417 research outputs found

    Éloge de la reproduction

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    Dans le numĂ©ro de juillet 1922 de la revue hollandaise De Stijl, l’artiste hongrois LĂĄszlĂł Moholy-Nagy fait paraĂźtre un manifeste intitulĂ© “Production – Reproduction”, oĂč il expose dĂšs les premiers paragraphes la conception globale du sens selon l’avant-garde : « Si nous voulons vraiment comprendre et dĂ©velopper le mode d’expression et de crĂ©ation humaines en art et dans les domaines voisins de la crĂ©ation, nous devons en Ă©tudier les acteurs, c’est-Ă -dire l’homme lui-mĂȘme et les moyens qu’il ..

    Éloge de la reproduction

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    Dans le numĂ©ro de juillet 1922 de la revue hollandaise De Stijl, l’artiste hongrois LĂĄszlĂł Moholy-Nagy fait paraĂźtre un manifeste intitulĂ© “Production – Reproduction”, oĂč il expose dĂšs les premiers paragraphes la conception globale du sens selon l’avant-garde : « Si nous voulons vraiment comprendre et dĂ©velopper le mode d’expression et de crĂ©ation humaines en art et dans les domaines voisins de la crĂ©ation, nous devons en Ă©tudier les acteurs, c’est-Ă -dire l’homme lui-mĂȘme et les moyens qu’il ..

    Rolf H. KRAUSS, Walter Benjamin und der neue Blick auf die Photographie, Ostfildern, Cantz Verlag, 1998, 128 p., chronol., bibl.

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    Rolf H. Krauss a consacrĂ© sa maĂźtrise d'histoire de l'art Ă  un sujet qui l'accompagne depuis plus de vingt ans, en tant que porte-parole de la section Histoire de la Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂŒr Photographie et Ă©diteur de la revue DGPh-Intern: l'influence des Ă©crits de Walter Benjamin sur l'approche thĂ©orique de la photographie en Allemagne depuis les annĂ©es 1970. À cette Ă©poque, une vive controverse Ă  propos de la comprĂ©hension de l'oeuvre du philosophe battait son plein, dĂ©bouchant habi..

    Priorities for the Finnish Presidency, July-December 2006. CEPS Working Document, No. 248, 12 July 2006

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    [From the Introduction]. "Thinking ahead for Europe’ is our motto. In this reader we have collected our thoughts and recent writings on what should be done in the near future to get Europe moving again. We offer these ideas to the Finnish Presidency of the EU as food for thought at the start of its six-month term. These views are based on the research experience of our multinational staff, who have the privilege of working in complete independence

    Observations in the countryside: Marie Goslich as image reporter at the borders of the metropolis Berlin

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    Around 1900, Marie Goslich (1859–1938) was one of the earliest female photo reporters of her age. After 1905, she began to publish larger essays illustrated with her own photographs. Her publications were either descriptions of the social situation in the countryside near Berlin, helpful essays for Berlin housewives on new kitchen aids or female clothing in reform fashion. Thus, she can be considered as a part of the conservative feminism typical for the majority of the Berlin bourgeoisie under Emperor Wilhelm II. This includes her engagement in and the support by the Protestant church which becomes most evident in her work throughout World War I. Her subjects ranged from typical views of the urban spectator on rural practices like hay making, social reports on the situation of vagrant people to the introduction of modern communication media. With a strong emphasis on sports, nutrition, and health in general, her work represents the urban view on rural affairs. Marie Goslich’s photographs have to be recognised not only as very early representations of a female journalism but as photographs of their own quality in staging rural life at the borders of a big town. Marie Goslich could not cope with this quality in the 1920s, her life got lost in obscurity and ended in a Nazi mental hospital. Until 2005, her work has remained completely unknown.Around 1900, Marie Goslich (1859–1938) was one of the earliest female photo reporters of her age. After 1905, she began to publish larger essays illustrated with her own photographs. Her publications were either descriptions of the social situation in the countryside near Berlin, helpful essays for Berlin housewives on new kitchen aids or female clothing in reform fashion. Thus, she can be considered as a part of the conservative feminism typical for the majority of the Berlin bourgeoisie under Emperor Wilhelm II. This includes her engagement in and the support by the Protestant church which becomes most evident in her work throughout World War I. Her subjects ranged from typical views of the urban spectator on rural practices like hay making, social reports on the situation of vagrant people to the introduction of modern communication media. With a strong emphasis on sports, nutrition, and health in general, her work represents the urban view on rural affairs. Marie Goslich’s photographs have to be recognised not only as very early representations of a female journalism but as photographs of their own quality in staging rural life at the borders of a big town. Marie Goslich could not cope with this quality in the 1920s, her life got lost in obscurity and ended in a Nazi mental hospital. Until 2005, her work has remained completely unknown

    What Prospects for the European Constitutional Treaty?

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    The ratification process of the Constitutional Treaty has taken some unexpected turns, since the publication of the EPIN's initial report. The situation has changed especially dramatically in France. The report concluded that

    De amenaza a oportunidad. CĂłmo conseguir que funcione la integraciĂłn flexible

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    Este documento aboga por una reevaluaciĂłn a fondo de las cooperaciones reforzadas como instrumento de integraciĂłn y explica las condiciones en las que Ă©sta contribuirĂ­a al avance de la UE ampliada. Con demasiada frecuencia en el pasado, las cooperaciones reforzadas (tambiĂ©n descritas como “flexibilidad” o “integraciĂłn flexible”) se han empleado como amenaza (eficaz) para inducir a los Estados miembros reticentes o rezagados a seguir el ritmo del proceso de integraciĂłn. Por lo tanto, no deberĂ­a sorprender que muchos Estados miembros tengan una imagen tan mala de ella

    A Citizens Compact: Reaching out to the Citizens of Europe. CEPS EPIN Working Papers No. 14, 1 September 2005

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    [Executive Summary]. How can the deadlock after the ‘no’ to the European Constitutional Treaty in France and the Netherlands be overcome? What should be the aim of the ‘period of reflection’ that has been agreed by the European Council? The authors of this paper propose the adoption of a ‘Citizens Compact’, which should directly address the larger malaise among citizens that underlies the Constitutional crisis. It should contribute to the reduction of the EU’s democratic deficit without treaty reform. The following measures should be envisaged: ‱ National parliaments should participate more strongly in the controversies on core European issues through earlier and intensive debates about EU initiatives. ‱ Every six months governments should explain their positions on the priorities of the EU-presidency in their national parliaments. ‱ EU-actors (MEPs, Commissioners and top officials) should participate more intensively in national debates about European issues and contribute to a better understanding of the European political processes among citizens. ‱ National governments should regularly publish information bulletins about the latest EU initiatives and –decisions. ‱ Public fora about European issues should be established in every member state with speakers coming from national politics, from the EU level and other member states as well as representatives from civil society. ‱ Uncontroversial elements of the Constitutional Treaty that strengthen EU democracy could already be adopted through inter-institutional agreements. ‱ A White Paper on the establishment of a ‘European Democratic and Civic Space’ in the EU should be elaborated. ‱ In the future important legislative acts should contain an impact assessment of the consequences on citizens’ lives

    Salivary biomarkers of HPA axis and autonomic activity in adults with intellectual disability with and without stereotyped and self-injurious behavior disorders

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    Salivary levels of biomarkers for the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA; cortisol) and sympatho-adreno-medullary system (SAM; α-amylase) were measured in 51 adults (57% male) with neurodevelopmental disorders associated with intellectual disability (i.e., mental retardation) and chronic self-injurious behavior (SIB) and compared with matched controls without SIB. Cortisol levels differed significantly (p < 0.01) between the SIB and control group (SIB > control). Within-group analyses showed significant differences (p < 0.05) in levels of salivary α-amylase between individuals with SIB and those with SIB meeting criteria for stereotyped movement disorder (SMD; SIB + SMD > SIB). Salivary α-amylase was significantly correlated with frequency of stereotypy among the SIB group (r = 0.36, p < 0.05). These preliminary findings warrant further exploration into the role of the SAM system in the pathophysiology of SIB and related repetitive behaviors among individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders associated with intellectual disability
