11 research outputs found

    Kinetic Study of Drying and Oil Intake During Deep-Fat Vacuum Frying of Blanched Snake Fruit Slices

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    In this work, an experimental study of deep-fat vacuum frying of pre-treated original fruit from South-East Asian, i.e., snake fruit, is conducted. Then the kinetics of drying and oil intake under vacuum frying conditions are investigated by using constant effective diffusivity of water and logistic oil content models.  Its comparison to those on atmospheric condition based on the thermal-driven concept is also discussed. It is demonstrated that the constant effective water diffusion and logistic oil content models are fitted very well with the experimental data. The effective diffusivity increases with the increase of oil temperature under vacuum condition and its values are smaller than those under atmospheric frying. On the other hand, the specific rate of oil content (k) has no specific trend. Moreover, the specific rates of oil content for atmospheric conditions are larger than those corresponding values for vacuum conditions. Keywords: Deep-fat, vacuum frying, oil temperature, drying rate, oil absorption, snake fruit chip

    Karakteristik Sifat Mekanik Hasil Pengelasan Gesek Aluminium dengan Tembaga Menggunakan Variasi Kecepatan Putar dan Kekasaran Permukaan Kontak

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    Friction welding is a type of welding that is used for a variety of materials. Friction welding is a method of joining two materials by swiping them together until they reach some of the melting points of the materials to be joined, then applying constant pressure. Aluminum and copper are the materials to be joined in this study. Using rotational speed and contact surface roughness variations. The purpose of this research is to determine the mechanical properties of friction welding results between aluminum and copper. The speed settings are 1230, 1500, and 2500 rpm. Use sandpaper grades #100, #800, and #1500 to achieve different levels of surface roughness. According to the results of this study, the rotational speed with the highest tensile strength and hardness values is 1230 rpm, namely 59.6 MPa and 54.6 HVN (Al), 112.1 HVN (Al) (Cu). In terms of surface roughness variations, the surface roughness using grade #1500 sandpaper has the highest value, namely 54.18 HVN (Al), 112.1 HVN (Cu). And #100 sandpaper with a value of 52.48 Mpa. The results of the microstructure test in the weld joint area at a magnification of 1000x indicated that the friction welding of aluminum and copper was successful, as evidenced by the diffusion of aluminum and copper in this area


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    Stainless steel AISI 316L and UHMWPE (Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethyene) is one of the pair of materials used for the components of the artificial knee joint, where the Stainless Steel 316L replacement femoral component and UHMWPE replacement tibial component, because both materials compatibility with human tissue. Factors that affect the wear are speed, load (pressure), surface roughness and hardness.. The aim of the study is to determine the effect of stainless steel AISI 316L surface roughness and load on the wear properties of UHMWPE. The material used in this study were UHMWPE as a pin and stainless steel AISI 316L as plat. This study used unidirectional reciprocating pin on plate movement to measure the wear factor of UHMWPE. This wear testing was conducted using bovine serum 25 and 75% distilled water as a lubrication. The variation of stainless steel AISI 316L plate surface roughness were 0.0


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    Penggunaan baja pada saat ini telah berkembang pesat dan digunakan dalam teknologi industri sebagai salah satu material penunjang. Ada beberapa penggunaan baja yang digunakan pada industri sepeda motor, kereta api, mobil, kapal laut, serta kontruksi lainnya. Namun dalam penggunaan baja, banyak faktor yang menyebabkan daya guna baja ini menurun. Salah satu penyebabnya yaitu fenomena korosi pada baja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi inhibitor ekstrak daun teh terhadap laju korosi pada baja API 5L dan menghambat laju korosi pada baja API 5L. Metode yang digunakan adalah kehilangan berat. Medium korosif yang digunakan adalah NaCl dan HCl. Lama perendaman yaitu 10 hari untuk melihat kemampuan inhibitor menghambat laju korosi. Metode pembuatan inihibitor ekstrak daun teh menggunakan ultrasonic bath. Konsentrasi inhibitor yang dibuat pada penelitian ini adalah 1%, 3%, 5%, 7%, dan 9%. Sebelum baja direndam dalam larutan korosif, larutan korosif dicampur terlebih dahulu dengan larutan inhibitor sesuai dengan konsentrasinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi inhibisi korosi yang paling besar terjadi pada larutan korosif NaCl dengan konsentrasi 9% pada perendaman selama 10 hari yaitu sebesar 95% dan pada larutan korosif HCl dengan konsentrasi 9% sebesar 45%. Morfologi permukaan yang diperoleh menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscope dari baja API 5L memperlihatkan permukaan baja yang dilapisi dengan ekstrak daun teh mengalami korosi lebih sedikit. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa inhibitor ekstrak daun teh baik dalam menghambat laju korosi yang terjadi pada baja API 5L

    Struktur Analysis and Material Selection in Reactor and Condensers for Liquid Smoke Maker

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    Liquid smoke can be obtained by condensing or condensing biomass from the pyrolysis process . To make a liquid smoke device, an appropriate material is needed because the resulting liquid smoke will function as food preservation, especially for milkfish preservation. Therefore we need a suitable material so as not to affect the results of the liquid smoke. On the other hand, structural analysis is also needed to determine the strength of the material in this liquid smoke maker. The first method used is a qualitative method. This method is a computational method using software that has been developed by Ashby named CES Edupack. The second method is used for selecting the next material, quantitative method is a systematic method used to narrow the choice of material with themethod approachnbsp; digital logic. In the research results, the selected material is Stainless Steel 304 with specifications Thermal Conductivity: 16.2 (W / mK) Maximal Service Temperature: 750 (oC) Density: 8 (g / cc) Yield Strength: 215 (Mpa). With the analysis of the structure, namely the condenser maximum stress is 2x104 N / m2, for the Strain the value is 6.08x10-9 . for Displacement, it can be 3 x 10 -5 mm. The safety factoris 1 x 10 6. obtainedFor the tangential stress obtained is 11.05 N / m2. At the maximum strain reactor is 321 MPa, the strain resultingis 8x10-6 . For the displacement , the result is 0.09 mm. and the last is the safety factor , the result is 65. For the longitudinal stress that is produced is 1.65 N / m

    Pengaruh Perendaman Bambu Dengan Air Laut Terhadap Kekerasan dan Laju Keausan Komposit Kampas Rem

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    Bamboo is a natural material that is widely found in South Banten. Using bamboo as an alternative material for manufacturing brake pads is interesting to research. Bamboo resistance to attacks of organisms is so low that it is necessary to give initial treatment. Preservation of bamboo sticks is done by soaking them in seawater. This immersion is determined for 15 and 30 days. The comparison of the composite constituent composition is 30% bamboo fiber, 28% bamboo particles, 2% zinc, and 40% epoxy resin. Compaction pressure is carried out by 400 kg/cm2 for 10 minutes. The sintering process is carried out at a temperature of 150 °C for 60 minutes. From this research, it is known that the immersion of bamboo stems in seawater tends to decrease the hardness and the wear rate of composites.Bambu merupakan material alam yang banyak dijumpai di Banten Selatan. Pemanfaatan bambu sebagai material alternatif untuk pembuatan kampas rem menarik untuk diteliti. Ketahanan bambu terhadap serangan serangan organisme sangat rendah sehingga perlu diberikan perlakuan awal. Pengawetan batang bambu dilakukan dengan perendaman di dalam air laut. Perendaman ini ditentukan selama 15 dan 30 hari. Perbandingan komposisi penyusun komposit adalah 30% serat bambu, 28% partikel bambu, 2% seng, dan 40% resin epoxy. Tekanan kompaksi dilakukan sebesar 400 kg/cm2 selama 10 menit. Proses sintering dilakukan pada suhu 150°C selama 60 menit. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa perendaman batang bambu dengan air laut cenderung menurunkan kekerasan dan laju keausan komposit