19 research outputs found

    Continuous-variable quantum key distribution in non-Markovian channels

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    We address continuous-variable quantum key distribution (QKD) in non-Markovian lossy channels and show how the non-Markovian features may be exploited to enhance security and/or to detect the presence and the position of an eavesdropper along the transmission line. In particular, we suggest a coherent-state QKD protocol which is secure against Gaussian individual attacks based on optimal 1 ->2 asymmetric cloning machines for arbitrarily low values of the overall transmission line. The scheme relies on specific non-Markovian properties, and cannot be implemented in ordinary Markovian channels characterized by uniform losses. Our results give a clear indication of the potential impact of non-Markovian effects in QKD

    Quantifying non-Markovianity of continuous-variable Gaussian dynamical maps

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    We introduce a non-Markovianity measure for continuous-variable open quantum systems based on the idea put forward in H.-P. Breuer, that is, by quantifying the flow of information from the environment back to the open system. Instead of the trace distance we use here the fidelity to assess distinguishability of quantum states. We employ our measure to evaluate non-Markovianity of two paradigmatic Gaussian channels: the purely damping channel and the quantum Brownian motion channel with Ohmic environment. We consider different classes of Gaussian states and look for pairs of states maximizing the backflow of information. For coherent states we find simple analytical solutions, whereas for squeezed states we provide both exact numerical and approximate analytical solutions in the weak coupling limit

    Non-classical correlations in non-Markovian continuous variable systems

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    We consider two identical and non-interacting harmonic oscillators coupled to either two independent bosonic baths or to a common bosonic bath. Under the only assumption of weak coupling, we analyze in details the non-Markovian short time-scale evolution of intensity correlations, entanglement and quantum discord for initial two-mode squeezed-thermal vacuum states. In the independent reservoirs case we observe the detrimental effect of the environment for all these quantities and we establish a hierarchy for their robustness against the environmental noise. In the common reservoir case, for initial uncorrelated states, we find that only quantum discord can be created via interaction with the bath, while entanglement and sub shot noise intensity correlations remain absent.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Dynamics of Atom-Atom Correlations in the Fermi problem

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    We present a detailed perturbative study of the dynamics of several types of atom-atom correlations in the famous Fermi problem. This is an archetypal model to study micro-causality in the quantum domain where two atoms, the first initially excited and the second prepared in its ground state, interact with the vacuum electromagnetic field. The excitation can be transferred to the second atom via a flying photon and various kinds of quantum correlations between the two are generated during this process. Among these, prominent examples are given by entanglement, quantum discord and nonlocal correlations. It is the aim of this paper to analyze the role of the light cone in the emergence of such correlations.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Racial differences in systemic sclerosis disease presentation: a European Scleroderma Trials and Research group study

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    Objectives. Racial factors play a significant role in SSc. We evaluated differences in SSc presentations between white patients (WP), Asian patients (AP) and black patients (BP) and analysed the effects of geographical locations.Methods. SSc characteristics of patients from the EUSTAR cohort were cross-sectionally compared across racial groups using survival and multiple logistic regression analyses.Results. The study included 9162 WP, 341 AP and 181 BP. AP developed the first non-RP feature faster than WP but slower than BP. AP were less frequently anti-centromere (ACA; odds ratio (OR) = 0.4, P < 0.001) and more frequently anti-topoisomerase-I autoantibodies (ATA) positive (OR = 1.2, P = 0.068), while BP were less likely to be ACA and ATA positive than were WP [OR(ACA) = 0.3, P < 0.001; OR(ATA) = 0.5, P = 0.020]. AP had less often (OR = 0.7, P = 0.06) and BP more often (OR = 2.7, P < 0.001) diffuse skin involvement than had WP.AP and BP were more likely to have pulmonary hypertension [OR(AP) = 2.6, P < 0.001; OR(BP) = 2.7, P = 0.03 vs WP] and a reduced forced vital capacity [OR(AP) = 2.5, P < 0.001; OR(BP) = 2.4, P < 0.004] than were WP. AP more often had an impaired diffusing capacity of the lung than had BP and WP [OR(AP vs BP) = 1.9, P = 0.038; OR(AP vs WP) = 2.4, P < 0.001]. After RP onset, AP and BP had a higher hazard to die than had WP [hazard ratio (HR) (AP) = 1.6, P = 0.011; HR(BP) = 2.1, P < 0.001].Conclusion. Compared with WP, and mostly independent of geographical location, AP have a faster and earlier disease onset with high prevalences of ATA, pulmonary hypertension and forced vital capacity impairment and higher mortality. BP had the fastest disease onset, a high prevalence of diffuse skin involvement and nominally the highest mortality

    Exploring the Potential of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation as a Therapy in Tuberculosis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    This review explores the potential benefits of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) as an adjunct treatment in tuberculosis (TB), drawing parallels from its efficacy in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). FMT has shown promise in restoring the gut microbial balance and modulating immune responses in IBD patients. Considering the similarities in immunomodulation and dysbiosis between IBD and TB, this review hypothesizes that FMT may offer therapeutic benefits as an adjunct therapy in TB. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of the existing literature on FMT in IBD and TB, highlighting the mechanisms and potential implications of FMT in the therapeutic management of both conditions. The findings contribute to understanding FMT’s potential role in TB treatment and underscore the necessity for future research in this direction to fully leverage its clinical applications. Conclusion: The integration of FMT into the comprehensive management of TB could potentially enhance treatment outcomes, reduce drug resistance, and mitigate the side effects of conventional therapies. Future research endeavors should focus on well-designed clinical trials to develop guidelines concerning the safety and short- and long-term benefits of FMT in TB patients, as well as to assess potential risks