218 research outputs found

    OAST system technology planning

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    The NASA Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology developed a planning model for space technology consisting of a space systems technology model, technology forecasts and technology surveys. The technology model describes candidate space missions through the year 2000 and identifies their technology requirements. The technology surveys and technology forecasts provide, respectively, data on the current status and estimates of the projected status of relevant technologies. These tools are used to further the understanding of the activities and resources required to ensure the timely development of technological capabilities. Technology forecasting in the areas of information systems, spacecraft systems, transportation systems, and power systems are discussed


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     AbstrakPembelajaran dengan menggunakan media Audio-visual adalah sebuah cara pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media yang mengandung unsur suara dan gambar, dimana dalam proses penyerapan materi melibatkan indra penglihatan dan indra pendengaran.Setelah dilaksankan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan mengunakan media Audio-Visual selama 2 siklus tindakan di Kelas VII-A SMPN 2 Teluk Batang, hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan. pemahaman siswa mengalami peningkatan. Diamati dari pencapaian rata-rata tampak jelas adanya peningkatan dari 59,23 pada siklus I menjadi 69,61 pada siklus kedua. Sementara itu dari pencapaian ketuntasan belajar siswa tampak juga terjadi peningkatan dari 61,54% pada siklus pertama dan menunjukkan pembelajaran belum tuntas menjadi 89,74% siswa telah tuntas pada siklus kedua dan menunjukkan pembelajaran telah tuntas.Kata Kunci: Media Audio Visual, Pembelajaran IPS, Prestasi Belaja

    Trauma Sensitive Schools and the PBS Framework

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    Recent research in the field of interpersonal neurobiology shows that the toxic stress that results from early exposure to traumatic situations (abuse, neglect, in-utero exposures to drugs and alcohol, exposure to domestic violence, and poverty) impacts brain development. Neurobiology is a significant, and often overlooked, aspect is in a child\u27s social and emotional development. The change in brain development can be connected to bullying (both perpetrators and bullies), attendance, discipline, and to the achievement gap. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study discovered that childhood trauma leads to the adult onset of chronic diseases, depression and other mental illness, violence and being a victim of violence. The 11 ACEs the researchers measured include physical, sexual and verbal abuse, physical and emotional neglect; a family member who is depressed or diagnosed with other mental illness, addicted to alcohol or another substance, in prison, witnessing a mother being abused, losing a parent to separation, divorce or other reason. Further, according to research from the Washington State University Area Health Education Center, children who have an ACE score of 3 are more than three times as likely to be suspended, six times more likely to experience behavioral problems, five times more likely to have severe attendance issues. They also have reduced reading ability and lower grade point averages. Thus, the number of ACES a child has can be used to predict likelihood of needing tiered intervention supports. Developing trauma-sensitive school systems and interventions within the PBS framework can help mitigate the impact of toxic stress on children\u27s learning and behavior. This workshop-- led by an experienced special educator and administrator, will define “trauma-sensitive schools” and give an overview of strategies that educators can implement within all tiers of a PBS framework to reduce discipline incidents, improve attendance, and improve academic achievement

    OAST Space Systems Studies Review Meeting

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    The agenda from the OAST review meeting is presented. Some of the following topics were reviewed in detail: (1) space utilization; (2) space transportation and (3) science and exploration

    OAST Space Theme Workshop 1976

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    Papers that provide a technical foundation including research and technology base candidates for each of six space themes - space power, space industrialization, search for extraterrestrial intelligence, exploration of the solar system, global service, and advanced transportation systems - are presented. The material is mainly intended for further use by workshop participants and NASA elements concerned with space research and technology. While the data presented do not represent official plans or positions, they are part of the process of evolving such plans and positions. The information contained reflects the efforts of workshop participants and should be an aid in the successful implementation and execution of the Agency's near- and far-term advanced technology program

    Drying characteristics and modeling of tomato thin layer drying in combined infrared-hot air dryer

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    In this study tomato slices were dried with three thicknesses (3, 5 and 7 mm), three temperatures (60°C, 70°Cand 80°C) and air speed of 1.1 ms-1 in a combined infrared-hot air dryer.  Distance from infrared source was 70 cm, while, input air temperature was 60°C.  The experiment was conducted as factorial based on a completely randomized design.  Results showed that energy consumption reduced along with the increase in temperature and slice thickness.  Decrease in the slice thickness from 7 to 3 mm resulted in a significant decrease in drying time.  Maximum diffusion coefficient was related to the thickness of 7 mm and the temperature of 80°C, while, the minimum value was related to the thickness of 3 mm and the temperature of 60°C.  Effective diffusion coefficient and activation energy is, respectively, 9-10 m2 s-1 to 10-11 m2 s-1 and 12.7-110 kJ mol-1.  Middili's model had the maximum R2 and the minimum RMSE and SSE at different temperatures and speeds, thus, it was considered as the fittest model to predict the moisture


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    The overuse of antibiotics has resulted in microorganisms developing resistance to commercially available antibiotics. The present research aims to study the presence, properties, and distribution of bioactive compounds within several plant parts of Dipterocarpus zeylanicus which has been used in traditional medicine to treat various infectious diseases.  The secondary metabolites were extracted from the leaf, seed, heartwood, and resin through sequential extraction. A qualitative phytochemical investigation was performed to determine the presence of secondary metabolites in the extracts. Antioxidant activity was determined using DPPH radical scavenging assay and Folin-Ciocalteu assay was used to measure the Total polyphenolic content (TPC). The antimicrobial assay was performed using EUCAST disc diffusion assay with Escherichia coli, MRSA, and Staphylococcus aureus as microbial strains. The phytochemical study indicated ubieties of alkaloids, steroids, saponins, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, phenols, tannins, and terpenoids. Heartwood extracted using ethyl acetate showed the highest antioxidant activity (IC50 0.484 µg/ml). The highest amount of phenols (56.3±4.6 mg GAE/g) was present in the methanol extract of seed. A large inhibition zone (10.7±0.6 mm) by ethyl acetate extract of seed against E. coli demonstrated effective antibacterial activity. Therefore, these crude extracts can be used to isolate novel biologically active secondary metabolites exhibiting antimicrobial and antioxidant properties

    A Titan exploration study: Science, technology and mission planning options, volume 1

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    Mission concepts and technology advancements that can be used in the exploration of the outer planet satellites were examined. Titan, the seventh satellite of Saturn was selected as the target of interest. Science objectives for Titan exploration were identified, and recommended science payloads for four basic mission modes were developed (orbiter, atmospheric probe, surface penetrator and lander). Trial spacecraft and mission designs were produced for the various mission modes. Using these trial designs as a base, technology excursions were then made to find solutions to the problems resulting from these conventional approaches and to uncover new science, technology and mission planning options. Several mission modes were developed that take advantage of the unique conditions expected at Titan. They include a combined orbiter, atmosphere probe and lander vehicle, a combined probe and surface penetrator configuration and concepts for advanced remote sensing orbiters