8 research outputs found

    Doskonalenie szkolnictwa wyższego - poszukiwanie rozwiązań i partnerów

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    The article contains the main theses of the Author’s address at the international conference “University - Enterprise Partnerships in Action”, which was held in London on 22-23 June, 1995. The Author bases himself on two main assumptions, in conditions of the sudden economic and social transformations of recent decades there is an urgent need for social and economic regeneration, for co-operation between higher education and industry, which can make a significant contribution to development. In the Author’s opinion, in order to fulfil its new role, higher education in its development plans should take account of the five tendencies characteristic of contemporary higher education: the great and rapid increase and diversification of the students population, changes in the costs of funding education, the need for expanding scientific research, the use of new information and communication technologies, and the emergence of new ties between higher education and the “world of work”.Artykuł zawiera główne tezy wystąpienia Autora na międzynarodowej konferencji University  - Enterprise Partnerships in Action , która odbyła się w Londynie 22 - 23 czerwca 1995 r. Autor opiera się na następujących podstawowych założeniach: w warunkach nagłych przeobrażeń środowiska gospodarczego i społecznego zachodzących w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu występuje poważne zapotrzebowanie na odnowę gospodarczą i społeczną -współpraca między szkolnictwem wyższym i przemysłem może być istotnym czynnikiem rozwojowym. Współczesne szkolnictwo wyższe, aby sprostać nowej roli, powinno, zdaniem Autora, uwzględniać w swych planach rozwojowych pięć omawianych w artykule, charakterystycznych dla tego szkolnictwa tendencji: zwiększanie się i szybkie różnicowanie populacji studentów; zmiany w systemie finansowania kosztów kształcenia; potrzebę rozwoju badań naukowych; wykorzystywanie nowych technologii informatycznych i łączności oraz tworzenie się nowych więzi między szkolnictwem wyższym i "światem pracy"

    La educación superior en el mundo: Europa

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    Este artículo demuestra que son necesarios y posibles un pensamiento político y el desarrollo de políticas y medidas concretas que tengan por objeto mejorar la educación superior y su papel. Sin embargo, el mayor problema es el nivel inadecuado de financiación de la educación superior. El informe de la Comisión Europea sobre El papel de las universidades en la Europa del conocimiento, definió los cinco retos principales del sistema de educación superior: una demanda creciente de educación superior, la internacionalización de la enseñanza y la investigación, la cooperación entre las universidades y la industria, la proliferación de instituciones en las que se producen conocimientos y la reorganización del conocimiento. El trabajo en red (así como los objetivos del Proceso de Bolonia) parece un objetivo adecuado para la mayoría de las universidades de la zona, pero no basta para superar todos los problemas de Europa. Tampoco la descentralización es la respuesta. La diversificación de fuentes de financiación para la educación superior es una de las soluciones. El objetivo es incrementar la tasa de matrícula del actual 55% al nivel de los países más avanzados del mundo, que es del 85%. El aumento de la financiación privada transferida a la educación superior europea se ha convertido en una cuestión de decisión estratégica para la región si quiere ocupar su lugar en el entorno competitivo de la globalización. En esta situación es alentador que el debate ya no sea sobre la educación pública contra la privada, sino que se traslade al nivel más realista de educación pública y privada. En Europa, los dos problemas más urgentes son aumentar el número de estudiantes y ofrecerles ayudas económicas.Peer Reviewe

    Teacher training for political science PhD students in Europe: determinants of a tool for enhanced teaching in higher education

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    In this paper we examine the state of teacher training for political science PhD candidates in the European Union and make a comparison with the situation in the United States. We investigate the determinants of supply and demand of teacher training. On the supply side, we suggest that research orientation and quality assurance are factors that might enhance institutional willingness to provide training. On the demand side, we examine the influence of gender, career plans, year of study, and career status on student motivation to undergo teacher training. We find that about half of EU institutions offering PhD programs also provide some form of teacher training; this closely follows American trends. We also uncover that while research orientation has a significant positive effect on the willingness of universities to provide training in pedagogy, quality assurance does not. Of the four factors we put forward as potential influences on student demand for teacher training, only future plans have a significant effect. We argue that similarities in the situation of teacher training in the United States and the European Union make transatlantic dialogue in graduate education worthwhile. Moreover, the positive impact of teacher training on the quality of teaching and learning as well as the positive valuation of training by more than two-thirds of PhD students in our sample makes us conclude that teacher training should be more widely available

    Higher Education and Its Regeneration - The Search for Solutions and Partners

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    Artykuł zawiera główne tezy wystąpienia Autora na międzynarodowej konferencji University  - Enterprise Partnerships in Action , która odbyła się w Londynie 22 - 23 czerwca 1995 r. Autor opiera się na następujących podstawowych założeniach: w warunkach nagłych przeobrażeń środowiska gospodarczego i społecznego zachodzących w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu występuje poważne zapotrzebowanie na odnowę gospodarczą i społeczną -współpraca między szkolnictwem wyższym i przemysłem może być istotnym czynnikiem rozwojowym. Współczesne szkolnictwo wyższe, aby sprostać nowej roli, powinno, zdaniem Autora, uwzględniać w swych planach rozwojowych pięć omawianych w artykule, charakterystycznych dla tego szkolnictwa tendencji: zwiększanie się i szybkie różnicowanie populacji studentów; zmiany w systemie finansowania kosztów kształcenia; potrzebę rozwoju badań naukowych; wykorzystywanie nowych technologii informatycznych i łączności oraz tworzenie się nowych więzi między szkolnictwem wyższym i "światem pracy".The article contains the main theses of the Author’s address at the international conference “University - Enterprise Partnerships in Action”, which was held in London on 22-23 June, 1995. The Author bases himself on two main assumptions, in conditions of the sudden economic and social transformations of recent decades there is an urgent need for social and economic regeneration, for co-operation between higher education and industry, which can make a significant contribution to development. In the Author’s opinion, in order to fulfil its new role, higher education in its development plans should take account of the five tendencies characteristic of contemporary higher education: the great and rapid increase and diversification of the students population, changes in the costs of funding education, the need for expanding scientific research, the use of new information and communication technologies, and the emergence of new ties between higher education and the “world of work”

    Fabrication and characterisation of porous, calcium enriched coatings on titanium after plasma electrolytic oxidation under DC regime

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    The purpose of this work is to produce and characterize (chemical composition and roughness parameters) porous coatings enriched in calcium and phosphorus on the titanium (CP Titanium Grade 2) by plasma electrolytic oxidation. As an electrolyte, a mixture of phosphoric acid H3PO4 and calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)(2)center dot 4H(2)O was used. Based on obtained EDS and roughness results of PEO coatings, the effect of PEO voltages on the chemical composition and surface roughness of porous coatings was determined. With voltage increasing from 450 V to 650 V, the calcium in PEO coatings obtained in freshly prepared electrolyte was also found to increase. In addition, the Ca/P ratio increased linearly with voltage increasing according to the formula Ca/P = 0.035 center dot U+0.176 (by wt%) and Ca/P = 0.03 center dot U+0.13 (by at%). It was also noticed that the surface roughness increases with the voltage increasing, what is related to the change in coating porosity, i.e. the higher is the surface roughness, the bigger are pores sizes obtained.Web of Science174675

    Teacher Training for Political Science PhD Students in Europe Determinants of a Tool for Enhanced Teaching in Higher Education

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    In this paper we examine the state of teacher training for political science PhD candidates in the European Union and make a comparison with the situation in the United States. We investigate the determinants of supply and demand of teacher training. On the supply side, we suggest that research orientation and quality assurance are factors that might enhance institutional willingness to provide training. On the demand side, we examine the influence of gender, career plans, year of study, and career status on student motivation to undergo teacher training. We find that about half of EU institutions offering PhD programs also provide some form of teacher training; this closely follows American trends. We also uncover that while research orientation has a significant positive effect on the willingness of universities to provide training in pedagogy, quality assurance does not. Of the four factors we put forward as potential influences on student demand for teacher training, only future plans have a significant effect. We argue that similarities in the situation of teacher training in the United States and the European Union make transatlantic dialogue in graduate education worthwhile. Moreover, the positive impact of teacher training on the quality of teaching and learning as well as the positive valuation of training by more than two-thirds of PhD students in our sample makes us conclude that teacher training should be more widely available