286 research outputs found


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    The link between social and demographic phenomena concerning a population of a given territory is the representative essence of every social organism. Effectively, it is not difficult to understand why in complex societies like ours we need to get as much information as possible, which has become essential in order to make the decisions that will influence future choices. The aim of this survey is to carry out population projections of the city of Bari, by sex and age, in order to know the future demographic scenarios of Bari population and the household ones resulting from them. Concerning this, two possible scenarios will be shown. The first one by hypothesizing constant mortality and fecundity with migrations equal to zero. Obviously that means straining the reality, but it is really useful in order to evaluate the future evolution of the population due to the action of the sole natural components. The second one, by hypothesizing constant migrations throughout the observation period, has an effective role when we analyze the effects of migratory drift on the evolution dynamics of the population analysed in this survey

    Demographic Gaps in Some Latin American Countries (1985-2020)

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    Latin America, in general, is a great geographic, social, political, economic and cultural mosaic and, especially in the demographic field, is far from being a homogeneous aggregate. There have always been, and there are still today, differences between the various countries belonging to this geographical area, both in the ways in which the demographic phenomena have evolved and, mainly, in the times the different steps took for the evolutionary process regarding each of them. This paper will try to monitor the demographic evolution of the countries examined 1 in the period between the five-year periods 1985-1990 and 2015-2020. In addition, it will identify the possible existence of groupings of countries, similar within them and heterogeneous among them, through the cluster analysis technique, thus highlighting some explanatory indicators that have allowed the above mentioned evolution. The results obtained have led to think that it is necessary to study the economic, social, cultural and institutional aspects of every population, thus being able to cope with differential studies on the mortality and fertility of any population in order to interpret demographic phenomena

    The Valency Of The Natural And Social Components As Determinants Of A Population’s Future Development

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    The relation which ties the sociodemographic phenomena to the reference population of a given territory, is the representative essence of every social organism. Hence, there is the statistical need to get as many data as possible, as they become essential when you must make a decision that will influence the future choices of any human aggregation. The goal of the present contribution is to make population projections of the city of Bari (South Italy), studied by sex and age, aimed at knowing the future social effects through the analysis of the natural components (fecundity, mortality) and the social ones (migrations) of the studied population


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    The link between social and demographic phenomena concerning a population of a given territory is the representative essence of every social organism. Effectively, it is not difficult to understand why in complex societies like ours we need to get as much information as possible, which has become essential in order to make the decisions that will influence future choices. The aim of this survey is to carry out population projections of the city of Bari, by sex and age, in order to know the future demographic scenarios of Bari population and the household ones resulting from them. Concerning this, two possible scenarios will be shown. The first one by hypothesizing constant mortality and fecundity with migrations equal to zero. Obviously that means straining the reality, but it is really useful in order to evaluate the future evolution of the population due to the action of the sole natural components. The second one, by hypothesizing constant migrations throughout the observation period, has an effective role when we analyze the effects of migratory drift on the evolution dynamics of the population analysed in this survey

    The Effects of the Natural Components on the Ageing of the Italian Population

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    The most remarkable demographic changes that have been happening in our society, and causing considerable social effects, are the significant decrease of fecundity and the increase of average life expectancy at birth. The combined effect of these factors causes the ageing of population, thus representing the theoretical basis of the phenomenon under study in this essay. We will analyse the evolution of fecundity in Italy and in Italian single regions , thus highlighting the change of its intensity over the years. Moreover, we will focus on the analysis of average life expectancy at birth by verifying both its time trend and how it changes because of the variations of mortality by age. Thanks to a suitable method, detailed data of ISTAT and EUROSTAT will be used to show the interesting findings of the fecundity geography and variations of mortality by age. Nowadays, compared to just over twenty years ago, we have been characterized a reversal of the fecundity geography. Furthermore, a new increase of life expectancy at birth a further increase has been achieved

    Sexual Violence: Are Women Victims or Responsible?

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    Sexual violence is the imposition of an unwanted physical contact obtained by force, manipulation, or coercion. This kind of violence, which is detrimental to the dignity of the person who suffers it, causes deep psychic as well as physical wounds in the victim and is the most widespread violation of human rights in all countries and cultures. This paper tries to investigate whether the stereotype of women being responsible for the sexual violence they suffered is dominant in our society. The study of this stereotype has been addressed through the survey "Gender roles stereotypes and the social image of sexual violence" carried out by ISTAT in 2019 (referred to 2018) on the adult, male and female, population aged between 18 and 74. With regard to the stereotypes proposed in the survey, the results have shown that there is a clear contrast between young and older women and between women with a higher educational qualification and those with an elementary school degree. At the regional level, however, the contrast is between Central-Northern regions and Southern Italy: in five of the eight regions belonging to the southern division the most widespread stereotype is that the responsibility for sexual violence is attributable to women

    Italian Society and Gender Role Stereotypes. How Stereotypical Beliefs Concerning Males and Females are Still Present in Italian People at the Beginning of the Third Millennium

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    There are many forms of discrimination in our society. Why is more attention being paid to discrimination against women with awareness-raising debates, public demonstrations, and more? Women’s discrimination against men is discrimination, too!  To cope with this growing phenomenon, it is necessary to understand the roots from which it originates and is fed. Gender role stereotypes may be responsible for this (Ostuni, 2017).  In this work, thanks to a survey carried out by ISTAT in 2019 (referred to 2018) on the male and female Italian population aged between 18 and 74 years old, it will be explained if and how our society is "trapped" in stereotypical beliefs. The results obtained show that Italy is divided into two parts and that in the north-central regions stereotypes are less rooted than in the southern ones. The phenomenon is less widespread, for both sexes, both as they grow in age and when they have a higher educational degree. In this context, as far as family society, and the economy is concerned, the role of women aissubordinate to men, especially in the South. As stereotypes are responsible for different forms of discrimination against women, a possible way to establish fair gender equality can be obtained by eliminating them and bringing down the prevailing patriarchal culture

    Sexual Violence in Italy: Are Women Victims or Responsible?

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    Sexual violence is the imposition of unwanted physical contact obtained by force, manipulation, or coercion. This kind of violence, which is detrimental to the dignity of the person who suffers it, causes deep psychic as well as physical wounds in the victim and is the most widespread violation of human rights in all countries and cultures. This paper tries to investigate whether the stereotype of women being responsible for the sexual violence they suffered is dominant in our society. The study of this stereotype has been addressed through the survey "Gender roles stereotypes and the social image of sexual violence" carried out by ISTAT in 2019 (referred to 2018) on the adult, male, and female, population aged between 18 and 74. With regard to the stereotypes proposed in the survey, the results have shown that there is a clear contrast between young and older women and between women with a higher educational qualification and those with an elementary school degree. At the regional level, however, the contrast is between Central-Northern regions and Southern Italy: in five of the eight regions belonging to the Southern division, the most widespread stereotype is that the responsibility for sexual violence is attributable to women

    Sexual Violence: Are Women Victims or Responsible?

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    Sexual violence is the imposition of an unwanted physical contact obtained by force, manipulation, or coercion. This kind of violence, which is detrimental to the dignity of the person who suffers it, causes deep psychic as well as physical wounds in the victim and is the most widespread violation of human rights in all countries and cultures. This paper tries to investigate whether the stereotype of women being responsible for the sexual violence they suffered is dominant in our society. The study of this stereotype has been addressed through the survey "Gender roles stereotypes and the social image of sexual violence" carried out by ISTAT in 2019 (referred to 2018) on the adult, male and female, population aged between 18 and 74. With regard to the stereotypes proposed in the survey, the results have shown that there is a clear contrast between young and older women and between women with a higher educational qualification and those with an elementary school degree. At the regional level, however, the contrast is between Central-Northern regions and Southern Italy: in five of the eight regions belonging to the southern division the most widespread stereotype is that the responsibility for sexual violence is attributable to women

    The Ageing Scenario of the Italian Population

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    Population ageing is the most remarkable phenomenon that characterized the structure of the Italian population in the 20th century and will mark the 21st century in the same way. “Population ageing” is the increase of incidence of elderly within the total population. In highly developed countries, this phenomenon has been recording higher and higher values in in the past 50 years ; this is particularly so in the case of Italy. Even while that may be seen as “a triumph of the development and one of the greatest successes of humanity”, the phenomenon arouses a number of concerns because it involves far-reaching consequences for all social factors, thus signalling a wide range of challenges to be faced. These challenges will concern the economic and production system but, at the same time, they might also offer remarkable opportunities stemming from a new balance between generations. In this essay we will focus on the ageing phenomenon in Italy during the period between the 1951 census and 1st January 2015. The indeces that are usually created to measure the ageing rate of population are the old-age index defined as the ratio between the over-65 and the young population, and the ageing index defined as the ratio between the over-65s and the total population. In this work we use the second indicator, which is considered adequate to determine whether a population can be described as “old”
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