239 research outputs found

    A Descriptive Study for the Impacts of Using Social Media on the Studies of University Students in Pakistan (A Literature Review.)

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    This research paper deals with the influence and contribution of Social Media for the studies of students in universities of Pakistan. Detail review of literature is adopted as methodology of this paper. The main objective of this study is to highlight the pros and cons of using social media by the students and emphasize on the positive usages. Mixed results are found while analyses were made on the basis of literature reviewed. It is observed that the use of social media and specifically social networking websites does not always have negative impacts. There are also some positive insights those are detailed in the paper under study. If correctly analyzed and appropriate strategies are formulated and implemented for the use of social media; it will certainly bring improvements in the knowledge and study patterns of university students. It is observed that social networks are also being used by the research students. Therefore, this paper will also help support in the field of research

    Explanatory Power of Accounting Variables in Determining Share Price: The Case of Cement Industry of Pakistan

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    This paper studies the impact of various variables on the share price of the cement sector companies in Pakistan. The financial performance of 6 out of 18 firms has been examined over a ten year period, taking changes in equity, net income, net sales, dividends and financial leverage as dependent variables and share price of the company as the independent variable. Relationship of each variable with the share price has been analyzed through ordinary least square method using eviews statistical application. After conducting the analysis on the different variables it can be concluded that dividends, net profit and net sales of Attock Cement, Financial leverage of Cherat Cement and net profit and book value of Kohat Cement are significantly effecting the share price of the stocks, whereas other variables have negligible impact on the firm’s share price. Keywords: Share Price, Accounting Variables, Pakistan Cement Industr

    Participation Banking Competitiveness (A Theoretical Review of Pakistan’s Islamic Banking Sector)

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    This paper theoretically reviews the performance and growth of participation banking industry of Pakistan. Secondary data is obtained from central banks, commercial banks, DFIs and organizations involved in financial research.  In addition, financial data of the four participation (Islamic) banking operating in Pakistan has been sought to determine the issues, bottlenecks and opportunities present in the participation banking sector of Pakistan. In relation to the conventional banking sector, this research finds higher proportional increase and growth for participation banking sector as depicted by their financial indicators like leverage, cost to income ratio, asset growth, financing growth, investment account growth (YoY). In contrast, conventional banks present a far better picture in their financial indicators of total banking assets, financing assets, investment accounts and they performs better with respect to return on assets, return on equity , revenue/asset ratio and non-financing income ratio. Based on the above analyses, it can be concluded that participation banking has a great potential for growth in near future and with better image-building and perceptual shift regarding Islamic modes of finance, extensive growth could be expected. Keywords: Competitiveness, Participation Banking, Conventional Banking, Financial Indicator

    Effects of Working Capital Management of Procter & Gamble on Its Profitability

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    The study reveals profitability of a firm is highly associated with the working capital management especially in manufacturing firms where a big portion of assets consist on current assets and debts are considered more significant. It is very important to identify those factors that are responsible for quick conversion of a firm’s assets into cash and frequently recycle it. The main purpose of the firms is to maximize the value of shareholders and profitability of firm that rely on the effective planning & control of current assets and current liabilities. To study these relationships, Procter & Gamble has been selected and a twenty-year (1997-2016) scenario has discussed with the help of secondary data i.e. financial statements. Return on Equity (ROE) is taken as proxy of profitability by considering dependent variable whereas some variables of working capital management are included as independent variables to find out the relation between working capital and profitability. The study analyzes the relation between working capital management on profitability. E-views a statistical software has been used and Least Square Regression method has applied to analyze the association of variables. The result shows that ROE is positively affected by debt ratio & cash conversion cycle and adversely influenced by average collection period. Furthermore, profitability has positive relation with current ratio & negative relation with inventory turnover in days and average payment period. Keywords: Working Capital Management, Profitability, Return on Equity, Average Collection Period, Cash Conversion Cycle, Debts Rati

    Growth Drivers of Greenfield Investment in Pakistan: Time Period of 2002-2017

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    Purpose: Greenfield investment as a broad category of FDI ,refers to “When a parent country direct invest in a business or production in the foreign country by employing its new plants and all operational amenities.FDI is highly exaggerated by country’s investment climate and bendable economic policies.So,This study involves the relationship between Green Field Investment and its growth drivers. Research methodology: The complete study model consists on influence of GDP, Market Capitalization, Human Capital, Trade Openness Corporate Tax and Net Foreign Assets on Green Field Investment. The period is chosen for study is 2002 to 2017 and quantitative data is used for authenticity.EVIEWS as a statistical software is used for data analysis by setting specific criteria for rejection and acceptance of hypothesis. Findings: On the basis of results of statistics tools, it is indicated that corporate tax rate and Human Capital having as much impact on green field investment but remaining variables are inconsequential growth drivers of green field investment in Pakistan. Implications: Government of Pakistan should make easy entrance for the foreign investors to increase investment in Pakistan. Investment in fixed assets by state will provide collateral to investors. So, investment in fixed capital should be focused. Keywords: Market Capitalization, Human Capital, Net Foreign Assets, Green Field Investmen

    Comparison of 3% Ciprofloxacin-1% Dexamethasone and 10% Ichthammol Glycerin for Control of Pain due to Acute Otitis Externa

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    Objective: To compare the efficacy of 10% Icthammol glycerin and 3% ciprofloxacin-1% Dexamethasone for controlling pain associated with acute otitis externa.Patients and Methods: This cross-sectional study conducted at the ENT department of Railway Hospital, Rawalpindi from 1st March to 1st December 2017. Sixty (n=60) patients of both gender between age 12-60 years, diagnosed with moderate to severe acute otitis externa were enrolled and were randomly divided into two groups using lottery method. Group A patients were administered 3% ciprofloxacin-1% Dexamethasone wick in auditory canal and Group B patients were administered 10% Icthammol Glycerin wick. The treatment was considered efficacious if there was marked reduction in pain (pain score decreased to ≤ 4 points from baseline on Visual Analog Score on day 3).Results: Baseline characteristics were similar in both groups. Mean VAS was 6.67 ± 1.18SD in group A and 6.57 ± 1.16SD in group B (P=0.743) at baseline and was 2.43 ± 1.16SD and 3.50 ± 2.16SD, respectively on day 3 (P=0.028). Efficacy was significantly better in Group A patients as compared to Group B (76.7%, n=23/30 versus 43.3%, n=13/30; P =0.008).Conclusion: Treatment with 3% ciprofloxacin-1% Dexamethasone was found to be significantly better than 10% Icthammol glycerin in patients with acute otitis externa in terms of associated pain control

    Comparison of Efficacy of Canal Wall up Mastoidectomy with Canal Wall Down Mastoidectomy in Surgical Management of Otitis Media with Cholesteatoma

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    Objectives: To compare the efficacy of Canal Wall Up (CWU) Mastoidectomy with Canal Wall Down (CWD) Mastoidectomy in the surgical management of chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma in local population. Patients and Methods: A total of sixty patients with chronic otitis media, cholesteatoma and granulation tissue were enrolled. Patients were randomly divided into two groups; Group A patients underwent CWU Mastoidectomy while Group B patients underwent CWD Mastoidectomy. Both groups were followed for 6 months, for recurrence of the disease and associated complications. Chi-square test was applied as a test of significance, to compare the outcomes of CWU Mastoidectomy and CWD Mastoidectomy. a p-value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant Results: Disease recurrence rate was significantly higher in group A (CWU) while complications rates were higher in group B (CWD) patients. Persistent discharge, conductive deafness, and development of mastoid cutaneous fistula were reportedly higher in group B patients (P<0.05). Conclusion: CWD operations have a higher probability of permanently curing the patient of the cholesteatoma but with higher rates of post-surgical complications. CWU procedures have the advantage of maintaining a near normal anatomy but with a higher risk of residual or recurrent cholesteatomas. Choice of a particular surgical procedure depends on the preference of the surgeon, the nature, and extent of the pathology and the general health of the patien

    The Relationship Between Women Workforce Participation and the Growth Rate of Gross Domestic Product (A Case Study of Pakistan)

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    This study explains the impact of increase in the rate of women workforce participation on the growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a case study of Pakistan. Women is the pillar of a society which decides the strength or weakness of a nation. The data for research is collected from Pakistan Bureau of Statistic. The period of research is 9 years from (2001 to 2013). Data for (2002-03, 2004-05 and 2011-12) is not available. Based on previous research, it is hypothesized that increase in the rate of women workforce will increase the growth rate of GDP of Pakistan in the respective period. The results are expressed as Correlation Matrix, Descriptive Statistics and Ordinary Least Square (OLS). After analysis of all these estimates it is concluded that there is a weak positive relationship between the variables. Around 10% of GDP of Pakistan is explained by women workforce as the value of R-squared shows. The result of study shows that there is higher gender discrimination in the country. Better provision of education to women can remove this wide gap to an extent and improve the socio-economic development of Pakistan.  Keywords; Women Workforce Participation, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Women Education, Socio-economic development. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-9-14 Publication date:March 31st 201

    The Relationship of Tinnitus with Cognitive Impairment in Normal Hearing Individuals

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    Objective: To determine the impact of tinnitus on cognitive impairment in normal hearing individuals. Patients and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the ENT department of Railway Hospital, Rawalpindi from 1st March 2016 to 1st January 2017. A total of sixty (n=60) patients of both gender between age 18 to 50 years, who had normal hearing (clinically examined by tuning fork test and later on confirmed by pure tone audiometry) with history of unilateral or bilateral tinnitus of more than 3 months’ duration were included in the study. Mini mental state examination scale was used to assess cognition. Results: There were 42% (25/60) males and 58% (35/60) females in the study sample. A total of 53.33% (n= 32) patients were identified with impaired cognition, of which 65.62% (n=21/32) patients were found with mild cognition while 34.38% (n=11/32) patients were found to have severe cognitive impairment. Moreover, it was also observed that the cognitive impairment was more prevalent in people of younger age group (P<0.05), office workers (P<0.05) and people living in urban area (P<0.05). Conclusion: A significant percentage of patients with tinnitus of more than 3 months’ duration were found to have impaired cognition and was more prevalent in people of younger age group, office workers and people living in urban areas.&nbsp

    Measuring the relationship among Digital Marketing Expenditure and Profit of women luxury clothing Brands in Pakistan

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    The buying behavior of customers are changing faster than the customer oriented market environment. Every customer has unique buying behavior, which differs when it comes to the 4p’s (product, price, place and promotion).  However, Women are the most complicated group to judge with their buying behavior, because they mostly follow the changing trends of fashion and taste. Therefore, Marketers are spending more money on market research every year to identify and forecast the changing behavior of women. Now in the retail segment digital marketing posed many challenges for marketers. The young women can easily have attracted through online shopping than the traditional buying through shops. The marketers are enforced to find out new way of selling product due to the pressure of changing women’s buying behavior. The aim of this research paper is to investigate the relationship among Digital Marketing expenditure & sales revenue. We have selected 9 women clothing brands. We found that there is linear and significant relationship among all the variables of Digital Marketing expenditure profit. It represents a direct relation, if increasing Digital Marketing expenditure, it leads to increasing sales and profit will also increase. It is also noted in trend analysis that increased Digital Marketing expense next year leads to generate more sales revenue and profit. Key Words: Digital Marketing, Promotions, Traditional Marketing DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/54-09 Publication date:March 31st 201
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