19 research outputs found

    Mixing and blending syntactic and semantic dependencies

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    Our system for the CoNLL 2008 shared task uses a set of individual parsers, a set of stand-alone semantic role labellers, and a joint system for parsing and semantic role labelling, all blended together. The system achieved a macro averaged labelled F1- score of 79.79 (WSJ 80.92, Brown 70.49) for the overall task. The labelled attachment score for syntactic dependencies was 86.63 (WSJ 87.36, Brown 80.77) and the labelled F1-score for semantic dependencies was 72.94 (WSJ 74.47, Brown 60.18)

    The Uppsala-FBK systems at WMT 2011

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    This paper presents our submissions to the shared translation task at WMT 2011. We created two largely independent systems for English-to-French and Haitian Creole-to-English translation to evaluate different features and components from our ongoing research on these language pairs. Key features of our systems include anaphora resolution, hierarchical lexical reordering, data selection for language modelling, linear transduction grammars for word alignment and syntax-based decoding with monolingual dependency information

    Translation as Linear Transduction : Models and Algorithms for Efficient Learning in Statistical Machine Translation

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    Automatic translation has seen tremendous progress in recent years, mainly thanks to statistical methods applied to large parallel corpora. Transductions represent a principled approach to modeling translation, but existing transduction classes are either not expressive enough to capture structural regularities between natural languages or too complex to support efficient statistical induction on a large scale. A common approach is to severely prune search over a relatively unrestricted space of transduction grammars. These restrictions are often applied at different stages in a pipeline, with the obvious drawback of committing to irrevocable decisions that should not have been made. In this thesis we will instead restrict the space of transduction grammars to a space that is less expressive, but can be efficiently searched. First, the class of linear transductions is defined and characterized. They are generated by linear transduction grammars, which represent the natural bilingual case of linear grammars, as well as the natural linear case of inversion transduction grammars (and higher order syntax-directed transduction grammars). They are recognized by zipper finite-state transducers, which are equivalent to finite-state automata with four tapes. By allowing this extra dimensionality, linear transductions can represent alignments that finite-state transductions cannot, and by keeping the mechanism free of auxiliary storage, they become much more efficient than inversion transductions. Secondly, we present an algorithm for parsing with linear transduction grammars that allows pruning. The pruning scheme imposes no restrictions a priori, but guides the search to potentially interesting parts of the search space in an informed and dynamic way. Being able to parse efficiently allows learning of stochastic linear transduction grammars through expectation maximization. All the above work would be for naught if linear transductions were too poor a reflection of the actual transduction between natural languages. We test this empirically by building systems based on the alignments imposed by the learned grammars. The conclusion is that stochastic linear inversion transduction grammars learned from observed data stand up well to the state of the art

    Translation as Linear Transduction : Models and Algorithms for Efficient Learning in Statistical Machine Translation

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    Automatic translation has seen tremendous progress in recent years, mainly thanks to statistical methods applied to large parallel corpora. Transductions represent a principled approach to modeling translation, but existing transduction classes are either not expressive enough to capture structural regularities between natural languages or too complex to support efficient statistical induction on a large scale. A common approach is to severely prune search over a relatively unrestricted space of transduction grammars. These restrictions are often applied at different stages in a pipeline, with the obvious drawback of committing to irrevocable decisions that should not have been made. In this thesis we will instead restrict the space of transduction grammars to a space that is less expressive, but can be efficiently searched. First, the class of linear transductions is defined and characterized. They are generated by linear transduction grammars, which represent the natural bilingual case of linear grammars, as well as the natural linear case of inversion transduction grammars (and higher order syntax-directed transduction grammars). They are recognized by zipper finite-state transducers, which are equivalent to finite-state automata with four tapes. By allowing this extra dimensionality, linear transductions can represent alignments that finite-state transductions cannot, and by keeping the mechanism free of auxiliary storage, they become much more efficient than inversion transductions. Secondly, we present an algorithm for parsing with linear transduction grammars that allows pruning. The pruning scheme imposes no restrictions a priori, but guides the search to potentially interesting parts of the search space in an informed and dynamic way. Being able to parse efficiently allows learning of stochastic linear transduction grammars through expectation maximization. All the above work would be for naught if linear transductions were too poor a reflection of the actual transduction between natural languages. We test this empirically by building systems based on the alignments imposed by the learned grammars. The conclusion is that stochastic linear inversion transduction grammars learned from observed data stand up well to the state of the art

    Improving Phrase-Based Translation via Word Alignments from Stochastic Inversion Transduction Grammars

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    We argue that learning word alignments through a compositionally-structured, joint process yields higher phrase-based translation accuracy than the conventional heuristic of intersecting conditional models. Flawed word alignments can lead to flawed phrase translations that damage translation accuracy. Yet the IBM word alignments usually used today are known to be flawed, in large part because IBM models (1) model reordering by allowing unrestricted movement of words, rather than constrained movement of compositional units, and therefore must (2) attempt to compensate via directed, asymmetric distortion and fertility models. The conventional heuristics for attempting to recover from the resulting alignment errors involve estimating two directed models in opposite directions and then intersecting their alignments – to make up for the fact that, in reality, word alignment is an inherently joint relation. A natural alternative is provided by Inversion Transduction Grammars, which estimate the joint word alignment relation directly, eliminating the need for any of the conventional heuristics. We show that this alignment ultimately produces superior translation accuracy on BLEU, NIST, and METEOR metrics over three distinct language pairs.

    Unsupervised Learning of Bilingual Categories in Inversion Transduction Grammar Induction

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    We present the first known experiments incorporating unsupervised bilingual nonterminal category learning within end-to-end fully unsupervised transduction grammar induction using matched training and testing models. Despite steady recent progress, such induction experiments until now have not allowed for learning differentiated nonterminal categories. We divide the learning into two stages: (1) a bootstrap stage that generates a large set of categorized short transduction rule hypotheses, and (2) a minimum conditional description length stage that simultaneously prunes away less useful short rule hypotheses, while also iteratively segmenting full sentence pairs into useful longer categorized transduction rules. We show that the second stage works better when the rule hypotheses have categories than when they do not, and that the proposed conditional description length approach combines the rules hypothesized by the two stages better than a mixture model does. We also show that the compact model learned during the second stage can be further improved by combining the result of different iterations in a mixture model. In total, we see a jump in BLEU score, from 17.53 for a standalone minimum description length baseline with no category learning, to 20.93 when incorporating category induction on a Chinese–English translation task

    Linear inversion transduction grammar alignments as a second translation path

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    We explore the possibility of using Stochastic Bracketing Linear Inversion Transduction Grammars for a full-scale German–English translation task, both on their own and in conjunction with alignments induced with GIZA++. The rationale for transduction grammars, the details of the system and some results are presented.