77 research outputs found

    What are the believes, spiritual, subcultural, religious, traditional, and family structure of perpetrators of domestic violence? A question for further studies

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    What is believes, spiritual, subcultural, religious, traditional, and family structure of Perpetrators of  domestic violence? A question for further studie

    Comparison of temperament and character personality traits in opiate and stimulant addicts

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    Background: Phenomenon of addiction as one of the social problems has a high prevalence, especially among youth. The aim of the present study was to compare personality traits based on the temperament and character inventory in opiate and stimulant addicts in Tehran.  Methods: In the present quasi-experimental study, 60 male addicts (30 opiate and 30 stimulant addicts) who referred to addiction treatment centers in the suburbs of Tehran were selected through convenience sampling method and were studied using Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI). The participants were sorted according to their age and education.    Results: There was a significant difference between the two groups with regard to harm avoidance, reward dependence, cooperativeness, and self-transcendence traits. Thus, opiate addicts had higher levels of harm avoidance, reward dependence, and cooperativeness, and stimulant addicts had higher levels of self-transcendence. The significance level was set at P<0.01.  Conclusion: The obtained results showed that there was a significant difference between opiate and stimulant addicts. Opiate addicts gained higher scores, compared with stimulant addicts, in Temperament and Character Inventory variables. The obtained results also showed that stimulant addicts were suffering from more severe disorders than opiate addicts. Based on the means of the values of the TCI, personality traits reflecting personality disorders are detectable and predictable in substance abusers. This new understanding is important in the prevention and treatment of addiction

    Effectiveness of life skills training on self-efficacy and emotional intelligence among high school students in Urmia

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      Background: Life skills are the abilities to have adaptive and positive behaviors that enable human beings to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life. The aim of the present study was to examine the effectiveness of teaching life skills on self-efficacy and emotional intelligence among high school students.  Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted on 462 male high school students of Silvana area in Urmia city, selected via multi-stage cluster sampling method. These students studied in two different schools. Three classes were selected randomly from each high school and all the students of these classes completed the self-efficacy and emotional intelligence inventory. Participants who scored low on effectiveness of life skills training were selected for the study; among them 30 students were selected randomly and assigned randomly into two experimental and control groups (15 students each). The experimental group received life skills education but the control group did not receive any education. Both groups completed the Sherer's Self-Efficacy Scale and Bar-On Emotional Intelligence-Inventory in baseline and follow up phases. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (the mean and standard of deviation) and Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). Statistical analysis was perfumed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 22.0.  Results: The results of the study indicated that teaching life skills significantly increased mean±SD scores of self-efficacy (68.2±7.35, 55.4±9.96) and emotional intelligence (106.6±15.05, 94.8±11.33) in the experimental and control group, respectively (P=0.001). there were significant correlations between self-efficacy and academic achievement (r=0.518, P=0.01)  Conclusion: Teaching life skills can improve students' self-efficacy and emotional intelligence and the education officials should pay attention to teaching these life skills to the students

    Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles and their antibacterial effects

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    The zinc oxide nanoparticles with the average particle size of about 30 nm were synthesized by the chemical technique and their properties were studied with the help of scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction. The aim of this study was to detect the antibacterial properties of 0.01, 0.5 and 1% nano-ZnO against Escherichia coli. E. coli was cultured in liquid and agar nutrient medium to evaluate the antibacterial effects of 0.01, 0.05 and 1% of ZnO via the optical density (OD) and log CFU/ml measurements. Non-significant effect was seen for 0.01% of ZnO nano-particles, while 0.05 and 1% of nanoparticles showed considerably decreased bacterial number. A 4.385 and 2.04 times decrease in the OD value was found in the presence of 1 and 0.5% nano-ZnO, respectively (P<0.001) as compared to the control. In the second study, 6.3 log CFU/ml of E. coli were present in the cultures treated with 1% nano-ZnO at 4°C in water. Control E. coli cells survived for 12 days, while complete cell death was seen when 1% nano-ZnO was applied for 24 h. In the third study, E. coli was grown in the agar medium with and without nanoparticles and suppressed growth (8.56 times; P<0.001) was seen in the presence of 1% nano-ZnO.Keywords: ZnO-nanoparticle, antibacterial, bactericidal, Escherichia col

    Comparing the Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Therapy with Emotion Regulation Treatment on Quality of Life and Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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    Objective: Irritable bowel syndrome is a common gastrointestinal disorder. The perception of stress and GI-specific anxiety play a key role in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The present study aims at comparing the efficacy of mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy with emotion regulation on the quality of life and severity in patients IBS. Method: This randomized clinical trial was conducted in 3 phases: pretest, posttest, and follow-up. Follow-up was performed 2 months after the last intervention. The study population consisted of 24 IBS patients who were randomly selected according to Rome-IV Criteria and were then divided into 3 eight-member groups: (1) mindfulness-based stress reduction, (2) emotion regulation, and (3) control group. IBS-QOL34 and IBS-SSS were administered as assessment tools to all the 3 groups. The experimental groups were subjected to MBSR and ER psychotherapy, while the control group received no psychological intervention. After the 2-month follow-up, the 3 groups were evaluated again. Results: The results revealed that MBSR improved the quality of life of IBS patients and dicreased severity of their condition. The findings of between and within subjects design revealed that the difference between MBSR and control groups was significant in IBS at follow-up (p = 0.01). Conclusion: MBSR could be considered as a new, effective, and stable method in psychotherapy, in irritable bowel syndrome

    Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention Group Therapy and Treatment as Usual on Positive and Negative Perfectionism in Men with Opioid Use Disorder: A Comparative Investigation

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    The purpose of this study was to compare mindfulness-based relapse prevention (MBRP) group therapy and treatment as usual (TAU) in terms of their effectiveness on positive and negative perfectionism in men with opioid use disorder (OUD). The method of this study, due to its purpose, is an applied research and its method, in terms of the way of data collection, is an experiment with a pre-test-post-test. The population included men with opioid use disorder who were referred to Iranian National Center for Addiction Studies in Tehran in 2018. 36 patients were selected as the sample and randomly assigned to two groups: one group received a combination of MBRP group therapy and TAU and the other was treated with TAU only. Participants completed the Positive and Negative Perfectionism Scale (PANPS) at pretest, posttest, and follow-up. Data were statistically analyzed using a mixed-design ANOVA model. SPSS software (version 22) was used for data analysis. The results showed that none of the intergroup, intragroup, and interactive sources of variation in positive perfectionism were statistically significant. For negative perfectionism, the differences between the study phase groups were significant. The Bonferroni method was applied to examine the difference scores in the test phases and showed that the mean score decreased significantly in the posttest and follow-up phases compared with the pretest. According to these results, MBRP was effective in reducing negative perfectionism, but we cannot find any differences in the effectiveness of the therapies. These results indicate that MBRP can be considered an effective therapeutic approach for reducing negative perfectionism in individuals with OUD

    Tensile Behavior of Layered Rock Disks under Diametral Loading: Experimental and Numerical Investigations

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    The Tensile Strength and Cracking Behavior of Layered Rocks in a Tensile Stress Field Are One of the Most Significant Characteristics of Rock Masses, Which May Strongly Affect the Stability of Rock Structures. the Study Presented Here Investigated the Effect of Layer Spacing and Inclination Angle on the Indirect Tensile Strength, Crack Development, Failure Pattern, and Contact Force Chain of Layered Disks under Diametral Loading using Experimental and Numerical Investigations. Numerous Experimental Models Made from Plaster Were Examined under Diametral Loading, and a Two-Dimensional Particle Flow Code (PFC2D) Was Adopted for in Depth Simulation of the Failure Process. Both Numerical and Experimental Results Were Found to Be in Great Agreement and Showed that the Increase in the Layer Orientation Up to 15° Results in the Peak in the Tensile Strength Followed by a Decrease. Specimens with the Spacing Ratio (SR) of 0.5 and 0.1 Showed the Highest and Lowest Tensile and Compressive Stresses at the Disk Center, respectively. Moreover, the Numerical Analysis Indicated the Formation of Three Failure Pattern Types: TL, PB, and TL-PB. Tensile Cracks Mainly Formed in the Direction of Diametral Loading, and their Maximum Number Formed at 15° and SR = 0.5. Additionally, the Shear Ones Formed in a Conjugate System and Had Negligible Numbers. the Analysis of the Contact Force Chain Showed that the Layers Do Not Affect the Compressive Force Chain at Α \u3c 45° But at Higher Angles, the Stronger Layers Transfer Compressive Force. However, when Α Ranges from 0° to 30°, Tensile Forces Are Distributed in Stronger Layers, and with an Increase in Α, the Concentration of These Forces in These Layers Diminishes and the Forces Are Reoriented in the Direction of Diametral Loading

    The association of appetite and hormones (leptin, ghrelin, and Insulin) with resting metabolic rate in overweight/ obese women: a case–control study

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    OBJECTIVE: Low resting metabolic rate (RMR), as a risk factor for weight gain and obesity, can be influenced by many factors. Empirical research has confirmed the role of appetite and related hormones in obesity and energy intake. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between appetite and related hormones in overweight or obese Iranian women with normal and hypo RMR. METHODS: This case–control study was conducted on 42 Iranian adult women (21 cases, and 21 controls), aged 18–48 years. An impedance body analyzer was used to obtain the body composition and an indirect calorimeter was used to assess the RMR. The Flint questionnaire was used to assess appetite, dietary intake, and physical activity were assessed by FFQ and IPAQ questionnaires respectively, and ELISA kits were used to assess leptin, ghrelin, and insulin hormones. RESULTS: The results of the study demonstrated a negative association between ghrelin hormone level (β = -0.34, 95%CI = -61.70,-3.86, P-value = 0.027) and RMR, and a positive association between insulin hormone level (β = 0.48, 95%CI = 9.38–34.35, P-value = 0.001) and RMR. Also, results of the appetite questionnaire showed that, in general, both appetite (β = 0.32, 95%CI = -0.10–2.99 P-value = 0.044) and hunger variable (β = 0.30, 95%CI = 0.04–5.87, P-value = 0.047) have a positive association with RMR. There was no significant association between leptin levels and RMR. CONCLUSION: It is evident that appetite and related hormones have a potential role in promoting a normal RMR

    Melanoma Epidemiology: Symptoms, Causes, and Preventions

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    Melanoma arises from melanocyte cells. Melanoma spreads faster than basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) if not diagnosed and treated early. Melanocyte tumors cause malignant melanoma. The preponderance of these cells is in the skin, gut, and eye. Melanoma is a rare kind of skin cancer, although it causes 75% of skin cancer deaths. Melanocytes create melanin, a dark pigment, in the skin. Despite years of lab and clinical research, early surgical removal of tiny cancers remains the most successful treatment. The deadliest skin cancer is melanoma. Skin melanocytes are involved. Melanocytes produce skin pigment melanin. Melanin protects skin against ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Skin cancer is the most common form in the United States. When diagnosed early, skin cancer can be treated with topical medications, office therapies, or outpatient surgery. Dermatologists treat skin disorders and conditions. Skin cancer causes less than 1% of cancer fatalities. Detection and treatment of melanoma in its early stages are typically curable. Once melanoma spreads further into the skin or other organs, it becomes incurable and potentially lethal. Early detection of melanoma in the United States is anticipated to result in a 5-year survival rate of roughly 99%

    Analyzing the dimensions and components of organizational culture based on normative and individual variables in the managers of education headquarters in Tehran province

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    The purpose of the current research is to analyze the dimensions and components of organizational culture based on normative and individual variables in the managers of education headquarters in Tehran province. According to its purpose, the research method is applicable; and in terms of execution method, it is qualitative, descriptive-exploratory; and in terms of its nature, it is among foundation data research. The statistical population of this research includes 12 experts who are well-informed and proficient in the subject of research in the field of management and have a valid scientific background in this field. Sampling method used in this research was non-random purposeful. The method of data collection is referring to documents, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. For data analysis, Atlas ti software was used to code the interviews. The results showed that in the normative dimension, there are 10 categories: organizational justice, work maturity, ambiguity avoidance, external supervision, decision-making, job promotion, masculinity or feminism, concentration (power distance), customer orientation, productivity with 57 indicators; and in the Individual dimension also has 10 categories: sense of belonging, responsibility, individual creativity, communication, participation (teamwork), identity, self-control, motivation, conflict, interaction in 61 indicators and in 6 categories that include causal conditions, communication conditions, background factors, intervener factors, strategies, consequences were identified.Extended abstractIntroductionJust as people in the society have certain beliefs, values ​​and behaviors that represent their personality; organizations also have common assumptions and basic beliefs that shape their culture. Culture has been defined as the set of spiritual achievements of a nation. Culture is a human invention and made by human hands. This finding reflects the existence and identity of a society (Mirza Mohammadi, 2021). Organizational culture is the personality of the organization and it is considered as the basic infrastructure for transformation and change, and managers should understand its relationship with national culture and strive for organizational cohesion by taking advantage of its strategic role. Organizational culture is an interwoven set of basic assumptions, common inferences and collective wisdom that is formed in the context of previous experiences and findings in facing internal or external issues and serves as a guiding light and an invigorating source plays a role in shaping the behavior of employees and architecture of the present and future of the organization (Mohammadiyan & Shahsavari, 2019).Education is a continuous activity, comprehensive and for everyone, which leads to human growth and development, cultural enrichment and the excellence of society, and therefore, innovation should always be created in it. In other words, education is not specific to an exclusive period and time of life and has no time limit, so it must always be renewed and updated (Safaei et al, 2020). For organizational innovation, development and transformation, one of the important organizational conditions that must be considered in policies and implementation of programs is related organizational culture. The author's many years of experience in executive affairs shows that lack of paying attention to organizational culture has not always led to the desired results of innovation, development, organizational transformation and change in organizations (Hamzeh & Hamzeh, 2016). An organizational culture able to respond to environmental changes can lead to optimal organizational performance.According to the above materials, the researcher asked the main question: what are the dimensions and components of organizational culture based on normative and individual variables in the managers of education headquarters in Tehran province? Theoretical FrameworkOrganizational CultureCulture is a set of customs, standards and individual and social behaviors; therefore, while culture is the effect of many parts of religious views, it is also considered the cause of many conditions and situations. Due to the progress of communication tools and the ever-increasing expansion of their use in many social phenomena and developments, the role of culture has become far greater than in the past; in such a way that culture now plays a decisive role at the domestic, regional and international levels and is one of the tools that governments use to achieve their goals and objectives; in this way, cultural dominance is not a new phenomenon. Cultural policy in the general and customary sense includes a set of goals, principles, priorities and executive policies (Mirza Mohammadi, 2021).Normative and individual variablesIn the conceptual definition of norms, most sociologists are more or less unanimous that norms (forms) are the rules of social behavior that guide a person in social actions. Observing these patterns and rules of behavior expected by the society's culture, and avoiding them is punishable (Khabbaz Yazdiha et al, 2020).Zebardast et al, (2022) investigated the relationship between the transformational leadership factors of educational group managers on the effectiveness of university faculty members through organizational culture. The results showed that the relationship between transformational leadership style of managers and organizational culture was significant and the mediating variable of organizational culture has a significant effect on the relationship between transformational leadership style and the effectiveness of faculty members. It can be said that transformational leadership does not have a direct and significant effect on effectiveness in the final research model. However, transformational leadership affects the effectiveness of faculty members through organizational culture.Yusefi et al, (2022) investigated the impact of individual and normative variables on ethical leadership. The results of the research show that value, job satisfaction, motivation, personality, creativity, components were individual components, and organizational communication, organizational culture, organizational structure, decision-making styles, roles and expectations, goals and strategy were normative components that had a significant impact on ethical leadership.Research methodologyThis research is applicable in terms of purpose, qualitative in terms of execution method: descriptive-exploratory type, and data-based in terms of its nature. The statistical population includes 12 experts and specialists who are well-informed and proficient in the subject of research in the field of management, and have a valid scientific background in this field. Non-random purposeful sampling method is used to determine the samples and determine the experts.Research findingsThree types of coding were used to analyze the data obtained from the interview as well as theoretical foundations, which are: open coding, axial coding and selective coding. For analysis, Atlas ti software was used to code the interviews. The results showed that in the normative dimension, 10 categories were identified: organizational justice, work maturity, ambiguity avoidance, external supervision, decision-making, job promotion, masculinity or feminism, concentration (power distance), customer orientation, productivity with 57 indicators; and in the individual dimension also 10 categories: sense of belonging, responsibility, individual creativity, communication, participation, identity, self-control, motivation, conflict, interaction in 61 indicators, and in 6 categories that include causal conditions, communication conditions, background factors, intervener factors, strategies, consequences.ConclusionThe present research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the dimensions and components of organizational culture based on normative and individual variables in the managers of education headquarters in Tehran province. The results of this research are correspond with the results of Turki et al, (2021), Eimani et al, (2021), Van Dung HA (2020), Yusefi et al, (2020), Mohebbi et al, (2023), Zebardast et al, (2022). Mohebbi et al, (2023) showed that in educational organizations, organizational culture plays an important role in producing teamwork culture and achieving the benefits of the process of participation and collaboration. Educational systems have a special place according to their goals and mission, the most important of which is the training of efficient human resources for other institutions of society; and universities are the most important and key educational organizations that, in addition to training human resources, respond to the social needs for the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge and technology.According to the results obtained in three dimensions, the following suggestions are presented:- The motivation of managers to create team and collaborative activities should be improved. The opportunity to grow, develop and acquire new effective professional skills and knowledge for managers should be provided for the managers. The conditions of sustainable competitive advantage should be designed. The ground for continuous improvement of organizational intelligence in order to realize the learning organization should be prepared. Individual development and strengthening positive behaviors of managers should be considered. By creating a positive organizational atmosphere, the cooperative structure of the organization should be strengthened. Agility of the organization structure according to the suitability of the job and competence of the people and increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the rules and regulations by simplifying matters should be considered. By supporting individual values ​​and de-stressing people, internal motivation and sense of belonging to the organization should be improved. Influence in decision-making and implementation by delegating authority should be considered. The position of managers in the organization should be changed to facilitator and leader. Try to create an active, effective and sustainable teaching and learning environment. Macro vision, goal setting, strategic planning and management, foresight, future research and future-recording and problem solving ability should be taken into consideration as important points for choosing staff managers