30 research outputs found

    Investigating the non-work antecedents of workplace deviance

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    Deviance in the workplace, which has a huge destructive and harmful impact on the organization, is of key concern to academicians and practitioners. Existing literature focuses on the work-related antecedents of workplace deviance. However, the non-work-related antecedents have received little attention. Hence, the present research attempts to understand, the non-work antecedents that aggravate deviant behavior among employees at a workplace. The Gioia qualitative research approach was used to understand, examine, analyze, and interpret the views of respondents. A semi-structured interviewing technique was adopted. The respondents were encouraged to share their own experiences, thoughts, and understanding regarding the phenomenon. A sample of 25 experienced respondents from public and private organisations in Pakistan were interviewed. The results indicate that commuting factors (road hindrances, conflict behaviors, traffic discipline, and over-speeding), social factors (family-work conflict, and disturbed social relations), and an individual's lifestyle (attitude, physical inactivity, and sleep deprivation) are the contributing factors pertaining to the non-work antecedents of workplace deviance. The current study contributes to the literature by focusing on the non-work antecedents of workplace deviance

    Efficacy of Manual Vacuum Aspiration Vs Conventional Evacuation and Curettage

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) compared to Conventional Evacuation and Curettage (E & C) in managing first-trimester miscarriage. METHODOLOGY: A total of 160 patients were enrolled in this comparative study. Patients were categorized into two groups (Group A undergoing MVA) and (Group B undergoing E&C). Each group had 80 cases randomly selected. Stable patients with miscarriages ­< 12 wks of gestation and no comorbid were included in the study. Data was recorded on pre-designed proforma, and analysis was done by SPSS Software. RESULTS: Efficacy of MVA was 97.5% and 92.5% in E&C, with a 7.5% vs 30% complication rate in MVA and E&C Group, respectively. The mean duration of the procedure was 9 minutes in the MVA group versus 18.8 minutes in the E&C group. The hospital stay was 14.2 hours vs 20.3 hours in MVA and E&C Group. 16.25% vs 46.25% of women in MVA vs E&C Group reported post-op pain. 93.75% of women were satisfied with MVA, whereas only 50% of women were satisfied with E&C. 81.25% 91.25% required Anesthesia/Analgesia in MVA and E&C Group, respectively. CONCLUSION: MVA is a more effective and rapidly performing outpatient procedure with a lower complication rate. In this study efficacy of MVA is 97.5% compared to the E&C group, i.e., 92%. Its safety, cost-effectiveness and efficacy advocate its extended use as an alternative to the conventional surgical method of miscarriag

    Efficacy of Uterovaginal Packing Versus Uterine Balloon Tamponade to Control Postpartum Hemorrhage Due to Uterine Atony

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    OBJECTIVES To determine and compare the efficacy of Uterovaginal packing versus uterine balloon tamponade to control postpartum haemorrhage due to uterine atony unresponsive to medical treatment. METHODOLOGY This comparative prospective cross-sectional study was conducted in Hayatabad Medical Complex, OBG department. A total of 140 patients were categorised into two groups, group A underwent Uterovaginal packing and group B underwent uterine balloon tamponade. All women of 18 to 40 years with a history of delivery after 28 weeks of gestation, who developed primary postpartum haemorrhage due to uterine atony, unresponsive to medical treatment were included in the study. Women with a history of delivery before 28 weeks of gestation, secondary postpartum haemorrhage, genital tract trauma, retained placental tissue and membranes, placenta previa, morbidly adherent placenta, febrile illness and uterine structural lesion were excluded from the study. Efficacy was labelled if there was no ongoing blood loss after the procedure with concomitant hemodynamic stability. All information was recorded in a predesigned proforma, and data were analysed using SPSS version 22.RESULTS Our study included 140 women; 113 had a normal vaginal delivery, and 27 underwent cesarean section. Among cases with normal vaginal delivery, 45 women had Uterovaginal packing, and 68 had uterine balloon tamponade, while among cases of cesarean sections, 25 women had uterovaginal packing and 2 had uterine balloon tamponade. The efficacy of Uterovaginal packing was 90%, and that of uterine balloon tamponade was 87.1%, with no significant difference statistically (p- 0.51). Overall efficacy of both procedures was 88.6%.CONCLUSION All orthodontic and non-orthodontic treatment group participants required oral hygiene instructions and had periodontal treatment needs (TN1). The patients requiring scaling and prophylaxis and Oral hygiene instructions (TN 2) were more in the orthodontic treatment group than the non-orthodontic treatment group. A higher percentage of patients requiring complex treatment (deep scaling, root planning and complex surgical procedures), scaling and prophylaxis and Oral hygiene instructions (TN3) belonged to the non-orthodontic treatment group

    Study of Postdatism with Respect to Fetomaternal Outcome at A Tertiary Care Hospital

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    OBJECTIVES This study aims to know our setup’s fetomaternal pregnancy complications that extend beyond 40 weeks of gestation. METHODOLOGY This is a prospective cross-sectional study of 390 patients with uncomplicated postdated pregnancies fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria admitted to the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (both in spontaneous labour and induced patient) at Hayatabad Medical Complex, a tertiary care hospital in Peshawar, KPK from July 2020 to June 2021.RESULTS Out of 390 patients, a majority (72.30 %) were in the age group of 20 – 35 years. Most of them (50.51%) presented at gestation 40+1 – 40+6 weeks. The majority (57.69%) were multigravida, and most (93.07%) were un-booked. Most delivered vaginally (80.51%), and 19.48% had C/section (including both emergency and elective). The most common indication for C/section was fetal distress (44.73%), followed by C/section on demand (18.42%). The majority>90% had Apgar score greater than seven at 5 minutes which was gestation dependent. Overall perinatal mortality was 4.07% which was also gestation dependent ranging from 0.5% at 40+1 – 40+6 weeks to 2.30% at and beyond 42 weeks of gestation. Neonatal morbidity in the form of Birth asphyxia, Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS), Shoulder Dystocia and NICU admission also showed an increasing tendency with increasing gestation beyond 40 weeks. Maternal morbidity in the form of PPH, perineal tears 3°/4° and endometritis also showed a similar increasing trend with increasing gestation beyond 40 weeks. CONCLUSION Pregnancy continuing beyond 40 weeks has a definite risk to the fetus.

    Abdominal Hysterectomy for Benign Gynecological Diseases

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    OBJECTIVES This study aims to assess the Pap smear screening method’s accuracy in detecting precancerous lesions. METHODOLOGY After fulfilling the inclusion criteria patients were selected, the patient’s bladder was emptied and put in a dorsal position, and Cusco’s speculum was introduced after lubrication followed by insertion of Ayer’s spatula, applied on the transformational zone, and rotated in 360 degrees. Specimen smeared on glass slides and sent to the laboratory with fulfilled lab pre-requisite form. Patients were requested to follow up with a histopathology report. RESULTS Mean age of the patient was 38.111+9.461 years. Among the 77 patients whose samples were taken 15.4% were asymptomatic, 32.1% with vaginal discharge, 17.9% vaginal discharge,17.0% with intermenstrual bleeding and 16.7% were having lower abdominal pain with p value=0.087. Histopathology reports were interpreted upon follow-up visit among those 1.3% came out to be positive for malignancy, 76.6% negative for malignancy while 22.1% had an inadequate sample. CONCLUSION The most common method for screening for cervical cancer is the Pap smear, but its efficacy in detecting early precancerous lesions is very low, possibly due to laboratory error or false technique to a gynecologist of sample technique in our tertiary care hospital. Other screening methods should be used instead of conventional Pap smear

    Patient Satisfaction in a Tertiary Care Government Hospital

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine patient satisfaction in terms of various services such as ease of getting care, in-patient admission, waiting for check-up, staff interaction, medical care, cost of care, and cleanliness in a Tertiary Care Government Hospital. METHODOLOGY: The study design was cross sectional observational. A total of 200 patients meeting our inclusion criteria were enrolled through convenient sampling techniques in this research study. A well-designed questionnaire was used for data collection of admitted patients.  RESULTS: Out of 200 patients, 96 (48%) male and 104 (47%) female patients were interviewed. 72% were satisfied with clinical care services, 14% had mixed views while 14% patients were not satisfied at all. CONCLUSION: Patients in general showed their satisfaction in some of the aspects, however, keeping in view the burden a public sector hospital absorbs on a daily basis, and it was imperative to receive unsatisfactory feedback from patients in most of the aspects. Thus, the results of my study recommend to the health care leaders to take practical steps to bring further improvement by developing a proper mechanism for the uplift of public sector hospitals

    The Effects of Accountability, Governance Capital, and Legal Origin on Reported Frauds

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    An institutional perspective is employed to illuminate the complexity of frauds in various diverse economies, in order to enhance the efficacy of previous accounting concepts. In this study, the effects of the legal, regulatory and human framework of the strength of auditing and reporting standards, and the governance capital related to global sustainable competitiveness and economic growth, etc. are analysed by linear regression (OLS) methods. Moreover, the role of other indicators i.e. financial freedom, the extent of director liability and legal origin, are interrelated with the number of fraud cases. From the results, it appears that an increased level of governance capital, financial freedom from government pressure, strengthened transparency and more protected minority investors through liable directors might increase the number of reported fraud cases in the countries and years examined. The existence of legal origin also seemed to be an appropriate proxy for an improved understanding of fraud characteristics. This evidence suggests it is worth investigating in depth the nature of financial crimes across countries for a better understanding of this phenomenon. In this way, these findings might have sufficient potential in the case of adequate policy implications within a less litigious business environment to resolve the undesirable consequences of impending financial downturns, and to achieve sustainable competitiveness and economic development