8 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Emisi Gas Co2 Untuk Budidaya Spirulina Platensis Dalam Upaya Penurunan Gas Rumah Kaca (Grk)

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    Gas CO2 emisi boiler merupakan salahsatu Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) harus diminimisasi emisinya ke atmosfir. Pada saat ini emisi boiler dibuang ke atmosfir belum termanfaatkan. Percobaan budi daya Spirulina platensis skala laboratorium dengan penambahan gas CO2 emisi boiler telah dilakukan. Emisi CO2 boiler berbahan bakar batubara industri kertas berbahan baku kertas bekas digunakan dalam percobaan ini. Gas CO2 emisi boiler ditambahkan ke dalam media tumbuh Spirulina platensis dengan laju alir 250 – 750 mL/menit. Pertumbuhan biomassa Spirulina platensis, suhu dan pH selama percobaan diamati. Kadar protein, lemak, serat, abu dan asam amino Spirulina platensis hasil panen di analisa. Hasil menunjukan bahwa gas CO2 emisi boiler berbahan bakar batubara industri kertas dapat dimanfaatkan untuk budidaya Spirulina platensis. Kadar biomassa Spirulina platensis sebesar 222 mg/L dapat dicapai dengan penambahan gas CO2 emisi boiler dengan laju 750 ml/menit. Biomassa Spirulina platensis mengandung protein 35,97%, lemak kasar 2,16%, serat kasar 5,75%, kadar air 9,80%, dan kadar abu 13,55%. Spirulina platensis juga mengandung asam amino, Natrium dan Kalsium tetapi tidak mengandung logam berat Cd. Oleh karena itu Spirulina platensis berpotensi digunakan sebagai bahan pakan ternak. Pemanfaatan gas CO2 emisi boiler pada budidaya Spirulina platensis dapat menurunkan Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK)

    Skrining Kemangkusan Mikroba Antagonis Terhadap Penyakit Pada Tanaman Krisan

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    . Suhardi, Hanudin, W. Handayati, and A. Saepulloh. 2007. Screening of the Efficacy of Biological Agents Against Pseudomonas cichorii and Other Diseases of Chrysanthemum. Research to know the efficacy of biological agents to control the diseases on chrysanthemum were done in a glasshouse and field. As many as 20 bacterial isolates were tested by spraying bacterial cells at 108 cfu/ml until run off. Evaluation was done at the harvest time in relation to disease intensity. Results indicates that leaf blight did not develop in the glasshouse, but other diseases such as fusarium wilt and powdery mildew progressed significantly. In the field, besides leaf blight, other diseases were found i.e. white rust caused by Puccinia horiana and soft rot caused by Erwinia sp.. Pseudomonas fluorescens isolate Pf 2 and Pf 4A, Bacillus subtilis isolate Ba 13, Ba 16, and Ba 17 were effectively suppressed blight intensity. Pseudomonas fluorescens isolate Pf 2, Pf 4A, and Pf 16 were effective to white rust. All isolates were not effective against soft rot. Pseudomonas fluorescens isolate Pf 2 and MR 9 and B. subtilis isolate Ba 9 were effective in controlling powdery mildew on chrysanthemum in glasshouse

    Profil Kesehatan Sapi Indukan Belgian Blue di Indonesia terhadap Penyakit Hewan Menular

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    Peningkatan efisiensi reproduksi dan genetik ternak melalui pengembangan sapi Belgian Blue (BB) melalui transfer embrio (TE) dan inseminasi buatan (IB) telah dilakukan di Indonesia sejak tahun 2017. Untuk menghasilkan anak sapi BB yang sehat diperlukan indukan sapi yang sehat dan bebas terhadap penyakit hewan menular. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan pengujian penyakit menular brucellosis, leptospirosis, campylobacteriosis, paratuberculosis, septicemic epizootica (SE), bovine viral diare (BVD), infectious bovine rhinothraceitis (IBR), enzootic bovine leucosis (EBL), trichomoniasis, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, theleriasis, surra dan parasit cacing (strongyle, parampistomum, cestoda, fasciola) sapi calon indukan BB di pusat pengembangan sapi BB di Indonesia. Sebanyak 291 indukan sapi dikoleksi sampel serum, darah, swab vagina dan feses diuji di laboratorium BBLitvet. Hasil pengujian terhadap 291 sampel yang dikoleksi menunjukkan tidak terdeteksi brucellosis, EBL, trichomoniasis dan surra, namun terdeteksi antibodi terhadap IBR 40,89% (119/291), BVD 70,79% (206/291), SE 56,36% (164/291), leptospirosis 41,24% (120/291) dan paratuberculosis 0,69% (2/291). Pengujian terhadap parasit darah terdeteksi anaplasmosis 41,92% (122/291), babesiosis 28,18% (82/291) dan theleriasis 30,24% (88/291)


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    This report is under the SEAFDEC/UNEP/GEF Project on “Establishment and Operation of a Regional System of Fisheries Refugia in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand”The West Kalimantan waters are part of the South China Sea (SCS) (Fisheries Management Area 711) and have a potential habitat for penaeid shrimp (shrimp from the Penaeidea family). The high economic valuable shrimp species inhabit West Kalimantan marine water including banana shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis) and white shrimp (Penaeus indicus. Penaeid shrimps known as a leading commodity in Indonesian fishery export product. Around 70% of shrimp production comes from fishing at sea. Around 70% of shrimp production comes from fishing activities at sea. The domestic and export market demand for Penaeid shrimp continues to increase every year, thus encouraging increased fishing efforts. The status of the utilization level of Penaeid shrimp in fisheries management area (FMA) 711 is 0.6 (fully exploited). The threats to the shrimp fisheries in West Kalimantan are uncontrolled and destructive fishing methods and gears, the conversion of mangrove land to oil palm plantations, and the utilization of mangrove wood for human activities. Therefore, the effective management efforts towards fisheries refugia approach are needed to overcome the stocks decline and maintain sustainability in the futureUNEP/GE

    Strategi Kepemimpinan Rasulullah SAW

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    Degradation of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (OPEFB) in Super-Critical Organic Solvents Affecting the Chemicals Distribution of Bio-Oil

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    Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) in different organic solvents (methanol, ethanol, acetone, toluene and hexane) to produce bio-oil were comparatively investigated. Experiments were carried out in an autoclave at different temperature of 300, 350 and 400 oC with a fixed solid/liquid ratio of 4 gram in 50 mL solvent, without catalysts and reaction time of 5 hours. The liquid products were analyzed using GCMS to determine the chemical composition. Result showed that the chemical compositions were greatly affected by the solvent types. Each solvent has a major component in bio-oil products. The major compounds resulted from methanol and ethanol solvent were ketones/others. The major compounds resulted from toluene and hexane solvents were organic acid, which favoured high temperature. Meanwhile, esters and organic acid were the major products from acetone solvents. Temperature operation resulted more variations in the chemical composition and the percentages of the bio-oil

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerima Bantuan Pembangunan Rumah Tidak Layak Huni dengan Menggunakan Metode Profile Matching di Kelurahan Sukaasih Kota Tasikmalaya

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    Kelurahan Sukaasih merupakan salah satu Pemerintahan yang berada di Kecamatan Purbaratu. Mendapatkan beberapa bantuan dari pemerintah, diantaranya bantuan RTLH (Rumah Tidak Layak Huni. Dalam proses pembangunan sistem pendukung keputusan ini menggunakan metode profile matching. Metode ini dipilih karena mampu menyeleksi alternatif terbaik berdasarkan kriteria penduduk yang telah ditentukan oleh BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik). Dengan menentukan nilai bobot dari setiap kriteria yang ada untuk diperoleh nilai selisih dan dilakukan perangkingan antar rumah penduduk untuk menghasilkan sesuatu yang benar-benar layak untuk di pilih. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, sistem yang dibangun dapat membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan pada bagian BKM (Badan Keswadayaan Masyarakat) program bantuan RTLH (Rumah Tidak Layak Huni) dengan cepat dan tepat dengan hasil yang objektif dan tidak memihak pada salah satu penduduk