Measuring the relationship among Digital Marketing Expenditure and Profit of women luxury clothing Brands in Pakistan


The buying behavior of customers are changing faster than the customer oriented market environment. Every customer has unique buying behavior, which differs when it comes to the 4p’s (product, price, place and promotion).  However, Women are the most complicated group to judge with their buying behavior, because they mostly follow the changing trends of fashion and taste. Therefore, Marketers are spending more money on market research every year to identify and forecast the changing behavior of women. Now in the retail segment digital marketing posed many challenges for marketers. The young women can easily have attracted through online shopping than the traditional buying through shops. The marketers are enforced to find out new way of selling product due to the pressure of changing women’s buying behavior. The aim of this research paper is to investigate the relationship among Digital Marketing expenditure & sales revenue. We have selected 9 women clothing brands. We found that there is linear and significant relationship among all the variables of Digital Marketing expenditure profit. It represents a direct relation, if increasing Digital Marketing expenditure, it leads to increasing sales and profit will also increase. It is also noted in trend analysis that increased Digital Marketing expense next year leads to generate more sales revenue and profit. Key Words: Digital Marketing, Promotions, Traditional Marketing DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/54-09 Publication date:March 31st 201

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