5 research outputs found

    Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan : Analisis Atas Paham Nasionalisme dan Konsep Persatuan

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    The focus of this research is to examine civic education by analyzing the notion of nationalism and the concept of unity based on Sila III of Pancasila in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution. The topic of study relates to issues of nationalism and unity which are frequently discussed. For example, the expression for the sake of national unity and integrity is echoed everywhere, specifically for the stability of national security, it is also discussed in official meetings of state officials, in books and magazines, both scientific and non-scientific. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative methods and critical reading of the text, namely: (1) the 1945 Constitution; (2) Books related to the notion of nationalism and the concept of national unity; (3) Articles that concentrate on studying the concept of national unity based on Sila III Pancasila and the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution. The findings in this study are that the concept of nationalism and the concept of unity is based on Sila III Pancasila and the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, the notion of unity here means that the state protects all the Indonesian nation and all of Indonesia's bloodshed is based on unity and the realization of social justice for all six people. The definition of a unified state is that the state overcomes all group understandings, individual understandings, wants unity to cover the entire Indonesian nation. The state and every civil society prioritizes the interests of the state above the interests of certain groups or individuals

    Human Beings and Social Structure in Frantz Fanon’s Philosophical Thought

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    In response to the Colonial discriminative and exclusive concept of humanism, Frantz Fanon, an Algerian postcolonial thinker, proposes that the idea of humanism needs to be inclusive. To avoid the trap of the essentialist concept of humanism, Fanon argues that our understanding of human beings needs always to be connected with the existing social structure. By utilizing a postcolonial theory as a lens of analysis, this study will explore Frantz Fanon’s existential concept of human existence and investigate his philosophical-political thoughts. This exploration is driven by these critical questions: how is Fanon’s new understanding of the existential concept of human existence, which he proposes as a more inclusive concept? How does Fanon draw the correlation between human existence and social structure? What is the significance of his thoughts to critically investigate the socio-political structure in the postcolonial Indonesia? Our critical research will focus mainly on several of Fanon’s works: The Wretched of the Earth, Toward the African Revolution, and Black Skin White Masks. His other works will certainly be considered. We will utilize a litterer critical analysis method in approaching these works of Fanon. This new concept of Fanonian humanism, we argue, gives a theoretical frame and direction to develop existentially our understanding of an inclusive Indonesian humanism

    Herbert Marcuse : Perang Semesta Melawan Kapitalisme Global

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    MEMAKNAI SIMBOL TELINGA PANJANG DAYAK BAHAU BUSANG DI ZAMAN INI: Studi Analisis-Kritis Dalam Makna Simbol Menurut Ernst Cassirer

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    This study aims to find out the meanings contain in the apang aruq tradition. The apang aruq tradition is a community habit to lengthen the earlobe. The process of elongating the earlobe occurs since a person is a baby until he dies. The purpose of this study is to provide readers with an understanding of the meaning of the apang aruq tradition of the Bahau Busang Dayak community in East Kalimantan Province. This study uses a qualitative approach by describing the discussion based on three guiding questions. The data collection technique used in this research is literature study, which is the activity of collecting materials related to research from cultural books and Ernst Cassirer. In this paper, the author finds that there are three functions of the apang aruq tradition, they are self-identity referring to the meaning of knowledge, beauty symbolizing the physical and metaphysical beauty of humans and as a marker of age implying space and time.Dalam karya tulis ini, saya menggunakan gagasan Ernst Cassirer tentang simbol kebudayaan dan menggunakan data yang ada di surat kabar Kompas untuk sebuah penelitian terhadap simbol dari kebudayaan telinga panjang Dayak Bahau Busang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai apa saja yang terkandung di dalam kebudayaan telinga panjang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis gabungan dengan metodologi kuantitatif melalui studi kepustakaan dan wawancara dari orang yang mengerti kebudayaan dan adat Dayak Bahau Busang. Dalam peper ini, saya menemukan bahwa ada tiga simbol makna yang terkandung di dalam kebudayaan telinga panjang, yaitu sebagai simbol pengetahuan, keindahan dan waktu. Kini, kebudayaan telinga panjang telah ditinggali oleh generasi muda zaman ini. Bentuk kebudayaan boleh berubah, tetapi nilai-nilai luhur tetap terjaga