476 research outputs found

    À propos de la datation d'un témoin de la morale aristotélicienne du XIIIe siècle : le Compendium philosophiae. Rappel historiographique et orientations de recherche

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    Voir le site de la revue : http://spicae-cahiers.univ-lorraine.fr/International audienceThe anonymous Compendium philosophiæ was composed when the Aristotelianism was widespread at the University and is a witness of the changes in European culture in the middle of the XIIIth century. The aim of this article is twofold: first to summarize the current research dedicated to the text since Valentine Rose's article of 1871. Second to propose some considerations about the corpus aristotelicum as used by the author, together with some notes about the reception of the Compendium between the end of XIIIth century and the beginnings of the XIVth.L'anonyme Compendium philosophiæ, rédigé au moment où l'aristotélisme connaît une large diffusion à l'Université, s'avère un témoin des transformations de la culture européenne au milieu du XIIIe siècle. L'objectif de cet article est double : 1. Proposer un résumé de l'état de l'art concernant ce texte depuis les travaux de Valentin Rose en 1871. 2. Avancer quelques considérations sur le corpus aristotelicum tel qu'il est utilisé par l'auteur, ainsi que quelques réflexions sur la réception du Compendium entre la fin du XIIIe siècle et le début du XIVe

    On the Use of Correlation and MI as a Measure of Metabolite—Metabolite Association for Network Differential Connectivity Analysis

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    Metabolite differential connectivity analysis has been successful in investigating potentialmolecular mechanisms underlying different conditions in biological systems. Correlation and MutualInformation (MI) are two of the most common measures to quantify association and for buildingmetabolite—metabolite association networks and to calculate differential connectivity. In this study,we investigated the performance of correlation and MI to identify significantly differentially connected metabolites. These association measures were compared on (i) 23 publicly available metabolomic data sets and 7 data sets from other fields, (ii) simulated data with known correlation structures,and (iii) data generated using a dynamic metabolic model to simulate real-life observed metabolite concentration profiles. In all cases, we found more differentially connected metabolites when using correlation indices as a measure for association than MI.We also observed that different MI estimation algorithms resulted in difference in performance when applied to data generated using a dynamic model. We concluded that there is no significant benefit in using MI as a replacement for standard Pearson’s or Spearman’s correlation when the application is to quantify and detect differentially connected metabolites

    Approaches to Sample Size Determination for Multivariate Data:Applications to PCA and PLS-DA of Omics Data

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    Sample size determination is a fundamental step in the design of experiments. Methods for sample size determination are abundant for univariate analysis methods, but scarce in the multivariate case. Omics data are multivariate in nature and are commonly investigated using multivariate statistical methods, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). No simple approaches to sample size determination exist for PCA and PLS-DA. In this paper we will introduce important concepts and offer strategies for (minimally) required sample size estimation when planning experiments to be analyzed using PCA and/or PLS-DA.</p

    Study of a synchronization system for distributed inverters conceived for FPGA devices

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    In a multiple parallel-connected inverters system, limiting the circulating current phenomenon is mandatory since it may influence efficiency and reliability. In this paper, a new control method aimed at this purpose and conceived to be implemented on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device is presented. Each of the inverters, connected in parallel, is conceived to be equipped with an FPGA that controls the Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) waveform without intercommunication with the others. The hardware implemented is the same for every inverter; therefore, the addition of a new module does not require redesign, enhancing system modularity. The system has been simulated in a Simulink environment. To study its behavior and to improve the control method, simulations with two parallel-connected inverters have been firstly conducted, then additional simulations have been performed with increasing complexity to demonstrate the quality of the algorithm. The results prove the ability of the method proposed to limit the circulating currents to negligible values

    Study of a Synchronization System for Distributed Inverters Conceived for FPGA Devices

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    In a multiple parallel-connected inverters system, limiting the circulating current phenomenon is mandatory since it may influence efficiency and reliability. In this paper, a new control method aimed at this purpose and conceived to be implemented on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device is presented. Each of the inverters, connected in parallel, is conceived to be equipped with an FPGA that controls the Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) waveform without intercommunication with the others. The hardware implemented is the same for every inverter; therefore, the addition of a new module does not require redesign, enhancing system modularity. The system has been simulated in a Simulink environment. To study its behavior and to improve the control method, simulations with two parallel-connected inverters have been firstly conducted, then additional simulations have been performed with increasing complexity to demonstrate the quality of the algorithm. The results prove the ability of the method proposed to limit the circulating currents to negligible values

    The Grace that creates Nature, the Grace that renews Nature: Gilbert of La Porrée and the Victorines on Natural Law

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    Natural law is a crucial subject in the twelfth-century debates among Roman and canon lawyers, but also among the exegetes and theologians. Starting from two verses of Paul’s Epistle to the Romans (Rm 1:18-20 and 2:13-14), the masters debated the natural capability of human being to achieve a moral knowledge and the features of the universal moral principle, that is the lex naturalis, which natural reason can understand. Through the analysis of Gilbert of La Porrée’s Glossa in epistolas Beati Pauli (ca. 1130) and of Ps. Hugh of St. Victor’s Quaestiones in epistolas Beati Pauli (ca. 1160), this essay examines the exegetical developments in the Parisian milieu of the mid-twelfth century. It shows how the doctrinal positions of Gilbert and the Ps. Hugh stand in their intellectual landscape and which influence they have in the development of the theological debate on natural law
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