143 research outputs found

    Developing a Medical Institution Management System through Promoting Social Accountability

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    The paper regards the implementation of social accountability principles into the system of medical institution management as the target of research. The process of personnel management is viewed as its research subject. The paper aims to develop the system of incentives for medical institution personnel based on the principles of social accountability. The research methods and tools applied in the study are analysis of content and internal enterprise documentation, staff member interviews and statistical methods of data processing. The expected research outcome is the implementation phase of the social accountability management system resulted in the development of the Code of corporate conduct. The article advocates the view, that the Code of Conduct should be based on the diagnosis of the state of corporate culture and motivate employees of the organization. The management team of medical institution can set their own social and reasonable quality management system, which will enable it to promote and involve staff in the process of improvement

    Effect of the reaction mixture on the structure and permeability of macroporous SiO[2], obtained by sol gel by method

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    In this paper, a number of porous silicone monoliths were synthesized under various conditions and their composition, structure, permeability coefficients k, and porosity were studied. The effect of the introduction of ethyl alcohol in the reaction mixture on the properties of the obtained silica was revealed

    Fibrin gel - advantages of a new scaffold in cardiovascular tissue engineering

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    Objective: The field of tissue engineering deals with the creation of tissue structures based on patient cells. The scaffold plays a central role in the creation of 3-D structures in cardiovascular tissue engineering like small vessels or heart valve prosthesis. An ideal scaffold should have tissue-like mechanical properties and a complete immunologic integrity. As an alternative scaffold the use of fibrin gel was investigated. Methods: Preliminary, the degradation of the fibrin gel was controlled by the supplementation of aprotinin to the culture medium. To prevent tissue from shrinking a mechanical fixation of the gel with 3-D microstructure culture plates and a chemical fixation with poly-l-lysine in different fixation techniques were studied. The thickness of the gel layer was changed from 1 to 3 mm. The tissue development was analysed by light, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Collagen production was detected by the measurement of hydroxyproline. Injection molding techniques were designed for the formation of complex 3-D tissue structures. Results: The best tissue development was observed at an aprotinin concentration of 20 μg per cc culture medium. The chemical border fixation of the gel by poly-l-lysine showed the best tissue development. Up to a thickness of 3 mm no nutrition problems were observed in the light and transmission electron microscopy. The molding of a simplified valve conduit was possible by the newly developed molding technique. Conclusion: Fibrin gel combines a number of important properties of an ideal scaffold. It can be produced as a complete autologous scaffold. It is moldable and degradation is controllable by the use of aprotini

    Анализ методов увеличения нефтеотдачи на терригенных коллекторах месторождений Западной Сибири

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    В данной выпускной работе были рассмотрены и проанализированы особенности строения терригенных коллекторов, а также методы увеличения нефтеотдачи, применяемые на месторождениях Западной Сибири, имеющих терригенный тип коллекторов.In the final work, the structural features of terrigenous reservoirs, as well as oil recovery enhancement methods used in fields of Western Siberia having a terrigenous reservoir type, were considered and analyzed

    Анализ работы турбины ПТ-25-90/10 в режиме ухудшенного вакуума

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа с., 17 рис., 10 табл., ___20______источников, 2 прил. Ключевые слова: тепловая схема турбоустановки ПТ-25-90, реконструкция, ухудшенный вакуум, конденсатор, сетевая вода ____ ____ Объектом исследования является турбоустановка ПТ-25-90_______ Цель работы – реконструкция турбоагрегата ПТ-25-90 с________ переводом на ухудшенный вакуум. ____ В процессе исследования проводились конструкторский и__ поверочный расчет конденсатора, расчет и сравнение принципиальной_ тепловой схемы турбоустановки ПТ-25-90 до реконструкции и после. В результате исследования выявлена возможность реконструкции турбоагрегата с целью перевода на ухудшенный вакуум, а также экономическую целесообразность применения этой реконструкции.ESSAY Final qualifying work with., 17 fig., 10 tab., ___ 20 ______ sources, 2 adj. Keywords: thermal circuit turbine PT-25-90, reconstruction, loss of vacuum, condenser, heating water ____ ____ The object of this study is to turbine PT-25-90 _______ The purpose of the work - the reconstruction of turbine unit PT-25-90 with ________  transfer to the loss of vacuum. ____ The study conducted i__ Design Verification of the condenser, calculation and comparison printsipialnoy_ thermal circuit PT-25-90 turbine before reconstruction and after. The study revealed the possibility of reconstruction of turbine unit with the purpose of transfer to the loss of vacuum, as well as the economic feasibility of this reconstruction. _________________________________________________________ The basic

    The GOODSTEP project: General Object-Oriented Database for Software Engineering Processes

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    The goal of the GOODSTEP project is to enhance and improve the functionality of a fully object-oriented database management system to yield a platform suited for applications such as software development environments (SDEs). The baseline of the project is the O2 database management system (DBMS). The O2 DBMS already includes many of the features regulated by SDEs. The project has identified enhancements to O2 in order to make it a real software engineering DBMS. These enhancements are essentially upgrades of the existing O2 functionality, and hence require relatively easy extensions to the O2 system. They have been developed in the early stages of the project and are now exploited and validated by a number of software engineering tools built on top of the enhanced O2 DBMS. To ease tool construction, the GOODSTEP platform encompasses tool generation capabilities which allow for generation of integrated graphical and textual tools from high-level specifications. In addition, the GOODSTEP platform provides a software process toolset which enables modeling, analysis and enaction of software processes and is also built on top of the extended O2 database. The GOODSTEP platform is to be validated using two CASE studies carried out to develop an airline application and a business application

    Автоматизированная система управления регулятором давления газа на газораспределительной станции «Вертикос».

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    Доведение технического состояния ГРС до уровня, отвечающего современным требованиям по промышленной безопасности. Достижение высоких технико-экономических показателей работы за счет автоматизированного поддержания наиболее рационального режима работы технологического оборудования.Bringing the technical condition of the GDS to a level that meets modern requirements for industrial safety. Achievement of high technical and economic performance due to the automated maintenance of the most rational mode of operation of technological equipment