312 research outputs found

    Searching for Radio Pulsars in 3EG Sources at Urumqi Observatory

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    Since mid-2005, a pulsar searching system has been operating at 18 cm on the 25-m radio telescope of Urumqi Observatory. Test observations on known pulsars show that the system can perform the intended task. The prospect of using this system to observe 3EG sources and other target searching tasks is discussed.Comment: a training project about MSc thesi

    Efficient Seeds Computation Revisited

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    The notion of the cover is a generalization of a period of a string, and there are linear time algorithms for finding the shortest cover. The seed is a more complicated generalization of periodicity, it is a cover of a superstring of a given string, and the shortest seed problem is of much higher algorithmic difficulty. The problem is not well understood, no linear time algorithm is known. In the paper we give linear time algorithms for some of its versions --- computing shortest left-seed array, longest left-seed array and checking for seeds of a given length. The algorithm for the last problem is used to compute the seed array of a string (i.e., the shortest seeds for all the prefixes of the string) in O(n2)O(n^2) time. We describe also a simpler alternative algorithm computing efficiently the shortest seeds. As a by-product we obtain an O(nlog⁥(n/m))O(n\log{(n/m)}) time algorithm checking if the shortest seed has length at least mm and finding the corresponding seed. We also correct some important details missing in the previously known shortest-seed algorithm (Iliopoulos et al., 1996).Comment: 14 pages, accepted to CPM 201

    Cooler and bigger than thought? Planetary host stellar parameters from the InfraRed Flux Method

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    Effective temperatures and radii for 92 planet-hosting stars as determined from the InfraRed Flux Method (IRFM) are presented and compared with those given by other authors using different approaches. The IRFM temperatures we have derived are systematically lower than those determined from the spectroscopic condition of excitation equilibrium, the mean difference being as large as 110 K. They are, however, consistent with previous IRFM studies and with the colors derived from Kurucz and MARCS model atmospheres. Comparison with direct measurements of stellar diameters for 7 dwarf stars, which approximately cover the range of temperatures of the planet-hosting stars, suggest that the IRFM radii and temperatures are reliable in an absolute scale. A better understanding of the fundamental properties of the stars with planets will be achieved once this discrepancy between the IRFM and the spectroscopic temperature scales is resolved.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Casorati Determinant Form of Dark Soliton Solutions of the Discrete Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation

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    It is shown that the NN-dark soliton solutions of the integrable discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger (IDNLS) equation are given in terms of the Casorati determinant. The conditions for reduction, complex conjugacy and regularity for the Casorati determinant solution are also given explicitly. The relationship between the IDNLS and the relativistic Toda lattice is discussed.Comment: First version was uploaded in 23 Jun 2005. Published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan in May, 200

    A Keck/HIRES Doppler Search for Planets Orbiting Metal-Poor Dwarfs. I. Testing Giant Planet Formation and Migration Scenarios

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    We describe a high-precision Doppler search for giant planets orbiting a well-defined sample of metal-poor dwarfs in the field. This experiment constitutes a fundamental test of theoretical predictions which will help discriminate between proposed giant planet formation and migration models. We present here details on the survey as well as an overall assessment of the quality of our measurements, making use of the results for the stars that show no significant velocity variation.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The puzzling abundance pattern of HD134439 and HD134440

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    Abundances of 18 elements are determined for the common proper-motion pair, HD134439 and HD134440, which shows high [Mn/Fe] and low [\alpha/Fe] ratios as compared to normal halo stars. Moreover, puzzling abundances are indicated from elements whose origins are normally considered to be from the same nucleosynthesis history. Particularly, we have found that [Mg/Fe] and [Si/Fe] are lower than [Ca/Fe] and [Ti/Fe] by 0.1-0.3 dex. When elemental abundances are interpreted in term of their condensation temperatures (Tc), obvious trends of [X/Fe] vs. Tc for alpha elements and probably iron-peak elements as well are shown. The hypothesis that these stars have formed from a dusty environment in dSph galaxy provides a solution to the puzzling abundance pattern.Comment: 13 pages,5 figures, MN, in pres

    Abundance Analysis of Planetary Host Stars I. Differential Iron Abundances

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    We present atmospheric parameters and iron abundances derived from high-resolution spectra for three samples of dwarf stars: stars which are known to host close-in giant planets (CGP), stars for which radial velocity data exclude the presence of a close-in giant planetary companion (no-CGP), as well as a random sample of dwarfs with a spectral type and magnitude distribution similar to that of the planetary host stars (control). All stars have been observed with the same instrument and have been analyzed using the same model atmospheres, atomic data and equivalent width modeling program. Abundances have been derived differentially to the Sun, using a solar spectrum obtained with Callisto as the reflector with the same instrumentation. We find that the iron abundances of CGP dwarfs are on average by 0.22 dex greater than that of no-CGP dwarfs. The iron abundance distributions of both the CGP and no-CGP dwarfs are different than that of the control dwarfs, while the combined iron abundances have a distribution which is very similar to that of the control dwarfs. All four samples (CGP, no-CGP, combined, control) have different effective temperature distributions. We show that metal enrichment occurs only for CGP dwarfs with temperatures just below solar and approximately 300 K higher than solar, whereas the abundance difference is insignificant at Teff around 6000 K.Comment: 52 pages (aastex 11pt, preprint style), including 17 figures and 13 tables; accepted for publication in AJ (scheduled for the October 2003 issue

    A systematic method for constructing time discretizations of integrable lattice systems: local equations of motion

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    We propose a new method for discretizing the time variable in integrable lattice systems while maintaining the locality of the equations of motion. The method is based on the zero-curvature (Lax pair) representation and the lowest-order "conservation laws". In contrast to the pioneering work of Ablowitz and Ladik, our method allows the auxiliary dependent variables appearing in the stage of time discretization to be expressed locally in terms of the original dependent variables. The time-discretized lattice systems have the same set of conserved quantities and the same structures of the solutions as the continuous-time lattice systems; only the time evolution of the parameters in the solutions that correspond to the angle variables is discretized. The effectiveness of our method is illustrated using examples such as the Toda lattice, the Volterra lattice, the modified Volterra lattice, the Ablowitz-Ladik lattice (an integrable semi-discrete nonlinear Schroedinger system), and the lattice Heisenberg ferromagnet model. For the Volterra lattice and modified Volterra lattice, we also present their ultradiscrete analogues.Comment: 61 pages; (v2)(v3) many minor correction

    Supernova type Ia luminosities, their dependence on second parameters, and the value of H_0

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    A sample of 35 SNe Ia with good to excellent photometry in B and V, minimum internal absorption, and 1200 < v < \approx 30000 km/s is compiled from the literature. As far as their spectra are known they are all Branch-normal. For 29 of the SNe Ia also peak magnitudes in I are known. The SNe Ia have uniform colors at maximum, i.e. =-0.012 mag (sigma=0.051) and =-0.276 mag (sigma=0.078). In the Hubble diagram they define a Hubble line with a scatter of σM\sigma_M=0.21-0.16 mag, decreasing with wavelength. The scatter is further reduced if the SNe Ia are corrected for differences in decline rate Delta_m_15 or color (B-V). A combined correction reduces the scatter to sigma<=0.13 mag. After the correction no significant dependence remains on Hubble type or galactocentric distance. The Hubble line suggests some curvature which can be differently interpreted. A consistent solution is obtained for a cosmological model with Omega_M=0.3, Omega_Lambda=0.7, which is indicated also by much more distant SNe Ia. Absolute magnitudes are available for eight equally blue (Branch-normal) SNe Ia in spirals, whose Cepheid distances are known. If their well defined mean values of M_B, M_V, and M_I are used to fit the Hubble line to the above sample of SNe Ia one obtains H_0=58.3 km/s/Mpc, or, after adjusting all SNe Ia to the average values of Delta_m_15 and (B-V), H_0=60.9 km/s/Mpc. Various systematic errors are discussed whose elimination tends to decrease H_0. The finally adopted value at the 90-percent level, including random and systematic errors, is H_0=58.5 +/- 6.3 km/s/Mpc. Several higher values of H_0 from SNe Ia, as suggested in the literature, are found to depend on large corrections for variations of the light curve parameter and/or on an unwarranted reduction of the Cepheid distances of the calibrating SNe Ia.Comment: 42 pages, including 9 figures; submitted to Ap

    Dynamics of Binary Mixtures with Ions: Dynamic Structure Factor and Mesophase Formation

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    Dynamic equations are presented for polar binary mixtures containing ions in the presence of the preferential solvation. In one-phase states, we calculate the dynamic structure factor of the composition accounting for the ion motions. Microphase separation can take place for sufficiently large solvation asymmetry of the cations and the anions. We show two-dimensional simulation results of the mesophase formation with an antagonistic salt, where the cations are hydrophilic and the anions are hydrophobic. The structure factor S(q) in the resultant mesophase has a sharp peak at an intermediate wave number on the order of the Debye-Huckel wave number. As the quench depth is increased, the surface tension nearly vanishes in mesophases due to an electric double layer.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte
