77 research outputs found

    Методика системно-ориентированного анализа городского ландшафта как инструмент планирования

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    The article discloses the analysis technique of a concept “townscape” based on universal properties of systems that makes it possible to examine such properties of the townscape as base categories, structural elements, and reference norms. The system-oriented analysis of various types of the townscape is also provided; their characteristic peculiarities and properties have been revealed in the article.Статья раскрывает методику анализа понятия «городской пейзаж» на основе универсальных свойств систем, что делает возможным исследование таких свойств городского пейзажа, как основные категории, структурные элементы и соответствие нормативным требованиям. Выполнен системно-ориентированный анализ различных типов городского ландшафта, его характерных особенностей и свойств

    Creativity development: The role of foreign language learning

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    © 2016 Sadykova and Shelestova.The relevance of the present research stems from the need to consider the ways of preventing conflicts between the objective necessity of development of students’ creative activity in the learning process, and insufficient development of pedagogical conditions for its effective implementation in theoretical and methodological terms. The article is aimed at summarizing the study of creativity development by means of the foreign language. A set of methods was used in the paper: theoretical (analysis of the philosophical and methodological literature on the issue; projecting), empirical (questionnaires, interviews, testing, an experiment), methods of mathematical statistics. Experimental work covered in total 58 students and included three stages: summative, formative and controlling. The results of the experiment show that the system of exercises developed for boosting the student’s creativity proved out effective, and the selected indicators characterizing the creative activity of students reflect considerable growth. The authors also proved that the goal of foreign language teaching in higher education is both practical knowledge of the target language, and the development of the student personality. The practical significance of this research involves developing the complex of effective means, forms and methods of teaching and learning activities of students in the process of learning a foreign language in the framework of the theory of development training, and the use of the materials received in the course of study by teachers in the higher and secondary vocational schools

    Пути улучшения качества архитектурной среды жилых районов

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    The modern city is a complex socio-economic organism. The state of the environment is one of the most pressing economic, scientific-technical and social problems. Architectural environment of the city residential structures is in continuous development. It is manifested in changes in population size, the shape, size and intensity of use of the mastered territories, to enhance the technical capacity and the complicating of the information field of the city. These factors of development, mobile and rapidly evolving, artificially created material environment, often come into conflict with the nature.Современный город — это сложный социально-экономический организм. Состояние окружающей среды является одной из наиболее актуальных экономических, научно-технических и социальных проблем. Архитектурная среда города находится в непрерывном развитии. Это проявляется в изменении численности населения, формы, размера и интенсивности использования освоенных территорий в целях повышения технического потенциала и усложнения информационного поля города. Факторы развития искусственно созданной материальной среды часто вступают в конфликт с природой

    Quantum-chemical calculation of the adsorption energy of the Pb atom on the graphene

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    © 2018 Author(s). Graphene can be used as sensors to detect toxic heavy metals in peripheral blood. This requires a clear understanding of adsorption process on the graphene surface. The DFT-functional method is used to calculate adsorption energy. In the article we present the calculation results and analyse interaction of Pb atom with graphene surface. It is shown that the Pb atom in B-site position on a graphene plane has a minimum of energy

    Functional-technological specificity of metaphors in process of teaching foreign languages

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    © 2017 Serials Publications.The relevance of the study due to the fact that the process of conceptualizing of reality, mechanisms of formation of a conceptual picture of the world and the individual concepts in the cognitive consciousness of native speakers and their metaphorical representation in various types of discourse is one of the major areas of consideration in modern cognitive linguistics. The purpose of the article is to identify the characteristic of functional and typological features of the regular reconsideration of tokens metaphorical semantic field of building vocabulary in English and Russian and to teach them on the lesssons. The leading approach in the study of this problem is a semantic-cognitive semantics of language reveals the relationship with people's conceptosphere, enabling metaphorical models of analysis of their functional properties. The article presents a comparative study of the laws of metaphorical representation of objective reality; identified both general and specific features of the differential cognitive consciousness carriers of different languages and lacunarity metaphorical representation of concepts, convincingly demonstrated that metaphorically reinterpreted token semantic field of building vocabulary can be used cognitive awareness of a native speaker for the nomination of their diverse characteristics and concepts existing conceptosphere; it proved that the functional-typological diversity of metaphorical transfer study in the languages of different language show the great potential of building vocabulary in the formation of an extensive fragment of the conceptual picture of the world media in English and Russian languages; on empirical material orthodoxy proved the existence of generalized postulates - hypothesis of cognitive theory of conceptual metaphor. The relevance of this research lies in the functioning metaphorically reinterpreted lexemes in the categorization, representation and organizing conceptual picture of the world in English and Russian languages and their usage in teaching process. The focus of cognitive science was the study of the processes of perception, categorization, classification and understanding of the world. And the representation and storage of knowledge. Materials of article represent practical value in the writing of textbooks in lecture courses on comparative, cognitive semantics, discourse analysis, in special courses on the theory of metaphor


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    В статье авторы описывают деятельностно-процессуальный уровень дидактической модели, основанной на синтезе технологий метакогнитивного рефлексивного характера со средствами информационно-коммуникационных технологий, повышающей уровень сформированности предметно-специфического мышления будущего учителяIn the article the authors describe the activity-process level of the didactic model based on a synthesis of metacognitive reflective technologies with the means of information and communication technologies, which increases the level of formation of the subject-specific thinking of the future teache

    Using Visualization Tools in the Process of Learning Geometry

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    В статье рассмотрены особенности использования средств визуализации в процессе обучения геометрии, раскрыты дидактические возможности их применения, приведены результаты экспериментального исследования.The article discusses the features of using visualization tools in the process of teaching geometry, reveals the didactic possibilities of their application, and presents the results of an experimental study

    Episiotological Analysis, Diadnostics, Prevention of Echinococcosis in Animals

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    Эхинококкоз — это зооантропонозная инвазия, возбудителем которой является Echinococcus granulosus из семейства Taeniidae класса Cestoda. Болезнь наносит огромный экономический ущерб животноводчеству и представляет серьезную опасность для человека. Несмотря на имеющийся большой объем информации о возбудителе и болезни, эхинококкоз остается крупной социальной проблемой, наносящей огромный экономический ущерб поражением многих видов домашних животных и человека. Причиной тому является недостаточная изученность эпизоотического процесса, течения болезни, современных средств диагностики, лечения и профилактики эхинококкоза. Учитывая это, мы сочли необходимым выяснить некоторые особенности эпизоотического процесса и изыскать эффективные меры профилактики данной инвазии на основании применения иммуномодуляторов, комплексной терапии и других средств. В статье дано понятие эхинококкоза, анализируются факторы, способствующие его распространению. Отмечается, что эхинококкоз наносит большой экономический ущерб. Приводится пример послеубойной диагностики заболевания. Автор делает вывод о том, что прижизненная диагностика эхинококкоза вызывает большие трудности. Анализируются профилактические мероприятия, направленные на предотвращение циркулирования инфекции.Echinococcosis is a zooanthroponous infestation caused by Echinococcus granulosus from the Taeniidae family of the Cestoda class. The disease causes huge economic damage to livestock production and is a serious danger to humans. Despite the large amount of information available about the pathogen and the disease, echinococcosis remains a major social problem, causing huge economic damage to many species of domestic animals and humans. The reason for this is the lack of knowledge of the epizootic process, the course of the disease, modern means of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of echinococcosis. Taking this into account, we considered it necessary to find out some features of the epizootic process and find effective measures to prevent this invasion based on the use of immunomodulators, complex therapy and other means. The article gives the concept of echinococcosis, analyzes the factors contributing to its spread. It is noted that echinococcosis causes great economic damage. An example of post-slaughter diagnosis of the disease is given. The author concludes that lifetime diagnosis of echinococcosis causes great difficulties. Preventive measures aimed at prevention of infection circulation are analyzed

    The research of the effectiveness of the program on formation of patriotic qualities of pupils

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The topicality of this problem is due to the contradiction between the objectively increasing requirements of society to a secondary school, patriotic education of pupils and the lack of sufficient scientific and methodological bases of its organization in the activities of a teacher. In this regard, this article aims to develop a program on the formation of patriotic qualities of pupils. Leading methods to the study of this problem were the observation, questionnaires, expert evaluation, self-assessment, identifying gaps in the formation of patriotic qualities of pupils and to make timely correction. The article presents the program for the formation of patriotic qualities of pupils, which allow to identify typical difficulties of teachers in the organization of this process, opened its structure and content, presents the results of the experiment for its implementation. The materials of this article, the positions contained therein and the conclusions can be used by teachers of schools, as well as in the system of teacher training

    The role of pregravid training in modern famalies in perm and perm region

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    The article describes one of the most important problems – the problem of estimation of pregravid training in families in Perm and Perm Region. We revealed the role of women in pregravid training. It was shown, that woman pays more attention to their future babies and to pregravid care.В статье рассмотрены диагностические мероприятия у женщин репродуктивного возраста при апоплексии яичника на базе районной больницы гор. Екатеринбург. В ходе исследования сравнивались результаты обследования женщин репродуктивного возраста с апоплексией яичника анемической и болевой формой. Проводилась оценка целесообразности проведения пункции брюшной полости через задний свод влагалища совместно с трансвагинальным ультразвуковым исследованием для выбора тактики лечения женщин репродуктивного возраста