1,689 research outputs found

    The discovery of the law of gravitation from the logical point of view

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    Is there a logic of scientific discovery? Are there logical relations between the knowledge scientists posses as they start their investigations and new hypotheses and theories they formulate? Can such relations be retrospectively reconstructed?Most philosophers of science in 20 th century claimed that processes of inventing new hypotheses or theories are not governed by any rules of logic.  They claimed that new hypotheses are products of “leaps of imagination” that cannot be logically analyzed

    Common zeros preserving maps on vector-valued function spaces and Banach modules

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    Let X, Y be Hausdorff topological spaces, and let E and F be Hausdorff topological vector spaces. For certain subspaces A (X,E) and A(Y, F) of C(X,E) and C(Y, F) respectively (including the spaces of Lipschitz functions), we characterize surjections S, T : A (X;E) → A(Y, F), not assumed to be linear, which jointly preserve common zeros in the sense that Z (f - f') ∩ Z (f - f') ∩ Z (g - g') ≠ 0 if and only if Z (Sf - Sf') ∩ Z (Tg - Tg') ≠ 0 for all f, f', g, g' ∈ A (X, E). Here Z (·)denotes the zero set of a function. Using the notion of point multipliers we extend the notion of zero set for the elements of a Banach module and give a representation for surjective linear maps which jointly preserve common zeros in module case

    Is social work the work of love? : love practice and queer doing in the process for full self-determination

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    The 1915 National Conference of Charities and Corrections, during which Abraham Flexner stated that social work was not a profession because it lacked a communicable technique , is understood as a historically significant event in social work history. Part of the discourse regarding the legacy of this conference has spoken to social work\u27s struggle with comprehending the nature of its purpose and definition as a profession. In this thesis I explore the phenomenon of social work, understood as a profession, and how its professionalization may contribute to its struggle in developing a comprehensive practice method that makes its stated values of justice and full self-determination of the individual intelligible. I look at love as theoretically formulated by Erich Fromm and M. Scott Peck in what they offer in regarding love as a practice, and queer theory in exploring the social and political situation of social work and to illuminate the diversity and multiplicity that is inherent in social work and its humanistic origin. Through this exploration on a struggle for a definition, I posit that this challenge comes from the field attempting to understand itself within the structure of professionalism and academia, both of which value empirical inquiry and scientific positivism in social theory over creative engagement with an inquiry on love and human connection

    Evaluating the Biophysical Resource Management Strategies of the Agro-ecosystems in Farm Communities of the Mantaro Valley, Central Andes of Peru

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    Abierto en el repositorio institucional de la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: https://lirias.kuleuven.be/1716993Evalúa la biofísica de sistemas mixtos de producción seleccionados de cuatro comunidades campesinas en el Valle del Mantaro (Andes centrales del Perú), buscando entender su funcionamiento y proponer estrategias de manejo para incrementar su sostenibilidad técnica. El presente trabajo fue desarrollado del 2004 al 2008, en seis sitios experimentales. La información fue recolectada usando metodologías de investigación participativa, combinadas con visitas de campo y evaluación intensiva de parcelas-piloto seleccionadas. Los cultivos manejados en 38 parcelas a través de tres campañas agrícolas fueron categorizados en términos del uso de fuentes orgánicas e inorgánicas de nutrientes. Los fertilizantes inorgánicos usados fueron medidos y las fuentes de materia orgánica fueron caracterizadas químicamente. Con estos datos, la producción de biomasa y los aportes y extracciones de carbono, nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio fueron medidos; y los balances de nutrientes fueron calculados. Los cultivos incluyen a la papa, los cereales, el maíz, las leguminosas de grano y los tubérculos nativos. La papa recibió mayor fertilización y, en ciertos casos, fue fertilizada en exceso. La cebada y el trigo fueron cultivados con menos insumos en comparación con la papa, mientras que la fertilización del maíz y el haba consistió principalmente de estiércoles. El encalado del suelo y la fertilización inorgánica incrementaron el rendimiento de la cebada, indicando que transferir fertilizantes de la papa a la cebada podría mejorar el uso de nutrientes dentro de las rotaciones en las comunidades del valle del Mantaro.Agriculture in the Central Andes of Peru is performed mostly by small farmers in mixed crop-animal production systems. Farmers are usually organized in collaborative social structures named Farm communities, in which complex mechanisms for access to land, labor and inputs can be found. Although the region is not unknown for Peruvian and International research institutions, most of the research in the past has focused on social aspects of the production systems or on specific physical and biological topics (climate, soils, biodiversity), with limited integration to the existing social structures. This work aims to develop a holistic view of the farming systems in four farm communities in the Mantaro Valley (Central Andes of Peru) by investigating all biophysical inputs and outputs at the field level on quantitative scales, and providing information for future implementation of strategies to increase the farm technical sustainability.Bélgica. Proyecto de Investigación Vlir Own-Initiative: ZEIN 2004 PR29

    Macro-Drivers Of Gulf Co-operation Council Countrys Economic Risk

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    This study provides the first empirical analysis of the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC), which explores the macro-drivers of each country's economic risk. It examined the economic risk across GCCs countries over the period of January 2000 to December 2011. The study included all GCC countries: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), Kuwait, United Arab of Emirates (UAE), Qatar, Sultanate of Oman (Oman), and Kingdom of Bahrain (Bahrain). In terms of economic risk, results revealed that Kuwait and UAE represented a safe land for local and international investment to be allocated in GCC. This could be attributed to their very high rating and stability of economic systems in comparison with other GCC countries. Results also revealed that KSA, Qatar and Bahrain were considered countries with an instable economic system in comparison with other GCC countries. Moreover, findings revealed that each GCC country was a unique case in terms of its drivers of economic risk. Results also indicated that while KSAs economic risk was driven by the instability of its budget balance as a percentage of GDP, Kuwaits economic risk was driven by the low real GDP growth, and UAEs economic risk was driven by the instable GDP per capita. As for the economic risk of Qatar, Oman, and Bahrain, it was driven by the illiquidity of the economy as measured by the current account as a percentage of GDP

    Algebraic reflexivity of diameter-preserving linear bijections between C(X)C(X)-spaces

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    We prove that if XX and YY are first countable compact Hausdorff spaces, then the set of all diameter-preserving linear bijections from C(X)C(X) to C(Y)C(Y) is algebraically reflexive.Comment: 13 page