6,606 research outputs found

    Evaluation and comparison of tropical analyses during DST-5 and DST-6

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    Data systems tests were conducted to assess the adequacy of the global data base for numerical analysis and forecasting and in the process to determine the impact of meteorological satellite data. The results of these tests indicate that the satellite data impact is model and season dependent but definitely dependent on the method of data assimilation and the numerical model used to produce the analyses or initial conditions

    Unusual DNA binding modes for metal anticancer complexes

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    DNA is believed to be the primary target for many metal-based drugs. For example, platinum-based anticancer drugs can form specific lesions on DNA that induce apoptosis. New platinum drugs can be designed that have novel modes of interaction with DNA, such as the trinuclear platinum complex BBR3464. Also it is possible to design inert platinum(IV) pro-drugs which are non-toxic in the dark, but lethal when irradiated with certain wavelengths of light. This gives rise to novel DNA lesions which are not as readily repaired as those induced by cisplatin, and provides the basis for a new type of photoactivated chemotherapy. Finally, newly emerging ruthenium(II) organometallic complexes not only bind to DNA coordinatively, but also by H-bonding and hydrophobic interactions triggered by the introduction of extended arene rings into their versatile structures. Intriguingly osmium (the heavier congener of ruthenium) reacts differently with DNA but can also give rise to highly cytotoxic organometallic complexes

    Shareholder Voting and Directors’ Remuneration Report Legislation: Say on Pay in the U.K. (CRI 2009-004)

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    This paper investigates shareholder voting in the UK. The Directors’ Remuneration Report (DRR) Regulations of 2002 gave shareholders a mandatory non-binding vote on boardroom pay. First, using data on about 50,000 resolutions over the period 2002 to 2007 we find that less than 10% of shareholders abstain or vote against the mandated Directors’ Remuneration Report (DRR) resolution. Second, investors are more likely to vote against DRR resolutions compared to non-pay resolutions. Third, shareholders are more likely to vote against general executive pay resolutions, such as stock options, long term incentive plans and bonus resolutions compared to non-pay resolutions. Forth, firms with higher CEO pay attract greater voting dissent. Fifth, there is little evidence that CEO pay is lower in firms that previously experienced high levels of shareholder dissent. In addition, there is little evidence that the equity pay-mix, representing better owner-manager alignment, is greater in such firms. Currently, we find limited evidence that, on average, ‘say on pay’ materially alters the subsequent level and design of CEO compensation

    Photoactivatable metal complexes : from theory to applications in biotechnology and medicine

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    This short review highlights some of the exciting new experimental and theoretical developments in the field of photoactivatable metal complexes and their applications in biotechnology and medicine. The examples chosen are based on some of the presentations at the Royal Society Discussion Meeting in June 2012, many of which are featured in more detail in other articles in this issue. This is a young field. Even the photochemistry of well-known systems such as metal–carbonyl complexes is still being elucidated. Striking are the recent developments in theory and computation (e.g. time-dependent density functional theory) and in ultrafast-pulsed radiation techniques which allow photochemical reactions to be followed and their mechanisms to be revealed on picosecond/nanosecond time scales. Not only do some metal complexes (e.g. those of Ru and Ir) possess favourable emission properties which allow functional imaging of cells and tissues (e.g. DNA interactions), but metal complexes can also provide spatially controlled photorelease of bioactive small molecules (e.g. CO and NO)—a novel strategy for site-directed therapy. This extends to cancer therapy, where metal-based precursors offer the prospect of generating excited-state drugs with new mechanisms of action that complement and augment those of current organic photosensitizers

    Controlling platinum, ruthenium, and osmium reactivity for anticancer drug design

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    The main task of the medicinal chemist is to design molecules that interact specifically with derailed or degenerating processes in a diseased organism, translating the available knowledge of pathobiochemical and physiological data into chemically useful information and structures. Current knowledge of the biological and chemical processes underlying diseases is vast and rapidly expanding. In particular the unraveling of the genome in combination with, for instance, the rapid development of structural biology has led to an explosion in available information and identification of new targets for chemotherapy. The task of translating this wealth of data into active and selective new drugs is an enormous, but realistic, challenge. It requires knowledge from many different fields, including molecular biology, chemistry, pharmacology, physiology, and medicine and as such requires a truly interdisciplinary approach. Ultimately, the goal is to design molecules that satisfy all the requirements for a candidate drug to function therapeutically. Therapeutic activity can then be achieved by an understanding of and control over structure and reactivity of the candidate drug through molecular manipulation

    Dicarba-closo-dodecarborane-containing half-sandwich complexes of ruthenium, osmium, rhodium and iridium : biological relevance and synthetic strategies

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    This review describes how the incorporation of dicarba-closo-dodecarboranes into half-sandwich complexes of ruthenium, osmium, rhodium and iridium might lead to the development of a new class of compounds with applications in medicine. Such a combination not only has unexplored potential in traditional areas such as Boron Neutron Capture Therapy agents, but also as pharmacophores for the targeting of biologically important proteins and the development of targeted drugs. The synthetic pathways used for the syntheses of dicarba-closo-dodecarboranes-containing half-sandwich complexes of ruthenium, osmium, rhodium and iridium are also reviewed. Complexes with a wide variety of geometries and characteristics can be prepared. Examples of addition reactions on the metal centre, B–H activation, transmetalation reactions and/or direct formation of metal–metal bonds are discussed (103 references)

    Practical guidelines for modelling post-entry spread in invasion ecology

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    In this article we review a variety of methods to enable understanding and modelling the spread of a pest or pathogen post-entry. Building upon our experience of multidisciplinary research in this area, we propose practical guidelines and a framework for model development, to help with the application of mathematical modelling in the field of invasion ecology for post-entry spread. We evaluate the pros and cons of a range of methods, including references to examples of the methods in practice. We also show how issues of data deficiency and uncertainty can be addressed. The aim is to provide guidance to the reader on the most suitable elements to include in a model of post-entry dispersal in a risk assessment, under differing circumstances. We identify both the strengths and weaknesses of different methods and their application as part of a holistic, multidisciplinary approach to biosecurity research

    The contrasting activity of iodido versus chlorido ruthenium and osmium arene azo- and imino-pyridine anticancer complexes : control of cell selectivity, cross-resistance, p53 dependence, and apoptosis pathway

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    Organometallic half-sandwich complexes [M(p-cymene)(azo/imino-pyridine)X]+ where M = RuII or OsII and X ═ Cl or I, exhibit potent antiproliferative activity toward a range of cancer cells. Not only are the iodido complexes more potent than the chlorido analogues, but they are not cross-resistant with the clinical platinum drugs cisplatin and oxaliplatin. They are also more selective for cancer cells versus normal cells (fibroblasts) and show high accumulation in cell membranes. They arrest cell growth in G1 phase in contrast to cisplatin (S phase) with a high incidence of late-stage apoptosis. The iodido complexes retain potency in p53 mutant colon cells. All complexes activate caspase 3. In general, antiproliferative activity is greatly enhanced by low levels of the glutathione synthase inhibitor l-buthionine sulfoxime. The work illustrates how subtle changes to the design of low-spin d6 metal complexes can lead to major changes in cellular metabolism and to potent complexes with novel mechanisms of anticancer activity

    An aircraft borne dust particle counter and its applications to the study of clear air turbulence

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    Airborne photoelectric particle counter for mapping clear air turbulenc

    DEAN: A program for dynamic engine analysis

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    The Dynamic Engine Analysis program, DEAN, is a FORTRAN code implemented on the IBM/370 mainframe at NASA Lewis Research Center for digital simulation of turbofan engine dynamics. DEAN is an interactive program which allows the user to simulate engine subsystems as well as a full engine systems with relative ease. The nonlinear first order ordinary differential equations which define the engine model may be solved by one of four integration schemes, a second order Runge-Kutta, a fourth order Runge-Kutta, an Adams Predictor-Corrector, or Gear's method for still systems. The numerical data generated by the model equations are displayed at specified intervals between which the user may choose to modify various parameters affecting the model equations and transient execution. Following the transient run, versatile graphics capabilities allow close examination of the data. DEAN's modeling procedure and capabilities are demonstrated by generating a model of simple compressor rig