistical results after the treatment and analysis of the data, and that the main purpose of these two tools, 5S and Kaizen, is to improve competitiveness and why not say, Have more assurance of the company's sustainability


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    É sabido que o mapeamento do fluxo de valor é uma ferramenta de grande importância para identificação de desperdícios no processo produtivo. Desperdícios estes que podem ser com material parado, estoque em processo ou de produto acabado, ociosidades, gargalos, movimentações desnecessárias, dentre outras. O mapeamento do fluxo de valor veio desencadeado pelo Lean Manufacturing com objetivo de diagnosticar desperdícios e mostrar de forma clara e coesa onde eles se encontram. A partir do mapeamento do estado atual consegue-se chegar aos pontos de desperdícios e assim propor melhorias. Com as melhorias se projeta o mapeamento do estado futuro, demonstrando os ganhos esperados e/ou alcançados, caso o mesmo já tenha sido implantado. Este artigo tem como objetivo central apresentar uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre o mapeamento do fluxo de valor e aplica-lo em forma de estudo de caso numa indústria moveleira do interior paulista para demonstrar a real e importante aplicabilidade do mesmo com foco em redução de desperdícios e de custos

    The implementation and use of the "5s" and Kaizen program for the management of sewing offices of a middle family company

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    A century that defined the price of its product was the company. Today, in the 21st century, who defines the price is the market. That is why one of the managers' roles today is to look after maintenance and seek continuous improvements in order to reduce costs so that profits are maintained or raised. This article deals precisely with this, through the statistics applied to performance and quality indicators. Before starting the kaizen process, this article discusses the implementation of 5S in the target company of the case study in order to organize and standardize the processes. After 5S, the kaizen was implanted and data were collected that were treated statistically. It was concluded that the system was confirmed by the statistical results after the treatment and analysis of the data, and that the main purpose of these two tools, 5S and Kaizen, is to improve competitiveness and why not say, Have more assurance of the company's sustainability