2,819 research outputs found

    Address of Hon. S.B. Sadler, Judge of the Court of Cumberland County

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    Address given by Hon. S.B. Sadler, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County at the dedication of Trickett Hall at the Dickinson School of Law. Originally published in Volume 23 of the Dickinson Law Review, 1918. [23 Dick. L. Rev. 8 (1918)]

    HI emission and absorption in nearby, gas-rich galaxies II. -- sample completion and detection of intervening absorption in NGC 5156

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    We present the results of a survey for intervening 21cm HI absorption in a sample of 10 nearby, gas-rich galaxies selected from the HI Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS). This follows the six HIPASS galaxies searched in previous work and completes our full sample. In this paper we searched for absorption along 17 sightlines with impact parameters between 6 and 46 kpc, making one new detection. We also obtained simultaneous HI emission-line data, allowing us to directly relate the absorption-line detection rate to the HI distribution. From this we find the majority of the non-detections in the current sample are because sightline does not intersect the HI disc of the galaxy at sufficiently high column density, but that source structure is also an important factor. The detected absorption-line arises in the galaxy NGC 5156 (z=0.01z = 0.01) at an impact parameter of 19 kpc. The line is deep and narrow with an integrated optical depth of 0.82 km s1^{-1}. High resolution Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) images at 5 and 8 GHz reveal that the background source is resolved into two components with a separation of 2.6 arcsec (500 pc at the redshift of the galaxy), with the absorption likely occurring against a single component. We estimate that the ratio of the spin temperature and covering factor, TS/fT_{\mathrm{S}}/f, is approximately 950 K in the outer disc of NGC 5156, but further observations using VLBI would allow us to accurately measure the covering factor and spin temperature of the gas.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure

    What Powers the Compact Radio Emission in Nearby Elliptical and S0 Galaxies?

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    Many nearby early-type (elliptical and S0) galaxies contain weak (milli-Jansky level) nuclear radio sources on scales a few hundred parsecs or less. The origin of the radio emission, however, has remained unclear, especially in volume-limited samples that select intrinsically less luminous galaxies. Both active galactic nuclei and nuclear star formation have been suggested as possible mechanisms for producing the radio emission. This paper utilizes optical spectroscopic information to address this issue. A substantial fraction of the early-type galaxies surveyed with the Very Large Array by Wrobel & Heeschen (1991) exhibits detectable optical emission lines in their nuclei down to very sensitive limits. Comparison of the observed radio continuum power with that expected from the thermal gas traced by the optical emission lines implies that the bulk of the radio emission is nonthermal. Both the incidence and the strength of optical line emission correlate with the radio power. At a fixed line luminosity, ellipticals have stronger radio cores than S0s. The relation between radio power and line emission observed in this sample is consistent with the low-luminosity extension of similar relations seen in classical radio galaxies and luminous Seyfert nuclei. A plausible interpretation of this result is that the weak nuclear sources in nearby early-type galaxies are the low-luminosity counterparts of more powerful AGNs. The spectroscopic evidence supports this picture. Most of the emission-line objects are optically classified as Seyfert nuclei or low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions (LINERs), the majority of which are likely to be accretion-powered sources.Comment: LaTex, 16 pages including embedded figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The Evolution of Radio Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift

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    We describe a new estimate of the radio galaxy 1.4 GHz luminosity function and its evolution at intermediate redshifts (z~0.4). Photometric redshifts and color selection have been used to select Bj<23.5 early-type galaxies from the Panoramic Deep Fields, a multicolor survey of two 25 sq deg fields. Approximately 230 radio galaxies have then been selected by matching early-type galaxies with NVSS radio sources brighter than 5 mJy. Estimates of the 1.4 GHz luminosity function of radio galaxies measure significant evolution over the observed redshift range. For an Omega_M=1 cosmology the evolution of the radio power is consistent with luminosity evolution where P(z)=P(0)(1+z)^{k_L} and 3<k_L<5. The observed evolution is similar to that observed for UVX and X-ray selected AGN and is consistent with the same physical process being responsible for the optical and radio luminosity evolution of AGN.Comment: 26 pages, 9 Figures, Accepted for Publication in A

    Fabrication and Evaluation of Graphite Fiber-Reinforced Polyimide Composite Tube Forms Using Modified Resin Transfer Molding

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    The techniques necessary for the fabrication of a complex three-dimensional tubular form using a PMR-type resin have been developed to allow for the construction of several tubes with good physical and mechanical properties. Employing established resin transfer molding practices, the relatively non-hazardous AMB-21 in acetone formulation was used to successfully impregnate four layers of AS4 braided graphite fiber preform previously loaded around an aluminum cylindrical core in an enclosed mold cavity. Using heat and vacuum, the solvent was evaporated to form a prepreg followed by a partial imidization and removal of condensation products. The aluminum core was replaced by a silicone rubber bladder and the cure cycle continued to the final stage of 550 F with a bladder internal pressure of 200 lbs/sq in while simultaneously applying a strong vacuum to the prepreg for removal of any additional imidization products. A combination of several modifications to the standard resin transfer molding methodology enabled the mold to 'breathe', allowing the imidization products a pathway for escape. AMB-21 resin was chosen because of the carcinogenic nature of the primary commercial polyimide PMR-15. The AMB-21 resin was formulated using commercially available monomers or monomer precursors and dissolved in a mixture of methyl alcohol and acetone. The viscosity of the resulting monomer solution was checked by use of a Brookfield rheometer and adjusted by adding acetone to an easily pumpable viscosity of about 600 cP. In addition, several types of chromatographic and thermal analyses were of the braids, and excess handling of the preforms broke some of the microscopic fibers, needlessly decreasing the strength of the finished part. In addition, three dimensional braided preforms with fibers along the length of the tube will be significantly stronger in tension than the braided preforms used in this study

    A search for 21 cm HI absorption in AT20G compact radio galaxies

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    We present results from a search for 21 cm associated HI absorption in a sample of 29 radio sources selected from the Australia Telescope 20 GHz survey. Observations were conducted using the Australia Telescope Compact Array Broadband Backend, with which we can simultaneously look for 21 cm absorption in a redshift range of 0.04 < z < 0.08, with a velocity resolution of 7 km/s . In preparation for future large-scale H I absorption surveys we test a spectral-line finding method based on Bayesian inference. We use this to assign significance to our detections and to determine the best-fitting number of spectral-line components. We find that the automated spectral-line search is limited by residuals in the continuum, both from the band-pass calibration and spectral-ripple subtraction, at spectral-line widths of \Deltav_FWHM > 103 km/s . Using this technique we detect two new absorbers and a third, previously known, yielding a 10 per cent detection rate. Of the detections, the spectral-line profiles are consistent with the theory that we are seeing different orientations of the absorbing gas, in both the host galaxy and circumnuclear disc, with respect to our line-of-sight to the source. In order to spatially resolve the spectral-line components in the two new detections, and so verify this conclusion, we require further high-resolution 21 cm observations (~0.01 arcsec) using very long baseline interferometry.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures and 5 tables; accepted for publication in MNRAS (version 2 based on proof corrections

    The Fornax Spectroscopic Survey I. Survey Strategy and Preliminary Results on the Redshift Distribution of a Complete Sample of Stars and Galaxies

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    The Fornax Spectroscopic Survey will use the Two degree Field spectrograph (2dF) of the Anglo-Australian Telescope to obtain spectra for a complete sample of all 14000 objects with 16.5<=Bj<=19.7 in a 12 square degree area centred on the Fornax Cluster. By selecting all objects---both stars and galaxies---independent of morphology, we cover a much larger range of surface brightness and scale size than previous surveys. In this paper we present results from the first 2dF field. Redshift distributions and velocity structures are shown for all observed objects in the direction of Fornax, including Galactic stars, galaxies in and around the Fornax Cluster, and for the background galaxy population. The velocity data for the stars show the contributions from the different Galactic components, plus a small tail to high velocities. We find no galaxies in the foreground to the cluster in our 2dF field. The Fornax Cluster is clearly defined kinematically. The mean velocity from the 26 cluster members having reliable redshifts is 1560+/-80 km/s. They show a velocity dispersion of 380+/-50 km/s. Large-scale structure can be traced behind the cluster to a redshift beyond z=0.3. Background compact galaxies and low surface brightness galaxies are found to follow the general galaxy distribution.Comment: LaTeX format; uses aa.cls (included). Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The challenges for new academics in adopting student-centred approaches to teaching

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    The current article provides a perspective on the day-to-day challenges that a group of new teachers experienced as they adopted more student-centred approaches to teaching. Three semi-structured interviews were conducted over two years with 11 new teachers from a range of higher education institutions and subject disciplines. The analysis used case studies, alongside a search for common themes, to provide fine-grained insights into the teachers' development. A main finding was that in using approaches that more actively involved the students, the teachers described challenges specific to their local contexts. In particular, the idiosyncrasy of the topic being taught was a key factor. The second finding was that regardless of the conception of teaching held, all teachers described challenges in translating this way of thinking into practice. Such data provides a useful resource for academic developers to open dialogue with new academics about the challenges they face in developing as teachers