1,189 research outputs found

    The effects of product similarities on brand extension strategies and a practice on three different brands

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    Marka yayma stratejisi, başarılı bir marka adının yeni ürün gruplarında veya ürün farklılaştırılmalarında aynen kullanılmasıdır Tüketicilerin marka yayma ile ilgili algılarında ve değerlendirmelerinde, asıl markanın algılanan kalitesi ve marka yaymaya dahil ürünlerin birbiriyle olan benzerliği önemli bir etkiye sahiptir. Bir marka yayma için benzerliğin önemi bulunmaktadır. Bunun sebebi ise, mevcut ve yayma ürünler arasındaki benzerlik büyük olduğunda, yeni ürüne olumlu ve olumsuz etkinin aktarılması da büyük olabilmektedir. Ayrıca, asıl marka ve yayma arasındaki algılanan benzerlik büyük olursa, yayma da olumlu değerlendirilebilmektedir. Araştırmanın amacı, marka yayma stratejilerinde ürün benzerliğinin tüketici değerlendirmesindeki etkisinin araştırılmasıdır. İstatistiki testlerde üç farklı marka kullanılmıştır. Bu sonuçlara göre, asıl marka hakkındaki olumlu görüş ile yayma ürünlerin benzerlik değerlendirmeleri arasında ve yayma ürünler arasındaki benzerlik düzeyiyle, yayma değerlendirmeleri arasında bir ilişki bulunmuştur.Brand extension strategy is an effort to extend a succesfull brand name to launch new or modified products or lines. Brand extension attitudes are influenced by the percieved quality of the core brand and the fit between the extended products. The similarity is important for brand extension because the greater perceived similarity between the current and new product leads to a greater transfer of positive or negative effect to the new product. Furthermore, higher levels of perceived fit between core brand and extension will lead to more favorable evaluations of the extension. The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of brand extension strategies on consumers' attitudes regarding the product similarity. Three different brands are used for the statistical analysis. According to the results, there is a relationship between the favorable opinion about core brand and the evaluation of similarity for extended products. Furthermore, there is a relationship between the similarity of extended products and extension evaluations

    Penggunaan Metode Sas Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Pembelajaran Membaca Permulaan Pada Siswa Kelas 1 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 01 Belonsat

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    : Research on the Use of Methods to Improve Learning Outcomes SAS Beginning Reading At Grade 1 Belonsat aimed at improving learning outcomes at the beginning mebaca Indonesian Islamic Elementary School 1st Grade Students 01 Belonsat. Methods The study is a descriptive method and type of classroom action research study. Engineering research is the technique of direct observation and pengukuran.Subjek techniques in this study were grade 1 teacher and 1 Belonsat.Siswa Islamic elementary schools account for 7 people, consisting of 4 women and 3 men. The experiment was conducted at odd semerter in agustus.Berdasarkan descriptions of each cycle results using SAS methods and letter cards can increase students' interest in reading, which can be seen from the results of the average acquisition cycle 1 to cycle 11. In view of cycle 1 scores 2.34. Increases in cycle 11 with a score of 3.8. Based on the description above, generally using the SAS cards and letters have managed to improve learning to read beginning grade 1 Belonsat Islamic Elementary School. Thus the SAS method is suitable cards and letters are applied during the process of learning the Indonesian language for grade 1 students improve reading Islamic Elementary School 01 Belonsat

    Cellular and mucosal immune responses in the respiratory tract of Nigerian goats following intranasal administration of inactivated Recombinant Mannheimia hemolytica bacterine

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    Summary: This experiment was conducted to evaluate the cellular and mucosal responses in the respiratory tract of Nigerian goats vaccinated intranasally with recombinant Mannheimia hemolytica bacterine. Twenty one goats were divided into five groups, five goats each in three vaccinated groups while three goats each in two other groups serve as positive and negative control. Group A was vaccinated once; group B was vaccinated twice at one week interval, and group D at twice at two weeks interval. Group C1 were the unvaccinated and challenged, while group C2 were unvaccinated and unchallenged. The bronchoalveolar lavage differential counts and bronchial associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) responses were measured using Giemsa stained thin smear of the cell fraction of the lavage and histomorphometry. ANOVA were employed and significance was at p>0.05. The post-challenge macrophage to neutrophil (M:N) ratio values of group B goats was the highest and the ratio differed from other groups which had much lower M:N values. The exposure in group B resulted in significant increase in number and size of BALTs as well as the number of lymphocytes in BALT than those of the other groups. This study showed that intranasal vaccination of the recombinant Mannheimia hemolytica bacterine twice at a week interval was more efficient in inducing strong mucosal and defensive cellular responses in the respiratory tract.Keywords: Cellular responses, intranasal recombinant Mannheimia hemolytica bacterine, Nigerian goa

    Penggunaan Media Kantong Bilangan untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Penjumlahan Bilangan di Kelas II Sekolah Daar Negeri 02 Nanga Man

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    Research on the use of media to bag numbers increase student learning activities in the classroom learning the sum of numbers in primary schools II 02 Nanga Man aims to describe whether by using numbers pocket media can increase the activity of class II students in public elementary schools 02 Nanga man. The research method is descriptive method, the nature of qualitative research. Value before the application of the use of media pocket number is 12.78 with an average value of 2.56. In the first cycle increased to 16.49 with a total class average 3.29. In the second cycle to increase student activity score with a 18.18 grade average number of 3.63. This shows that the number of media use bags can enhance the activity and student learning outcomes kela II primary schools 02 Nanga man because after using the media saw an increase in students' learning activities and learning outcomes of students were also more improved than before. Then it can be concluded that there is significant influence between media use to bag number of learning activities in class II SDN 02 Nanga man

    Peningkatan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran IPA dengan Menggunakan Metode Inkuiry di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 6 Emang Bemban

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    This study aimed to determine whether students\u27 motivation and learning outcomes can be enhanced through learning models through inkuiry on learning in class IV skeleton SDN 6 Emang Bemban. The method used was experimental method shaped classroom action research cycle dlakukan Subjects were fourth grade students with student numbers 36 people. Motivation to study at a meeting of the first cycle has an average of 66% the number of students, while the second meeting by 75%. In the second cycle students\u27 motivation to 81% was the second meeting 92%. The student learning outcomes in the first cycle there are 14 students who have completed while in the second meeting there were 20 students who completed their study results from a total of 36 students. In the second cycle first ertemuan student learning outcomes shows that 32 students who have completed and the second meeting of all students (36 remaining) already tutas. It can be concluded that students\u27 motivation and learning outcomes can be enhanced through learning methods inkuiry the skeleton and its function in class IV SDN 6 Emang Bemba

    Penggunaan Media Gambar untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Mengarang Deskripsi pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Kelas III Sdn 17 Laman Tanjung

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    The background of this research is the problem faced by teachers in the classroom, the activities and the learning outcomes of students is still low, especially in terms of ideas / mengarang.Secara ideas in theoretical terms introduced in the lesson essay writing narration, exposition, description, persuasion, and argumentation. For the early stages of writing in class III Elementary School Page 17 first introduced the cape is kind of description essay. Authorship is a description or explanation and presentation clear and detailed depiction of a situation / circumstances. To facilitate the presentation so that students in concrete, the researchers used the tools (media) learning in the form of images, both single images and image glow. This research is a classroom action research was conducted in two cycles consisting of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection

    Pengaruh Media Gambar Berseri terhadap Perolehan Belajar Karangan Narasi Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aimed to describe the influence of media images beamed to the acquisition of learning narrative essay fifth grade students of State Elementary School 09 River Kingdom. The research method used is a form of quasi-experimental method with exsperimental design. Based on the analysis of data obtained from the average of the final test (post-test) and the control group 68.2 average final test (post-test) obtained experimental class 84.27 t count 6,110 and t table, (α = 5% ) amounted to 2,008 which means the value t count> t table, (6.110> 2.008), then Ha is accepted. So it can be said that there are significant learning gains narrative essay learners by using media images glow (the experimental class) and the acquisition of learners studying narrative essay without using the media glow image (control group)

    Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Siswa dengan Menggunakan Model Kooperatif Teknik Tebak Kata di Sekolah Dasar

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    The purpose of this research to describe the increase of student's motivation by using the cooperative model technique of guess the word on social studies in class V SDN 18 Pontianak Barat. The method used in this research is descriptive method of research is a form classroom action research. Subjects in this research were teacher social study subjects and students in class VA totalling 34 students. Data collection technique used are direct observation using a data collection tool that sheet teacher's ability to carry out the assessment of learning and sheet on student's motivation. This research was conducted for three cycles. The results of data analysis showed that an increase in the ability of teacher implement cooperative model technique of guess word seen from the increase in the average score in each cycle. The average score of the first cycle of 3,30, then in the second cycle of 3,60, and the third cycle reaches 3,94. While the average percentage increase in students motivation in the first cycle of 54,17 %, then in second cycle of 70,83%, and third cycle reaches 76,48