686 research outputs found

    The Crime of Arson

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    Recent Developments in the Law Relating to the Physician\u27s Assistant

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    The potential source of physician\u27s assistants is enormous. In addition to the frequently cited Vietnam medic, many highly intelligent, motivated individuals could be attracted to these training programs. For example, in 1970, 24,987 people applied to medical schools although there was space for only 11,348. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, as many as one-half of the remaining 13,639 were fully qualified to become physicians, and many probably would be eager and able to deliver excellent primary health care as a physician\u27s assistant if given the opportunity. Many of the 650,000 registered nurses in retirement might be induced back to work by programs offering increased opportunity and responsibility in primary patient care. Other health care professionals, such as pharmacists, inhalation therapists, and laboratory technologists, might see the physician\u27s assistant role as a way out of dead-end career patterns and into more active patient care management. This article will review the important recent developments in the law relating to the physician\u27s assistant. Special emphasis will be placed on one of the most fundamental and yet complex issues surrounding the physician\u27s assistant--the appropriate scope of his practice

    The Crime of Arson

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    Atomic and Molecular Absorption in Redshifted Radio Sources

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    We report on a survey for associated HI 21-cm and OH 18-cm absorption with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope at redshifts z = 0.2-0.4. Although the low redshift selection ensures that our targets are below the critical ultra-violet luminosity, which is hypothesised to ionise all of the neutral gas in the host galaxy, we do not obtain any detections in the six sources searched. Analysing these in context of the previous surveys, in addition to the anti-correlation with the ultra-violet luminosity (ionising photon rate), we find a correlation between the strength of the absorption and the blue -- near-infrared colour, as well as the radio-band turnover frequency. We believe that these are due to the photo-ionisation of the neutral gas, an obscured sight-line being more conducive to the presence of cold gas and the compact radio emission being better intercepted by the absorbing gas, maximising the flux coverage, respectively. Regarding the photo-ionisation, the compilation of the previous surveys increases the significance of the critical ionising photon rate, above which all of the gas in the host galaxy is hypothesised to be ionised, to >5 sigma. This reaffirms that this is an ubiquitous effect, which has profound implications for the detection of neutral gas in these objects with the Square Kilometre Array.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    Traditional vs Machine Learning Approaches: A Comparison of Time Series Modeling Methods

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    In recent years, various new Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms have been introduced, claiming to offer better performance than traditional statistical approaches when forecasting time series. Studies seeking evidence to support the usage of ML/DL over statistical approaches have been limited to comparing the forecasting performance of univariate, linear time series data. This research compares the performance of traditional statistical-based and ML/DL methods for forecasting multivariate and nonlinear time series

    Evaluation of Striped Bass Stocks in Virginia: Monitoring Studies, 1993-1998 Completion Report 1 September 1997 - 31 October 1998

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    To document continued compliance with Federal law, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) Anadromous Program (AP) has monitored the size and age composition, sex ratio and maturity schedules of the spawning striped bass stock in the Rappahannock River since December 1981 utilizing commercial pound nets and, since 1991, variable-mesh experimental anchored gill nets. Spawning stock assessment was expanded to include the James River in 1994 utilizing extant commercial fyke nets and variable-mesh experimental gill nets. The use of fyke nets was discontinued after 1997. Tagging programs have been conducted in the James and Rappahannock rivers since 1987 in conjunction with the monitoring studies. These studies were established to document the migration and relative contribution of these Chesapeake Bay stocks to the coastal population and to provide a mean to estimate inter-year survival rates (S). The tagging studies were expanded to the York River and western Chesapeake Bay to provide a direct estimation of the resultant fishing mortality (F) with the re-establishment of fall recreational fisheries in 1993 . Because of low stock levels of striped bass in the recent past, and the variable nature of their population dynamics, Chesapeake Bay stocks may or may not be contributing their full potential to the coastal population which supports the fisheries north of Chesapeake Bay. Therefore, the information contained in this report is important to the development and implementation of a coordinated management plan for striped bass in Virginia, and along the eastern seaboard

    PKSB1740-517: An ALMA view of the cold gas feeding a distant interacting young radio galaxy

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    Cold neutral gas is a key ingredient for growing the stellar and central black hole mass in galaxies throughout cosmic history. We have used the Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA) to detect a rare example of redshifted 12^{12}CO(2-1) absorption in PKS B1740-517, a young (t∼1.6×103t \sim 1.6 \times 10^{3} yr) and luminous (L5GHz∼6.6×1043L_{\rm 5 GHz} \sim 6.6 \times 10^{43} erg s−1^{-1} ) radio galaxy at z=0.44z = 0.44 that is undergoing a tidal interaction with at least one lower-mass companion. The coincident HI 21-cm and molecular absorption have very similar line profiles and reveal a reservoir of cold gas (Mgas∼107−108M_{\rm gas} \sim 10^{7} - 10^{8} M⊙_{\odot}), likely distributed in a disc or ring within a few kiloparsecs of the nucleus. A separate HI component is kinematically distinct and has a very narrow line width (ΔvFWHM≲5\Delta{v}_{\rm FWHM} \lesssim 5 km s−1^{-1}), consistent with a single diffuse cloud of cold (Tk∼100T_{\rm k} \sim 100 K) atomic gas. The 12^{12}CO(2-1) absorption is not associated with this component, which suggests that the cloud is either much smaller than 100 pc along our sight-line and/or located in low-metallicity gas that was possibly tidally stripped from the companion. We argue that the gas reservoir in PKS B1740-517 may have accreted onto the host galaxy ∼\sim50 Myr before the young radio AGN was triggered, but has only recently reached the nucleus. This is consistent with the paradigm that powerful luminous radio galaxies are triggered by minor mergers and interactions with low-mass satellites and represent a brief, possibly recurrent, active phase in the life cycle of massive early type galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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