30 research outputs found

    Eguzkitako kremen ekotoxizitatea

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    Koralezko uharriak ur azpiko ekosistemarik dibertsoenetarikoak dira, ingurumeneko aldaketa txikiekiko sentikorrak direnak. Hala, urteetan zehar gizakiek eragindako mehatxu lokal zein mundu-mailakoek koralen heriotza eragin dute eta, horrekin batera, biodibertsitatearen murrizketa. Mehatxu lokalen artean, eguzkitako kremak daude, haien konposatua den oxibentzona barne. Iragazki organiko hori, azalaren babeserako ez ezik, azalaren eta ilearen zaintze-produktuetan, kosmetikarako eta perfumeen konposaketarako ere erabili izan da. Itsasoan sartzean, krema bertan murgildu, eta koraletan metatzen da, haien zuritzea eta ondoriozko heriotza eraginez. Konposatu horren eragin toxikoak azterturik, ekosistemaren babeserako alternatibak bilatu beharko dira, zink oxidoaren, titanio dioxidoaren eta horien gisako iragazki mineralen ezaugarriak baloratuz.; Coral reefs are one of the most diverse underwater ecosystems, sensitive to small changes in the environment. Thus, over the years both local and global threats have led to the death of corals and, in turn, an important reduction on biodiversity. Among local threats, there are sunscreens, including oxybenzone compound. This organic filter has been used not only for skin protection, but also for skin and hair care products, cosmetics and perfume. Upon entering the sea, suncreams are submerged and deposited in the corals, causing their bleaching and death. When examining the toxic effects of this compound, alternatives to ecosystem protection should be found, assessing the characteristics of mineral filters such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide

    Piel y envejecimiento: prevención y tratamiento desde el punto de vista cosmético

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    El envejecimiento cutáneo es un fenómeno biológico inevitable de la vida humana causado por la disminución de la función celular durante la edad y la exposición acumulativa a influencias nocivas. Los factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos actúan sinérgicamente para inducir cambios en la piel. El principal factor ambiental que afecta a la piel es la radiación ultravioleta solar. Las células de la dermis y la matriz extracelular sufren un daño progresivo que afecta a su organización y su capacidad de auto reparación. En particular, la acumulación de especies reactivas de oxígeno (ROS) juega un papel fundamental en este proceso de envejecimiento provocando una desregulación de las metaloproteinasas (MMP) de la matriz extracelular que darán lugar a cambios visibles en la piel.Durante los últimos años, ha habido un progreso en el conocimiento de estos mecanismos de daño molecular para intentar evitar o paliar sus consecuencias. Este trabajo se centra en las diferentes teorías que explican el envejecimiento de la piel, así como las causas que pueden inducirlo y los tratamientos preventivos que pueden disminuir sus consecuencias.Se ha realizado una revisión de la literatura existente mediante búsquedas en las bases de datos Pubmed, Science Direct, Dialnet, Scielo y Cochrane, seleccionando preferentemente metaanálisis y ensayos clínicos aleatorizados (ECA). Los resultados obtenidos tras la búsqueda reflejan que existen varios tratamientos que previenen el foto envejecimiento como los retinoides, antioxidantes como la vitamina C y la coenzima Q10 o los péptidos derivados del colágeno; mientras que otros tratamientos como la toxina botulínica o el ácido hialurónico disminuyen las consecuencias visibles del proceso una vez comenzado. Aun así, la medida preventiva considerada como clave en el proceso del envejecimiento cutáneo es la foto protección física o química. Se necesitan más investigaciones y ensayos clínicos para descubrir nuevas vías de prevenir el envejecimiento cutáneo.<br /

    Decellularized Extracellular Matrix-Based Bioinks for Tendon Regeneration in Three-Dimensional Bioprinting

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    In the last few years, attempts to improve the regeneration of damaged tendons have been rising due to the growing demand. However, current treatments to restore the original performance of the tissue focus on the usage of grafts; although, actual grafts are deficient because they often cannot provide enough support for tissue regeneration, leading to additional complications. The beneficial effect of combining 3D bioprinting and dECM as a novel bioink biomaterial has recently been described. Tendon dECMs have been obtained by using either chemical, biological, or/and physical treatments. Although decellularization protocols are not yet standardized, recently, different protocols have been published. New therapeutic approaches embrace the use of dECM in bioinks for 3D bioprinting, as it has shown promising results in mimicking the composition and the structure of the tissue. However, major obstacles include the poor structural integrity and slow gelation properties of dECM bioinks. Moreover, printing parameters such as speed and temperature have to be optimized for each dECM bioink. Here, we show that dECM bioink for 3D bioprinting provides a promising approach for tendon regeneration for future clinical applications.This work was funded by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU and the Basque Country Government (IT1448-22). Supported by the fellowships granted to Fouad Al-Hakim Khalak (PRE_2021_2_0181) and Sandra Ruiz-Alonso (PRE_2021_2_0153). Likewise, the authors thank ICTS “NANBIOSIS”, in particular the Drug Formulation Unit (U10) of the CIBER in Bioengineering, Biomaterials, and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in Vitoria-Gasteiz

    Therapeutic Opportunities and Delivery Strategies for Brain Revascularization in Stroke, Neurodegeneration, and Aging

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    [EN] Central nervous system (CNS) diseases, especially acute ischemic events and neurodegenerative disorders, constitute a public health problem with no effective treatments to allow a persistent solution. Failed therapies targeting neuronal recovery have revealed the multifactorial and intricate pathophysiology underlying such CNS disorders as ischemic stroke, Alzheimers disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, vascular Parkisonism, vascular dementia, and aging, in which cerebral microvasculature impairment seems to play a key role. In fact, a reduction in vessel density and cerebral blood flow occurs in these scenarios, contributing to neuronal dysfunction and leading to loss of cognitive function. In this review, we provide an overview of healthy brain microvasculature structure and function in health and the effect of the aforementioned cerebral CNS diseases. We discuss the emerging new therapeutic opportunities, and their delivery approaches, aimed at recovering brain vascularization in this context. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: The lack of effective treatments, mainly focused on neuron recovery, has prompted the search of other therapies to treat cerebral central nervous system diseases. The disruption and degeneration of cerebral microvasculature has been evidenced in neurodegenerative diseases, stroke, and aging, constituting a potential target for restoring vascularization, neuronal functioning, and cognitive capacities by the development of therapeutic pro-angiogenic strategies.This work was supported by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) [Grant ESPDOC19/47] (postdoctoral fellowship to I.V.B.); and the Basque Country Government (Consolidated Groups) [Grant IT907-16]

    Clay Minerals as Bioink Ingredients for 3D Printing and 3D Bioprinting: Application in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

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    The adaptation and progress of 3D printing technology toward 3D bioprinting (specifically adapted to biomedical purposes) has opened the door to a world of new opportunities and possibilities in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. In this regard, 3D bioprinting allows for the production of tailor-made constructs and organs as well as the production of custom implants and medical devices. As it is a growing field of study, currently, the attention is heeded on the optimization and improvement of the mechanical and biological properties of the so-called bioinks/biomaterial inks. One of the strategies proposed is the use of inorganic ingredients (clays, hydroxyapatite, graphene, carbon nanotubes and other silicate nanoparticles). Clays have proven to be useful as rheological and mechanical reinforcement in a wide range of fields, from the building industry to pharmacy. Moreover, they are naturally occurring materials with recognized biocompatibility and bioactivity, revealing them as optimal candidates for this cutting-edge technology. This review deals with the use of clays (both natural and synthetic) for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine through 3D printing and bioprinting. Despite the limited number of studies, it is possible to conclude that clays play a fundamental role in the formulation and optimization of bioinks and biomaterial inks since they are able to improve their rheology and mechanical properties, thus improving printability and construct resistance. Additionally, they have also proven to be exceptionally functional ingredients (enhancing cellular proliferation, adhesion, differentiation and alignment), controlling biodegradation and carrying/releasing actives with tissue regeneration therapeutic activities.This research was funded by the BASQUE COUNTRY GOVERNMENT/EUSKO JAURLARITZA (Department of Education, University and Research, Consolidated Groups IT907-16). Authors S.R.-A. and M.S.-R. thank the BASQUE COUNTRY GOVERNMENT for the granted fellowship (PRE_2020_2_0143) and the UNIVERSITY OF THE BASQUE COUNTRY/EUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA (UPV/EHU) for the granted pre-doctoral fellowship (PIF17/79), respectively

    Progress in 3D Bioprinting Technology for Osteochondral Regeneration

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    Osteochondral injuries can lead to osteoarthritis (OA). OA is characterized by the progressive degradation of the cartilage tissue together with bone tissue turnover. Consequently, joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness are common, with joint immobility and dysfunction being the most severe symptoms. The increase in the age of the population, along with the increase in risk factors such as obesity, has led OA to the forefront of disabling diseases. In addition, it not only has an increasing prevalence, but is also an economic burden for health systems. Current treatments are focused on relieving pain and inflammation, but they become ineffective as the disease progresses. Therefore, new therapeutic approaches, such as tissue engineering and 3D bioprinting, have emerged. In this review, the advantages of using 3D bioprinting techniques for osteochondral regeneration are described. Furthermore, the biomaterials, cell types, and active molecules that are commonly used for these purposes are indicated. Finally, the most recent promising results for the regeneration of cartilage, bone, and/or the osteochondral unit through 3D bioprinting technologies are considered, as this could be a feasible therapeutic approach to the treatment of OA.This research was funded by the BASQUE COUNTRY GOVERNMENT/EUSKO JAURLARITZA (Department of Education, University and Research, Consolidated Groups IT907- 16). Author S.R.-A. thank the BASQUE COUNTRY GOVERNMENT for the granted fellowship (PRE_2021_2_0153)

    Heterodimerisation of G protein-coupled receptors: implications for drug design and ligand screening

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    &lt;b&gt;Importance of the field&lt;/b&gt;: In recent times many G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been shown to dimerise/oligomerise and, in some cases, such structural organization has been found to be essential for receptor function or to play a modulatory role in living cells. The fact that these complexes may display differential pharmacology through, for example, the formation of a new binding pocket or signalling properties, as well as different functions or regulation in physiological tissues, offers novel opportunities for drug discovery. As a consequence, it seems necessary to develop new approaches suitable for GPCR heterodimer identification and selective ligand screening.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Areas covered in this review&lt;/b&gt;: This review gives an overview of new strategies that have been developed in an effort to incorporate the possibilities added by GPCR hetero-oligomerisation on the screening of compounds as drug candidates.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;What the reader will gain&lt;/b&gt;: The reader will gain a wider knowledge about how the current understanding of GPCR oligomeric structure and function has mandated that hetero-oligomeric receptors must be considered as novel targets in the identification of future lead compounds.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Take home message&lt;/b&gt;: For the improvement of novel drug discovery, more structural and functional information on the process of receptor oligomerisation is needed, and the realisation that the function of GPCRs can be greatly influenced by other interacting receptors or proteins also demands consideration in the lead-compound developing process in order to achieve better therapeutic agents.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt

    Aprendiendo a utilizar técnicas de marketing a través del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas

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    The following article presents the experience of a teaching innovation introduced in the subject of Management, Planning, Legislation and Deontology of the Degree in Pharmacy of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, to learn the thematic block of Marketing and Merchandising. This educational action has focused on achieving both the specific competences related to this subject, as well as transversal competences of team work, information search and reflection capacity, among others. For this purpose, the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) methodology has been used, making the student to face situations that will happen to him in his professional future as a pharmacist. Interactive questionnaires designed by rapid response devices (clickers), video visualizations, expository activities and reports were used. The students sometimes worked autonomously, but mainly the work in teams was promoted where the work done by each student was essential for the resolution of the situation. The valuation, both formative and accumulative, was carried out through a group deliverable, an individual self-assessment test, two brief group presentations, two individual assessment tests and finally, a more extensive group presentation. In general the evaluation showed highly satisfactory results. In addition, great involvement was achieved by the students making the development of the classes much more active and dynamic.En el siguiente artículo se presenta la experiencia de innovación docente introducida en la asignatura de Gestión, Planificación, Legislación y Deontología del Grado en Farmacia de la Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU, para el aprendizaje del bloque temático de Marketing y Merchandising. Esta acción educativa se ha enfocado en alcanzar tanto las competencias específicas relacionadas con este tema, así como las competencias transversales de trabajo en equipo, búsqueda de información y capacidad de reflexión, entre otras. Para ellos se ha utilizado la metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) haciendo que el estudiante se encuentre ante situaciones que le acontecerán en su futuro profesional como farmacéutico. Se utilizaron cuestionarios interactivos diseñados con dispositivos de respuesta rápida (clickers), visualizaciones de videos, exposiciones e informes. Los alumnos trabajaron en ocasiones de manera autónoma, pero principalmente se impulsó el trabajo en equipos donde el trabajo realizado por cada componente del mismo fuera esencial para la resolución de la situación planteada. La evaluación tanto formativa como sumativa, se realizó por medio de un entregable grupal, un test de autoevaluación individual, dos presentaciones breves grupales, dos test de evaluación individual y una presentación grupal, algo más extensa. En general, los resultados obtenidos fueron altamente satisfactorios. Además, se logró una gran implicación por parte del alumnado haciendo el desarrollo de las clases mucho más activo y dinámico

    Nondik datoz gaur egun hain ohikoak diren hipersentiberatasun-arazoak?: higienearen Hipotesia eta Mikrobiotaren Hipotesia.

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    In this review, we will explore the origin of the hypersensivity reactions which has become a major health problem with an increasing incidence in developed countries. For that aim, the main hypotheses of the hypersensitive reactions, the hygiene and microbiota hypotheses or Old Friend Mechanisms, are going to be explained. In the last years, the hygiene hypothesis has been replaced with the microbiota hypothesis due to diverse reasons, having an enormous importance the hygiene measures in the transmission of infectious diseases in high populations, and being misunderstood the hygiene concept. Also, the factors that influence in the hypersensitive reactions problems, such as the wrong use of antibiotics, the inappropriate diet or genetics factors, are going to be reviewed and discussed. In conclusion, the modernization process of the humanity, the inappropriate lifestyle and the excessive use of invasive medical practises have a negative effect in the microorganisms that are in contact with humans, increasing the incidence of hypersensitive reactions.; Berrikuspen honetan, gaur egun geroz eta intzidentzia handiagoa duten eta herrialde garatuetako osasun-arazo garrantzitsu bilakatu diren hipersentiberatasun-arazoen jatorria aztertzen da. Horretarako, hipersentiberatasun-arazoen jatorriaren inguruan sortutako hipotesi nagusiak azaltzen dira: "Higienearen hipotesia" eta "Mikrobiotaren hipotesia" edo "Old Friends mechanism". Azken urteetan, Higienearen hipotesia atzean utzi, eta Mikrobiotaren hipotesia hobestera pasa izana argudiatzen da. Gainera, higiene-neurriek populazio handietako gaixotasun infekziosoen prebentzioan duten garrantzia, eta "higiene" kontzeptuaren gainean dagoen gaizki-ulertua argitzen dira. Azkenik, hipersentiberatasun-arazoen gainean eragiten duten faktore garrantzitsuenez hitz egiten da, antibiotikoen gehiegizko erabilera eta dieta desegokitik hasi eta faktore genetikoetaraino. Laburbilduz, hipersentiberatasun-arazoen jatorriaren gakoa gizakion modernizazio-prozesuan dagoela esan daiteke: urbanizazio eta industrializazio masiboan, bizi-ohitura desegokietan eta mediku praktika inbasiboen neurriz kanpoko erabileran, besteak beste