18 research outputs found

    Multiwavelength Studies of X-ray Binaries

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    Simultaneous multiwavelength studies of X-ray binaries have been remarkably successful and resulted in improved physical constraints, a new understanding of the dependence of mass accretion rate on X-ray state, as well as insights on the time-dependent relationship between disk structure and mass-transfer rate. I will give some examples of the tremendous gains we have obtained in our understanding of XRBs by using multiwavelength observations. I will end with an appeal that while Spitzer cryogens are still available a special effort be put forth to obtaining coordinated observations including the mid-infrared: Whereas the optical and near-IR originate as superpositions of the secondary star and of accretion processes, the mid-IR crucially detects jet synchrotron emission from NSs that is virtually immeasurable at other wavelengths. A further benefit of Spitzer observations is that mid-infrared wavelengths can easily penetrate regions that are heavily obscured. Many X-ray binaries lie in the Galactic plane and as such are often heavily obscured in the optical by interstellar extinction. The infrared component of the SED, vital to the study of jets and dust, can be provided {\it only} by Spitzer; in the X-rays we currently have an unprecedented six satellites available and in the optical and radio dozens of ground-based facilities to complement the Spitzer observations.Comment: 5 pages including figures, in conference proceedings A Population Explosion: The Nature and Evolution of X-ray Binaries in Diverse Environments, eds. Bandyopadhyay, Wachter, Gelino, & Gelin

    X-ray Spectral Analysis of the Steady States of GRS 1915+105

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    We report on the X-ray spectral behavior within the steady states of GRS 1915+105. Our work is based on the full data set on the source obtained using the Proportional Counter Array on the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer and 15 GHz radio data obtained using the Ryle Telescope. The steady observations within the X-ray data set naturally separated into two regions in the color-color diagram and we refer to them as steady-soft and steady-hard. GRS 1915+105 displays significant curvature in the coronal component in both the soft and hard data within the {\it RXTE}/PCA bandpass. A majority of the steady-soft observations displays a roughly constant inner disk radius (R_in), while the steady-hard observations display an evolving disk truncation which is correlated to the mass accretion rate through the disk. The disk flux and coronal flux are strongly correlated in steady-hard observations and very weakly correlated in the steady-soft observations. Within the steady-hard observations we observe two particular circumstances when there are correlations between the coronal X-ray flux and the radio flux with log slopes \eta~0.68 +/- 0.35 and \eta ~ 1.12 +/- 0.13. They are consistent with the upper and lower tracks of Gallo et al. (2012), respectively. A comparison of model parameters to the state definitions show that almost all steady-soft observations match the criteria of either thermal or steep power law state, while a large portion of the steady-hard observations match the hard state criteria when the disk fraction constraint is neglected.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Tomography of X-ray Nova Muscae 1991: Evidence for ongoing mass transfer and stream-disc overflow

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    We present a spectroscopic analysis of the black hole binary Nova Muscae 1991 in quiescence using data obtained in 2009 with MagE on the Magellan Clay telescope and in 2010 with IMACS on the Magellan Baade telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory. Emission from the disc is observed in H alpha, H beta and Ca II (8662 A). A prominent hotspot is observed in the Doppler maps of all three emission lines. The existence of this spot establishes ongoing mass transfer from the donor star in 2009-2010 and, given its absence in the 1993-1995 observations, demonstrates the presence of a variable hotspot in the system. We find the radial distance to the hotspot from the black hole to be consistent with the circularization radius. Our tomograms are suggestive of stream-disc overflow in the system. We also detect possible Ca II (8662 A) absorption from the donor star.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Discovery of Extended X-ray Emission from the Planetary Nebula NGC 7027 by the Chandra X-ray Observatory

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    We report the discovery of X-ray emission from NGC 7027, a prototypical object for the study of the formation and evolution of planetary nebulae (PNs). Observations with the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) aboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory show that the X-ray emission from NGC 7027 is extended and is bipolar in morphology. The ACIS spectrum displays strong emission from highly ionized Ne and weaker emission features which we attribute to O, Mg, and Si. Model fits to this spectrum suggest a characteristic temperature T_x ~ 3x10^6 K and an intrinsic (unabsorbed) X-ray luminosity of L_x ~ 1.3x10^32 ergs/s. The intranebular absorption of X-ray emission is highly nonuniform, but the modeling indicates an average column density N_H ~ 6x10^21 cm^-2, consistent with previous measurements of relatively large visual extinction within the nebula. We suggest that the X-ray emission from NGC 7027 is or was generated by a hitherto undetected fast wind from the central star of NGC 7027, or from a companion to this star. Chandra's detection of extended, high-temperature X-ray emission from BD +30 3639, NGC 6543, and now NGC 7027 suggests that such emission is a common feature of young planetary nebulae.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures (fig 1 is color); accepted by The Astrophysical Journal (Letters

    FUSE Observations of a Full Orbit of Hercules X-1: Signatures of Disk, Star, and Wind

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    We observed an entire 1.7 day orbit of the X-ray binary Hercules X-1 with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE). Changes in the O VI 1032,1037 line profiles through eclipse ingress and egress indicate a Keplerian accretion disk spinning prograde with the orbit. These observations may show the first double-peaked accretion disk line profile to be seen in the Hercules X-1 system. Doppler tomograms of the emission lines show a bright spot offset from the Roche lobe of the companion star HZ Her, but no obvious signs of the accretion disk. Simulations show that the bright spot is too far offset from the Roche lobe to result from uneven X-ray heating of its surface. The absence of disk signatures in the tomogram can be reproduced in simulations which include absorption from a stellar wind. We attempt to diagnose the state of the emitting gas from the C III 977, C III 1175, and N III 991 emission lines. The latter may be enhanced through Bowen fluorescence.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Hercules X-1: Empirical Models of UV Emission Lines

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    The UV emission lines of Hercules X-1, resolved with the HST GHRS and STIS, can be divided into broad (FWHM 750 km/s) and narrow (FWHM 150 km/s) components. The broad lines can be unambiguously identified with emission from an accretion disk which rotates prograde with the orbit. The narrow lines, previously identified with the X-ray illuminated atmosphere of the companion star, are blueshifted at both phi=0.2 and phi=0.8 and the line flux at phi=0.2 is 0.2 of the flux at phi=0.8. Line ratio diagnostics show that the density of the narrow line region is log n=13.4+/-0.2 and the temperature is T=1.0+/-0.2x10^5 K. The symmetry of the eclipse ingress suggests that the line emission on the surface of the disk is left-right symmetric relative to the orbit. Model fits to the O V, Si IV, and He II line profiles agree with this result, but fits to the N V lines suggest that the receding side of the disk is brighter. We note that there are narrow absorption components in the N V lines with blueshifts of 500 km/s.Comment: To be published in the Astrophysical Journa

    Suzaku X-ray Spectra and Pulse Profile Variations during the Superorbital Cycle of LMC X-4

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    We present results from spectral and temporal analyses of Suzaku and RXTE observations of the high mass X-ray binary LMC X-4. Using the full 13 years of available RXTE/ASM data, we apply the ANOVA and Lomb normalized Periodogram methods to obtain an improved superorbital period measurement of 30.32 +/- 0.04 days. The phase-averaged X-ray spectra from Suzaku observations during the high state of the superorbital period can be modeled in the 0.6--50 keV band as the combination of a power-law with Gamma ~ 0.6 and a high-energy cutoff at ~ 25 keV, a blackbody with kT_BB ~ 0.18 keV, and emission lines from Fe K_alpha, O VIII, and Ne IX (X Lyalpha). Assuming a distance of 50 kpc, The source has luminosity L_X ~ 3 x 10^38 ergs s^-1 in the 2--50 keV band, and the luminosity of the soft (blackbody) component is L_BB ~ 1.5 x 10^37 ergs s^-1. The energy resolved pulse profiles show single-peaked soft (0.5-1 keV) and hard (6-10 keV) pulses but a more complex pattern of medium (2-10 keV) pulses; cross-correlation of the hard with the soft pulses shows a phase shift that varies between observations. We interpret these results in terms of a picture in which a precessing disk reprocesses the hard X-rays and produces the observed soft spectral component, as has been suggested for the similar sources Her X-1 and SMC X-1.Comment: 13 emulateapj pages, 11 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    Chandra X-ray Observatory Detection of Extended X-ray Emission from the Planetary Nebula BD+303639

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    We report the detection of well resolved, extended X-ray emission from the young planetary nebula BD+303639 using the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) aboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The X-ray emission from BD+303639 appears to lie within, but is concentrated to one side of, the interior of the shell of ionized gas seen in high-resolution optical and IR images. The relatively low X-ray temperature (Tx ~ 3x10^6 K) and asymmetric morphology of the X-ray emission suggests that conduction fronts are present and/or mixing of shock-heated and photoionized gas has occurred and, furthermore, hints at the presence of magnetic fields. The ACIS spectrum suggests that the X-ray emitting region is enriched in the products of helium burning. Our detection of extended X-ray emission from BD+303639 demonstrates the power and utility of Chandra imaging as applied to the study of planetary nebulae.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures; to be published in the Astrophysical Journal (Letters

    Chandra Grating Spectroscopy of the X-ray Binary 4U 1700-37 in a Flaring State

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    Chandra X-ray Observatory grating spectra of the supergiant X-ray Binary 4U 1700-37 reveal emission lines from hydrogen and helium-like S, Si, Mg, and Ne in the 4-13 A range. The spectrum also shows fluorescent lines from S, Si, and a prominent Fe K alpha line at 1.94 A. The lines contribute to the previously unaccounted "soft excess" in the flux in this range at orbital phi~0.7. The X-ray source was observed during intermittent flaring, and the strengths of the lines vary with the source state. The widths of the lines (FWHM approximately 1000-2000 km/s) can result from either Compton scattering or Doppler shifts. Power spectra of the hard X-rays show red noise and the soft X-rays and lines show in addition quasiperiodic oscillations (QPOs) and a power-spectral break. Helium-like triplets of Si and Mg suggest that the gas is not in a pure photoionization equilibrium. We discuss whether resonant scattering could affect the line ratios or whether a portion of the wind may be heated to temperatures T~10^6 K.Comment: 43 pages, 12 figures (4 in color), submitted to The Astrophysical Journa

    The eccentric accretion disc of the black hole A0620-00

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    We present spectroscopic observations of the quiescent black hole binary A0620-00 with the 6.5-m Magellan Clay telescope at Las Campanas Observatory. We measure absorption-line radial velocities of the secondary and make the most precise determination to date (K-2 = 435.4 +/- 0.5 km s(-1)). By fitting the rotational broadening of the secondary, we refine the mass ratio to q = 0.060 +/- 0.004; these results, combined with the orbital period, imply a minimum mass for the compact object of 3.10 +/- 0.04 M-circle dot. Although quiescence implies little accretion activity, we find that the disc contributes 56 +/- 7 per cent of the light in B and V, and is subject to significant flickering. Doppler maps of the Balmer lines reveal bright emission from the gas stream-disc impact point and unusual crescent-shaped features. We also find that the disc centre of symmetry does not coincide with the predicted black hole velocity. By comparison with smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations, we identify this source with an eccentric disc. With high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), we pursue modulation tomography of H alpha and find that the aforementioned bright regions are strongly modulated at the orbital period. We interpret this modulation in the context of disc precession, and discuss cases for the accretion disc evolution