42 research outputs found

    The Discourse of Friday Sermon in Surakarta a Socio-pragmatic Study

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    This research aims to explain the Friday sermon by analysing the structure of its discourse, the selection and composition of its topics, the form and functions of its codes and code switching, the form of its speech acts, and the characteristics of its language and specific terms. The method used is descriptive and qualitative. This research considers the speech components of the sermon and approaches it contextually. The analysis of the speech acts is based on Kreidler's theory (1998), while that of the characteristics of the language is based on the Dell Hymes's theory. The data were collected in Surakarta and several of its mosques assuming the representativeness of the city and the location of the mosques. The analysis and presentation of the data have led to the following conclusions: the Friday sermon contains oral discourse which has regular and typical structure; the strategies of the composition of the topics include quotation, storytelling, and use of popular expressions; the forms of the codes and code switching involve Arabic, Indonesian, Javanese, and English languages; the utterances of the sermon contain all forms of speech acts; various terms appear in the sermons indicating that the Friday sermon functions as a register or USAge of language in a particular fiel

    Cultural Elements in the Indonesian Textbooks as a Foreign Language (BIPA) in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to preserve the cultural aspects of BIPA textbooks in Indonesia. This research used a qualitative approach. The data source was a BIPA textbook that was used and published in Indonesia. The object of the research was the elements of Indonesian culture in BIPA textbooks in Indonesia. The results showed seven materials of Indonesian culture in BIPA textbooks. Based on this research, it can be suggested that the materials in BIPA textbooks in Indonesia should be improved.   Keywords: BIPA, culture, textbook

    Ecological Concept of Wayang Stories and the Relation with Natural Conservation in Javanese Society

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    Wayang is one of the Javanese performing arts that has a great value in Javanese society. The aim of this research is to describe and explain the ecological concept of the wayang story in Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This qualitative descriptive research uses an ethnographic approach. Data were collected by using domain analysis techniques, taxonomic analysis, compositional analysis, and theme analysis. Data validation uses the extra participation technique, perseverance observation, triangulation, detailed discussion, and auditing. The research found that the ecological concept in wayang stories can be found in some used term and the motto, which relates to the term ‘environment conservation’. This term is found in the narration of the story and the dialog of wayang characters, and some mottos are also found that are related to the nature conservation effort. With regard to the results of this research, it can be said that the ecological concept in wayang stories also has functions relating to natural conservation and preservation for the society in Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta.   Keywords: ecological concept, Javanese literature, natural conservation, wayang stor

    Folklore As Local Wisdom for Teaching Materialsin Bipa Program (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers)

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    Folklore is traditional stories which are passed down orally from one person to another in a society. Folklore as one of the local wisdoms should be preserved folklore can be used as one of teaching materials in schools is one way to preserve and introduce the local folklore to the students. This study uses qualitative descriptive data in the form of information of folklore. The results of this study are seven pieces of folklore that come from different regions in Banjarnegara district. The sources of data are from informants, historical remains, and written documents. The data collection techniques of this study are observation, interviews, and documentation. The validation of data is done using triangulation of the sources and triangulation methods. It is expected that this study is able to be used as teaching materials in BIPA Program (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers).     Keywords: folklore, teaching materials, preservation, and Indonesian for Foreign Speakers

    Lawas: An oral literature in Sumbawa East Indonesia (East Indonesia) as a character development means

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    Character deterioration became a worldwide serious problem. Educational institutions have responsibility and strategic role to solve problem. Its effort is to revitalize the role of oral literature based on containing values of character building. If it has seriously implemented, this program can build learners’ character based on the values of typical cultural wisdom. Therefore, this research goal is to describe form and explore the potential value of characters contained in oral literature as cultural heritage of the Sumbawa, a city in East Indonesia. data is qualitatively collected t by interviewing Sumbawa culturists. The collected data is checked its validity with various theoretical perspectives and member checking. The data analysis used the interactive model. The research findings shown that (1) Lawas form consists of three lines, four lines, and sequential. Lawas prototype is in the form of three lines, each is composed of eight syllables. (2) The character values in the Lawas oral literature in the form of religious, good personality, awareness, humble, knowledgeable, courage, egalitarian, brotherhood, maintain self-esteem, and equal personality. These character values reflected the Sumbawa people’s life philosophy that oriented towards the development or improvement of physical-material and mental-spiritual dimension in a balanced and simultaneous way. Sumbawa people viewed the life of the world and the hereafter must go hand in hand which manifests in the way of thinking, speaking, and behaving. The character values in Lawas involved virtue and wisdom in relation to oneself, neighbor, nature, and God

    The Role of Language Editors in Improving the Quality of Academic Books Published By University Presses

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    The purpose of this research is to improve the role of language editors in university press management, particularly in Indonesia, in publishing universities’ intellectual assets. The method used was a descriptive qualitative design by focusing on group discussions, seminars, workshops, and training. The results showed that the university press was the most important pillar in the implementation of Tri Dharma University and had a vital role in publishing and distributing the intellectual assets of higher education to the public. Good management will ultimately create a professional university press. Aspects such as editorial management were considered, particularly in language editing, because of the essential role of connecting writers’ ideas to the readers. There have been some experiences in Indonesia where the University Press proved that a well-managed publishing will produce a positive impact to the university. The academic sphere will apparently appear in every activity related to publication and will present a positive image toward universities.     Keywords: academic book, language editors, university press managemen

    Through applying propaganda rhetoric in speaking skill learning at senior high school

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    Propaganda Rhetoric Learning is relevant with strengthening students’ character at school. One of characters that can be strengthened is religious character. Religious character education can be seen either in general school or in religion-based school. Then, the purposes of writing this paper are (1) to describe propaganda rhetoric learning on speaking competency at a senior high school, (2) to describe the relevance of propaganda rhetoric learning in students’ book of Indonesian Language and Literature. The interest toward Language Sciences and Culture 12 1 INTRODUCTION Education is believed to build the intelligence as well as the personality of the human to be better stage. However, what would happen if education is solely interested in intellectuals without building the character of their students? The result is moral damages and value violations. Ultimately, this kind of education will be like a robot, minded, but not characterized, empty soul. The deterioration of the current behavior has been widely reported by some television stations even in newspapers. For example, exemplary problem of the officials who are said to be fond of swearing and mocking and even painful as shown by law expert of political communication Emrus Sihombing in www.tribunnews.com/2015/03/26 stated that "Ahok's ethics violation is more dangerous than corruption ". When the corruption is the only material impact, the ethics that are being degenerated are mental, moral and behavioral. Related to the use of language in communicating, Ahok can be categorized as ignorant in ethics. Therefore, Erikson (1968) reveals that national human character needs to be instilled from early INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 55 Proceeding of the 2 nd th (Twelfth) Grade which is compatible with 2013 Curriculum. This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research. Data of this research are propaganda rhetoric utterances made by students. Data are collected by means of taking notes, selecting compatible data and taking notes on data cards. Data validation technique uses source and technique triangulation. Data are analyzed by means of analyzing participant’s perspective with strategies which are interactive and adaptable. The results of this research are (1) 12th Grade 2013 Curriculum with the interest of Indonesian Language subject is speaking (formal and non-formal), teachers can give an assignment to speak in the form of propaganda (propaganda rhetoric), (2) Learning speaking is relevant with KD (Basic Competency) in 2013 curriculum