63 research outputs found

    Context-based ontology matching and data interlinking

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    euzenat2015cContext-based matching finds correspondences between entities from two ontologies by relating them to other resources. A general view of context-based matching is designed by analysing existing such matchers. This view is instantiated in a path-driven approach that (a) anchors the ontologies to external ontologies, (b) finds sequences of entities (path) that relate entities to match within and across these resources, and (c) uses algebras of relations for combining the relations obtained along these paths. Parameters governing such a system are identified and made explicit. We discuss the extension of this approach to data interlinking and its benefit to cross-lingual data interlinking. First, this extension would require an hybrid algebra of relation that combines relations between individual and classes. However, such an algebra may not be particularly useful in practice as only in a few restricted case it could conclude that two individuals are the same. But it can be used for finding mistakes in link sets

    The Berlioz-decision of the CJEU provides legal protection for concerned persons in transnational setting, but will it hold in the international area?

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    In the Berlioz judgement (C-482/15), dealing with the transnational exchange of information on request, the CJEU extended the scope of article 51(1) of CFR. The CJEU allows for judicial review of a penalty (article 47 CFR) also in cases where such is necessary for the effective enforcement of the Directive on Administrative Cooperation 2011/16/EU. In reviewing a penalty, the domestic court can and must also review the legality of the underlying order. The concerned party must have access to the basic information about what and why something is requested from him; it is therefore not necessary that he has full access to the actual competent authority letter. The request must be foreseeable and relevant with respect to the taxation of the subject, which the domestic court must ascertain. Based on the Union principle of mutual trust it is not for the domestic court to review the stated facts and circumstances. CFR precludes a restriction on access to a court. It needs to be seen whether this judgement will have spill-over effects exceeding the transnational context of the decision

    Beyond the History and Reverence: Cultural Heroes as Factors of Community Development

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    The culture of many indigenous communities in Ghana revolves around persons, (often warriors) who either led them to war or to their current settlements. These historical figures otherwise known as Cultural Heroes have greatly influenced the initiation of festivals and other cultural activities of the people in their honour. In this regard, consideration is given to such ones like Tweneboa Kodua who sacrificed his life so that Asantes could win their war of independence (Agyekum, 2013);  Ansa Sasraku of the Akwapims, Amenfi of Asebu and the great Fante Trio Obumankoma, Oson and Odapagyan. These historical figures have been given special places in the histories of their communities thereby affecting cultural systems in one way or other.Most of these heroes have aroused the interest of biographers, historians and critics who among other things, analyze the genealogies of communities and acknowledge their heroism. Beyond the reverence however, are there possibilities to use their rich history and legacies to stimulate economic growth in our current dispensation? This paper examines events surrounding cultural heroes and how their cultural circumstances and other activities have shaped the development process of communities.  Specifically, the paper examines the legendary Amenfi, the greatest warrior of the people of Asebu in the Central region of Ghana. It explores how his adventures can be used to stimulate development in the Asebu community by adopting Community Cultural Development (CCD) and Participatory Performance Practice (PPP) methods. Additionally, the paper seeks to incite the discussion of cultural heroism into mainstream rural development process. Keywords: Cultural heroes, development, community cultural development, Amenfi, cultural tourism
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