9 research outputs found

    Level of Oxidative Stress Markers in Peri-Implant CrevicularFluid and Their Correlation with Clinical Parameters

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    Objective: Increased levels of oxidative stress markers in periodontitis have been reported by recent studies. Malondialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) are both in- creased during oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to detect and measure the level of oxidative stress markers in peri-implant crevicular fluid (PICF). Their correlation with peri-implant clinical parameters was investigated as well. Materials and Methods: PICF samples of 50 dental implants were collected in 31 pa- tients. Peri-implant clinical parameters including probing pocket depth (PPD), gingival index (GI) and bleeding on probing (BOP) were recorded. Levels of oxidative stress markers including MDA, SOD and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in PICF were deter- mined. Results:  Twenty  four  implants  showed  signs  of  inflammation  and  26  implants  had healthy  peri-implant tissues. MDA and TAC were seen in all samples, but SOD was not detected around 31 implants. The differences between the two groups with respect to the levels of MDA, TAC and SOD in PICF, were not statistically significant (P> 0.05).  In addition, significant positive correlations were observed between PPD and TAC and MDA level (P<0.05). Conclusion: Significant correlations exist between PPD and level of MDA and TAC. Moreover, level of oxidative stress markers (MDA, SOD and TAC) in PICF does not sig- nificantly change in peri-implantitis compared to healthy implants. Measuring these mark- ers in PICF does not seem to be helpful for discrimination of peri-implant health and dis- ease status

    The effectiveness of stress management intervention in a community-based program: Isfahan healthy heart program

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    BACKGROUND: This study was designed to assess the effectiveness of stress managementtraining in improving the ability of coping with stress in a large population.METHODS: Five cross-sectional studies using multistage cluster random sampling wereperformed on adults aged &ge; 19 years between 2000 to 2005 in Isfahan and Najaf Abad asintervention cities and Arak as the control city within the context of Isfahan Healthy HeartProgram. Stress management training was adapted according to age and education levels of thetarget groups. In a 45-minute home interview, demographic data, General Health Questionnaire(GHQ) and stress management questionnaires were collected. Data was analyzed by t-test,linear regression and general linear model.RESULTS: Trends of both adaptive and maladaptive coping skills and GHQ scores frombaseline to the last survey were statistically significant in both intervention and reference areas(P &lt; 0.001). While adaptive coping skills increased significantly, maladaptive coping skillsdecreased significantly in the intervention areas. Furthermore, stress levels decreasedsignificantly in the intervention compared to the reference area.CONCLUSION: Stress management programs could improve coping strategies at thecommunity level and can be considered in designing behavioral interventionsKeywords: Stress Management, Community, Intervention, Coping Strategies

    Potential Role of SUMO and SUMOylation in the Pathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus

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    Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia and associated with multiple organ systems complications. The incidence and prevalence of diabetes are increasing in an epidemic proportion worldwide. In addition to environmental factors, some epigenetic and post-translational modifications have critical roles in the pathogenesis of diabetes and its complications. Reversible covalent modification such as SUMOylation by SUMO (Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier) has emerged as a new mechanism that affects the dynamic regulation of proteins. In this review, we initially focus on the function of SUMO and SUMOylation. Subsequently, we assess the potential effects of this process in the pathogenesis of type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus

    A novel missense mutation in the TGF-β-binding protein-like domain 3 of FBN1 causes Weill–Marchesani syndrome with intellectual disability

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    Background: Weill–Marchesani syndrome (WMS) is a rare connective tissue disorder characterized by locus heterogeneity and variable expressivity. Patients suffering from WMS are described by short stature, brachydactyly, joint stiffness, congenital heart defects, and eye abnormalities. This disorder is inherited in two different modes; the autosomal dominant form of the disease occurs due to a mutation in FBN1, and the recessive form results from mutations in ADAMTS10, ADAMTS17, or LTP2 genes. Materials and Methods: The family recruited in this study was a consanguineous Iranian family with an intellectually disabled girl referred to the Sadra Genetics laboratory, Shahrekord, Iran. The clinical history of family members was investigated. Whole-Exome Sequencing (WES) for the proband was performed. Sanger sequencing was used to assess the segregation of candidate variants in the other family members. Results: Whole-exome sequencing analysis revealed a novel heterozygote mutation in the proband located at the third TGF-β-binding protein-like (TB) domain of the FBN1 gene (NM000138: c.2066A>G: (p. Glu689Gly), NP_000129.3, in exon 17 of the gene). Co-segregation analysis with Sanger sequencing confirmed this mutation in the affected members of the pedigree. Conclusion: Our findings represent an autosomal dominant form of specific WMS resulting from a substitution mutation in the FBN1 gene. In addition to the typical manifestations of the disorder, mild intellectual disability (ID) was identified in the 8-year-old proband. Given the fact that ID is primarily reported in ADAMTS10 mutated cases, this family was clinically and genetically a novel case

    Statins and autoimmunity: State-of-the-art

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    HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, or statins, are potent plasma LDL-cholesterol (LDL-c) lowering agents. Since the introduction of the first statin, lovastatin, in 1987, accumulating evidence showed that non-cholesterol lowering effects play an important role in their efficacy to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). Thus, these non-LDL-c lowering properties could benefit patients with immune-mediated diseases. Statins and their associated immune-modulating roles have recently received much attention. Different statins have been administered in various experimental and clinical studies focused on autoimmunity. The results indicate that statins can modulate immune responses through mevalonate pathway-dependent and-independent mechanisms. The antiinflammatory and immune-modulating effects include cell adhesion, migration of antigen presenting cells, and differentiation, as well as activation, of T-cells. In various autoimmune diseases (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis), promising results have been obtained to date. (C) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Developmental competence of IVF and SCNT goat embryos is improved by inhibition of canonical WNT signaling

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    The specific role of the canonical WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway during the preimplantation development of goat remains unclear. Our objective was to investigate the expression of β-CATENIN, one of the critical components of Wnt signaling pathway, in IVF embryos and compare it with SCNT embryos in goat. In addition, we evaluated the consequence of inhibition of β-catenin using IWR1. Initially, we observed cytoplasmic expression of β-CATENIN in 2 and 8–16 cell stage embryos and membranous expression of β-CATENIN in compact morula and blastocyst stages. Furthermore, while we observed exclusively membranous localization of β-catenin in IVF blastocysts, we observed both membranous and cytoplasmic localization in SCNT blastocysts. We observed that Inhibition of WNT signaling by IWR1 during compact morula to blastocyst transition (from day 4 till day 7 of in vitro culture) increased blastocyst formation rate in both IVF and SCNT embryos. In conclusion, it seems that WNT signaling system has functional role in the preimplantation goat embryos, and inhibition of this pathway during the period of compact morula to blastocyst transition (D4-D7) can improve preimplantation embryonic development

    Developmental competence of IVF and SCNT goat embryos is improved by inhibition of canonical WNT signaling.

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    The specific role of the canonical WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway during the preimplantation development of goat remains unclear. Our objective was to investigate the expression of β-CATENIN, one of the critical components of Wnt signaling pathway, in IVF embryos and compare it with SCNT embryos in goat. In addition, we evaluated the consequence of inhibition of β-catenin using IWR1. Initially, we observed cytoplasmic expression of β-CATENIN in 2 and 8-16 cell stage embryos and membranous expression of β-CATENIN in compact morula and blastocyst stages. Furthermore, while we observed exclusively membranous localization of β-catenin in IVF blastocysts, we observed both membranous and cytoplasmic localization in SCNT blastocysts. We observed that Inhibition of WNT signaling by IWR1 during compact morula to blastocyst transition (from day 4 till day 7 of in vitro culture) increased blastocyst formation rate in both IVF and SCNT embryos. In conclusion, it seems that WNT signaling system has functional role in the preimplantation goat embryos, and inhibition of this pathway during the period of compact morula to blastocyst transition (D4-D7) can improve preimplantation embryonic development