251 research outputs found

    Is structural and mild leg length discrepancy enough to cause a kinetic change in runners' gait?

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    Desigualdade de membros inferiores (DMI) está presente em cerca de 70% da população geral, podendo ser do tipo estrutural onde existe diferença no comprimento de estruturas ósseas, ou funcional, como resultado de alterações mecânicas dos membros inferiores. A desigualdade pode ainda ser classificada quanto a sua magnitude, sendo discreta, moderada, ou grave. As desigualdades discretas têm sido associadas especificamente à fratura por estresse, dor lombar e osteoartrite, e quando uma desigualdade está presente em indivíduos cuja sobrecarga mecânica é acentuada pela sua prática profissional, diária ou recreativa, estas alterações ortopédicas podem se manifestar precoce e gravemente. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar e comparar a força reação do solo (FRS) durante a marcha de corredores com e sem DMI discreta. Os resultados mostraram que os sujeitos com desigualdades de 0,5 a 2,0 cm apresentaram no membro menor maiores valores da força vertical mínima (0,57 ± 0,07 PC) em relação ao membro maior (0,56 ± 0,08 PC). Logo, sujeitos com DMI discreta adotam mecanismos compensatórios capazes de gerar sobrecarga adicional ao sistema musculoesquelético para promover uma marcha simétrica como demonstrado pelos valores do Índice de Simetria Absoluto das variáveis da FRS vertical e horizontal.Leg length discrepancy (LLD) affects about 70% of the general population, and can be either structural - when the difference occurs in bone structures - or functional, because of mechanical changes at the lower limbs. The discrepancy can be also classified by its magnitude into mild, intermediate, or severe. Mild LLD has been particularly associated with stress fracture, low back pain and osteoarthritis, and when the discrepancy occurs in subjects whose mechanical loads are increased by their professional, daily or recreational activities, these orthopaedic changes may appear early and severely. The aim of this study was to analyze and compare ground reaction force (GRF) during gait in runners with and without mild LLD. Results showed that subjects with mild LLD of 0.5 to 2.0 cm presented higher values of minimum vertical GRF (0.57 ± 0.07 BW) at the shorter limb compared to the longer limb (0.56 ± 0.08 BW) Therefore, subjects with mild LLD adopt compensatory mechanisms that cause additional overloads to the musculoskeletal system in order to promote a symmetrical gait pattern as showed by the values of absolute symmetric index of vertical and horizontal GRF variables.FAPES


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    The aim of this study was to investigate if a mild LLI altered plantar pressure distribution during running at approximately 12Km/h. Nowadays running can be considered one of the most important recreational activities, and mild leg length inequality (LLI), which appears to be usual among runners, has been related to running injuries. The hypothesis was that runners with mild LLI would present smaller values of plantar pressure at the lateral heel, and greater values at the medial midfoot at the long limb; and greater values at the lateral heel and lateral midfoot at the short limb in comparison with runners without LLI. Plantar pressure distribution was acquired using Pedar X mobile System. Measurements were performed under the feet of 14 runners distributed in two groups: control (LLI1.0cm). Contradicting the initial hypothesis, results demonstrated that runners with a mild LLI did not present significant differences in plantar pressure distribution in comparison to subjects without LLI, and between long and short limbs. These findings point out that analysis of plantar pressure distribution was not an efficient method for detecting small asymmetries or possible adjusts in lower limbs during running

    Plantar Pressure Distribution Patterns During Gait in Diabetic Neuropathy Patients with a History of Foot Ulcers

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate and compare the influence of a previous history of foot ulcers on plantar pressure variables during gait of patients with diabetic neuropathy. INTRODUCTION: Foot ulcers may be an indicator of worsening diabetic neuropathy. However, the behavior of plantar pressure patterns over time and during the progression of neuropathy, especially in patients who have a clinical history of foot ulcers, is still unclear. METHODS: Subjects were divided into the following groups: control group, 20 subjects; diabetic neuropathy patients without foot ulcers, 17 subjects; and diabetic neuropathy patients with at least one healed foot ulcer within the last year, 10 subjects. Plantar pressure distribution was recorded during barefoot gait using the Pedar-X system. RESULTS: Neuropathic subjects from both the diabetic neuropathy and DNU groups showed higher plantar pressure than control subjects. At midfoot, the peak pressure was significantly different among all groups: control group (139.4±76.4 kPa), diabetic neuropathy (205.3±118.6 kPa) and DNU (290.7±151.5 kPa) (p=0.008). The pressure-time integral was significantly higher in the ulcerated neuropathic groups at midfoot (CG: 37.3±11.4 kPa.s; DN: 43.3±9.1 kPa.s; DNU: 68.7±36.5 kPa.s; p=0.002) and rearfoot (CG: 83.3±21.2 kPa.s; DN: 94.9±29.4 kPa.s; DNU: 102.5±37.9 kPa.s; p=0.048). CONCLUSION: A history of foot ulcers in the clinical history of diabetic neuropathy subjects influenced plantar pressure distribution, resulting in an increased load under the midfoot and rearfoot and an increase in the variability of plantar pressure during barefoot gait. The progression of diabetic neuropathy was not found to influence plantar pressure distribution


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    Overuse injuries in running have been linked to a rigid surface; on the other hand, acute injuries are considered multifactor, since a combination of running speed, surface, shoes, fatigue and training is involved (Walker, 2005). Many stress fractures are due to cumulative impact shock, which is believed to be greater on a hard surface like concrete (Feehery, 1986).The purpose of this study was to compare plantar pressure (PP) distribution on 4 different surfaces. The hypothesis was that surfaces considered rigid would present smaller contact time and greater values in plantar pressure variables in all foot areas; and surfaces considered compliant would present greater contact time and smaller values for the same variables

    Changes in the EMG temporal pattern of pre and post-landing of ankle and foot muscles in volleyball players with functional instability

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A instabilidade funcional (IF) é a complicação mais comum após o entorse de tornozelo; acomete até 52% dos atletas com história de entorse. O entorse de tornozelo é uma das lesões esportivas mais comuns, inclusive no voleibol, em que 90% dos entorses de tornozelo ocorrem durante a aterrissagem, após o movimento de bloqueio. A IF é definida por queixas de falseios e entorses recorrentes, sem que haja evidências clínicas de lesão ligamentar, sendo extremamente prejudicial para a prática do voleibol, pois interfere na realização dos fundamentos envolvidos na modalidade. OBJETIVOS: Comparar os padrões temporais e de magnitude da atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos tibial anterior (TA), fibular longo (FL) e gastrocnêmio lateral (GL) durante a aterrissagem do salto vertical após a execução da habilidade do bloqueio do voleibol entre jogadores com e sem IF de tornozelo. MÉTODOS: Foi adquirida a atividade EMG do tibial anterior, do fibular longo e do gastrocnêmio lateral em 21 atletas com IF (GI) e em 19 atletas controle (GC) - idade média de 20 ± 4 anos. Os envoltórios lineares foram calculados para cada um dos grupos no período de tempo entre 200ms antes e 200ms após o instante do impacto, determinados por meio da componente vertical da FRS. A magnitude e o instante do pico máximo de cada um dos músculos também foram determinados matematicamente. Os grupos foram comparados por meio do teste t (&#945; = 0,05). RESULTADOS: O grupo com instabilidade apresentou instante de pico do TA mais tardio ± (GC = -107,4 ± 29,6ms; GI = -134,0 ± 26,0ms) e FL (GC = -11,0 ± 55,9ms; GI = -41,7 ± 49,8ms) e menor pico de TA (GC = 68,5 ± 17,2%; GI = 81,2 ± 28,8%) e FL (GC = 72,9 ± 27,3%; GI = 59,1 ± 16,0%), CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados mostram um padrão de alteração mais tardio e com menor magnitude nos músculos de atletas com IF que podem predispô-los à condição de instabilidade, mesmo na ausência de lesão anatômica.INTRODUCTION: The ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries in athletes, including volleyball. 90% of ankle injuries in volleyball occur during landing after a blocking maneuver. The most common complication following ankle sprains is functional instability (FI), a condition that affect about 52% of the patients that suffered an ankle sprains . Functional ankle instability (FI) has been defined as a tendency for the foot to give way after an ankle sprain with no evidence of ligament injury. Hence, FI is an impairing condition for volleyball performance since it interferes in its basic skills. AIMS: The purpose of this study was to compare the EMG activation patterns of tibialis anterior (TA), peroneus longus (PL) and gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) in volleyball players with and without FI during landing after the blocking movement. METHODS: EMG activity was acquired for 21 subjects (mean age 20 ± 4 yrs) with FI (IG) and 19 control ones (CG). Linear envelopes were calculated for both groups for the time period between 200 ms before and 200 ms after the instant of impact, and time and magnitude of peak occurrence were extracted from the envelopes. Groups were compared using T test (&#945; < 0.05). RESULTS: IG subjects showed a later peak occurrence for TA (CG = -107.4 ± 29.6 ms; IG = -134.0 ± 26.0 ms) and PL (CG = -11.0 ± 55.9 ms; IG = -41.7 ± 49.8 ms) and a lower peak magnitude for TA (CG = 68.5 ± 17.2%; FIG = 81.2 ± 28.8%) and PL (CG = 72.9 ± 27.3%; FIG = 59.1 ± 16.0%). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that individuals with FI present a later and lower activation pattern of muscular activity and different activation magnitudes that predispose them to ankle sprains, even in the absence of an anatomical damage


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    The purpose of this study was to compare vertical ground reaction forces (GRF) and electromyographic activity (EMG) from peroneus longus (PL), tibialis anterior (TA) and gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) of volleyball athletes with and without functional ankle instability (FI) during landing after a blocking maneuver. Synchronized EMG and GRF from 200ms prior to impact to 200ms after impact were acquired for 21 athletes with FI and 19 healthy ones. Results showed that FI subjects have a muscle activity that predisposes them to ankle sprains since PL presented lower RMS values prior to landing. GRFs were not different between groups

    Foot posture and classification of the plantar arch among adolescent wearers and non-wearers of high-heeled shoes

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    OBJETIVOS: Correlacionar a postura dos pés com o arco plantar de adolescentes usuárias e não usuárias de calçados de salto alto. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas 36 adolescentes, 16 no grupo de não usuárias e 20 no grupo de usuárias, com idade entre 13 e 20 anos. A postura do pé foi analisada por fotos nas condições descalça e com calçado de salto alto tipo Anabella, previamente padronizado, após terem permanecido com ele por uma hora. Sua análise foi realizada pelo software SAPO. A impressão plantar foi realizada descalça e, a partir dela, calculado o Índice de Chipaux - Smirak para classificação do arco plantar. Para análise estatística, utilizou-se o teste t pareado para verificar igualdade entre lados direito e esquerdo. Foi realizado o teste de aderência Shapiro Wilk e, então, a análise inferencial por meio dos testes não paramétricos de Wilcoxon, o teste de Mann-Whitney e a correlação de Spearman. O nível de significância adotado foi de 0,05. RESULTADOS: Não foi encontrada correlação entre o tipo de arco plantar e a postura do pé das adolescentes estudadas. Porém, o ângulo do retropé se mostrou significativamente diferente, apresentando varo de retropé após a colocação do calçado em ambos os grupos, e o arco plantar do grupo de usuárias apresentou valores menores quanto ao Índice Chipaux - Smirak. CONCLUSÕES: Não existe correlação entre a postura do pé e o tipo de arco plantar, embora essas variáveis tenham sofrido influência do calçado de salto alto. Artigo registrado na Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) sob o número ACTRN12608000300370.OBJECTIVES: To investigate the relationship between foot posture and plantar arch among adolescent wearers and non-wearers of high-heeled shoes. METHODS: Thirty-six female adolescents aged 13 to 20 years were selected and grouped as 16 high-heel non-wearers and 20 high-heel wearers. Foot posture was analyzed using photos, firstly barefoot and, secondly, after wearing previously standardized high-heeled platform shoes for an hour. The analysis was performed using the software SAPo. Barefoot impressions were taken, and the Chipaux-Smirak Index was calculated to classify the plantar arch of the foot. For statistical analyses, the paired t test was used to investigate equality between the right and left sides. The Shapiro-Wilk adherence test was performed, followed by inferential analysis using the non-parametric Wilcoxon test, the Mann-Whitney test and Spearman's correlation coefficient. The significance level used was 0.05. RESULTS: There was no correlation between the type of plantar arch and foot posture among the female adolescents studied. However, the rearfoot angle was significantly different, with rearfoot varus after wearing the shoes in both groups. The plantar arch in the wearers group presented smaller values for the Chipaux-Smirak Index. CONCLUSIONS: There is no correlation between foot posture and the type of plantar arch, although these variables are influenced by high-heeled shoes. Article registered in the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) under the number ACTRN12608000300370

    Foot posture and classification of the plantar arch among adolescent wearers and non-wearers of high-heeled shoes

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    OBJETIVOS: Correlacionar a postura dos pés com o arco plantar de adolescentes usuárias e não usuárias de calçados de salto alto. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas 36 adolescentes, 16 no grupo de não usuárias e 20 no grupo de usuárias, com idade entre 13 e 20 anos. A postura do pé foi analisada por fotos nas condições descalça e com calçado de salto alto tipo Anabella, previamente padronizado, após terem permanecido com ele por uma hora. Sua análise foi realizada pelo software SAPO. A impressão plantar foi realizada descalça e, a partir dela, calculado o Índice de Chipaux - Smirak para classificação do arco plantar. Para análise estatística, utilizou-se o teste t pareado para verificar igualdade entre lados direito e esquerdo. Foi realizado o teste de aderência Shapiro Wilk e, então, a análise inferencial por meio dos testes não paramétricos de Wilcoxon, o teste de Mann-Whitney e a correlação de Spearman. O nível de significância adotado foi de 0,05. RESULTADOS: Não foi encontrada correlação entre o tipo de arco plantar e a postura do pé das adolescentes estudadas. Porém, o ângulo do retropé se mostrou significativamente diferente, apresentando varo de retropé após a colocação do calçado em ambos os grupos, e o arco plantar do grupo de usuárias apresentou valores menores quanto ao Índice Chipaux - Smirak. CONCLUSÕES: Não existe correlação entre a postura do pé e o tipo de arco plantar, embora essas variáveis tenham sofrido influência do calçado de salto alto. Artigo registrado na Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) sob o número ACTRN12608000300370.OBJECTIVES: To investigate the relationship between foot posture and plantar arch among adolescent wearers and non-wearers of high-heeled shoes. METHODS: Thirty-six female adolescents aged 13 to 20 years were selected and grouped as 16 high-heel non-wearers and 20 high-heel wearers. Foot posture was analyzed using photos, firstly barefoot and, secondly, after wearing previously standardized high-heeled platform shoes for an hour. The analysis was performed using the software SAPo. Barefoot impressions were taken, and the Chipaux-Smirak Index was calculated to classify the plantar arch of the foot. For statistical analyses, the paired t test was used to investigate equality between the right and left sides. The Shapiro-Wilk adherence test was performed, followed by inferential analysis using the non-parametric Wilcoxon test, the Mann-Whitney test and Spearman's correlation coefficient. The significance level used was 0.05. RESULTS: There was no correlation between the type of plantar arch and foot posture among the female adolescents studied. However, the rearfoot angle was significantly different, with rearfoot varus after wearing the shoes in both groups. The plantar arch in the wearers group presented smaller values for the Chipaux-Smirak Index. CONCLUSIONS: There is no correlation between foot posture and the type of plantar arch, although these variables are influenced by high-heeled shoes. Article registered in the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) under the number ACTRN12608000300370

    Global Body Posture Evaluation in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

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    AIM: To identify the relationship between anterior disc displacement and global posture (plantar arches, lower limbs, shoulder and pelvic girdle, vertebral spine, head and mandibles). Common signs and symptoms of anterior disc displacement were also identified. INTRODUCTION: Global posture deviations cause body adaptation and realignment, which may interfere with the organization and function of the temporomandibular joint. METHODS: Global posture evaluation was performed in a group of 10 female patients (20 to 30 years of age) with temporomandibular joint disc displacement and in a control group of 16 healthy female volunteers matched for age, weight and height. Anterior disc displacement signs, symptoms and the presence of parafunctional habits were also identified through interview. RESULTS: Patients with disc displacement showed a higher incidence of pain in the temporomandibular joint area, but there were no differences in parafunctional habits between the groups. In the disc displacement group, postural deviations were found in the pelvis (posterior rotation), lumbar spine (hyperlordosis), thoracic spine (rectification), head (deviation to the right) and mandibles (deviation to the left with open mouth). There were no differences in the longitudinal plantar arches between the groups. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest a close relationship between body posture and temporomandibular disorder, though it is not possible to determine whether postural deviations are the cause or the result of the disorder. Hence, postural evaluation could be an important component in the overall approach to providing accurate prevention and treatment in the management of patients with temporomandibular disorder

    Modelo transteórico de mudança de comportamentos na promoção da actividade física nas grávidas

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    Determinar se o Modelo Transteórico de Mudança de Comportamento (MTMC) é eficaz na promoção da actividade física (AF) nas grávidas. O grupo experimental (GE) participou no projecto “Mães em Movimento” baseado no MTMC. Aplicou-se o Questionário de AF para Gestantes, Escala de Estados de Mudança, Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire e Questionário de Conhecimentos. Na 2ª avaliação, no GE, todas as grávidas referiram praticar AF. A motivação intrínseca e os conhecimentos aumentaram. O MTMC revelou-se um modelo eficaz na promoção da AF em grávidas.To determine whether the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change (TTM) is effective in promoting physical activity (PA) in pregnant women. The experimental group (EG), participated in the "Moms in Motion" based on the TTM. It was applied the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire, Stages of Change Questionnaire, Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire and Skills Questionnaire. In the 2nd evaluation, in EG, all women reported practicing PA. The intrinsic motivation and knowledge increased. The TTM revealed to be an effective model in promoting PA habits in pregnant women