27 research outputs found

    Depressive symptoms, sexual activity, and substance use among adolescents in Kampala, Uganda

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    Background: Adolescents experience high rates of depression, initiation of sexual activity, and substance use.Objectives: To better understand the demographics of adolescents presenting to an adolescent clinic in Uganda, and to elucidate which factors are associated with depressive symptoms, sexual initiation, and substance use.Methods: A retrospective review was performed on intake forms obtained during interviews with adolescents presenting to the Makerere/Mulago Columbia Adolescent Health Clinic (MMCAH) in Kampala, Uganda.Results: Depressive symptoms in adolescents were correlated with having a chronic illness (p=.026), and reported poor quality of home life (p<.001). Initiation of sexual activity was also correlated with chronic illness (p=.008) and poor quality of home life (p=.006). Substance use was correlated with maternal death (p=.041), chronic illness (p=.038), and substance use among family members (p<.001) and friends (p<.001).Conclusions: Knowing the aforementioned risk factors can help us better understand the needs of adolescents presenting toMMCAH, and allows us to develop targeted interventions aimed at decreasing health risks in Kampala’s adolescent population.Keywords: Depressive symptoms, sexual activity, substance use, adolescents, Uganda

    Perinatally Acquired HIV Infection in Adolescents From Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review of Emerging Challenges

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    Worldwide, more than three million children are infected with HIV, 90% of whom live in sub-Saharan Africa. As the HIV epidemic matures and antiretroviral treatment is scaled up, children with HIV are reaching adolescence in large numbers. The growing population of adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV infection living within this region presents not only unprecedented challenges but also opportunities to learn about the pathogenesis of HIV infection. In this Review, we discuss the changing epidemiology of paediatric HIV and the particular features of HIV infection in adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa. Longstanding HIV infection acquired when the immune system is not developed results in distinctive chronic clinical complications that cause severe morbidity. As well as dealing with chronic illness, HIV-infected adolescents have to confront psychosocial issues, maintain adherence to drugs, and learn to negotiate sexual relationships, while undergoing rapid physical and psychological development. Context-specific strategies for early identification of HIV infection in children and prompt linkage to care need to be developed. Clinical HIV care should integrate age-appropriate sexual and reproductive health and psychological, educational, and social services. Health-care workers will need to be trained to recognise and manage the needs of these young people so that the increasing numbers of children surviving to adolescence can access quality care beyond specialist services at low-level health-care facilities

    Factors associated with readiness to start antiretroviral therapy (ART) among young people (15-24 years) at four HIV clinics in Mulago Hospital, Uganda

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    Introduction: Globally, the HIV burden continues to rise among young people despite the discovery of ART. This study assessed demographic and psycho-social factors among young people associated with readiness to be initiated on ART. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted among newly diagnosed HIV positive young people aged 15-24 years at 4 HIV clinics at Mulago Hospital. Readiness was measured as a self-report by the individual to the question,“How ready do you feel to start ART? Results: Of the 231 young people enrolled, the mean age (SD) was 20.7years (+/-2.8) and most were female (66.2%). Majority were very ready (53.3%) and very motivated (51.1%) to start ART. Higher treatment readiness was associated with being female (95% CI [5.62, 8.31], p=0.003), thinking that ART cures HIV (95% CI [0.43, 0.86], p=0.005), history of having unprotected sex (95% CI [0.79, 0.87], p=<0.001), anticipating negative HIV results (95% CI [0.26, 0.88], p=0.017), internalized stigma (95% CI [0.83, 0.98], p=0.018) and knowledge of positive ART effects for others (95% CI [0.84, 0.93], p=<0.001). Conclusions: Understanding the underlying factors associated with ART readiness among young people can inform strategiesto support and increase individuals’ readiness to initiate ART and early engagement in care. Keywords: Antiretroviral therapy Readiness; Young people; Sub-Saharan Africa

    Defeating Paediatric Tuberculous Meningitis: Applying the WHO "Defeating Meningitis by 2030: Global Roadmap".

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    Children affected by tuberculous meningitis (TBM), as well as their families, have needs that lie at the intersections between the tuberculosis and meningitis clinical, research, and policy spheres. There is therefore a substantial risk that these needs are not fully met by either programme. In this narrative review article, we use the World Health Organization (WHO) "Defeating Meningitis by 2030: global roadmap" as a starting point to consider key goals and activities to specifically defeat TBM in children. We apply the five pillars outlined in the roadmap to describe how this approach can be adapted to serve children affected by TBM. The pillars are (i) prevention; (ii) diagnosis and treatment; (iii) surveillance; (iv) support and care for people affected by meningitis; and (v) advocacy and engagement. We conclude by calling for greater integration between meningitis and TB programmes at WHO and at national levels

    Management of Infections and Fever in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)

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    Sickle cell disease (SCD) is one of the major neglected chronic diseases globally, with increasing incidence in parts of Western and Central Africa. Individuals with SCD are highly susceptible to infections, especially bacterial infections, which are severe and often lead to death. Thus, the management of infections among people with SCD through preventive or curative interventions is imperative. This chapter highlights SCDs, transmission of the disease, clinical manifestations, and strategies for managing infections and fever in individuals with SCDs

    Encouraging improvement in HPV vaccination coverage among adolescent girls in Kampala, Uganda.

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    IntroductionWHO recommends vaccination against HPV for girls before sexual debut. Uganda started HPV vaccination in 2008 as pilot programs in 2 districts, followed by national roll out in 2015. Despite the availability of vaccines against human papillomavirus (HPV) in Uganda in the period covered by the study, there was reported low HPV vaccine uptake and completion especially of the second dose in Uganda; with little information available on timely completion of HPV vaccine and the associated factors in Uganda. This study was therefore done to determine the HPV vaccine dose 2 completion and describe the possible factors associated with timely HPV vaccine completion and non-completion among girls of age 9-14 years attending the adolescent clinic at Mulago hospital.MethodsA retrospective mixed methods study was conducted in Mulago National Referral hospital adolescent clinic. Data were mainly collected through review of charts and folders for clinic attendance by eligible girls and focus group discussions with eligible girls that completed the 2 doses of HPV vaccine on recommended/scheduled time.ResultsOut of the 201 girls studied, 87 girls (43.3%) had timely completion of the HPV vaccination. Knowledge about HPV infection and HPV vaccine benefits, positive peer influence and healthcare worker recommendation to get vaccinated at health facility level positively influenced timely completion of HPV vaccine. Among barriers to completion of HPV vaccine identified were: inadequate information about HPV infection and HPV vaccine, concerns about HPV vaccine efficacy and safety, unclear communication with adolescents/caregivers from healthcare workers and -stock out of the HPV vaccine.ConclusionTimely completion of the second dose of HPV vaccine among girls attending the adolescent clinic of Mulago hospital was low (at 43.3%) but higher when compared to earlier published reports. Interventions around improved social mobilization, enhanced outreach and static vaccination approach and education of eligible girls on HPV vaccination can help increase vaccine uptake

    Utilization of “prevention of mother-to-child transmission” of HIV services by adolescent and young mothers in Mulago Hospital, Uganda

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    Abstract Background Prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) has lowered the incidence of paediatric HIV globally. The risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (MTCT) remains high in Africa, where there is a high prevalence of pregnancy and poor health-seeking behaviour among young girls and women. Methods In this cross-sectional, mixed-methods study, we evaluated the utilization of PMTCT services and associated factors among adolescent and young postpartum mothers aged 15 to 24 years at a public urban referral hospital in Uganda. Both HIV-positive and HIV-negative participants were recruited. Utilization of PMTCT services was defined as use of the PMTCT cascade of services including ever testing for HIV, receiving HIV test results; If tested negative, subsequent retesting up to 14 weeks; If tested positive, Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) for the mother, ARVs and septrin prophylaxis for infant, safe delivery, safer infant feeding, early infant diagnosis within 6 weeks, and linkage to treatment and care. Optimal utilization of PMTCT was defined as being up to date with utilization of PMTCT services for reported HIV status at the time of being interviewed. The overall proportion of participants who optimally utilized PMTCT services was determined using descriptive statistics. Qualitative data was analyzed manually using the content thematic approach. Results Of the 418 participants, 65 (15.5%) were HIV positive. Overall, only 126 of 418 participants (30.1%) had optimally utilized PMTCT services. However, utilization of PMTCT services was better among HIV positive mothers, with 83% (54/65) having utilized the services optimally, compared to only 20% (72/353) of the HIV negative mothers (OR 18.2 (95% CI; 9.0–36.7)). The benefits of knowing ones HIV status, health of the unborn child, and counseling and support from health workers and peers, were the major factors motivating adolescent and young mothers to utilize PMTCT services, while stigma, financial constraints, non-disclosure, and lack of partner and family support were key demotivating factors. Conclusion Utilization of PMTCT services by these adolescent and young mothers was suboptimal. Special consideration should be given to adolescents and young women in the design of elimination of mother to child transmission (EMTCT) programs, to improve the utilization of PMTCT services