113 research outputs found

    Gas Cromatographic Analysis of Organophospate and Pyretroid Compounds in Mosquito Coils

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    Mosquito coils contain active compounds such as chlorpyriphos, dichlorphos, and d-alletrhrin which may be hazardous to the health. As majority of pesticides are stable heat, they can be changed into stable vapor state by column. a gas chromatographic method of analysis was developed. Gas chromatography for organophosphate compounds, namely chlorpyriphos and dichlorphos, with a OV-17 packed column, and a flame photometry detector equipped by filter for phosphor, which detecs phosphor containing compounds exclusively, avoiding any interference of other non phosphor compounds present in the sample matrix. Gas chromatography for a pyrethoid compound, d-allethrin, utilizes a HP-1 capilarry column with a flame ionization detector, and detect, any ionizable compound. The research was initiated by adjustment of the condition of gas chromatography system to obtain an appropiate separation of compounds a good shape of chromatogram and a tolerable retention time. With a flow rate of nitrogen 55 ml/min, column temperatures of 210oC, a detector and injector temperature of 230oC, the method gave a retention times chlorpyriphos of 6,47 minute and that of dichlorphos of 0,73 minute . The difference in retention time of chlorpyriphos and that of dichlorphos was caused by the difference in molecular weight of both compounds, thin dichlorphos with a smaller molecular weight (220, 98) was eluted faster than chlorpyriphos (350,6). For d-allethrin whit a flow rate of nitrogen gas of 40 ml/min, a column temperature of 180oC, a detector and injector temperature of 210oC, a retention time of d-allethrin of 3,28 minutes was obtained. The mosquito coils tested did not contain any chlorpyriphos nor dichlorphos, and some contained d-allethrin. The d-allethrin content obtained in one of the sample was beyond the tolerated limit

    Perancangan Penggunan Panel Surya Kapasitas 200 WP On Grid System pada Rumah Tangga di Pedesaan

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    Pengembangan sumber daya  Renewable energi yang berasal dari alam semakin pesat digalakkan oleh pemerintah dengan program pemanfaatan komsumsi energi terbarukan hanya sebesar 15 %. Ada delapan  sumber Energi Terbarukan yang terus dikembangkan teknologi pemanfaatannya oleh pemerintah yaitu teknologi menggunakan bahan bakar, biomassa, panas bumi, Air, Angin, Matahari, gelombang laut dan pasang surut. Prediksi dari Dewan Energi Nasioanal (DEN) Indonesia akan mengalami krisis energi secara besar – besaran pada tahun 2050 sehingga diperlukan energi alternatif untuk melayani kebutuhan energi listrik untuk pemakaian mandiri secara khusus pada tiap - tiap rumah tangga.  Oleh karena itu panel surya sudah banyak dijual lebih murah dan terjangkau sehingga dengan berapa modul panel surya dengan cara diparalelkan ataupun diserikan dapat menaikan daya keluaran DC panel surya Watt Peak (WP) yang lebih tinggi. Banyak teknologi digunakan untuk meningkatkan penyerapan energi cahaya matahari serta efisiensinya  yaitu mendisain ulang untuk mendapatkan daya optimal dari panel surya dengan pengaturan tegangan keluaran DC. Oleh karena itu modul panel surya perlu dikontrol untuk mendapatkan tegangan keluaran DC yang stabil sebelum tegangan masuk ke rangkaian inverter dengan menggunakan blok rangkaian kontrol. Dalam hal ini untuk mengatur tegangan dapat digunakan salah satu kontroler PI. Dengan menggunakan Boost konverter dan Blok PI (Proportional Integral) kontrol dari simulink secara otomatis dapat dituning atau secara manual bisa dituning besaran untuk mendapatkan sinyal output DC yang stabil dengan mengatur konstanta dari proportional dan integral daripada Blok PI tersebut. Serta untuk memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat tentang penggunaan dari teknologi Renewable Energi menggunakan panel surya 200 WP untuk kebutuhan energi listrik mandiri dalam membangkit daya listrik AC pada rumah tangga di pedesaan. Dalam hasil pengujian On Grid System SHS mengunakan Simulink dari kondisi perubahan beban 20% sampai 100% jatuh tegangan yang tidak berarti, dan kondisi beban 100%  di mana THDV = 0,13% dan THDI = 0,13% sehingga kerusakan gelombang  sinusoidal masih jauh  di bawah standar IEEE 519-1992

    Summary of achievements of the European Metrology Research Programme Project ‘‘Implementing the new Kelvin” (InK 1)

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    partially_open5sìWe report a summary of the technical achievements of the European Metrology Research Programme Project (EMRP) ‘‘Implementing the new Kelvin” (InK 1). In short these are: The first determination of definitive thermodynamic temperatures for the point of inflection of the high temperature fixed points of Re-C, Pt-C and Co-C as well as a new evaluation of the Cu freezing point. The first trial of the new dissemination mechanisms for thermodynamic temperature at high temperatures, as described in the mise en pratique for the definition of the kelvin (MeP-K). A new ultra-low uncertainty thermodynamic evaluation of T T90 from about 30 K to 303 K, with particular emphasis on temperatures around the water triple point (273.16 K). The first re-evaluation of T T2000 from 0.02 K to about 1 K with an uncertainty of <1%. Taken together these results represent a significant advance in primary thermometry. We also give a brief introduction to the successor project (InK 2) and discuss the impact of this work on the kelvin redefinition and next version of the MeP-K (i.e. the MeP-K-19)openMachin, G.; Engert, J.; Gavioso, R.; Sadli, M.; Woolliams, E.Machin, G.; Engert, J.; Gavioso, ROBERTO MARIA; Sadli, M.; Woolliams, E

    Adaptasi Bangunan Baru terhadap Bangunan Lama di Kawasan Konservasi Gedung Sate Bandung

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    Bandung is one of the largest cities in Indonesia that has several historic buildings as well as the site of the former residence of the Netherlands that has a high historical value, one of which was the Building of Satay. As time goes by as well as current technological advances, in the area there are several new buildings replaced the old building. The existence of these new buildings can be easily identified from the difference in the architectural style of the building. New buildings are likely to appear in a modern style, and use the many-floored structure and different materials of the building – the old building. By using descriptive method this study will discuss some cases buildings – new building come within the Sate Building. Found numerous adaptations of the new building to be in harmony with the environment and building houses of Sate. To preserve the harmony of the environment and the alignment of the new building required the intervention of local governments so that the Building itself came up as one of the keharmonisannya conservation area in Bandung

    Pemanfaatan Serbuk Genteng Sebagai Bahan Tambah Paving Block Dengan Metode Penekanan Pelat Desak Pyramid ( Persentase Penambahan 0%, 10%, 12%, 14% Dan 16% )

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    Paving block is a precast concrete product made from a mixture of cement or similar hydraulic binders, water and fine aggregate with or without other additives that do not damage the coating. In its development, paving blocks can be added to improve the properties produced or to reduce the amount of cement used or aggregate to make it more economical. One way to improve it is by using tile powder as an added material for fine aggregate in the manufacture of paving blocks. The tile flakes turn into powder. The researcher used this engineering pyramid-shaped printing system to not only apply the same vertical pressure as the general press, but also apply horizontal pressure during sample insertion. In this study, the proportion of cement to sand volume was 1:5 with the addition of tile powder substituted with sand at 0%, 10%, 12%, 14% and 16%, to compare compressive strength, flexural strength, water absorption (absorption). and shock resistance. From the study conducted, the results of the compressive strength test obtained an optimum average of 45.56 MPa. This is the result of the application of the pyramid pressure plate compression method which adds 10% tile powder, but for the water absorption test, apply the usual method with the addition of 0% tile powder to get an optimal average result with an absorption of 1.10%. The results of the shock resistance test with pyramid pressure plates and tile powder have a higher potential than normal compression paving blocks with an optimal average potential energy of 194.24 Joules. Meanwhile, paving blocks for flexural strength test, application of pyramid pressure plate compression method and tile powder have better resistance than ordinary paving blocks with optimum average flexural strength of 7.75 MPa

    Gambaran Pengetahuan Klinisi Ruang Rawat Intensif mengenai Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Bundle di Ruang Rawat Intensif RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung

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    Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) merupakan infeksi yang terjadi pada pasien yang terintubasi ≄48 jam di ruang rawat intensif. Penanganan VAP merupakan tantangan utama akibat morbiditas dan mortalitas yang tinggi.Ventilator associated pneumonia bundle (VAPb) telah terbukti dapat menurunkan angka kejadian VAP sehingga pengetahuan dokter dan perawat mengenai VAPb menentukan keberhasilan pencegahan VAP di ruang rawat intensif. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui pengetahuan dokter dan perawat mengenai VAPb di ruang rawat intensif RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Data diambil dari bulan November–Desember 2016. Penelitian deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang ini menggambarkan pengetahuan mengenai VAPb dari dokter residen Departemen Anestesi dan Terapi Intensif dan perawat di ruang rawat intensif RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Responden terdiri atas 79 dokter dan 88 perawat. Tingkat pengetahuan VAPb diuji menggunakan 20 pertanyaan kuesioner. Responden perawat terbanyak berjenis kelamin perempuan (74%), berusia ≄30 tahun (92%), status pendidikan diploma III (65%), lama kerja >5 tahun (76%), dan bekerja di Intensive Care Unit (ICU) (32%). Responden dokter terbanyak berjenis kelamin laki-laki (71%), berusia ≄30 tahun (83%), dan telah menyelesaikan stase ICU (61%). Simpulan, nilai kuesioner perawat dan dokter rata-rata berturut-turut 73,63 dan 73,16. Kata kunci: Klinisi ruang rawat intensif, tingkat pengetahuan, ventilator associated pneumonoia bundle   Description of Intensive Care Clinician Knowledge about Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Bundle in the Intensive Care Unit of  Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) is an infection that occurs in patients who are intubated ≄48 hours in intensive care. Management VAP is a major challenge due to the high morbidity and mortality. Ventilator associated pneumonia bundle (VAPb) has been shown to reduce the incidence of VAP, so knowledge of doctors and nurses about VAPb determine the success of preventing VAP in intensive care. This study aims to know the description of intensive care clinician knowledge about ventilator associated pneumonia bundle in the intensive care of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung. Data were collected from November–December 2016. Descriptive study with cross-sectional design depicts VAPb knowledge of resident physicians Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Therapy and nurses in the Intensive Care Department of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital. Respondents consisted of 79 doctors and 88 nurses. The level of knowledge VAPb tested using a 20 question questionnaire. Most nurse respondents were female (74%), aged ≄30 years (92%), educational status diploma III (65%), length of employment >5 years (76%), and work in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) (32%). Most physician respondents were male sex (71%), aged ≄30 years (83%), and had completed stase ICU (61%). In conclution, the mean value of the questionnaire nurses and doctors respectively 73.63 and 73.16. Key words: Intensive care clinician, level of knowledge, ventilator associated pneumonoia bundl
